At least i did`nt spontaneously combust.Gandalf wrote:If South Park has tought us nothing else, it's thatyou shouldn't hold in a fart.

Moderator: Edi
Controlled? ROTFL! One time I let out such a huge fart in 1st grade, I had to go to the principal's office. I dunno why, I asked the teacher numerous times if I could use the bathroom, but she just said no and filed her nails.Durandal wrote:I usually go for the "one-cheek sneak" maneuver, which involves raising one cheek up while appearing to simply shift in your seat for comfort (such as leaning on one arm, appearing to look pensive). This has the effect of widening your anus, so the gas will have a wider area to travel through, thus reducing the pitch of the noise it will make. It also angles the gas from straight down to a diagonal path. When you fire straight down, the gas has to move through more blocks, making more noise. By angling it, you can make sure that the gas travels out essentially unperturbed, except when it encounters the seat bottom, but the gas will have dispersed by that time. When you have a controlled burst, the noise disturbance is reduced to almost nothing.
I can fart in silence, but the odor can be smelt at more than 4 feet away.Durandal wrote:I usually go for the "one-cheek sneak" maneuver, which involves raising one cheek up while appearing to simply shift in your seat for comfort (such as leaning on one arm, appearing to look pensive). This has the effect of widening your anus, so the gas will have a wider area to travel through, thus reducing the pitch of the noise it will make. It also angles the gas from straight down to a diagonal path. When you fire straight down, the gas has to move through more blocks, making more noise. By angling it, you can make sure that the gas travels out essentially unperturbed, except when it encounters the seat bottom, but the gas will have dispersed by that time. When you have a controlled burst, the noise disturbance is reduced to almost nothing.
Same thing at my work, us bicycle mechanics just let them rip whenever we feel a need to fart. The worst part is my boss actually takes pride in his farts. By the end of the day it really does smell like something died in the shop, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone's pet dog or cat keeled over from the smell.The Yosemite Bear wrote:Purhaps it's just the wilderness, folks up here a very non-chalant about it, even the women....
Yes, we have many a night at the Bar/Pool hall where the whole place just reaks like someone was assulting a skunk....
Darth Pounder wrote:I hold in my farts untill i am in the mens room. I've taught my bowels to swallow a fart back up if need be, it's a wonderful feeling liek being fingered. One time i was datign a girl who had chromes disease or somethign and it caused her to fart and burp a lot. One time when we went to the cinema she let one go, i think we were watching From Hell. It was a huge blower and it smelt to high heaven. I did the right thing i stood up and appologised.
I usually hold them in on dates and social settings but when I get home the effect on the toilet can be rather frightening--thunderous farts come to mind and sometimes it's not just air that is released. The worst thing you can mistake is liquid pressure for gasseous pressure!Darth Wong wrote:How many of you have suffered serious pain trying to hold in a fart while in the presence of a girl? How many of you have become nonchalant about it?
I've been with Rebecca for more than 13 years now, and I still try to avoid farting when she can hear.
'Casionally, if the angle is so much it gets forced out. And that's not the worst that can happen.Next of Kin wrote:Does anyone here fart while having nookie?
The ideal silent fart would saturate the surrounding area with a blanket odor, so that the source is not readily discernable by enemy scanners.Pu-239 wrote:I can fart in silence, but the odor can be smelt at more than 4 feet away.Durandal wrote:I usually go for the "one-cheek sneak" maneuver, which involves raising one cheek up while appearing to simply shift in your seat for comfort (such as leaning on one arm, appearing to look pensive). This has the effect of widening your anus, so the gas will have a wider area to travel through, thus reducing the pitch of the noise it will make. It also angles the gas from straight down to a diagonal path. When you fire straight down, the gas has to move through more blocks, making more noise. By angling it, you can make sure that the gas travels out essentially unperturbed, except when it encounters the seat bottom, but the gas will have dispersed by that time. When you have a controlled burst, the noise disturbance is reduced to almost nothing.
Ah, the classic SBD...silent but deadly.Pu-239 wrote:I can fart in silence, but the odor can be smelt at more than 4 feet away.
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.