[POLL] B&B or Wong?

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Who would Trekkies Trust Most With the Future of Trek?

Mike Wong
Total votes: 63

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Post by Superman »

I think Wong is too intelligent for the average TV viewing retard. You know what I mean? Look how many people actually watched Voyager and liked it. Having intelligence in the series would immediately alienate that crowd that likes, and only understands, the simpleton cliche's that Voyager so shamelessly put forth. "Well the ratings are down so let's wussify the Borg, introduce a big chested blonde and fuck up any and all continuity." I'm sure Wong could come up with something a bit more intelligent than that. You know? Most intelligent shows don't last more than a couple seasons because the average TV watcher is an idiot. The average TV watcher makes shows like "American Idol" and "Joe Millionaire" reach number one in the Nielsons. Screw you, you bunch of fuck tards.

Anyway, of course D. Wong would do a better job.
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Post by Lord_Xerxes »

Superman wrote:I think Wong is too intelligent for the average TV viewing retard. You know what I mean? Look how many people actually watched Voyager and liked it. Having intelligence in the series would immediately alienate that crowd that likes, and only understands, the simpleton cliche's that Voyager so shamelessly put forth. "Well the ratings are down so let's wussify the Borg, introduce a big chested blonde and fuck up any and all continuity." I'm sure Wong could come up with something a bit more intelligent than that. You know? Most intelligent shows don't last more than a couple seasons because the average TV watcher is an idiot. The average TV watcher makes shows like "American Idol" and "Joe Millionaire" reach number one in the Nielsons. Screw you, you bunch of fuck tards.

Anyway, of course D. Wong would do a better job.
I think this is an extremely valid point here. I think in making the show more logical, much of the fan base might be turned off. But then again, if the episodes and storylines were raised up from the piles of crap they are now, and things like continuity actually paid attention to, then maybe the show could attract an equal or greater number of turned-on viewers. I'm certainly no fan of Trek, but if Mike was working on it, I'd surely tune in to check it out.
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Post by Trogdor »

Just because a bunch of idiots watched Voyager to see Seven of Nine run around in a catsuit doesn't mean that good Trek won't be popular. Sure, it'll lose some fans, but it'll gain more new ones. Besides, I don't think Mike would ditch the good looking women, they've been an integral part of trek since TOS. Trek is, or was, an intelligent franchise. If Mike were to restore that and make the shows stop screwing with continuity, then it'll attract the same kind of viewers that TOS and TNG had as well as bring back some of the diehard fans who've been disgusted away by ENT.
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Post by darthdavid »

who in fecking hell voted for b&b? Have we started allowing lobotomised zombie slaves to sign up?
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

It says "Who would Trekkies TRUST" not who would be better?
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

So where's the mob with Torches and Pitchforks when we need to replace Berman and Bragga?

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Post by Superman »

Where's my torch...?
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