Hobot wrote:My friend recognizes that the miracle was physically impossible, so attacking it with scientific explanations wouldn't help.
If he's conceded that it's scientifically impossible, then he's conceded that it cannot happen. Again, what's the simpler explanation?
1. A bunch of people grouped in one place, the majority of them expecting to see something miraculous and thought they saw the sun dancing around in the sky and come closer to them because of a combination of optical illusions from increased moisture content in the air and atmospheric lensing effects, staring at a bright object and a general expectation for such an event to occur.
2. The sun really did spontaneously gain astronomical amounts of angular momentum and angular kinetic energy, start spinning and dancing, and came closer to all these people and dried their clothes, defying every known law of physics in existence, even though none of this was observed by anyone else on the planet, and it was not objectively verifiable.
As for the crowd of 100 000, apparently there were more than just religiously feverent Chrisitians. There were skeptics and believers alike and they all saw the same thing.
These people were
staring at the fucking sun! Of
course they were all going to see weird things! That's what happens when you stare at bright objects. There's nothing they saw that can't be explained biologically as what the human eye does when it gets an overload of input like that.