Moderator: Thanas
The People's Republic of Corneria began shortly after The Fall. It was originally a rebellious sector of the Third Empire, the split off, like many others throughout the multiverse, during The Fall. It managed to keep much of the technology of the Third Empire. Since it began it has absorbed a few other local powers, such as a colony of an apparently now vanished state known as the Oceania Union.
Theoritically a democractic republic. In practice, a single party dictatorship. The ruling CSP party is the only party legally allowed. The Party Chairman effectively rules the entire state.
Possessions and Territory
The home system has two major worlds, one of which is Corneria. There are another forty some major worlds within it's sphere of control, near the southwestern galactic edge. They are organized into 5 sectors, each with a sector capital.
Power is mostly supplied by direct conversion devices. These take in matter, and turn it into energy, extremely efficiently (If they didn't, the device would explode).
Missiles are mostly based off a DC device, and a drive mechanism, with the DC device encapsulating the fuel(usually Osmium, except for the most powerful missiles, which use neutronium). They usually have built in shielding systems to survive their trip through the interstellar medium. They are normally command operated until near the terminal phase, but can work autonomously based off a sophisticated IFF system.
Drive systems are based off of distortions in space-time. This allows speeds from sublight, to low superlight speeds. For higher superlight speeds, the Chronimetric Hyperfold is used, which results in a near instantenous to outside observers travel, and has an effective speed of infinity. Note the time does pass inside the ship, and that the amount of time that passes is proportional to the amount of distance traveled.
Beam weaponry is based mostly off of high speed continuous particle beams. This uses a negligible amount of mass, due to the near-c speed of the beam.
Shields absorb the energy if the weapons, and reradiate the energy into space. The greater the amount of energy in the shields, the faster the shields reradiate it. If the energy in the shields is greater than the design threshold, the shield interface collapses, releasing the enrgy in the shields with most of the energy going outward in an explosion. Some energy does get thrown inward. Note that the same thing happens when shields are intentionally shutdown, which is why PLN ships have multiple layers of shielding. When all the layers are gone, the result is typically the flashfrying of all external sensors. The reradiation results in the ship literally glowing during combat, with the color depending on how much energy is being radiated.
Communications is usually handled via ansible, which is effectively an unjammable, point to point, instantenous communication mechanism. Note that communication intercepts are categorically impossible. It is theoritically possible to bug one of the computers on one side or the other of the communication, however. Other methods used are radio and laser.
The fleet
The fleet is divided into 7 parts, one for each of the outer sectors, two under the control of the central sector, and one fleet unattached to any sector. Ships might not always stay inside one fleet for the entirety of their life, but switched around as needs require.
The general philosophy of the shipwrights is to have as large of a missile broadside as possible. This has resulted in a sector fleet being able to launch greater than one million shipkiller missiles in a single broadside, exclusive of fighters and bombers. Another consequence of this philosophy, is insanely great point defence. There is very little armoring done to the ships, mostly just enough to withstand micrometoerites while the shields are down, and to be able to withstand the explosion that occurs when the shields fall.
The ships
72 Troy-class DN
40 Artemis-class CA
120 Indominatable-class CA
72 Yarmuk-class CV
600 Aegis-class DD
300 Rokuro-class FF
1 NSS commandship
6 Harrington-class mobile command bases
Innummerable fleet tenders, resupply ships, laundry ships, etc.
Fleet org:
1st & 3rd fleets:
12 Troy
20 Artemis
12 Yarmuk
80 Aegis
30 Rokuro
4-7th fleets:
12 Troy
20 Indominatable
12 Yarmuk
80 Aegis
30 Rokuro
2nd fleet:
40 Indominatable
120 Aegis
120 Rokuro
Ship details:
Fairly powerful battleships. They have hefty energy batteries in addition to their massive missile salvos. Typically operate in packs, spread out, to keep the immense radiation of their shields from impiging on the shields of their sisters. All usually have command spaces, with the second or later in command of the fleet on it.
Like the Troy class, usually operates in a pack of it's sisters. The exception is that 4 in a fleet usually work as leaders for roughly 20 of the destroyers in the fleet.
Similar to the Artemis class, but older. Being replaced when a flight of 20 Artemis is finished construction, at which point the Indominatables in the fleet get replaced in a block.
The sole carrier design in the PRC navy. Roughly the same size as the Indominatable class, in fact, based upon the same hull. Next class to be replaced. Fighters are a rather deprecated idea in the PLN due to the excellent point defense. Almost always operates with a small group of frigates only.
Work horse of the PRC navy. Operates singly or in groups. Considered to have a wonderful balance between number and firepower. Occassionally used for escort duties.
Usually used as patrol ship or a scout. Lightly armed, but fast, and relatively heavily shielded. Fairly small magazines, and heavier energy armament than is typical of PRC ships. Often used for customs details, and for escort.
officially, No Such Ship exists. It houses most of the PRC's high yield/special weapons deterrant. It also houses the ansible hub that allows most of the PLN's ships to communicate with each other. Location is a highly classified secret, and never is approached by the regular ships of the PLN.
These mobile bases are usually used to defend new annexed world against outside agression. They are some of the single largest structures built, and are amongst the most heavily shielded. They include massive ammo storage bays, along with large fuel tanks, to easily resupply nearby ships. Also included in the design are several bays where damaged ships can be repaired or cannabilzed. They, like many of the worlds of the PRC, are defended primarily by Tsukiru orbital defense satelites.
EDIT: added ships which make up my navy, and significant characteristics
The People's Republic of Corneria began shortly after The Fall. It was originally a rebellious sector of the Third Empire, the split off, like many others throughout the multiverse, during The Fall. It managed to keep much of the technology of the Third Empire. Since it began it has absorbed a few other local powers, such as a colony of an apparently now vanished state known as the Oceania Union.
Theoritically a democractic republic. In practice, a single party dictatorship. The ruling CSP party is the only party legally allowed. The Party Chairman effectively rules the entire state.
Possessions and Territory
The home system has two major worlds, one of which is Corneria. There are another forty some major worlds within it's sphere of control, near the southwestern galactic edge. They are organized into 5 sectors, each with a sector capital.
