World of Tanks Mark 2

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Vendetta wrote:Victory!
Battle: Cliff 03 February 2013 10:36:47
Vehicle: M3 Lee
Experience received: 1,842 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 17,482
Battle Achievements: Pascucci's Medal, Top Gun

I had The Fear going into this tank because everyone said it was rubbish. But it actually rules all the fools, why are people so afraid of it?

I think the perception of the Lee comes from people thinking about tanks in terms of stats, rather than strategic and tactical features. For the Lee, the principal strategic feature isn't anything statistical, it's the shape of the tank. The shape of the Lee means that you need to think about the map in terms of where you can find a piece of cover that is a: tall enough to hide the top turret, and b: lets you poke the right hand side of the tank out. Once you do that, you know where you should go at the start of a map (that one above was easy, the valley of death on Cliff has plenty of cover both ends for Lee peeking where you can take advantage of reasonable accuracy, high rate of fire, good aim time, and great penetration).

This is the same for all tanks, really. The hard and soft stats of a tank don't mean anything on their own, and you should really think about strategic features (Things that dictate where you can go on a map and fight effectively) and tactical features (how to approach a specific fight once you have engaged an enemy).
I think part of the problem also comes from people treating it like an actual medium tank when it's really more like a fast td. The gun is great and you can peek out just the gun around corners, making it very effective in the right hands. People just hate it because it's different than what they're used to and they don't take the time to adjust their tactics to the tank.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by PeZook »

The Infidel wrote:Man, sometimes...
Had a defensive position in a town with my IS-3 when an idiot team mate in a Tiger shots me twice in the side and I died. Once can be an accident, but not twice. Furious, I reported him as team killer and wrote in English what an asshole he was and that others should report him as team killer... No reply! Asked <asshole in Tiger> why he did it. No reply... Hm... Then I wrote "<asshole in Tiger>=Kurwa!" (About the only polish word I know, meaning something quite bad.) Oh man! LOTS of replies in polish (I guess), from lots of people, including asshole in Tiger. Didn't understand shit, but hope my view became clear.
Apparently, Poles form a large part of the playerbase :D


Kurwa = whore. Also a general curse, like "Fuck"
Dupek = Asshole
Fiut, chuj = Cock, dickhead
Pierdolony or jebany = Fucking (as in Fucking Asshole = Pierdolony dupek or Jebany dupek)

If you need a more in-depth lesson on Polish vulgarity, send me a PM! :D
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

PeZook wrote: Apparently, Poles form a large part of the playerbase :D


Kurwa = whore. Also a general curse, like "Fuck"
Dupek = Asshole
Fiut, chuj = Cock, dickhead
Pierdolony or jebany = Fucking (as in Fucking Asshole = Pierdolony dupek or Jebany dupek)

If you need a more in-depth lesson on Polish vulgarity, send me a PM! :D
I think I will stick to the easy ones, thanks. :D
You gotta be king of chat in WoT, PeZook. Speaking both polish and english.
What does "Siema" or something like that mean? I see that a lot. Google translate returns "whats" and that seems a bit wrong.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

The Infidel wrote: I think I will stick to the easy ones, thanks. :D
You gotta be king of chat in WoT, PeZook. Speaking both polish and english.
What does "Siema" or something like that mean? I see that a lot. Google translate returns "whats" and that seems a bit wrong.
Siema is something like "hi" or "howdy". Informal hello.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Battle: Port Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:38:33 PM
Vehicle: KV-1
Experience received: 957
Credits received: 38,709
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Top Gun, Kay's Medal II Class

Remind me why I ever sold this glorious murder machine? This is easily one of the best battles I've ever had. And the first time I've gotten a Kay's Medal.

