Bullshit dodge. And the Executor has been stated to be a 17 KM long command ship. Now provide the SW quote that says you are right.Illuminatus Primus wrote:And a lot of us want an official SW quote calling the Executor a 17 km command ship and the ISD known as the Imperator-class.
No shit, we can map stars today. That doens't mean we can and do go to them allActually it showed clearly that all stars were mapped in the galactic disk.
Only in your mind. THe lack of the dwarf galaxies is easily remedied.It also portrayed a galaxy that is far different from the Chronology/NJO ones.
Except it does nothing of the kind. Did you even look at the map? The UR is not labeled, and there is a large chunk unlabeled that if you adjust 90 degrees is right where the UR is. It does not contradict the existance of the UR, it supports it.Actually it reinterates the "concentric rims" from novels. Where the UR is beyond the Outer Rim--the outer concentric ring.
Nice rant, now address the point. There is an easy explanation, yet you claim it is wrong.Bzzzt. That's the sound of a wrong answer. Chiss territory encorporates a whole continuous sector. Thrawn's House Phalanx mapped 240 sectors.
The Chiss sector contains a dozen or so colonized worlds. The House Phalanx doesn't support any vessels larger than 300 meters. Evidently not only are we talking about large, continuous expanses of territoy, and not much in them.
But Ender thinks in a galaxy where the hyperdrive can take them across the disk in a matter of days and billions of colonized worlds are utilized for mining--that huge expanses of the galaxy just are avoided and forgotten for thousands of years.
There's a reason why Saxton, Wong, and I all are among those that think it is fucking stupid.
I thought you said I was the one with the reading problem? You said that the wild spaces being at the edge of space meant that the UR must be beyond them, outside the galaxy. However the Wild space is just the edge of known space, not the edge of the galaxy.Ender wrote:Uh ok. This doesn't contradict anything I said.
How about you address the point insetad of repeating your self? You get offended when I compare you to Darkstar, but this is one of his favorite tactics.Ender wrote:Yes and they just forgot about hundreds and hundreds of sectors that while supposedly part of the disk--appear quite empty.
As for it being empty:
“But there are hundreds of thousands of stars in and around Chiss space”, Wyn said. – page 242
“Hundreds of thousands of stars
It was easy to say the words, but much more difficult to comprehend what they actually meant. On a map, the Unknown Regions comprised only 15 percent of the total volume of the galaxy; but when that 15 percent became the search area for something as small as a planet - which on the cosmic scale was much, much smaller then a needle in a haystack – the true immensity of the task became all too apparent” – page 246
Zenoma Sekot had first appeared on the Imperial fringes of the Unknown Regions, visiting three systems within a couple of years. Then it had jumped clear across to the outer edge of the galaxy, where habitable systems were few and far between. There it had encountered a species that, before its enslavement by the Yuuzhan Vong early in their invasion, would relate to Chiss visitors the coming of a world that hung in their sky for a month, burning and smoking. This certainly didn’t match the description of the lush and peaceful world given by Vergere, but it did match predictions of the sort of stresses the crust of a planet might experience by jumping in and out of gravity wells through hyperspace. No one had ever heard of such a feat before, so there was no experimental data on record, but most basic planetary science suggested that Zenoma Sekot would not have been unscathed by its precipitous jumps across the galaxy. Following this, it had retreated inward, toward the core of the galaxy,” – page 184
“Worlds upon worlds upon worlds upon worlds… Saba ranged among the records of civilizations dead, thriving, or newly born. There were a thousand new species to examine, but time didn’t allow her to linger too long on any of them; she could only touch fleetingly upon each, skimming over their aspirations and philosophies like a pebble across a pond.” - 168
All from Force Heretic Refugee.
How is it empty if it contains hundreds of thousands of stars with habitable planets that can have their own species?
It was late and I fucked up. I want some proof from you in the form of a quote from a lucas arts SW publication that it is part of the galactic halo.Uhm...yeah. That's my point. The UR is a sparsely populated galactic halo and certain sections of the galaxy wouldn't be simply lost or more difficult to get to.
Again, nothing that counters my point. You said it should have all been colonized. I point out it was, then forgotten. You ignore this, and go off on a tangent.I suppose there is a new Empire growing the Core Worlds that no one knows about. Adumar is simply technologically retarded. The Chiss are just a group of humans go awry somewhere. The Sith Empire was never lost--they traveled beyond known space and were later rediscovered which suggests hyperdrives and navigation technology was poorer in the past.