Power is mostly supplied by direct conversion devices. These take in matter, and turn it into energy, extremely efficiently (If they didn't, the device would explode).
Missiles are mostly based off a DC device, and a drive mechanism, with the DC device encapsulating the fuel(usually Osmium, except for the most powerful missiles, which use neutronium). They usually have built in shielding systems to survive their trip through the interstellar medium. They are normally command operated until near the terminal phase, but can work autonomously based off a sophisticated IFF system.
Drive systems are based off of distortions in space-time. This allows speeds from sublight, to low superlight speeds. For higher superlight speeds, the Chronimetric Hyperfold is used, which results in a near instantenous to outside observers travel, and has an effective speed of infinity. Note the time does pass inside the ship, and that the amount of time that passes is proportional to the amount of distance traveled.
Beam weaponry is based mostly off of high speed continuous particle beams. This uses a negligible amount of mass, due to the near-c speed of the beam.
Shields absorb the energy if the weapons, and reradiate the energy into space. The greater the amount of energy in the shields, the faster the shields reradiate it. If the energy in the shields is greater than the design threshold, the shield interface collapses, releasing the enrgy in the shields with most of the energy going outward in an explosion. Some energy does get thrown inward. Note that the same thing happens when shields are intentionally shutdown, which is why PLN ships have multiple layers of shielding. When all the layers are gone, the result is typically the flashfrying of all external sensors. The reradiation results in the ship literally glowing during combat, with the color depending on how much energy is being radiated.
Communications is usually handled via ansible, which is effectively an unjammable, point to point, instantenous communication mechanism. Note that communication intercepts are categorically impossible. It is theoritically possible to bug one of the computers on one side or the other of the communication, however. Other methods used are radio and laser.
The fleet
The fleet is divided into 7 parts, one for each of the outer sectors, two under the control of the central sector, and one fleet unattached to any sector. Ships might not always stay inside one fleet for the entirety of their life, but switched around as needs require.
The general philosophy of the shipwrights is to have as large of a missile broadside as possible. This has resulted in a sector fleet being able to launch greater than one million shipkiller missiles in a single broadside, exclusive of fighters and bombers. Another consequence of this philosophy, is insanely great point defence. There is very little armoring done to the ships, mostly just enough to withstand micrometoerites while the shields are down, and to be able to withstand the explosion that occurs when the shields fall.
The ships
72 Troy-class DN
40 Artemis-class CA
120 Indominatable-class CA
72 Yarmuk-class CV
600 Aegis-class DD
300 Rokuro-class FF
1 NSS commandship
6 Harrington-class mobile command bases
Innummerable fleet tenders, resupply ships, laundry ships, etc.
Fleet org:
1st & 3rd fleets:
12 Troy
20 Artemis
12 Yarmuk
80 Aegis
30 Rokuro
4-7th fleets:
12 Troy
20 Indominatable
12 Yarmuk
80 Aegis
30 Rokuro
2nd fleet:
40 Indominatable
120 Aegis
120 Rokuro
Ship details:
Fairly powerful battleships. They have hefty energy batteries in addition to their massive missile salvos. Typically operate in packs, spread out, to keep the immense radiation of their shields from impiging on the shields of their sisters. All usually have command spaces, with the second or later in command of the fleet on it.
Like the Troy class, usually operates in a pack of it's sisters. The exception is that 4 in a fleet usually work as leaders for roughly 20 of the destroyers in the fleet.
Similar to the Artemis class, but older. Being replaced when a flight of 20 Artemis is finished construction, at which point the Indominatables in the fleet get replaced in a block.
The sole carrier design in the PRC navy. Roughly the same size as the Indominatable class, in fact, based upon the same hull. Next class to be replaced. Fighters are a rather deprecated idea in the PLN due to the excellent point defense. Almost always operates with a small group of frigates only.
Work horse of the PRC navy. Operates singly or in groups. Considered to have a wonderful balance between number and firepower. Occassionally used for escort duties.
Usually used as patrol ship or a scout. Lightly armed, but fast, and relatively heavily shielded. Fairly small magazines, and heavier energy armament than is typical of PRC ships. Often used for customs details, and for escort.
officially, No Such Ship exists. It houses most of the PRC's high yield/special weapons deterrant. It also houses the ansible hub that allows most of the PLN's ships to communicate with each other. Location is a highly classified secret, and never is approached by the regular ships of the PLN.
These mobile bases are usually used to defend new annexed world against outside agression. They are some of the single largest structures built, and are amongst the most heavily shielded. They include massive ammo storage bays, along with large fuel tanks, to easily resupply nearby ships. Also included in the design are several bays where damaged ships can be repaired or cannabilzed. They, like many of the worlds of the PRC, are defended primarily by Tsukiru orbital defense satelites.
EDIT: added ships which make up my navy, and significant characteristics
Last edited by Beowulf on 2003-11-10 05:03am, edited 1 time in total.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 637
- Joined: 2002-11-18 08:10pm
- Location: somewhere I don't want to be
The Sloth Imperium (TSI)
The Sloth Imperium rose to power shortly about 200 years ago, when it felt that the old system was moving too slow. Now with stable peace within their own system there Emperor, Ibid, as lead them on a quicker course. As the Emperor approaches the age of 240 we see two possibilities to take his place; one, his daughter, Celephais who seems to have the respect of the people as a capable leader; and second, Marshal Carter who is a proven leader and brilliant tactician.
On average each Sloth stands about two meters, and weighs about 116 kilograms. Their fur is white, but has small but intense burst of color stripes running down their back side, usually a violet or blue. Over the course of time their paws have evolved to include a thumb, while they do retain their ancestral claws they are not for the same purpose as they once were, they range in size of 6-8 cm. As in the earth bound version they move at a usually slow pace, but can move fast when needed. Completely herbivore their diet consist completely of leaves. They are able to reproduce once a year and the mother races the young tell an age of 8.
Due to their inherent slothfulness they have become quite deft in the creation of drones to serve menial tasks, freeing people up to follow their own interest. A barter system is used within the system while limited currency is used with outside trade, usually in the form of raw materials.
