Ohma wrote:I love that one with the aliens coming to Earth and accidentally blowing up part of the moon because a chunk of their ship broke off as they exited FTL, and how it turns out they can understand and speak english perfectly well, but cant be bothered to send their replies in a way that humans will understand (turns out they live in water so everything sounded garbled) .
This was one of my all time favorite eps of the new Outer Limits. I also liked the one called "The Camp" about a large prison camp where humans were kept after aliens conquered the earth, they were kept watch over by "human" collaborators but you find out that the "human" guards and prison warden are actually all just androids and are slowly falling into dissrepair since the actual occupation of the earth ended almost a hundred years earlier and the planet was effectively abandoned but the androids were never given an order to stand down, in the end, the prisoners manage to over-power the android guards and find out the truth that the earth is no longer just an occupied wasteland.
Another silly but entertaining one was where some angry highschool student pissed off at the world and the people who make fun of him and such and those who fail to acknowledging his genius finds out a way to make really powerful cold fusion bombs from everyday household chemicals and such. He detonates one of them in a rural area proving he is serious and ultimately ends up neary destroying the city he's holding hostage but he does end up getting sniped out by special forces. Episode ends with a shot of another seemingly disgruntled student somewhere else hard at work finishing up the calculations and measurments on supposedly making a cold fusion bomb.
"The Cosmos is expanding every second everyday, but their minds are slowly shrinking as they close their eyes and pray." - MC Hawking "It's like a kids game. A morbid, blood-soaked Tetris game..." - Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)
Yeah, The Camp was a pretty good one, the sequel episode wasn't though.
Ooh, and skiffy is showing Outer Limits today instead of total crap. Hey remember that one with the AI controlled apartment building and the asshole shut-ins living there?
OOH or what about the one where the people are being held prisoner by evil aliens who interrogate them and take one guys face...and then it turns out it was all just an excorcise, but for some reason they gave the AI controlling it the ability to control Earth's defences, and now it's conviced it needs to destroy Earth because it's still in Evil Alien Mode111
Oh, Mister Darcy! <3
We're ALL Devo! GALE-Force: Guardians of Space!
"Rarr! Rargharghiss!" -Gorn
I remember one with a teenaged girl moves into this private, gated community, and it's so perfect, and the reason why is because the yard care service takes all the unruly people and turns them in fertilizer.
And yes, I definitely remember the cold fusion one.
I tend to like the "modern" ones better than all the future apocalypse stuff.
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.
TheMuffinKing wrote:Kind of on topic, but do you all remember an episode where several people were hidden away in secret bunkers around the world after aliens were on their way to earth? IIRC each member acted as a deadman switch and if they didn't hit a button every hour the world's stockpile of NBC weapons would render the Earth uninhabitable.
It wasn't every hour it was randomnly every 24. Also it was the entire worlds arsenal of WMDs and the last dead mans switch op was told to keep going by his CO....Turns out the aliens were using the body of the CO as a puppet at that point.
Brotherhood of the Bear Monkey Clonemaster , Anti Care Bears League,
Bureaucrat and BOFH of the HAB,
Skunk Works director of the Mecha Maniacs,
Black Mage,