White Haven wrote:
In all fairness, even though I don't play anymore, Warcraft has kicked that meme in the balls pretty hard in Wrath.
Heh, I love how Blizzard has managed to fool so many people. Now, don't take me wrong, I like what they've done, it's a bold attempt, and Blizzard, as usual, excels in its ability to have people buy into their "tricks".
But, in all fairness, what WotLK has done is add a mere cosmetic upgrade that gives the feel of achievement, but wich doesn't hold up to closer scrutiny (or a replay). Just do this, create a new DK, and roam around trying to find flaws to the instance. It won't take you long. Again, don't take me wrong, I greately enjoyed the DK introductory quests the first time through, and the effect is nice, I just don't believe what they've done is as revolutionary as they are claiming, in fact I don't think it is revolutionary at all, you can achieve the same effect on a NWN module if you like.
A viable way to have players impact the game world is by having user-created content, like the Cities on Shadowbane, the Supergroup Bases in CoH, or all the stuff you could build/own in Ultima Online. Creating a building has an impact on the game world, and destroying it has it too. Being the first to kill a boss and no one else being able to kill it ever... It's Gates of An'Quiraj all over again. Doing something, and seeing the results of your actions while players who haven't got to that point yet don't (via tricky instancing), it's just a cosmetic trick, as done by WotLK.
As for the Transformers MMO idea, think about it, you could desing the basic shape of your robot (face, mass, decorations) and then go about, scan a vehicle, and then tune the vehicle to your tastes. That would be a nice character customization. Just add factional warfare, some territory control and a few story quests, (and action-style controls, not point and click) and there you go. Also, have a Decepticon story quest be to kill Optimus, with the obligatory Autobot quest to rez him.