The Imperium is an empire only in named. The Emperor is little more then a figure head, but his approval is needed for all major decisions affecting the well being of the Imperium. The Marshal takes care of all military procedures, submitting only to the royal family. After them are the council bodies that deal out justice and help create laws, all of these people are subjected to scrutiny by the people to make sure they do their job correctly. Each one can be removed if a significant amount of the people feels they have failed, or if it has come to the attention of the Emperor he can dismiss them himself.
Soth1-19 averaging about 16 billion citizens
600 Out-Post
Command Ships
Hull Size- 8km/1km/1km
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 40TT/sec
Armament-160 missile tubes (10MT)
40 AM Missile tubes (20TT)
100 lasers (100GT)
1000 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
1000 Drones (Bits)
40 Shuttles
10 Destroyers
Assault Carriers
Hulls Size- 1km
Sensor Range- 360LY (4LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 30TT/sec
Armament-80 missile tubes (10MT)
4 AM Missile tubes (20TT)
20 lasers (100GT)
400 PD lasers (1 MT)
40 tractor beams
300 Drones (Bits)
10 Shuttles
2 Destroyers
Hulls Size- 300m
Sensor Range- 300LY (4LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 16TT/sec
Armament-20 missile tubes (10MT)
8 lasers (100GT)
60 PD lasers (1 MT)
10 tractor beams
120 Drones (Bits)
4 Shuttles
Hulls Size- 30m
Sensor Range- 100LY (2LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Shields- 10GT/sec
Armament- 2 missile tubes (10MT)
4 PD lasers (1MT)
1 tractor beam
Drone (Bit)
Hulls Size- 6m
Sensor range- same as ship carrying it
Engines- Ion Drives
Shields- 30GT/sec
Armament- 1 laser (10MT)
Scout Ship
Hull Size- 60m
Shields- 80GT/sec
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Space- Fold Space
Sensor Range- 200LY (3LS targeting)
Armament- 6 Drones (Bits)
Hull Size- 1km
Sensor Range- 400LY (4LS targeting)
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 30TT/sec
Armament-100 PD lasers (1 MT)
20 tractor beams
100 Drones (Bits)
4 Destroyers
10 Shuttles
Task Force 01-06
1 Command Ship
40 Assault Carriers
100 Destroyers
400 Scout Ships
100 Destroyers patrolling territory at all times
1000 Scout Ships partolling territory at all times
The Sloth Imperium rose to power shortly about 200 years ago, when it felt that the old system was moving too slow. Now with stable peace within their own system there Emperor, Ibid, as lead them on a quicker course. As the Emperor approaches the age of 240 we see two possibilities to take his place; one, his daughter, Celephais who seems to have the respect of the people as a capable leader; and second, Marshal Carter who is a proven leader and brilliant tactician.
On average each Sloth stands about two meters, and weighs about 116 kilograms. Their fur is white, but has small but intense burst of color stripes running down their back side, usually a violet or blue. Over the course of time their paws have evolved to include a thumb, while they do retain their ancestral claws they are not for the same purpose as they once were, they range in size of 6-8 cm. As in the earth bound version they move at a usually slow pace, but can move fast when needed. Completely herbivore their diet consist completely of leaves. They are able to reproduce once a year and the mother races the young tell an age of 8.
Due to their inherent slothfulness they have become quite deft in the creation of drones to serve menial tasks, freeing people up to follow their own interest. A barter system is used within the system while limited currency is used with outside trade, usually in the form of raw materials.
The Imperium is an empire only in named. The Emperor is little more then a figure head, but his approval is needed for all major decisions affecting the well being of the Imperium. The Marshal takes care of all military procedures, submitting only to the royal family. After them are the council bodies that deal out justice and help create laws, all of these people are subjected to scrutiny by the people to make sure they do their job correctly. Each one can be removed if a significant amount of the people feels they have failed, or if it has come to the attention of the Emperor he can dismiss them himself.
Soth1-19 averaging about 16 billion citizens
600 Out-Post
Command Ships
Hull Size- 8km/1km/1km
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 40TT/sec
Armament-160 missile tubes (10MT)
40 AM Missile tubes (20TT)
100 lasers (100GT)
1000 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
1000 Drones (Bits)
40 Shuttles
10 Destroyers
Assault Carriers
Hulls Size- 1km
Sensor Range- 360LY (4LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 30TT/sec
Armament-80 missile tubes (10MT)
4 AM Missile tubes (20TT)
20 lasers (100GT)
400 PD lasers (1 MT)
40 tractor beams
300 Drones (Bits)
10 Shuttles
2 Destroyers
Hulls Size- 300m
Sensor Range- 300LY (4LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 16TT/sec
Armament-20 missile tubes (10MT)
8 lasers (100GT)
60 PD lasers (1 MT)
10 tractor beams
120 Drones (Bits)
4 Shuttles
Hulls Size- 30m
Sensor Range- 100LY (2LS targeting)
Engines- Ion Drives
Shields- 10GT/sec
Armament- 2 missile tubes (10MT)
4 PD lasers (1MT)
1 tractor beam
Drone (Bit)
Hulls Size- 6m
Sensor range- same as ship carrying it
Engines- Ion Drives
Shields- 30GT/sec
Armament- 1 laser (10MT)
Scout Ship
Hull Size- 60m
Shields- 80GT/sec
Engines- Ion Drives
Hyper Space- Fold Space
Sensor Range- 200LY (3LS targeting)
Armament- 6 Drones (Bits)
Hull Size- 1km
Sensor Range- 400LY (4LS targeting)
Hyper Drives- Fold Space
Shields- 30TT/sec
Armament-100 PD lasers (1 MT)
20 tractor beams
100 Drones (Bits)
4 Destroyers
10 Shuttles
Task Force 01-06
1 Command Ship
40 Assault Carriers
100 Destroyers
400 Scout Ships
100 Destroyers patrolling territory at all times
1000 Scout Ships partolling territory at all times
Last edited by God Emperor on 2003-11-05 06:41pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
- Crayz9000
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I'll have the force declaration for the Corporate Sector (Corporate Protection Force and Quaynar Industries, primarily) posted sometime today. By the way, once we get started, if anyone has a company and wants to join the CS they're free to.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
- Crayz9000
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Ok, here it is as promised.
