Shep, please stop before you hurt yourself. All the toys in the world can't help you win a guerrilla war- in fact, the more toys you have, the less your chances are of winning.
BZZT. Wrong. By your logic, the African Child Soldier with Machete, AK-47, drugs and loot sack is the ideal anti-guerilla troop; cheap enough to be equipped enmasse to cover the country, and cheap enough to be expendable utterly...
Furthermore, the means to win those loyalties [of the population] are, as I said, not things that can be turned out on an assembly line.
BZZT. Wrong.
Guerrilla warfare is ultimately a psychological contest for the loyalties of the populace you fight among, and indiscriminate use of artillery causes you to lose no matter how many people you shred.
That's nice. Did you recite that from the wikipedia definition of counterinsurgency? You're not exactly quite impressing me with your reasoning here to be honest, because your understanding of armed conflicts seems to have stopped at around 1945.
Let's go to your original post:
because the mechanisms for winning guerrilla warfare are not ones that can be rolled off Northrup Grumman or Halliburton production lines.
That line shows how little you really know; because the military shroomdustrial complex has changed significantly since the end of the Cold War, with many corporations moving out of traditional Freedomizer[tm] products, such as fast tactical jets or strategic bombers and into non-traditional products which are very well suited to COIN.
There's the GORGON STARE/CONSTANT HAWK/ANGEL FIRE/ARGUS line of development for wide area surveillance that lets a single unmanned UAV with sufficient payload simply cover every damn thing going on within a multi kilometer radius in home video.
ARGUS-IS test at MCB Quantico back in 2009
ARGUS-IS was basically designed to cover 40 square kilometers at 15 fps and then allow up to 65 individual little video windows to be streamed to users from that huge 1.8 gigapixel main image.
When you combine that with a downlink station with sufficient hard drive space and the IT to sift through it all, it quickly becomes a major impediment to guerillas.
Convoy get attacked on a road? Just call your orbiting aerial spy drone division built by the MIC; and ask them to go through the last x hours of video of that road until you find the bad guys, and then track the bad guys from that point; see where they came from, etc.
A simpler version of this technology already was used at about the mid-point in the Iraq war to fight IEDs -- they would fly a drone over a dangerous highway at regular intervals, and before convoys went over it; and then run special image analysis software designed by military industrial complex programmers that rapidly searched and compared multiple sets of images to find stuff that was there/not there before.
Like say that trash pile at kilometer 5.3 on DeathHighway 666? It wasn't there the night before. Ergo, it is probably an EFP/IED emplacement. So tell the convoy to be on guard there.
There's also airborne platforms looking for fertilizer signatures.
To cut through the bureaucratese, Ursus is a surveillance program housed in a pod on the bottom of a piloted commercial King Air twin-engine turboprop plane (the MC-12 is one such modified aircraft) that hunts down the chemical signatures of fertilizers used in Afghanistan’s IEDs.
How Good is all this? Pretty damn good.
2400 dead IED emplacers
And that's with Information Technology
four years old.
Elsewhere, there's BIOMETRICS, run by the evil military shroomdustrial complex -- and it's proving useful in areas like Afghanistan where government ID is practically non existent.
Link 2
Basically, US/NATO troops are photographing the irises of about half a million Afghans at checkpoints and such, or when we capture them. This makes it harder for insurgents to hide in the great masses.
Additionally, find an IED or dropped weapon? We put NCIS onto it to fingerprint or DNA swab said weapon; and the process works even if it detonated; since a lot is left behind when it goes boom.
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
You take away the "sea of the masses" that the guerilla swims through; and do it via military shroomdustrial complex bloated IT spending; rather than forcing everyone to be relocated into "strategic hamlets" at gunpoint, etc; thus reducing the outrage of the population at you.
Even good old conventional weapons are much smarter; reducing population outrage.
Current warhead in the M31 GMLRS is 200 pounds of HE; which is small enough to allow it to be used relatively close to schools, hospitals, and mosques with little collateral damage; but the military industrial complex is not resting on it's laurels:
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) today tested a new Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System-Plus (GMLRS+) ‘scalable effects’ warhead, which enables users to select the range of the warhead’s detonation power depending on the target.