Battle: Arctic Region Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:49:21 PM
Vehicle: T-150
Experience received: 1,264
Credits received: 59,326
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall

I'm beginning to see I SERIOUSLY missed out by sticking with the 3601 for so long. These two tanks are doing better for me than it ever did.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

What gun are you running on the KV-1, 85 or 122?
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

85mm. Not a fan of derps (mini or otherwise)
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Xess »

So I was defending in an assault mach on Karelia in my ELC and this Hellcat tells me to go scout. I instead play it as a fast TD and he gets all pissy railing on about how the ELC is a scout not a TD. In the end I did better as a TD in the ELC than he did in his Hellcat.
I'm QuasiStellarObject the whiny guy is the Hellcat from SGZSD.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Battle: Port Sunday, February 03, 2013 4:48:19 PM
Vehicle: PzKpfw IV
Experience received: 1,562 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 32,276
Battle Achievements: Sniper, Master Gunner, Sharpshooter, Mastery Badge: "1st Class"

Don't really need the 10.5cm KwK 42 L/28. The 7.5cm KwK 40 L/48 is more than good enough for me. Finished off a wounded M4, soloed a Churchill I, and took out a stray Bison, in addition to wounding some other stuff.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Battle: Himmelsdorf Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:43:59 PM
Vehicle: T-34
Experience received: 633
Credits received: 18,770

This was an...interesting match for me. Wound up soloing an M7, plinking a T14 who was more preoccupied with the KV-1 in front of him to pay attention to me shooting him repeatedly in the rear, and (last but not least) taking out a T-50 by ramming him head-on. Still managed to limp away with 17% health in time for my team to win through a base capture.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Thunderfire »

Vendetta wrote:Victory!
Battle: Cliff 03 February 2013 10:36:47
Vehicle: M3 Lee
Experience received: 1,842 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 17,482
Battle Achievements: Pascucci's Medal, Top Gun

I had The Fear going into this tank because everyone said it was rubbish. But it actually rules all the fools, why are people so afraid of it?
It got its reputation at the start of WoT. The tier spread is 2 now instead of 3 and several tanks lost their best guns - a great improvement for a low penetration/ high DPM tank.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Victory!
Battle: Port Sunday, February 03, 2013 5:38:33 PM
Vehicle: KV-1
Experience received: 957
Credits received: 38,709
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Top Gun, Kay's Medal II Class

Remind me why I ever sold this glorious murder machine? This is easily one of the best battles I've ever had. And the first time I've gotten a Kay's Medal.
Battle: Ensk 04 February 2013 10:51:23
Vehicle: KV-1
Experience received: 2,890 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 34,812
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Top Gun

(Also, 20 hits out of 22 and I don't get Sniper? What's that about then?)

I know the feeling. I have a tendency in other tanks to regard the KV-1 as a soft target because I know all the places to shoot and it doesn't have all that many hitpoints, but loading one up with bling (Vents, Rammer, GLD) and a 90% crew and it blams all the things.

(Kay's medal is a cumulative thing, you get the 2nd class for getting 100 medals, so you probably just didn't notice the 4th and 3rd class when you got them)
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by OmegaChief »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:I'm beginning to see I SERIOUSLY missed out by sticking with the 3601 for so long. These two tanks are doing better for me than it ever did.
I'm going to frame this qoute and stick it on the wall somewhere :P

In other news I recently unlocked the T29 from my Jumo, I'm not sure if I should actually get it though, as I've never played on Tier 7 before, also I don't have the carry over stuff from the M6, opinions on it's it's worth it or should I just grind up free XP for a while?
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Why did I see that coming? :P

Personally I haven't played the T29. I have done two T7 tanks though, in the form of the Tiger and KV-3.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Ghetto EDIT:

Battle: El Halluf Monday, February 04, 2013 11:16:07 AM
Vehicle: T-150
Experience received: 1,112
Credits received: 28,982
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall

I love this tank :P

Funnily enough, about halfway through the battle I was climbing up one of the hills, and stopped to fire on a KV-1. As I was waiting for my circle to shrink, it suddenly expanded and my tank shook like it took a direct hit from arty. I'm freaking out, and not able to move because my track was broken. But when I zoom out, I see the wreck of an M7 next to me and realize what happened. The poor idiot rammed me and blew up for his trouble :P
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