The Corporate Sector
The Corporate Sector has approximately 25 heavily industrialized worlds under its control, as well as approximately 300 mining worlds and colonies. Only 200 light-years from the border of the United Terran Republic, the Corporate Sector was formed by several UTR corporations after Queen Halite's invasion tore the United Terran Republic apart and forced it to become a defensive society. These corporations realized the need to protect their holdings in the absence of a government, and thus created a governing corporation that, independent from its member corporations, could focus on patrolling the small area of space and negociating trade agreements with neighboring regions.
Quaynar Industries
Founded in 1988, approximately 3000 years before the present, Quaynar Industries began as the primary defence contractor of the SCEF through that government's founding years. Through the expansion period, Quaynar Industries grew with the fledgling SoCal government to the point where the SCEF filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. It was proven that Quaynar Industries had a monopoly on many industries, and the company was broken into smaller components.
By the time of Queen Halite's invasion, Quaynar had far surpassed its previous size, to the point where it owned the entire Sirius and Deneb star systems and had almost a hundred mining worlds under its direct control. However, the invasion stretched the UTR Navy to its breaking point, forcing Quaynar to evacuate and destroy many of its mines.
Two hundred years after Halite's defeat at the Third Battle of Yarmuk, a recovering Quaynar Industries found most of its holdings now lay outside the domain of the reduced UTR. Attacks by pirates began to become commonplace, and Quaynar executives approached the other industry companies that had external holdings, with an offer to create a new over-corporation that would provide security. The end result of these negociations was the Corporate Sector.
Corporate Defense Force
The Corporate Defense Force is the division of the Corporate Sector government tasked with patrolling space and enforing the law. It is subdivided into three branches:
CDFN Nomenclature
BBC = Battleship, command
BB = Battleship
BC = Battlecruiser
CA = Heavy Cruiser
CRS = Cruiser
CL = Light Cruiser
DD = Destroyer
DE = Destroyer Escort
CDFN Weapons
Heavy Railgun: 2m exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs.
Medium Railgun: 500cm exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel
Light Railgun: 100cm exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel
Turbolasers: All turbolasers are standard, derived from old Kuat
designs. Tibanna gas is used for ammunition.
Ion cannons: All ion cannons are standard, derived from old Kuat
CIWS: The Guardian Block 2A CIWS is a fully modular system for any warship, with its own fusion generator and fuel tanks in the event of a shipwide power failure. Guardian 2A CIWS batteries contain 16x 10GW continuous-beam LASERs and 40x 20mm railguns, arranged in 8 independently-targetable blocks of weapons (4 LASER, 4 railgun). ROF of each
railgun cluster is 2,000 rounds per minute. The Guardian Block 2A is built by Hirsch Defense Systems and is available for purchase.
MK 12 MLMS: The Mark 12 Multiple-Launch Missile System batteries each contain 16 independent missile cells. MK 12 accepts a variety of missiles, each specialized against various targets, which all have standard canisters.
Ships of the Corporate Defense Force
Note: All CDFN warships have standard SW-level shields.
Sonoma-class BBC
The Sonoma-class commandship is a relic of the pre-war days, and its initial design dates back almost 3000 years to the First Skaarj War. The original design posessed firepower equal to that of two Executor-class commandships. However, due to the scarcity of resources post-war, the number of guns and defenses was dramatically reduced, while the command facilities were extensively enhanced to provide full fleet coordination. The CDFS Vanguard was the only one in its production run.
Keel length: 18.3km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 64 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 150,000
100 heavy railguns
300 medium railguns
600 light railguns
250 ion cannons
250 MLMS batteries
2400 CIWS batteries
Artemis-class BC
A fairly new battlecruiser design, the Artemis represents the cutting edge of warship design. It is heavily compartmentalized to reduce battle damage, has a power output higher than any older ship of its size, and is highly lethal. The Artemis has been in production for 5 years as of now, and is available for purchase from Vega Space Engineering. Estimated construction time is 90 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 4.14km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 6 starfighter wings
Average crew: 74,050
16 heavy railguns
40 medium railguns
60 light railguns
24 heavy turbolasers
160 medium turbolasers
48 ion cannons
36 MLMS batteries
350 CIWS batteries
Siberia-class CA
One of Quaynar Industries' earliest warship designs, older than the Sonoma-class by a number of years. This can be seen in its form, which resembles the familiar dagger shape of the Kuat Drive Yards warships - although there are some exceptions, among them the protrusions toward the stern of the vessel, which conceal the two solar ionization reactors. It is comparable in firepower to the slightly smaller Allegiance-class Star
Destroyer of Kuat design.
The Siberia has proven to be a highly reliable heavy cruiser through many hundreds of years of use. A tried-and-true design, it is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 45 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 2.4km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 4 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 46,000
24 medium railguns
40 light railguns
16 heavy turbolasers
120 medium turbolasers
50 ion cannons
20 MLMS batteries
260 CIWS batteries
Ares-class CL
Named for the Greek god of war, the Ares is the smallest ship capable of single-handedly destroying the ecosystem of an unshielded terrestrial planet. However, this was not its primary function; the ship is designed to function as a cruiser in fleet-to-fleet operations. It is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 1.9km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 2 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 35,000
16 medium railguns
24 light railguns
8 heavy turbolasers
64 medium turbolasers
24 ion cannons
12 MLMS batteries
180 CIWS batteries
Order of Battle
CDFN First Fleet
1 Sonoma-class BBC, CDFS Vanguard
4 Artemis-class BC
16 Siberia-class CA
50 Ares-class CL
200 DD
400 DDE
1000 various support ships, from corvettes to fleet tenders
CDFN Second Fleet
1 Artemis-class BC, CDFS Defender (modified for command capabilities)
5 Artemis-class BC
16 Siberia-class CA
50 Ares-class CL
200 DD
400 DDE
1000 various support ships, from corvettes to fleet tenders
The Corporate Sector
The Corporate Sector has approximately 25 heavily industrialized worlds under its control, as well as approximately 300 mining worlds and colonies. Only 200 light-years from the border of the United Terran Republic, the Corporate Sector was formed by several UTR corporations after Queen Halite's invasion tore the United Terran Republic apart and forced it to become a defensive society. These corporations realized the need to protect their holdings in the absence of a government, and thus created a governing corporation that, independent from its member corporations, could focus on patrolling the small area of space and negociating trade agreements with neighboring regions.