“The ‘scalable effects’ warhead was set to low-yield prior to the flight and scored a direct hit on the target,” said Scott Arnold, vice president of precision fires in Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. “The performance of both the GMLRS+ rocket and the scalable effects warhead were outstanding, validating our continued investment in evolving the proven GMLRS weapon system to address current and future threats.”
This test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., was the second of two GMLRS+ launches scheduled for 2011. In early August, a GMLRS+ round successfully completed a 120-kilometer mission, an improvement in range of approximately 50 kilometers over the current GMLRS round. Both tests were internally funded by Lockheed Martin and Aerojet and were supported by the U.S. Army’s Precision Fires Program Office.
This new warhead will have a scaleable range going from 50 to 250 pounds of conventional HE in a single package; allowing ever more precise fires with lower collateral damage; and thus lesser civilian outrage.
Elsewhere, the Navy is fielding the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) right now in Afghanistan. It's just your good old HYDRA 70mm FFAR rocket, but now with laser-guidance; meaning a smaller warhead than Hellfire, meaning less collateral damage.
Over on the FORCE PROTECTION side, the American Soldier of 2012 is equipped differently than the one who rolled into Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003; as we've gone through several generations of body armor; providing better protection, along with the wide introduction of a lot of little pieces of equipment such as the Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT), which is unique in that it can be applied and tightened with a single hand.
This means that US casualties are much lower than they'd be without them, and if you can't figure out why this is important in COIN/Guerilla War, well then...
There's also a pretty neat force protection idea that is also nice for counterinsurgency:
Instead of kicking the door down on a house and shooting first, we can send Mr Throwbot inside to see if Achmed the Jihadi is behind that door, or pretty Aa'idah and her five year old child.
The dirty little secret is that a lot of the stuff getting money thrown at it for COIN right now is pretty much pointless against a conventional opponent.
Drones because they can be shot down by any competent air defense; and a lot of the electronic warfare jamming stuff is pointless against a conventional opponent -- firstly, because a conventional opponent won't be using cellular networks, and second because he'll have anti-radiation weapons, or his own ELINT assets to find out where you are by where you're jamming.
So why was there such a furious spigot of money towards just about every scheme possible under the sun with COIN applications?
Because under the intense glare of publicity during a COIN campaign; the military's traditional budgetary processes break down, and it becomes a race to field capability the fastest and damn the cost, or having to go through three generations in five years of a system; because nobody wants to be grilled before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense about why they haven't brought System XYZ which happens to be made in Senator Shroomatelli's district; which could have saved Mommy Shroomy's son from being blown up by an IED.
MRAP contractor writes it's own contract for MRAPs with DoD
A really good article on the anti-IED war in Iraq -- tl;dr a whole shitload of fifty billion jammers get bought from tons of defense contractors
By contrast, conventional warfare procurement occurs at a much more sedate and thoughtful pace; where a minor improvement of say, 10% over existing systems is not enough to get it into production.
In conventional wars; contractors are limited to basic support roles; being technical representatives sent forward to work with the troops to train them on the Mk 1 Shepponuker; and to keep the Shepponuker working under adverse conditions, supporting the regular maintenance troops.

TechRep working on F-4C in the field in Vietshroom.
At the very worst, you get thinktanks writing papers on why we should adopt the Mk 2 Shepponuker, for it will restore military superiority over the Godless Communist hordes; and that we should all inject schoolchildren with iodine -- any developmental defects are balanced off by the derived 1% post-attack environment superiority over the commie.
Said report costs $10k and is delivered to General Shroom who hrumphs, and it is filed away never to be seen again.
When you move into unconventional guerilla/COIN campaigns...well....hurm.
Some good reading,
More Good Reading
Because contractors getting blown up doesn't make for bad press back home; since they're not soldiers; and additionally, they don't count against military manpower limits set in US Law.