And I'd like to know how the Sith Empire was never lost according to you when in the same sentance you say they were "rediscovered"
Odd that the Droid factories were secretly reopened then, after being closed. I mean, if they went everywhere, then surely Geonosis would be operating at fill capacity instead of being shut down in favor of closer and thus cheaper core words of Mechis 3, right? Oops, this is not the case. They didn't go out there anymore, and the factories closed as a result. This is in a high tech era where hyperspace travel is common and easy. Yet you refuse to accept that they might stop going to an area for economic reasons back when you claim hyperdrive was shitty, and didn't go back because by the tiem hyperdrive got better those places were difficult to get to and the stuff was available close to hoime.Yet the Mining Guild keeps tabs on the billions of mining worlds throughout the spiral arms. Yet Tattooine was just as settled 4000 years before ANH.
We know the spiral arms don't have preferencial areas of resources and structure--there wouldn't be gaps of useless stuff. And the corporate entities of the Republic were quite expansionist.
Aside from the spiral galaxies where are easily explained as AOTC is a library map and the NJO maps a fucking road map/That's just absurd. Besides--the canon map in AOTC shows correct proportions and shows a galaxy that is not the erroneous maps' galaxy.
All rationalized. You only refiuse that because you think your assumptions are as good as canon, and ignore anyone else (IE Connor in the TL debate, my point about Missiles vs TLs)Circumstancial support from EU descriptions, and esp. from the canon and specific comment that all the star systems are known and mapped. Period.
You have some flimsy circumstantial evidence held together only because you sit there and keep screaming you are right. the vast majority of the evidence says I am right.
It is what it is. You are yet to provide any evidence to the contrary. I will repeat it again: Provide a quote from any official SW source stating the the UR is outside the galaxy proper and is a galactic halo.So let's adopt a clearly fucking stupid point of view that assumes the GFFA just generally avoided a section of the galactic disk for 1000s of years.
No, Rishi is not. It is specifically said to be a seperate dwarf galaxy.The galaxy could refer to the galactic disk, the region around the galactic disk or the overall halo. Keep in mind that areas that are technically not part of the galaxy proper, like Rishi, are considered part of "the galaxy."Ender wrote:The UR is part of the total volume of the galaxy, not an outside slice.“Hundreds of thousands of stars
It was easy to say the words, but much more difficult to comprehend what they actually meant. On a map, the Unknown Regions comprised only 15 percent of the total volume of the galaxy; but when that 15 percent became the search area for something as small as a planet - which on the cosmic scale was much, much smaller then a needle in a haystack – the true immensity of the task became all too apparent” – Force Heretic 2: Refugee page 246
The UR makes up 15% of what is called the Galaxy. Star clusters that fall at the edges are considered outside the galaxy (See the SSi Ruuk)
I emailed him about how he achieved the values for the 900 Gigajoule Blaster at the tail of Slave 1. He said that he went by the damage it is shown to do to other vessels in the comics in battles and assumed that Boba dialed down the power in the movie (which is supported by the novel). He chose official over canon.Where?
Again, rather then conceed that you were in error, you try and twist from the original point.You nitpick this. I admitted I used a red herring. Point is--the AOTC is still a higher canonical source than general EU and that is why.
Not a red herring. You claimed it was based soley on canon, a claim that is totally false.Red herring. TPM drew Coruscant from HttE. AOTC ICS is about the AOTC movie, and is thus not about EU and is thus closer to the movies.
Great, I'm at what Time Magazine rated as the 3rd hardest school on the planet, learning how to operate the most advanced technology mankind has under the most stressful possible conditions.Funny--I'm in one of the most competative international programs in existance,
So do I, and it's a safe bet that being enlisted eats up more time then anything a civillian doeshave a job,
And I have both as well. Now then, are we done comparing our dick sizes? I am.a girlfriend, and a set of friends.
So you claim you have a more time demanding life then me to support the fact that you have more free time then me. Think about that position, ok?Silly how that works.
And if you are putting in more then 83 hours a week (which is my average) at your work, I pity you.
You know, funny thing, after that thread I got PMs saying that people saw I was fighting you and what a pain in the ass you were. So apparently you are the only one who views it that way.Anyone who reads the thread can see how you're a liar and can't read cited sources. Enjoy. And Connor couldn't grasp that the VD described something that is universally contradicted by canon visuals, thus when the ICS offers an explanation that is at least partially supported by canon visuals, the ICS explanation is preferable.