New anime that you have just begun watching

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Post by Shadowhawk »

SHODAN wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:I just downloaded and watched the first episodes of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and Nurse Witch Kogumi-chan, but I'm not sure if I'll continue with 'em...they seem a bit too mahou shoujo for me.
Of course you will watch more Meraid Melody! Or I castrate you.

Pink Pearl Voice!
Aqua Pearl Voice!
Green Pearl Voice!

Kawaii little mermaid princesses in kawaii little dresses singing kawaii popsong making their evil, evil nemeses writhe in agony!

Does it have anything going for it, though? I mean, hell, the three girls they show in the op/ed just scream 'Sailor Moon!' Seems like it's Sailor Moon combined with Little Mermaid and Minmei-esque lethal singing.
And the odd shape at the bottom of the mermaids' eyes just weirds me out.
I think Nurse Witch Kogumi-chan was better, if only because it angled more towards parody.
Eric from ASVS
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Post by Datana »

Stuff that I've just begun watching? There are several (I'm kind of bored this summer).

Hoshi no Koe (Voices of a Distant Star): Watched the Director's Cut two weeks ago at the urging of a friend, then bought the DVD almost immediately afterwards. Unfortunately, said DVD is missing the Director's Cut audio track (even when the box art said it had it). Absolutely brilliant, especially considering that pretty much everything was done by one person on his iMac.

Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i: Watched up to episode 22. There are a lot of cliches in this series, but it's surprisingly compelling. Having the main characters be a once-divorced 49-year old boorish space trucker and a giant, death-dealing mech that behaves like a ten-year-old girl (with a crush on the first character) makes this one of the stranger mecha shows I've seen. The numerous translation errors and typos in the subtitle track (it's an official release by ADV), however, really drag it down.

.hack//SIGN: I've only seen four episodes of this so far, but it has some of the strangest direction I've seen. Scenes with no relation are butted up against one another, and massive jumps back and forth in time occur. This makes following the plot more difficult than it could be (but the cuts are there to intentionally disorient you). The music, however, is absolutely gorgeous; it could stand on its own without the rest of the series. I see why Monolith Soft decided to hire the composer of this for Xenosaga Episode II.

Uchuu no Stellvia (Universe's Stellvia): I don't think anyone's fansubbing this; I've only gotten it raw. Stopped at episode 10, as it just wasn't very compelling (episode 10 is my do-or-die point in whether to continue following a series). Typical "space cadet" anime with a genius main character (who really makes me think of a female version of Gundam SEED's Kira Yamato). Said character is an ubermensch compared to everyone else to the point where she's a Marissa Picard wannabe (with a boyfriend who matches her twinkiness (what do you call a male Mary Sue? D.J. Croft?)). There's absolutely no tension in this series at all -- even during the "big crisis" in episode 10, you know exactly what's going to happen, as it's telegraphed a full fifteen minutes in advance (with plenty of nonsubtle clues dropped the previous episodes). The HAB might be happy to note that most of the characters seem to find mecha absolutely repulsive and useless (though one saves the day in episode 10). The opening theme, however, is very catchy; I might get the OST simply for that.

Kiddy Grade: I finally picked this back up after being told by several people that it stops sucking hard after the tenth episode. I'm up to episode 16 and find the series now a Deus Ex ripoff (if with some interesting twists on the "government conspiracy" plot). This, however, is still a huge improvement over the original ten episodes I watched. I'll continue, and hope it gets better.
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Post by SHODAN »

Shadowhawk wrote:Does it have anything going for it, though?
No. Just forget it. Kawaii -hater.

Not that anyone cares but here is what I have been watching lately:

Kodomo no Omocha (grand amusement)
Epichu the Housekeeping Hamster (ecchi...)
Psychic Academy (boring)
Witch Hunter Robin (not going to change my avater yet, Durran)
Berserk (nah)
Kokoro Library (very....calm)
Divergence Eve (breasts)
Dirty Pair Flash (no comment)
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Just started watcvhing Evangelion, and its fairly interesting. Enough to keep my attention at any rate.
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Post by Iceberg »

Shadowhawk wrote:Since I got broadband a little over a month and a half ago, I've gone nuts downloading.

I'm caught up now with Naruto and One Piece (42 and 53 episodes respectively), and have all the GitS: SAC that's been released (but I've only watched 3 episodes; I'm finishing the rest of 'em in the next couple days).
I need to stop putting off watching the rest of Haibane Renmei; I love the show, but I just can't seem to sit down and watch six episodes at a time for some reason.
I just downloaded and watched the first episodes of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and Nurse Witch Kogumi-chan, but I'm not sure if I'll continue with 'em...they seem a bit too mahou shoujo for me.

I've watched the first episode of Texhnolyze, and didn't really get into it. I'll try a couple more episodes, though.
I've downloaded all of Scrapped Princess, but haven't started it yet.
I also got all of Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu and half the Deluxe episodes, but haven't really started them yet.
I'm still trying to find episodes 31-35 of Gundam SEED; it's like all the torrent sites just stop at 25 and continue at 36 for some reason. I managed to get 26-30 and 32 from AJ before the tracker died.

