Mount and Blade: Cutting Edge LOL!
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- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
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- GuppyShark
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- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
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- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Errr, the Arenas yield a pitiful 2 gold per victory and constantly put me with a bow, for which I'm nearly untrained.
I found that once I had a few coins in my pocket from captured river bandits (not easy to find too) I started gathering a nice little army of peasants. I also found that when you kill a group who has prisoners, you can recruit the prisoners for free. And since most don't really survive a week... its like free labor
I found that once I had a few coins in my pocket from captured river bandits (not easy to find too) I started gathering a nice little army of peasants. I also found that when you kill a group who has prisoners, you can recruit the prisoners for free. And since most don't really survive a week... its like free labor

- GuppyShark
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You fail at gambling. The 4-ways pay 4x what you bet, so you're looking at a total of nearly 150 bucks a round.InnocentBystander wrote:Errr, the Arenas yield a pitiful 2 gold per victory and constantly put me with a bow, for which I'm nearly untrained.

Yeah, and if the xp-for-battle thing wasn't broken your peasants would quickly level into better troops. Alas... at least 801 will be out this week, and everything will be fine. A week after that and mods will be ported, and the new skeleton-scaling means dwarfs and goblins in the LOTR mod.InnocentBystander wrote:I found that once I had a few coins in my pocket from captured river bandits (not easy to find too) I started gathering a nice little army of peasants. I also found that when you kill a group who has prisoners, you can recruit the prisoners for free. And since most don't really survive a week... its like free labor

- Oberleutnant
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Thanks for the heads up. I checked PayPal's website and it looks like it should work. And if not, a friend of mine will buy it for me with his proper Visa card. As soon as I get back home for Christmas, I'll spend my entire holiday playing M&B and Medieval II. Social life be damned! I've had enough alcohol for a lifetime here.Stark wrote:I bought it a few versions ago when it was US$10, it's up to US$18 now.
Oberleutnant, don't Visa Electron cards work as debit cards? It should work for online purchases.
Haven't tried any of the M&B mods myself. In fact, I didn't know they even existed. The Last Days sounds all too good to be missed.
"Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."
0.801 is released so most of the major bugs are squashed* and the game is far more stable. I don't think anyone can criticize Taleworlds for not being prompt on that one. 
*There's still a lot of bugginess including a new one where many people are reporting they can't fight battles, but, well, it's still a beta and all.

Here is the thread on Taleworlds linking to an installer for both 0.8 and 0.751 games.Armagan, lead developer wrote: Fixed bug where couched lance damage could affect horses repeatedly.
Hitting walls no longer produces couched lance damage and speed bonus reports.
Antialiasing is now disabled for render targets.
Icon labels and texts no longer produce shadows.
Returned map camera view angle to 0.751 style.
Character skills should now be exported and imported properly.
Shields and weapons carried on back are no longer displayed while in first person view.
Townsfolk should no longer disappear misteriously.
Fixed crash with battles between more than two parties.
Fixed various dialog and quest bugs.
XP and Gold are rewarded after successful battles.
Reinforcements arrive correctly during battles.
*There's still a lot of bugginess including a new one where many people are reporting they can't fight battles, but, well, it's still a beta and all.
Last edited by Duckie on 2006-11-28 10:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
Of course, you have an equal chance of getting the near infinite money bug from the constable so that is nice.Stark wrote:There are still some bugs floating around, but at least you can level an make money (unless you get the -76252683 gold bug, anyway)
I've heard that you get (if you can finish a battle right) a shitload of loot compared to earlier versions now. One person reported getting 3 warhorses in a single battle against a caravan.
Yes, it was rather odd that smashing through a patrol of Gondorians earns you a pair of battered shields and maybe the odd pair of boots or something. Did the orcs eat the prisoners while they were still in gear?
And the fact that killing a huge patrol of Dark Knights in Native just for a shot at getting a helm or something is over, too. That was annoying as hell.
And the fact that killing a huge patrol of Dark Knights in Native just for a shot at getting a helm or something is over, too. That was annoying as hell.
For the first time I've actually 'got into' tLDs'. Before the early-game bored me to tears, but this time I actually got to the actual great war. It's awesome! My horde of Uruks and Harad horsearchers rule Gondor! I'm even using a superaweseme Gondorian bastard, because I stole it! HA! 