Quaynar Industries
Founded in 1988, approximately 3000 years before the present, Quaynar Industries began as the primary defence contractor of the SCEF through that government's founding years. Through the expansion period, Quaynar Industries grew with the fledgling SoCal government to the point where the SCEF filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. It was proven that Quaynar Industries had a monopoly on many industries, and the company was broken into smaller components.
By the time of Queen Halite's invasion, Quaynar had far surpassed its previous size, to the point where it owned the entire Sirius and Deneb star systems and had almost a hundred mining worlds under its direct control. However, the invasion stretched the UTR Navy to its breaking point, forcing Quaynar to evacuate and destroy many of its mines.
Two hundred years after Halite's defeat at the Third Battle of Yarmuk, a recovering Quaynar Industries found most of its holdings now lay outside the domain of the reduced UTR. Attacks by pirates began to become commonplace, and Quaynar executives approached the other industry companies that had external holdings, with an offer to create a new over-corporation that would provide security. The end result of these negociations was the Corporate Sector.
Corporate Defense Force
The Corporate Defense Force is the division of the Corporate Sector government tasked with patrolling space and enforing the law. It is subdivided into three branches:
- Naval Affairs Division
This branch maintains and operates the CDFN, and is responsible for any
large-scale conflicts. - Ground Affairs Division
Responsible for all ground actions, the Ground Affairs Division maintains their own transport craft for moving tanks and other vehicles between planets, although they work in concert with the Naval Affairs Division. - Security and Defense Division
The largest and most diversified of the four branches, the CDF-SD is responsible for all security operations, including but not limited to law enforcement, border patrol, datanet security and espionage prevention.
CDFN Nomenclature
BBC = Battleship, command
BB = Battleship
BC = Battlecruiser
CA = Heavy Cruiser
CRS = Cruiser
CL = Light Cruiser
DD = Destroyer
DE = Destroyer Escort
CDFN Weapons
Heavy Railgun: 2m exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs.
Medium Railgun: 500cm exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel
Light Railgun: 100cm exit diameter. Fires ferrous-alloy durasteel
Turbolasers: All turbolasers are standard, derived from old Kuat
designs. Tibanna gas is used for ammunition.
Ion cannons: All ion cannons are standard, derived from old Kuat
CIWS: The Guardian Block 2A CIWS is a fully modular system for any warship, with its own fusion generator and fuel tanks in the event of a shipwide power failure. Guardian 2A CIWS batteries contain 16x 10GW continuous-beam LASERs and 40x 20mm railguns, arranged in 8 independently-targetable blocks of weapons (4 LASER, 4 railgun). ROF of each
railgun cluster is 2,000 rounds per minute. The Guardian Block 2A is built by Hirsch Defense Systems and is available for purchase.
MK 12 MLMS: The Mark 12 Multiple-Launch Missile System batteries each contain 16 independent missile cells. MK 12 accepts a variety of missiles, each specialized against various targets, which all have standard canisters.
Ships of the Corporate Defense Force
Note: All CDFN warships have standard SW-level shields.
Sonoma-class BBC
The Sonoma-class commandship is a relic of the pre-war days, and its initial design dates back almost 3000 years to the First Skaarj War. The original design posessed firepower equal to that of two Executor-class commandships. However, due to the scarcity of resources post-war, the number of guns and defenses was dramatically reduced, while the command facilities were extensively enhanced to provide full fleet coordination. The CDFS Vanguard was the only one in its production run.
Keel length: 18.3km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 64 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 150,000
100 heavy railguns
300 medium railguns
600 light railguns
250 ion cannons
250 MLMS batteries
2400 CIWS batteries
Artemis-class BC
A fairly new battlecruiser design, the Artemis represents the cutting edge of warship design. It is heavily compartmentalized to reduce battle damage, has a power output higher than any older ship of its size, and is highly lethal. The Artemis has been in production for 5 years as of now, and is available for purchase from Vega Space Engineering. Estimated construction time is 90 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 4.14km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 6 starfighter wings
Average crew: 74,050
16 heavy railguns
40 medium railguns
60 light railguns
24 heavy turbolasers
160 medium turbolasers
48 ion cannons
36 MLMS batteries
350 CIWS batteries
Siberia-class CA
One of Quaynar Industries' earliest warship designs, older than the Sonoma-class by a number of years. This can be seen in its form, which resembles the familiar dagger shape of the Kuat Drive Yards warships - although there are some exceptions, among them the protrusions toward the stern of the vessel, which conceal the two solar ionization reactors. It is comparable in firepower to the slightly smaller Allegiance-class Star
Destroyer of Kuat design.
The Siberia has proven to be a highly reliable heavy cruiser through many hundreds of years of use. A tried-and-true design, it is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 45 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 2.4km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 4 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 46,000
24 medium railguns
40 light railguns
16 heavy turbolasers
120 medium turbolasers
50 ion cannons
20 MLMS batteries
260 CIWS batteries
Ares-class CL
Named for the Greek god of war, the Ares is the smallest ship capable of single-handedly destroying the ecosystem of an unshielded terrestrial planet. However, this was not its primary function; the ship is designed to function as a cruiser in fleet-to-fleet operations. It is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
Keel length: 1.9km
Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
Hangar capacity: 2 starfighter wings (maximum)
Average crew: 35,000
16 medium railguns
24 light railguns
8 heavy turbolasers
64 medium turbolasers
24 ion cannons
12 MLMS batteries
180 CIWS batteries
Order of Battle
CDFN First Fleet
1 Sonoma-class BBC, CDFS Vanguard
4 Artemis-class BC
16 Siberia-class CA
50 Ares-class CL
200 DD
400 DDE
1000 various support ships, from corvettes to fleet tenders
CDFN Second Fleet
1 Artemis-class BC, CDFS Defender (modified for command capabilities)
5 Artemis-class BC
16 Siberia-class CA
50 Ares-class CL
200 DD
400 DDE
1000 various support ships, from corvettes to fleet tenders
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Three Suns Commonwealth
Head of State: President Arnold Von Braun (DECEASED)
Vice President Genivere Conner is currently in command of the TSC, acting as Dictator as per the Cincinattus Clause for the duration of the crisis.
