Bakustra wrote:We should give people the chance to develop themselves, instead of declaring them lost causes, because people do have the potential to turn their life around. In fact, perhaps instead of throwing people in prison and looking the other way while they get raped, beaten, tortured, and starved, we should maybe try and direct them towards means towards turning their life around.
Really? How exactly is this to be accomplished? What incentive have they to turn their life around if there are no serious consequences to their actions? Shall we just shout "Swiper, no swiping!" at them?
Admittedly, this will never happen peacefully if you are a representational police officer, but I guess that that's that.
Yes yes, make sure you get the mandatory ad hom in there.
Also, you're a hypocrite for not endorsing the death penalty for all crimes, since if people cannot change themselves to the point where concealing a theft conviction would be beneficial to them, then they are irredeemable and nothing more than drains on society.
That's positively silly, and a strawman. You were the one concerned about "drains on society", not me, with your concern about the cost of prosecution versus the cost of the theft. I've only pointed out that you vastly underestimate the costs to society. I have not implied that we should eliminate anyone who is a drain.
By the way, even if you were correct, the word you'd be looking for is "inconsistent", not "hypocrite".
Killing them all would seem to be the only rational result.
Your ability to strawman is positively fascinating.
But you cowardly retreat from this, instead declaring that all crooks are irredeemable (although leaving yourself enough breathing room for the inevitable retreat after someone actually calls you out on your disgusting ideology of hatred) and ranting about how, since I'm a left-winger, I must have a caricatured viewpoint. I'm actually laughing at the mental picture you probably have of me.
Boy, you really can lay it on thick, can't you? "Disgusting ideology of hatred" is it now? "Cowardly retreat"? Wow. You really are good at using
predjudical language to mask your
strawman. You have done nothing but arbitrarily proclaim that somehow the position that society ought to punish petty theft means that one also believes it should execute all criminals without showing the slightest evidence of how these positions must necessarily coexist to allow consistency.
If you object to this, remember that you literally believe that people with a theft conviction can never be trustworthy again and you seem to think simultaneously that criminals never think about the law and yet the only reason taking lost property (that doesn't belong to you) doesn't give you a criminal mind is because it's not considered a theft by the law.
So in other words it's theft according to you to take minor items of lost or abandoned property. Fascinating. Unfortunately I don't recall anyone selecting you to determine for society what is and isn't theft.
As for the rest, the fact that a person is no longer trustworthy does not make them completely useless. There are plenty of jobs that a person can perform without needing to depend on their basic honesty.
PS: We probably shouldn't put murderers in prison if we don't think that rape is acceptable! Maybe the prison system could be changed to eliminate prison rape. I'd start with preventing people in the justice system who believe in such a thing as a criminal mind from ever working above minimum wage again. This should eliminate them and their toxic viewpoints from shaping the prison and justice system, as those viewpoints produced the climate of rape and torture and mistreatment in prisons. Do you have any ideas for doing this, or do you consider it an inevitability?
In other words, you have no solution at all except to say "we should eliminate it!". Duh. No kidding. You'd start by eliminating some vague class of people from the justice system based on what you imagine they think, and as if their ideas about the future employment prospects of inmates are in some way related to the profusion of sexual assault, while talking about "toxic viewpoints". Yes, I'm sure such a vague and ill-defined plan of stating the obvious and purging boogeymen will absolutely work wonders!
Block wrote:Rape is a foreseeable consequence of a felony conviction, therefore the people who convict someone of a felony are responsible if that person is raped, especially judges, police officers, and attorneys who are familiar with the prison system. If you let someone walk over the edge of a cliff, you are partially responsible for their death, and you are even more so if you push them towards the cliff's edge first. So why don't you think that the legal system is responsible for the rape of prisoners?
The person committing the felony can just as easily reasonably forsee going to prison and being raped as a consequnce; by your logic they are responsible for being raped as well. Not only that, but by your logic, it is reasonably forseeable that if a person is not punished after being detected committing a crime, they will conclude that it is acceptable and commit more crimes; thus the justice system is responsible for any recidivism coming from failure to punish them.
See how silly your logic sounds? Here's a clue:
Rapists are responsible for rape.
Rape is definitely a greater injustice than petty theft or drunk and disorderly, so why are we allowing it to happen?
What do you mean "allowing"? Do you think prison rapists care if they have permission? Is that somehow the most important injustice in society, the prevention of which should take precendence over all others?
Take psychos who believe that criminals are irredeemable and give them rough, eye-for-an-eye type justice. Exile them from society. Force them to work the carnivals and the shit jobs for the rest of their lives. Make them live out their authoritarian existences scrabbling for a living, too vile to understand the irony.
Wow, so your solution is retribution on a massive scale against a large portion of society for no better reason than that they think a person's past actions reflect on their likely future actions? Brilliant. Good luck actually implementing this though; I have a feeling you'd be on the losing end of
that civil war. In the meantime you've just established that you want to persecute people for their opinions. Yes, you're a paragon of social justice all right.
With those fuckers out of the way, room is available to build a justice system that revolves around treating the causes rather than the symptoms. E.g. this guy may be a kleptomaniac. Get him psychotherapy and treatment to actually stop him from stealing things. Or he could have anger problems, or a number of other psychological issues which drive his criminal activities, all of which could be treated instead of fining him money or throwing him in prison.
Ah yes, we can just treat all crime as a medical problem.

Do you have any actual evidence that rehabilitation or treatment would actually work on most criminals? It doesn't even work on drug and alcohol offenders unless they
want it to.
Then again, maybe he simply doesn't really think it's that bad. So perhaps he could be required to attend classes on the social costs of petty theft. Or maybe he's poor and angry about his poverty and does things like this because of that deeper anger, in which case the justice system can't do much and society itself would have to be restructured to mitigate poverty. Well, that's a good thing anyways, and it probably would be necessary to build this sort of justice system in the first place. But in general, replace the current justice system, focused on punishments to reinforce the authority of the state, with one focused on fixing the problems that cause crime. Confinement should probably be reserved for people that commit crimes that merit it- murderers and the like, who probably need some isolation for therapy to really help them.
So in other words, all we need to do in order to not punish petty theives with jail is re-structure society to eliminate poverty.
Great plan. Never mind that it also hinges on your idea that there's "treatment" available for every criminal out there. You haven't even demonstrated that the psychological tools and understanding even exist to make this work. You're talking about a justice system "focused on fixing the problems that cause crime" and yet you just suggested throwing a lot of people out on the margins of society simply for disapproving of criminals? You seriously want to complain that the justice system "reinforces the authority of the state" when you just said this:
Take psychos who believe that criminals are irredeemable and give them rough, eye-for-an-eye type justice. Exile them from society. Force them to work the carnivals and the shit jobs for the rest of their lives. Make them live out their authoritarian existences scrabbling for a living, too vile to understand the irony.
The only authoritarian here is you. You want a massive, arbitrary exercise of state authority to get rid of "psychos" you don't approve of, and then a massive restructuring of the society and the justice system according to your liking, based on vague allusions to theraputic justice that may not even
exist, much less actually work. Your only problem with the supposed "authoritarians" is that things aren't going according to your fantasies.
And all this just to avoid jailing repeat petty thieves. brilliant.
Shit like this is why I'm kind of glad it isn't legal to go around punching people in the crotch. You'd be able to track my movement from orbit from the sheer mass of idiots I'd leave lying on the ground clutching their privates in my wake. -- Mr. Coffee