You can start the great war easily by Arena-whoring and Mountain Goblin hunting as fast as possible if you're impatient, since the War starts at somewhere between Levels 8-10 IMX.Stark wrote:For the first time I've actually 'got into' tLDs'. Before the early-game bored me to tears, but this time I actually got to the actual great war. It's awesome! My horde of Uruks and Harad horsearchers rule Gondor! I'm even using a superaweseme Gondorian bastard, because I stole it! HA!
However, I like to keep the war as far away as possible, doing as many missions as I can and building my personal strength and my army of hero(es) and troops beforehand so that I can better fight for the white tree/riddermark/white hand/the Great Eye.
My biggest wish for TLD's next version is a way to start in the Great War of the North on the Elven side, probably as a Dunedain but maybe they'll add Elven characters. Because Lothlorien and so forth seem to fall and I can't spare time to help in there. Hopefully it'll make some way of keeping the Rivendell, Lothlorien, and Mirkwood elves seperate but still give the ability to take missions from any of them.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
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- Hotfoot
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You know, I would have been content with the old game for a few more months, there was really no need to rush this version out the door now as it is. It's a pretty serious problem when you can't do any other fights than arena fights, and even those don't work so well.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.

The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!

The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
0.802 is out and now the game is playable again (that is, hopefully, although obviously it will not be as rock solid as the earlier version was). The crashing after battles and crazy money rewards (-billion, +trillion, etc) are gone.InnocentBystander wrote:Is there any way to prevent it from crashing at the end of large battles?
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Now here is the real question, can I bring my .800 character, who is now level 17, decked out in fancy armor, and has 29 Knights and Men at Arms following him? I know when I tried importing my character from .800 to .801 it only carrier over the level and gold.MRDOD wrote:0.802 is out and now the game is playable again (that is, hopefully, although obviously it will not be as rock solid as the earlier version was). The crashing after battles and crazy money rewards (-billion, +trillion, etc) are gone.InnocentBystander wrote:Is there any way to prevent it from crashing at the end of large battles?
If saves aren't compatable (which I don't know if they are) then importing will only give level, stats, and gold like it's designed to, since it's not meant as an inter-version transfer primarily. However, I can't see why 0.8 and 0.801 and 0.802 save files wouldn't be compatable.InnocentBystander wrote:Now here is the real question, can I bring my .800 character, who is now level 17, decked out in fancy armor, and has 29 Knights and Men at Arms following him? I know when I tried importing my character from .800 to .801 it only carrier over the level and gold.MRDOD wrote:0.802 is out and now the game is playable again (that is, hopefully, although obviously it will not be as rock solid as the earlier version was). The crashing after battles and crazy money rewards (-billion, +trillion, etc) are gone.InnocentBystander wrote:Is there any way to prevent it from crashing at the end of large battles?
- RazorOutlaw
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There's other mods in varying states of development.RazorOutlaw wrote:Alright, quick question. There's an LOTR mod out there. Are there any other awesome mods of total awesomesome that anybody has played that would be just as cool as LOTR?
Like, maybe, Warhammer?
Holy War, which is about the Crusades (I forget which, the Second maybe. Definately not the Fourth or later.), is in 0.4 Beta for 0.751 and is very content minimal right now but very superbly done.
Warhammer mod has been discussed and I remember seeing a thread but I don't know if it's gone anywhere.
1066 is a very historically accurate, Norman Invasion Of Britain based mod. Downside- The battle exertion/death sounds are currently a bit... er, well, let's put it this way. It'll sound like you're watching gay porn. Also, the actual historical cloth dying processes used by the Saxons, Angles, Celts, etc. produced very silly looking pastels. I can't take a man in a pastel pink ('red') shirt seriously as a soldier.