Must be the location. If I lived that close to the french, I'd be a little nutty too.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, he's just a sissy Limey that thinks all of us Yanks can't think for shit.

Moderator: Edi
Must be the location. If I lived that close to the french, I'd be a little nutty too.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, he's just a sissy Limey that thinks all of us Yanks can't think for shit.
Vert: You ARE a little nutty.Vertigo1 wrote:Must be the location. If I lived that close to the french, I'd be a little nutty too.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, he's just a sissy Limey that thinks all of us Yanks can't think for shit.
Shit, I'd love it if Ladiesman would come over here with his pro-Enterprise 'arguements' .Admiral Valdemar wrote: Perhaps it's all these weird people on SB lately, Manji is a guy I really wish would come over here for a while.
Don't forget Hammer, Totoenkopft, and Awacs.Admiral Valdemar wrote:Poor Deimos/Manji/Acclamator/Darth Valdemar. I wanted to mock him. Again.Stormbringer wrote:Demios has used his Manji personae and a lot of other's here. He got driven out and titled.Admiral Valdemar wrote:Manji is a guy I really wish would come over here for a while.
The term "arse raped" was coined for such events.Vertigo1 wrote:Shit, I'd love it if Ladiesman would come over here with his pro-Enterprise 'arguements' .Admiral Valdemar wrote: Perhaps it's all these weird people on SB lately, Manji is a guy I really wish would come over here for a while.That'd be an event I'd love to see.
Donner und blitzen, that guy had more aliases than Manji had inches in his rifles!Stormbringer wrote: Don't forget Hammer, Totoenkopft, and Awacs.
A whole new class of schizo, him and MKSheppard singlehandedly produced the pro-gun movement on the Internet it would seem.Stormbringer wrote:And I'm sure I'm forgeting some of the aliases.Admiral Valdemar wrote:Donner und blitzen, that guy had more aliases than Manji had inches in his rifles!Stormbringer wrote: Don't forget Hammer, Totoenkopft, and Awacs.
I think the laws of physics are the best nemesis here, a 16" shoulder mounted rifle will soon pay for itself.Stormbringer wrote:And are some of the most effective arguments for it.Admiral Valdemar wrote:A whole new class of schizo, him and MKSheppard singlehandedly produced the pro-gun movement on the Internet it would seem.
Yeah, but look at the "NEARLY," it looks the same, it is probably due to the picture being taken at an angle.XaLEv wrote:"Light" doesn't quite look right. Seems to have too much white in it, not enough blue. Bit sharp compared to the rest, too.
Ooh, .22mm calibre rifle. Unless it's going at 18 TIMES TEH SP33D 0F L1GHT!!1! then it ain't doing shit to me.NF_Utvol wrote:Knowing how stupid the idiot news media the US has, this doesn't surprise me a bit. I mean, we have some genuine idiots running the show on some of these newspapers and news programs. Just listen to one newscast that concerns firearms or military hardware. Take a list of how many errors you hear. You will be surprised.
Add the word recoilless and you've got a perfectly fine weapon, the Soviet actually built one, though it blew up during trials. I've got the pictures somewhere. They also built a 12 inch recoilless rifle and mounted it on a destroyer, 10,000 meter range with a 200 pound shell IIRC. Plan was for five but the war cut things short.Admiral Valdemar wrote:I think the laws of physics are the best nemesis here, a 16" shoulder mounted rifle will soon pay for itself.Stormbringer wrote:And are some of the most effective arguments for it.Admiral Valdemar wrote:A whole new class of schizo, him and MKSheppard singlehandedly produced the pro-gun movement on the Internet it would seem.
The best calibre I hear is 88mm, and besides, Manji or Legion as he shall now be known, was basically asking for the Iowa to give a man one of it's rifles. The barrel would hurt.Sea Skimmer wrote:Add the word recoilless and you've got a perfectly fine weapon, the Soviet actually built one, though it blew up during trials. I've got the pictures somewhere. They also built a 12 inch recoilless rifle and mounted it on a destroyer, 10,000 meter range with a 200 pound shell IIRC. Plan was for five but the war cut things short.Admiral Valdemar wrote:I think the laws of physics are the best nemesis here, a 16" shoulder mounted rifle will soon pay for itself.Stormbringer wrote: And are some of the most effective arguments for it.
Firing a much lighter shorter shell you might actually be able to fire one from your shoulder. Almost certainly from a hummer or M113.
80-90mm is where you generally find recoilless rifles. Alot of that has to do with ammo and weapon weight. Now a days rocket launchers are better. The 105mm RPG-29 can kill a T-80 frontally with heavy reactive armor fitted. Though it weighs as much as a Javalin system with two missiles with about a fifth the accurate range. Cheep as shit though.Admiral Valdemar wrote:The best calibre I hear is 88mm, and besides, Manji or Legion as he shall now be known, was basically asking for the Iowa to give a man one of it's rifles. The barrel would hurt.Sea Skimmer wrote:Add the word recoilless and you've got a perfectly fine weapon, the Soviet actually built one, though it blew up during trials. I've got the pictures somewhere. They also built a 12 inch recoilless rifle and mounted it on a destroyer, 10,000 meter range with a 200 pound shell IIRC. Plan was for five but the war cut things short.Admiral Valdemar wrote: I think the laws of physics are the best nemesis here, a 16" shoulder mounted rifle will soon pay for itself.
Firing a much lighter shorter shell you might actually be able to fire one from your shoulder. Almost certainly from a hummer or M113.
Heh, yeah, I forget the name, but the rifle used primarily in Vietname was a good all-rounder, but missiles seem more apt now as you say.Sea Skimmer wrote:80-90mm is where you generally find recoilless rifles. Alot of that has to do with ammo and weapon weight. Now a days rocket launchers are better. The 105mm RPG-29 can kill a T-80 frontally with heavy reactive armor fitted. Though it weighs as much as a Javalin system with two missiles with about a fifth the accurate range. Cheep as shit though.Admiral Valdemar wrote:The best calibre I hear is 88mm, and besides, Manji or Legion as he shall now be known, was basically asking for the Iowa to give a man one of it's rifles. The barrel would hurt.Sea Skimmer wrote: Add the word recoilless and you've got a perfectly fine weapon, the Soviet actually built one, though it blew up during trials. I've got the pictures somewhere. They also built a 12 inch recoilless rifle and mounted it on a destroyer, 10,000 meter range with a 200 pound shell IIRC. Plan was for five but the war cut things short.
Firing a much lighter shorter shell you might actually be able to fire one from your shoulder. Almost certainly from a hummer or M113.
As for an Iowa gun hurting, I'd expect so, given that just the barrel weighs 119 tons
4774C|< 0F 7H3 1337 $P33|<!!!!!Admiral Valdemar wrote:Ooh, .22mm calibre rifle. Unless it's going at 18 TIMES TEH SP33D 0F L1GHT!!1! then it ain't doing shit to me.NF_Utvol wrote:Knowing how stupid the idiot news media the US has, this doesn't surprise me a bit. I mean, we have some genuine idiots running the show on some of these newspapers and news programs. Just listen to one newscast that concerns firearms or military hardware. Take a list of how many errors you hear. You will be surprised.
I have heard they are the worst for gun reporting, they took forever to get the make of the gun right for the Washington sniper incident.
That's hardly a problem confined to the US media. I've seen the same sort of stuff out of European news outlets.NF_Utvol wrote:I have found that the American news media needs to generally be taken with a grain of salt. There are many cases where they go so far as to border on yellow journalism when they report stories and blow them way out of proportion.