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Re: Um... fill me in?

Post by Tosho »

Stark wrote:As a concerned non-American, could you explain a little more what the 700 club is? A link, thread etc would be great. They didn't really use a traumatised victim of abuse as some kind of object lesson did they?
Yes they did. :x

Heres some links:

Sun Sep 07, 2003 3:45 pm 666th post.
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Post by Stark »

The reason Operation Blessing was denied the grant from the federal government is because they ask on their applications for assistance from the poor if the applicants consider themselves saved from eternal damnation because they are observant Christians. They also ask the poor and homeless if they will, "go to heaven."
Oooer... they discriminate based on religous faith? Did they actually get that grant money(the site is a bit confused)? And this organisation has some kind of support from the US Federal Government?
"I hated myself and I hated God because I felt like God was the reason that everything had happened," she says.
Doesn't that mean she never ceased being a Christian? The whole article seems to be about how Evil Pagan Crystals can Ruin Your LIFE! :roll:
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Post by NecronLord »

The last best hope for secularism is that we outbreed them!

Which, given religious attitudes to sex, isn't very hard.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

Need I remind you, "Be fruitfull and multiply"
Thats why you have catholic families with 12 children that can only support 2.
A teenage girl is just a teenage boy who can get laid.

We're not just doing this for money; we're doing this for a shitload of money!
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Post by NecronLord »

Dark Hellion wrote:Need I remind you, "Be fruitfull and multiply"
Thats why you have catholic families with 12 children that can only support 2.
Ah, yah, but they generally end up being dissilusioned catholics once they find out how it ruined their parents. :)
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Post by Dark Hellion »

And disillusioned catholics turn to sex, then marry and have more disillusioned catholics. Pretty soon, only disillusioned catholics will be left.
A teenage girl is just a teenage boy who can get laid.

We're not just doing this for money; we're doing this for a shitload of money!
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

No, lots of those big families tend to be in poor agrarian societies in the third world, and grow up to be catholic typically, and ignorant. Of course it wouldn't be as hard here in the US.

Does no one here subscribe to IDT? Or at least have a comment about it?
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Post by Darth Gojira »

*Sings Le Marsielle in REALLY bad French*
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
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Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

It's that time again, and this time I'll dispense with the cornball 700 project opening. This one's a two parter.

In this episode:
-Natalie Cole talked about her life. How after her father died she turned to drugs and bad husbands, and then, after being caught for drugs in canada, she took god into her life. She made God a surrogate father figure, where her's had been a busy entertainer.
-Interesting news, there is a CBN branch in CHINA of all places. Speaking as a communist I am struck speechless that the Red Guard has gotten so lax in these years. Where is the rampant persecution of religion? Where are the beatings or detainings of missionaries and ministers? I think China has really gone soft in it's neoSocialist capitalism. Sad that.
-Scott Waddle, CO of the Uboat which collided with and sunk a Japanese fishing boat, wrote a BOOK about his ensuing media ordeal and how God helped him through it. There are three issues I found really odd/repugnant.
One, he is Capitalising on deaths that he cause through his incompetence.
Two, during the interview, he mentioned that at one point the thought went through his head to take the lives of his daughter, his wife, and himself so they would not have to go through the trauma of 15 minutes under a harsh spotlight. HOW DID HE PASS THE PSYCH EXAM.
Three, he is still in the navy and may be promoted to Captain.
-The last significant thing that happened was Gordon (Pat's idiot son) was filling in for Pat on the Bring It On bit. He advised a questioner that according to Ezekiel and Paul, not being a prosthelytising ass is a mortal sin.
-Oh and no praying today, how odd.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

Part Two of todays posting:
My Generic 700 club episode formulae::::

A: News for Fundies, mostly US. 10 minutes
B: a)World News
b)Sob story from third world with CBN to the rescue 10-15 minutes
C: Story of someone who was healed by their faith and obedience to god. 15 minutes
D: Book Interview 5-10 minutes
E: Prayer (optional) 5-10 minutes
F: Bring It On! Pat or Gordon hands out advice to questions, each one must have something to do with jesus.
G: Our Jewish Roots. they have a rabbi take a camera crew to historic sites in Isreal and explain them in simplistic terms.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

Wow, 700 club was really boring tonight, if you notice my time stamp, the hour's not even over yet.