The Three Suns Commonwealth is a moderately sized civilization towards the edge of Known Space. The Three Suns Commonwealth is famous across known space for it’s warrior traditions and military meritocracy. The TSC is a democratic power in which the right to vote is awarded by public service.
Hundreds of mighty arks left Old Earth all those centuries ago, and as luck had it, three would land on worlds mere light years from each other. Of those countless children of Terra, some gave birth to the modern star nation called the Three Suns Commonwealth.
The TSC was at one point three separate star nations: The Twelfth Republic, based on Desjardins, The Osirian Free Republic, based on Osiris, and the United Systems, based on Jacob's Landing. Over two hundred years, these powers warred with each other, in primitive FTL warships. To avoid the mass murder and destruction of total war, the powers subscribed to a military system called New Bushido, a warrior code which limited the usage of weapons of mass destruction. Eventually, the Twelfth Republic gained the upper hand, and subjugated the OFR and the United Systems, and united the three empires under a single banner. Over the next century, the cultures of the Three Suns came to view the code of New Bushido, which glorified the soldier, as the centerpiece of their civilization. Since unification, the Three Suns have fought dozens of wars against small neighboring empires, keeping their soldiery on the cutting edge.
The Three Suns at one point had sharply different cultures, but four hundred years of FTL intermixing has lead to a fairly homogenized culture. Commonwealth citizens inhabit all possible locations in their systems. Gene modification technology preserved on the starships their ancestors arrived in allow Commonwealth citizens to change themselves to suit their needs. Citizens who live on the high-gravity worlds are short and stocky, with strong bones and muscles. Those on lower gravity worlds are slimmer, and lighter. Many live in the vast space colonies, conglomerations of asteroids and space stations, and are modified to live best in those environments.
Military forms exist as well. All Commonwealth naval personelle are modified for zero-g, and Commonwealth warships have no artificial gravity. Commonwealth ground troops are built for higher gravity, and travel to their destinations in cold-sleep tubes. Marines are modified for both.
Trade between the worlds of the Commonwealth is heavy, large hyperspace jumpgates allow civilian craft to save money on FTL drives by taking the jumpgate net. The Commonwealth exports basic weapons systems, second-rate bioengineered pharmaceuticals and products, and light-industry consumer goods, like cars, pinball machines, and aircraft. The Commonwealth is best known throughout Known Space, however, for it's huge military industry. Commonwealth small arms and vehicles are common throughout known space, and commonwealth combat electronics are generally regarded as the best, though they are superseded in some areas.
The former colony ships, called Arks, are centers of Commonwealth culture. One is in orbit of Osiris, and is the center of a large zero-g habitation. It also acts as the administrative building for Osiris. One is at the L5 point of Jacob's Landing, and is cordoned off as a tourist attraction/monument, It is surrounded by space habitations.
The one at Desjardins is half-buried in the dirt, and is the center of the capital city. In the middle of the vast city/hive of Desjardins, there is a patch of green grass, a beautiful garden from which half of the refurbished, polished vessel protrudes. The Commonwealth Senate meets in a chamber carved out of the hulk.
Three primary languages are spoken in the TSC:
Francez An amalgamation of French and English, primary language of the TSC.
Frei-go Ancient language, spoken by those formed to live in Zero-G. Combination of English and Japanese and Spanish. Frei-go means "Free Tongue."
Anglic Heavily stylized, transformed english.
Religeous Life
Religeon is very diverse among Commonwealth worlds. There are a multitude of small sects and cults throughout the Commonwealth, and the government has a strict seperation of church and state.
Some major religeons are:
Islam: The TSC has a large Muslim minority; 5% of the TSC's population follows Islam, mostly wealthy traders. Moslems in TSC territory always pray to the sight of the first human landing on their world, and a small portion of soil from Mecca is enshrined on Jacob's Landing. Many Moslems in TSC space visit this area.
Progenitor Temple A form of ancestor worship, embraced by many of the TSC's military elite. The Arks, and "Those Who Came Before," are venerated as the parents of off-earth civilization. 23% of the TSC's population belongs to the Temple.
Mother Void Church: An archaic religeon, dating from before the colonization of the Three Suns. Religeous texts of this faith, which epitomizes man as the inheritor of the universe, and emphasizes the vastness and bounty of deep space, were found on the Arks. 15% of the TSC's population follows the Mother Void Church.
All Life Holy: This large sect embraces neopagan principles, and is popular with teenage girls. It also has a large following among the academic elite, who love it's limited constraints and veneration for all living things. 3% of the TSC's population follows the All Life Holy creed.
Neochristians: Neochristians follow the creed of Jesus Christ, through a zen-like Path written by one Sun-Tzu Johanson, in the early days of the Osiris colony. Largely worshipped by Osirans, 7% of the Comonwealth's citizens are Neochristians.
The Three Suns are divided into twelve provinces, which conform roughly to the domains of the old pre-Unification powers. The Capital is at Desjardins, in the city of the same name. There are fewer colonized Commonwealth worlds, but this is balanced out by larger-than-normal populations Commonwealth worlds have in orbit. Your average Commonwealth Major world has twice the population of average systems of other major empires, as there are large space colonies spread throughout the system.
In the Desjardins administrative zone are the provinces of:
Desjardins -capital-
Saint-Claire -border-
Saint-Pierre -border-
Santander March
In the Jacob's Landing administrative zone are the provinces of:
Liberty -subcapital-
Kelia -border-
Togo March
Fell March -border-
In the Osiris administrative zone are the provinces of:
Osiris -subcapital-
Harbinger March
Isis -border-
With the recent annexation of territory, the Commonwealth now has a Colonial adminstrative zone which administers the provinces of:
Shiva March -Annexed-
Military Technology:
The Three Suns have a warrior tradition based around their centuries of warfare. The Commonwealth Navy has fought a number of minor wars and border actions since the Unification four centuries ago.
