Stofsk wrote:Anyway, one's ability to change the rules for the better doesn't really mean that they aren't sucky to begin with.
My reply to you didn't even approach this point at all.
Ah, it looked like you were hinting in that direction, my bad.
Solauren wrote:Prey tell then, Lord Z, how you would make a 'modern' and 'future' combat and damage system for the D20 System Rules?
Without appearing to be stealing ideas from another gaming system and setting one self up for a lawsuit.
What The Dark said.
But if it came to that, for starters -- how about the amount of damage dealt by different kinds of weapons and the amount of damage ignored by different kinds of armour correlating at least approximately with what one would expect from the real world?
As for instance: the hit points list for objects lists steel as having 30 hit points per inch of thickness. By that standard, an RPG-7 could reasonably be expected to deal 354 damage per hit, or about 101d6 damage (since it has 300 mm of armour penetration against homogenous steel). Yet, even a M72A3 LAW deals a puny 10d6 damage, an
order of magnitude less. Incidentally, manufactured objects tend to have very low hit points relative to the materials list: a Colossal object, for instance has only 30 hit points; i.e. one inch of steel. See also the issue of the tank as previously mentioned.
Then there is the whole bizarre Break DC and hit points dichotomy, though that applies to D&D too, of course.
And how about the possibility of people actually
dying when suffering a gunshot wound? Even
ordinary people won't drop 83% of the time when shot by a Glock 20, never mind heroes. Note that "ordinaries" typically have several NPC levels (or failing that, they are abysmally unskilled).
On the note of heroes going down from massive gunshot wounds, the Wounds and Vitality points sytem is reasonable, crude though it is (although even here, single shots aren't going to do shit). I'd use a Cyberpunk type system, possibly combined with GW style Fate Points myself. Or an Inquisitor system with more damage dealt per hit combined with Fate Points.