Darth Wong wrote:Connor MacLeod wrote:Wasn't Curtis also credited on "Worlds of AOTC" though as well? That suggests he is being kept on still. Hell, they still use DWR, so I imagine they would still use Curtis.
True; it's mostly Illuminatus Primus' comment that has me concerned. Mind you, I have no idea what his inside connection is or how good it is, so all of this might be mere vapour.
It doesnt surprise me. Novelists of all kinds, even in the non-technical manuals, have consulted various sources on the web and off in the past (check the credits for many sources.) Hell, weren't Rob Brown and Curtis also credited in Rebel Dawn ffor information on the Falcon in addition to the OT ICS?
And lets not forget Dan Wallace, who I also believe started out as a mere fan and has authored quite a few books (including the Anakin Skywalker "story of Darth Vader" one that gave us the "multimegaton compression bomb" asteroid reference

) Wallace isn't exactly Curtis's level, but he's impressed me before. (He was the one who explicitly quantified the Nar Shaddaa BDZ as reducing a planet to "molten slag" in the Essential Chronology, so he seems to be at least of a similar mind of Curtis, at least IMHO.)
Basically, you have all the different factions or writers and authors having their own little "niches" of resources it would seem. That TFN would be included does not surprise me in the least. I fail to see why it should be such a big deal though, since a.) its clearly happened since the novels started being published and insofar as inconsistnecies and fuckups go, it could have been much worse, and b.) failing that, we have an established canon hierarchy to fall back on (with the ICS's and VD's of higher status than the others, thus further suggesting that a mindset more like Curtis's is becoming more dominant at LFL.)
So long as the authoring of SW novels encompasses numerous and diverse writers, I fail to see how this will stop. And to be frank, I'm not sure I would neccesarily like a "small and standardized" roster of authors, even if Curtis were apart of it.