Gil Hamilton wrote:Armstrong versus Magellan, huh? One of those people was killed in the process of trying to slaughter natives in the name of Christianity, after a long career of killing and plundering people who couldn't defend themselves well enough against the Spanish or Portuguese. The other flew through vacuum and radiation in a metal can perched on top of the world's hugest rocket to go to another celestial body and managed not to enslave or murder anyone in the process. Who was the greater man, hmm?
One leading expedition he put together for years through things that could have killed everyone aboard multiple times over, while vastly expanding out geographical knowledge, the other taking control of tin can handed to him a few times, to bring back home a few photos and plant a flag. Hmm, hard choice.
Oh, and if Moluccas happened to be as barren as the Moon, I'm pretty sure both would be equal in this regard. After all, Mr. Neil had little objections to doing mass slaughter before.
Gil Hamilton wrote:Bullshit. Magellan was nothing but a murdering slaver. His big accomplishment was a means for the Spanish to more thoroughly brutalize Indonesia for resources and managed to get himself killed foolishly attacking someone because he wanted to enslave them and forcibly convert them to Catholicism.
He's nothing compared to Neil Armstrong.
Back in Magellan's time, giving someone Catholicism meant that you saved someone from Hell, forever. There was literally
no greater thing you could have done for someone else, at a request of
allied head of state at that. Yeah, now I see how no one virtuous would do that
Oh, and yeah, Magellan is nothing compared to Armstrong. After all, Neil only bombed the shit out of more yellow people than Magellan's men put together ever did, he leads both in quality and quantity