OmegaChief wrote: In other news I recently unlocked the T29 from my Jumo, I'm not sure if I should actually get it though, as I've never played on Tier 7 before, also I don't have the carry over stuff from the M6, opinions on it's it's worth it or should I just grind up free XP for a while?
You should probably go back and do the M6 for at least the 90mm. The stock 76mm on the T29 is basically a joke at tier 7.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Mr Bean »

Vendetta wrote:
You should probably go back and do the M6 for at least the 90mm. The stock 76mm on the T29 is basically a joke at tier 7.
Grind up the free xp and get the 90mm, the T29 is lots of fun to play. Keep in mind you can laugh off many Tier 9 guns thanks to the uber-turret.

Hate the T-59s or whatever the old no longer buyable premiums are as you will run into them a lot and you'll start hating them.

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Imperial528 »

Battle: Ruinberg Monday, February 04, 2013 12:47:08 PM
Vehicle: M6
Experience received: 1,068
Credits received: 24,136
Battle Achievements: Sniper

Only one shot missed :D

And the 90mm is a must for starting out on the T29. That gun is amazing. Hell even at tier 8 it works pretty damn well if you use it right, I did quite well with it on my T32 starting out even. If you don't want to go through the M6 to get it, try at least building up the free experience to research it on the T29. Though I would recommend the M6 to anyone that loves maneuverable heavies.


Just got another good one:

Battle: Murovanka Monday, February 04, 2013 12:57:39 PM
Vehicle: M6
Experience received: 1,121
Credits received: 29,255
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

It's a terrible tank, they said. It's an unarmoured barn, they said.


That was day one and you know how the old saying goes.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Nephtys »

TOG II is pretty amazing.

You just steam forward down one alley, and blow people away with your amazing gun and giant pool of HP. You're an actual 'tank' too in that everyone knows you're just a pinata full of XP and credits, so you draw aggro away from more dangerous, faster vehicles. :)

It's also fun since it's the only tank that's a transformer. It moves forward at a blistering 12kph in 'crusie mode', or turns into a juggernaut when rotated backwards into 'backwards assault mode' thanks to the superior armor of it's rear. And amazing sidescrape maneuver potential :)

Plus, 1 in 2 games has people start off with wisecracks as a bonus.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

Yeah, the very first match I was in had cries of 'Protect the Flagship' and the like. Everyone loves seeing one around.

Sometimes people mock it, though. And then it just starts grinding through the enemy team like a relentless crushing device.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I just LOVE when I get called a moron when I get killed by half the enemy team. Like I was supposed to know they were all camping in that one spot when our scout is being a coward and not scouting :roll: .

EDIT: I mean really when I have to play scout in a KV-3 because our Leopard is a camping coward, something is wrong with this picture. Ugh.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Rekkon »

You know you can surmise what might be ahead of you by subtracting from the enemy list tanks already spotted elsewhere right? More than once I have sat covering a completely quiet flank and did not press because several enemy big guns had yet to be seen anywhere else.

Which brings up the fun of covering an entire flank solo and being called useless by dead idiots who cannot read the minimap beyond seeing you "camping" in the rear.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Yeah. The problem is that EVERYONE was camping. And it was on Murovanka (I believe that's the name) where you either have everyone on the enemy side camping hill, or going through the forest. So it is very hard to tell where they are, without someone scouting. Which ended up being me because the rest of the team were cowards.

EDIT: Now note, if they were doing what you said (sitting in the back covering a seemingly empty flank) then it wouldn't have been a problem. The problem was them all sitting in the back without anyone looking for the enemy. So I had no idea where said enemy was.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

One thing though; the Leopard isn't a T50-2 sui-scout. It's better used driving into a bush somewhere and erecting radio masts and camonetting to passively scout. It's allowed to camp, so long as it has a good view of the front.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.