Translation time:
"--Large Scale Space Battle at the beginning"
A few dozen [at most] Acclamators only [representing the entire Republic fleet] with similar numbers of fighters close in to <10 km with the Trade Federation battleships. The wussy TFBs actually manage to return some effective fire. But the Republic wins by some gay gimmick ripped off from the OT. Trekkies go wild by small TL detonations and call for more "ICS contradicted by canon" celebrations.
"--Most Lightsaber Battles ever in one movie"
A bunch of extras and lucky LFL employees/friends wave around lightsabers in ways that make the fat kid on all the internet movies seem skilled in comparison.
"--Mace Windu Battles a Sith Lord (?answer: "Possibly.......")"
And dies like a bitch, further wasting Sammy Jackson.
"--All battles will be of a very large scale (paraphrased: "bigger than Geonosis")"
And we won't know what the fuck is going on. And why is Bigger better anyway, if Lucas couldn't even handle Geonosis?
"--Episode III will bridge the gap between PT & OT"
They'll throw in some token OT 'retro' stuff.
"--Episode III will answer MOST unanswered questions."
Wow! Sidious is Palpatine! They memory-wiped the droids! Amidala ran away with the twins! Fuck, the prequels CREATED more questions than they will answer!!!
"--Episode III will be around 2 hours long"
Mostly filled by bullshit teary moments.
--Episode III will be rated PG
Yet it will be the "darkest" SW movie. [Heh, I guess that means Lucas will use dimmer lighting.]
--We will see A LOT of new worlds
For 5 seconds each, then the EU authors will pervert them horribly.
"--Hayden has really bulked up for the role. ("Arms as big as Rick's thighs")"
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that.
"--Anakin will be doing some evil things"
No way! But will it be cool or "yeah I killed all the sandpeople and you didn't even GET to see the good stuff!"
--Anakin's transition to Vader will be "intense"
Yes, the intensity of Hayden trying to act.
"--Jar Jar has less screen time than AOTC"
Great news. It's like hearing "The cancer is in remission. We'll only have to remove one testicle."
Better news would be this: The intensity of Jar-Jar's death is what will make the movie so dark and controversial. [Like that's gonna happen]
Man, if something like that happened, I could just see the whole theatregoing audience stand up and cheer like they do in the commercials when the DS1 blew up.
--Anakin vs. Obi-Wan will be "awesome"
HIGHLY subjective.
"--Rick personally wouldn't let a 3 year old see Episode III"
So what? I wouldn't let a 3 year old see TPM.
"--Expect a lot of great changes like Clonetroopers to Stormtroopers"
Yaaaayy! Piss all over the EU! Let's say that ISDs and the Executor are the only Imperial capital ships while we're at it.
"--Episode III has a more adventure feel to it "
I'll bet money it won't even hold a candle to Indiana Jones. AOTC had a "30's pulp SCI-FI" feel. It can have any "feel" and still suck.
"--Christopher Lee is in great shape, ready to go for Episode III"
So I can watch his great body along with Anakin. My dream come true.
"--Ben Burtt's back as sound designer"
Ok, that actually is good news.
--There's a new bad guy. ("Yes, expect someone serious.")
Yeah, I'm holding my breath.
--The emperor or Anakin will make use of the darkside of the force...ex..lightning or chokes. ("Yes, and even more.")
Prompting yet more "Why didn't they use this in the OT" questions and awkward rationalizations.
"--We will see some nice glorious deaths in Episode 3. ("Absolutely. None of these whimpy fights with droids.")"
I can only hope so.
What I am saying is that this news is still ambiguous. Yeah, EpIII could possibly not suck, but there's still plenty of room for plenty suckage. I remain skeptical and cynical after TPM and AOTC. SW prequels aren't about hopeful expectations any more, they're more like "How bad is it?"