I'm watching Onegai Twins as its released.
I've got the entire series through 41. Anime-kingdom's fansub of Gundam SEED is far superior to Anime Junkies', but it doesn't pick up until episode 36. I have Aoshi (1), AnimeGundam (2-3), AnimeJunkies (4-36) and AnimeKingdom (37-end) fansubs.
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Post by LadyTevar »

.hack//Sign is fantastic. I think I'm even beginning to understand what's going on. :) Of course, I'm forced to watch the CartoonNetwork version, but since it's on the AdultSwim, they're not butchering it as much as normal. SirNitram and I are DLing as many of the songs as possible, they just rock.

Big O is the other 'must see' anime we're hooked on... CN's replaying the first season, and is going to start the second season, which I've been wanting to see.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I started watching Lost Universe. It's dubbed, but the for the most part the voices are decent. Also finished Onegai Teacher a while back.
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Post by Dalton »

Datana wrote:Hoshi no Koe (Voices of a Distant Star): Watched the Director's Cut two weeks ago at the urging of a friend, then bought the DVD almost immediately afterwards. Unfortunately, said DVD is missing the Director's Cut audio track (even when the box art said it had it). Absolutely brilliant, especially considering that pretty much everything was done by one person on his iMac.
This movie was spectacular. I want to see it again.
LadyTevar wrote:.hack//Sign is fantastic. I think I'm even beginning to understand what's going on. Of course, I'm forced to watch the CartoonNetwork version, but since it's on the AdultSwim, they're not butchering it as much as normal. SirNitram and I are DLing as many of the songs as possible, they just rock.
I found the few episodes I watched to be intensely boring...
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Post by Dalton »

Iceberg wrote:I've got the entire series through 41. Anime-kingdom's fansub of Gundam SEED is far superior to Anime Junkies', but it doesn't pick up until episode 36. I have Aoshi (1), AnimeGundam (2-3), AnimeJunkies (4-36) and AnimeKingdom (37-end) fansubs.
*grins at Mark*
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Most recently watched the All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OVA. Quite good, and Megumi Hayashibara as Nuku Nuku is just adorable... :mrgreen:
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Post by Iceberg »

Dalton wrote:
Iceberg wrote:I've got the entire series through 41. Anime-kingdom's fansub of Gundam SEED is far superior to Anime Junkies', but it doesn't pick up until episode 36. I have Aoshi (1), AnimeGundam (2-3), AnimeJunkies (4-36) and AnimeKingdom (37-end) fansubs.
*grins at Mark*
As soon as I get my property tax refund, jeez... :)

My cash reserves are a bit on the drained side right now.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

The quality of the fansubs for episodes of Tenchi Muyo! GXP after 10 or so have been garbage. If I don't find any others of better quality when I get back to UI, I might have to wait until FUNimation actually releases the damn series to be able to enjoy and follow it... :roll:
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Post by Shadowhawk »

Datana wrote:Stuff that I've just begun watching? There are several (I'm kind of bored this summer).

Hoshi no Koe (Voices of a Distant Star): Watched the Director's Cut two weeks ago at the urging of a friend, then bought the DVD almost immediately afterwards. Unfortunately, said DVD is missing the Director's Cut audio track (even when the box art said it had it). Absolutely brilliant, especially considering that pretty much everything was done by one person on his iMac.
Go here. You can get a replacement disc. I need to do this too.
Eric from ASVS
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Post by Shadowhawk »

LadyTevar wrote:.hack//Sign is fantastic. I think I'm even beginning to understand what's going on. :) Of course, I'm forced to watch the CartoonNetwork version, but since it's on the AdultSwim, they're not butchering it as much as normal. SirNitram and I are DLing as many of the songs as possible, they just rock.
The Limited Edition .hack//SIGN DVDs come with soundtracks. :)

The LE Vol1 box came with OST1, LE Vol2 came with OST2, and LE vol3 came with the .hack//LIMINALITY OST (it's the OVA that's being included with the .hack games).
If you want more music like .hack's, check out Noir's OSTs--they're by the same composer.
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
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Post by Datana »

Shadowhawk wrote:Go here. You can get a replacement disc. I need to do this too.
Thanks! The e-mail's been sent. Hopefully, ADV will take less than three months to process my request (like they did for my defective ZOE: Dolores disc -- I gave up and wrangled a new copy out of the retailer first (they were out of stock when I initially wanted to exchange)).
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Post by Rubberanvil »

Shadowhawk wrote: Nurse Witch Kogumi-chan, but I'm not sure if I'll continue with 'em...they seem a bit too mahou shoujo for me.
NWK is a sequel side-story OVA series to the Soul Taker series which Komugi made her first appearance(sp).

I'm currently watching Asagiri no Miko, Nanaka 6/17,
Dragon Drive, Scrapped Princess, Platinumhugen Ordian , Onegai Twins sequel to Onegai Teacher, Tokyo Underground , and Tenshi na Konamaiki .
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