I would have to beg ignorance regarding Enterprise, as I've seen all of like... two or three episodes of that show. TNG was particularly egregious, though, in the damaged/fixed next episode issue; DS9 was pretty bad about that too, although it did a better job with story progression. I can't comment much about VOY but there's that whole using more shuttles during the show than it has physically room for in its hold and ditching its warp core several times...Crazedwraith wrote:Interestingly enough Enterprise already did that. One second season episode has the ship damaged by a romulan mine and the next is about them finding an automated shipyard to fix the hole.
And they kept any hole that put in them in the third season. Thouh I think they mainly occured in one episode. BSG did the same thing. Of course they have an advantage in effects are cheaper with CGI now and you can occasionally affort to revise your hero ship model and redo your stock footage/establishing shots with the ship's new appearances.
Plot wise, what I might do is combine the premises of the three better shows-- exploration/discovery/shipboard experience (TOS, TNG) with a progressive sequence of events (A leads to B leads to C, effects from B also lead to B-2 and B-3, and so forth) during their voyages.
USS Soditall is exploring the Beta Quadrant of the galaxy. There's tensions there as both the Romulans and the Klingon Empire claim territory there; the Soditall's job is, officially, simply to explore, but really some of the crew are on a mission to gather intelligence, and the captain thinks he needs to help keep the peace, while the first officer wants to try and convince the Beta Quadrant civilizations to join the Federation.
So you have your standard exploration missions (perhaps with a counter noting how many days remaining on their overall voyage at the start of each episode). But along the way, you have the potential for extended drama with the various duties and factions going on. An officer who's tasked with, say, locating a Klingon installation on the planet of a pre-warp civilization that they just found, gets into trouble on the planet... but it turns out the 'jail' he's taken to is actually a hold aboard a buried Klingon ship... while the captain has to negotiate his release, the first officer starts talking to the locals and finds out that they're chafing under Klingon repression, and so forth, until a few episodes later the ship has a showdown with a couple of Birds of Prey, and so on.