-Quija Boards abomination, they bring demons, occult, destruction, death, etc.
-According to Paul, heaven is a hive mentality. Gorden finds the idea of people knowing his thoughts scary. :twisted:
-Petty family, bunch of fundies. Pray that Adam doesn't crash, adam crashes, find some way to justify faith in spite of loss.
Start a camp for terminally ill children, based on divine inspiration.
-Today's ep is just not exciting or controversial, not even political. Mostly just fundies taling about their hard lives, inspiration faith etc.
-Pat is afraid of lip readers now.
-PAX tv runs a show about a deaf detective lipreading FBI agent. Great

Well Sorry if this isn't very uppitifying you guys, which with the lack of posts I guess it isn't.
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Post by Slayen »

SyntaxVorlon wrote: -According to Paul, heaven is a hive mentality. Gorden finds the idea of people knowing his thoughts scary. :twisted:
.......... So heaven is the Collective........... this actually makes sence in an odd sort of way.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

In the interest of integrity I'll post my second to last and final synopses, but truth be told I'm getting damn tired of this.
Last Night's Ep:
-"We are really afraid of Muslims and will justify that fear by blowing news stories out of proportion and finding the nuttiest fundies to interview." Basically the 700's stance on that. For example, to give their viewers an example of scary fundies, they showed them a small group of Muslims who want to create a world Islamic government.
-Gordon is afraid of radical fundamentalists, oh the irony.
-CBN is in Indonesia saving babies, for God!
-Dumb fundies playing on rocks. Wife says husband had climbed up a large rock on a climbing trip, then against all reason and protest from his family, jumped to a smaller rock that would be safer to climb down. In the process breaking his ankle, falling the rest of the way and crushing a vertabrae. Wife drives to the nearest ranger station after leaving her sons to stay with their father, calls for help, and before going back, STOPS TO PRAY!!! Fundies like this ought to get an HM from Darwin just because the irony would be so delicious.
-Billy Graham's daughter has an unsatiable hunger for Jesus. Shoot me!
She gets flak from sexist pastors for being a female pastor. She says all women really want is jesus, or a husband like jesus. But they're probably against the idea of marrying jews.
-Gordon was BORN IN NYC!!!!! :evil: :evil: :x He's a closet yankees fan. This proves it, there is most certainly NO GOD. How the hell did he get that dumb accent?

Bring it on:
-Gordon makes idiotic claims about the truth behind jesus sightings
-God doesn't destroy the devil, why? Yada yada, apocalypse, yada.
-Diseases classified as "thorns" are demons that buffet the devil.(No, I don't know what it means.)
WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [ Image,Image, N(Image) ] don't you understand?
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Post by SeebianWurm »

SyntaxVorlon wrote:In the interest of integrity I'll post my second to last and final synopses, but truth be told I'm getting damn tired of this.
You're taking one for the team, letting us see the stupidity in a condensed format. Probably most enlightening to those who haven't seen the 700 Club before - lucky bastards - and a good reminder why you shouldn't watch it. Just get out before the goggles melt, and you should be fine.
[ Ye Olde Coked-Up Werewolf of the Late Knights ]

Fuck fish.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

This will be my final post on this topic, because quite frankly, I fear for my sanity. I can now empathize with the faculty of Miskatonic U.

This week has been focus on Muslims for the most part, they are trying their best to justify their fear that Muslim fundies will kill them.
-Jay Smith, an american Evangelist who lives in London, holds a debate on Islam and Christianity in Speaker's Corner in London. He believes that to curb serious fundamentalist groups, evangelists should focus more on converting the heavy right muslims.
Basically it's Christian Fundies and Islamic Fundies debating eachother who TRAIN to debate eachother.
-Power struggle in Mosque = Nation of Islam is intolerant and warlike.
Young muslim is traumatized by this power struggle, moved away, turned to drugs. Then turned to god and all was well. Though of course he had the pre existing condition of wanting desparately for someone to take up his burden and he found that in JESUS. AMEN!!! I'm starting to want Jesse Ventura back in office.

John Maxwell writes self help books based on scripture. One is about how you can take affirmations from biblical figures which he has so carefully analyzed for you. The other is sections of the bible which can make you a better leader.

A woman 'miraculously' revives after her friends and fam pray for her. Her EEG showed her as brain dead yet she woke up with no problems and no warning for nurses which probably means that her EEG wasn't working. Yada yada, life affirming, jesus saves REALLY!! yada.

And Brign it On.
- Is kissing wrong before marriage? Only if it tempts you further, then you should abstain from physical contact.(Because remember kids sex is dirty and wrong)
-Can you be too much of a fundie? No.(Sort of taken out of context but at this point I really don't care, I'm home free and I'll be in jamaica for the next few weeks)
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