Bounty wrote:But the odds aren't exactly even, now are they? The chances of Anakin losing the race are extremely high, since he'd never won anything before even with his Force powers. The chances of the replacement ship breaking down and killing the crew are minimal, especially with an astromech droid and a ship crew to give it a check-up first.
You're full of shit. Not only does Qui-Gon have some foresight that he will win, but the idea that you can buy a junk ship off some disreputable, unregistered operator in the middle of nowhere and trust it to be reliable after giving it a quick once-over is absurd. Do you really think that just because they have a competent crew there, they can actually reliably scan the entire frame, body, mechanics, and electronics of the ship for potential problems?
Besides, the same goes for the new engine Qui-gon was trying to win; he had no guarantee that wouldn't blow up in his face, either.
If the hyperdrive fails, the ship falls out of hyperspace. If the ship falls apart, they're fucked. And even if Anakin loses the race, at
worst, they can go look for a smuggler pilot who will take Republic credits and ferry them to Coruscant. They obviously wanted to avoid dealing with more people than they had to, or even going through a spaceport at all (no surprise, since people might be watching the spaceports). But under your scheme, they have to go that route right away. At least this way, they get a chance to get off the planet without ever having stepped foot in a spaceport.