Weapons Technology:
Particle Beams: The primary beam shipkillers. Particle Beam cannon use superconducters and electromagnets to accelerate particle streams to near-C. Powerful short-medium range weapons. Commonwealrth P-beams are around galactic average in power and efficiency.
Light Battery- Escort-scale ship-to-ship P-beams. Useful against other escorts and damaged capital ships. Low power reqs, and doubles as PD.
]Heavy BatteryFor escorts and Battlecruisers, banks of heavy guns. Moderate against capital ships, quite good against other escorts.
Capital Battery For Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Battlecruisers, banks of huge P-Beam cannon, suited for blasting through the defenses of other capital ships.
MFR Point Defense Battery "Magnetic Field Redirection-" these weapons take advantage of Commonwealth military technology. A computer manipulates a magnetic field to control a medium-power P-beam with extreme accuracy. MFR turrets are basically omnidirectional, as the beam is aimed not by mechanical turreting, but by the very magnetic field which fires it. Powerful antifighter/missile weapons, but of limited use against capital ships.
Lasers: Secondary shipkillers. Lasers are lightspeed weapons, which are easier to assemble and deploy than P-beams, and require less space. They are, however, less powerful, and can not be used in MFR turrets. Useful at all ranges. A Laser battery of equal power to a P-Beam battery takes up more space, but is more efficient.
PD battery Small, point defense turrets. Excellent against unshielded missiles and fighters, moderate against shielded missiles and fighters.
Heavy battery For escorts and Battlecruisers.
Spinal Battery For escorts and Battlecruisers, spinal mount lasers are large, in terms of space and power required, but are very powerful. Used as capship killers by escorts and Battlecruisers, when opportunity provides.)
Capital Battery- For Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Battlecruisers.
Missiles: Ranging in size from large capship missiles to small, antifighter swarmers.
Swarmer Battery- capital/escort mounted launchers which release a cloud of small, antifighter/missile countermissiles. Very potent, but fires one powerful volley and then must be reloaded from internal mags, which takes minutes. Needs 3-5 minute reload time. Very accurate.)
Escort Missile Battery Reloadable missile tubes, usually from a revolving drum magazine. Fires anticapship missiles, with bomb-pumped laser warheads or EMP blast warheads. Can also fire ECM rounds. Escorts only.
Capital Missile Battery- Reloadable missile tubes, fires from a large magazine. Large anticapship missiles, with bomb-pumped laser warheads and EMP blast warheads. Can also fire ECM rounds. For battlecruisers, carriers, and Dreadnoughts.
Defensive Technology:
The Commonwealth's computer controlled ECM suites are quite powerful, but better than galactic norm only in that they take up marginally less space. Commonwealth shielding is galactic norm- simple, and effective. Commonwealth warships are armored and compartmentalized under their shielding. They often have two reactor banks in seperate parts of the vessel, to stop one lucky hit from taking out all a vessel's fusion powerplants.
Engine/Reactor/Fuel Technology:
Commonwealth warships use fusion torchs, feeding off of reactor mass, to provide propulsion in combat maneuvers. Fusion-powered Ion engines provide propulsion when the vessel does not wish to waste fuel. Fusion reactors, in banks, provide power to military warships, though many civilian craft use simple nuclear power. Fuel is hydrogen, and most large warships are equipped to collect interstellar hydrogen, or process comets into usable fuel.
Commonwealth Navy
The Commonwealth Navy is a large force, it’s massive, zero-g vessels crewed by soldiers and officers modified for their jobs. Commonwealth vessels are well-rounded, with an even spread of missile, STL beam, and laser weaponry.
Ship Designs:
Capital Ships:
8 “Athena” Class Dreadnoughts (DN) (Panthesilea, Athena, Ameratsu, Hathor, Brigid, Sekhmet, Skadi, Hi'iak )
Summary: Primary ship of the wall for the CN. Designed to take punishment, and deal it back.
Length: 5 km
4 Capital Missile Batteries
5 Capital P-Beam Batteries
4 Capital Laser Batteries
10 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-beam batteries
3 “Artemis” Class Dreadnoughts (DN) (Artemis, Bast, Jean D'Arc, )
Summary: Ship of the wall with heavy missile armament. Requires intense supply efforts, but quite potent at long range.
Length: 5 km
10 Capital Missile Batteries
1 Capital P-Beam Battery
5 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
6 “Hera” Class Carriers (CR) (Morrigan, Freya, Hera, Ishtar, Cerridwen, Hsi Wang Mu)
Summary: Armored carrier, designed to sit a little bit back from a battle and pour waves of strike-craft into the midst of the enemy.
Length: 5 km
1 Capital P-Beam Battery
10 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
Strike Wing: 250 Strike Craft, 250 Interceptors
41 “Adrastea” class Heavy Cruisers (CA) (Santander, Isis, Set, Baal, Kell, Liberty, Nymph, Centaur, Togo, Yamamoto, Melchior, Fraternite, Egalite, Cairo, Battle of Second Desjardins, Coventry, Powell, Asp, Kingfisher... )
Summary: Large cruiser, built tough. Adrasteas act to either provide capital firepower to a patrol, or to wade into battle, covering the flanks of larger vessels and striking at holes in enemy formations.
Length: 2.7 km
2 Capital P-Beam batteries
2 Capital Laser Batteries
2 Capital Missile Batteries
5 Swarmer Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
Escorts, Light Warships
439 "Hesperia" Class Escort Frigates (FE)
Summary: Designed to act as mobile point-defense platforms, "Hesperia" Escort Frigates mount only very light antiship armament, but mount powerful antifighter batteries. These vessels are well shielded for their size.
Length: 400 meters
6 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
5 Swarmer Batteries
1 Spinal Mount Laser
445 "Erithea" Class Strike Frigates (FS)
Summary: Anticapship frigate, designed to raid/defend commerce, and to harry and destroy damaged enemy capital ships.
