Bakustra wrote:So the right to military security is to be considered fundamental now?
Nope. It is simply something that any sane group of people will seek out for themselves whenever it's practical to do so. No matter what your political agenda, your race, your religion, one of the things you'll have in common with other groups throughout the world is that you don't want to die.
Security against being killed is very important to everyone. This does not mean everyone has an absolute right to as much security as they please; that would be stupid. But it
does mean that if you start making pompous, self-righteous speeches about how other people need to cast away their security against being killed, you're not going to get very far. You may be 'right' in some point-scoring sense, but
you are wasting your time, and any person with a minimum of common sense could tell you so.
Unless you can provide counterbalancing incentives, people who do not want to be killed will ignore you when you tell them how they should make it easier to kill them. It's very simple.
They will expect, as a basic condition for even bothering to talk to you, that you understand why they are concerned about being killed, how it affects their situation, and
in what ways they may risk being killed, how they might go about avoiding being killed, and what they need in order to avoid it. If you do not understand these things, and continue to prate about how unrighteous they are, they will simply ignore you, because they care more about not dying than they do about your opinion.
This does not make them any more righteous; it does, however, at least show that they've got their priorities more or less straight.
What you're suggesting is that wars of aggression and the annexion of territory be legitimized as long as one nations feels it's militarily indefensible without it.
I am suggesting no such thing. You are making up wild nonsense. My point is simply that the Israelis are less afraid of you, and people like you, than they are of death. Compared to their sincere belief that what they do, they do to avoid being killed, your words are nothing but hot air in their minds.
This is why so many words about their atrocities have fallen on deaf ears, and why their settlers continue to make an already horrible situation worse every single day. Because, ultimately, the strongest defenders of the Palestinians in the developed world are so often those
least in touch with the practical concerns of things like "how may the Israelis avoid being killed?"
Naturally, the Israelis are more inclined to value the opinion of those who are worried about this; would
you take advice from someone who didn't give a damn if you lived or died?
What is the reasonable limit to seeking such security? There must be a limit, else the annihilation of nuclear-armed nations would be the highest priority for any nation to ensure freedom from fear. So does that limit extend only to Israel refusing to grant Palestinians control over East Jerusalem or the less marginal areas of the West Bank, or does it go further? Who is allowed to benefit from it? Can North Korea demand a buffer to ensure that South Korea does not destroy it, or could it have before it developed nuclear weaponry? Platitudes are great, but they cut further and deeper than you realize. Palestine, ideally, has its own right to self-defense and to freedom from the fear of IDF soldiers and tanks slaughtering them. But that is intolerable to Israel, for a variety of reasons. How should that be settled, under your platitude?
How is it a platitude to recognize that real people, as opposed to imaginary idealized people, seek to avoid being killed? And that if you try to tell them to do things that they expect will get them killed, they will at best ignore you?
That is not a platitude. That is reality. If you wish to communicate with people, rather than berate them for how inferior and immoral they are, you must understand realities such as this, and think in terms of balancing perceived needs.
That, for example, it is hard to avoid being killed if enemy planes carrying huge bombs are free to fly over your head at any time, and you are not allowed to stop them before they drop the bombs on your head. Or that it is hard to avoid being killed if men with artillery can hit any and all points in your country with shells. Or that it is hard to avoid being killed when the armies tasked with defending you cannot move because the roads that lead to where they need to be pass through hostile territory and are blocked.
These things may not be important to you, but they are very important to the Israelis. The fact that they are so
unimportant to almost everyone else in the world does not encourage them to take other people's opinions more seriously- see above.
And then people turn around and wonder why Israel keeps ignoring the international community...