Knife wrote:I'm confused Kanastrous, consumers aren't allowed to bitch about the business practices and services of companies they frequent?
Everyone's allowed to bitch about anything they like, so far as I understand it. And if the bitching is silly and uninformed and mostly just self-righteous pointlessness, anyone who cares to has equal privileges to say so.
Knife wrote:I often get mad if I get charged an extra dime for the cup my dollar soda goes in; cranky when the chair I bought needs a separate tool that I have to buy, or a radio that doesn't come with a pair of batteries. Why shouldn't I get mad at a company that releases a 'incomplete' movie in hopes I turn around and buy a 'more complete' one a month later, and another 'ultimate' one a month after that?
You make it sound as though this was all planned out before the theatrical release in December even happened. That's
not how it works, or at least, that's not how it worked in
Avatar's case. The film's success in its first run is what cemented plans to theatrically release an expanded cut. So no, there was never a release of an 'incomplete' movie, with dastardly plans to rope poor moviegoers into *having* to pay to see another cut that was somehow more complete. Sure, there's additional material. Does it make
Avatar + into a different film than you saw already? No. You don't
have to see the re-release in order to get the story etc. So it's nothing like missing batteries that you *have* to have in order for your radio to function, it's nothing like a chair that comes missing an integral part, or a surcharge for a cup to put your soda in.
Sacrifices are part of the film making process, especially in editing. Pre-release
Avatar had to be cut around run-time concerns; exhibitors were
already uncomfortable with its running time. Now that the film has cut the swathe it has (regardless of any of our individual opinions regarding its quality) its producer has the clout (and willing cooperation of exhibitors) to cut in material that was left out before.
I'm sure glad I'm not saddled with the kind of world-view where the only explanation for anything is some fundamentally malicious person trying to screw you. That must be a sucky way to experience the world.
Knife wrote:You said you don't get the rage at the companies for just making money, but you seem rather anger about it yourself. Why are you so mad that people get pissed at being milked by a company?
It depends what a given company is
doing in the pursuit of 'just making money.' If you're dumping poisoned milk products in African markets or skipping vital safety steps while drilling for oil or hawking useless quack medications, etc etc etc to make your money, you are a pig and you should be punished. But releasing an altered cut of a
movie? You think that's corporate
misconduct, that should draw people's
rage? Get a
And no one is 'milking' anyone.
You don't have any kind of obligation or pressure AT ALL to go see the new cut! So if you don't feel like it...don't!