Length: 500 meters
3 MFR PD P-beam batteries
8 Spinal Mount Lasers
4 Escort Missile Batteries
189 "Alcyone" Class Destroyers (DD)
Summary: Multipurpose escort warship. Broad usage as a flagship for a patrol taskforce, or as an escort for a Carrier.
Length: 1.2 km
2 Spinal Mount Lasers
5 Escort Missile Batteries
4 Heavy P-Beam Batteries
2 Heavy Laser Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam Batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
12 "Chorea" Class Escort Carriers (CE) (Gyrfalcon...)
Summary: Light cruiser hull with some fighter bays. New design.
Length: 2 km
1 capital P-beam battery
4 escort missle batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
10 PD Laser batteries
Strike Wing: 50 strike craft, 100 interceptors.
69 "Orphne" Class Light Cruisers (CL) (Hero , Guerrier , Madrigal , Halan , Matador... )
Summary: Missileboat Light Cruiser, fast-moving vessel with excellent shields and potent weaponry, but requires constant resupply. Used as a raider, ill suited for long, drawn out battles.
Length: 2 km
20 Escort Missile Batteries
8 Heavy P-Beam Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam Batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
Under Construction:
total vessels to be completed within 4 month's time:
1 Athena DN
2 Nike DNs
13 Megara CAs
5 Adrastea CAs
20 Orphne missile CLs
10 Chorea escort carriers (CR/e)
40 Alcyone DDs
70 Hesperia FEs
60 Erithea FSs
- numerous military support craft and Commonwealth Army heavy transports.
High Ranks, Commonwealth Navy
Chef-Admiral (Grand Admiral, in Anglic.): Title given to an officer in charge of a fleet. Current Chef-Admirals are=
Carl Andreson (Desjardins Sector Fleet, CNV Morrigan)
Jennifer Hideyoshi (Liberty Sector Fleet, CNV Ishtar)
Armande Sanderson (Osiris Sector Fleet, CNV Bast )
Jaquiline St. Juste (Assault Fleet, CNV Freya)
Admiral: Title given to an officer in charge of a Heavy Response, Assault, or System Defense Manipule.
Sous-Admiral: title given to an officer in charge of a Deep Patrol, Picket, Tactical, or Supply Manipule.
-Edited to reflect completion of battles over Desjardins, early stages of fighting within the Cornerian Republic, and the completion of the latest production run.
Head of State: President Arnold Von Braun (DECEASED)
Vice President Genivere Conner is currently in command of the TSC, acting as Dictator as per the Cincinattus Clause for the duration of the crisis.
The Three Suns Commonwealth is a moderately sized civilization towards the edge of Known Space. The Three Suns Commonwealth is famous across known space for it’s warrior traditions and military meritocracy. The TSC is a democratic power in which the right to vote is awarded by public service.
Hundreds of mighty arks left Old Earth all those centuries ago, and as luck had it, three would land on worlds mere light years from each other. Of those countless children of Terra, some gave birth to the modern star nation called the Three Suns Commonwealth.
The TSC was at one point three separate star nations: The Twelfth Republic, based on Desjardins, The Osirian Free Republic, based on Osiris, and the United Systems, based on Jacob's Landing. Over two hundred years, these powers warred with each other, in primitive FTL warships. To avoid the mass murder and destruction of total war, the powers subscribed to a military system called New Bushido, a warrior code which limited the usage of weapons of mass destruction. Eventually, the Twelfth Republic gained the upper hand, and subjugated the OFR and the United Systems, and united the three empires under a single banner. Over the next century, the cultures of the Three Suns came to view the code of New Bushido, which glorified the soldier, as the centerpiece of their civilization. Since unification, the Three Suns have fought dozens of wars against small neighboring empires, keeping their soldiery on the cutting edge.
The Three Suns at one point had sharply different cultures, but four hundred years of FTL intermixing has lead to a fairly homogenized culture. Commonwealth citizens inhabit all possible locations in their systems. Gene modification technology preserved on the starships their ancestors arrived in allow Commonwealth citizens to change themselves to suit their needs. Citizens who live on the high-gravity worlds are short and stocky, with strong bones and muscles. Those on lower gravity worlds are slimmer, and lighter. Many live in the vast space colonies, conglomerations of asteroids and space stations, and are modified to live best in those environments.
Military forms exist as well. All Commonwealth naval personelle are modified for zero-g, and Commonwealth warships have no artificial gravity. Commonwealth ground troops are built for higher gravity, and travel to their destinations in cold-sleep tubes. Marines are modified for both.
Trade between the worlds of the Commonwealth is heavy, large hyperspace jumpgates allow civilian craft to save money on FTL drives by taking the jumpgate net. The Commonwealth exports basic weapons systems, second-rate bioengineered pharmaceuticals and products, and light-industry consumer goods, like cars, pinball machines, and aircraft. The Commonwealth is best known throughout Known Space, however, for it's huge military industry. Commonwealth small arms and vehicles are common throughout known space, and commonwealth combat electronics are generally regarded as the best, though they are superseded in some areas.
The former colony ships, called Arks, are centers of Commonwealth culture. One is in orbit of Osiris, and is the center of a large zero-g habitation. It also acts as the administrative building for Osiris. One is at the L5 point of Jacob's Landing, and is cordoned off as a tourist attraction/monument, It is surrounded by space habitations.
The one at Desjardins is half-buried in the dirt, and is the center of the capital city. In the middle of the vast city/hive of Desjardins, there is a patch of green grass, a beautiful garden from which half of the refurbished, polished vessel protrudes. The Commonwealth Senate meets in a chamber carved out of the hulk.
Three primary languages are spoken in the TSC:
Francez An amalgamation of French and English, primary language of the TSC.
Frei-go Ancient language, spoken by those formed to live in Zero-G. Combination of English and Japanese and Spanish. Frei-go means "Free Tongue."
Anglic Heavily stylized, transformed english.
Religeous Life
Religeon is very diverse among Commonwealth worlds. There are a multitude of small sects and cults throughout the Commonwealth, and the government has a strict seperation of church and state.
Some major religeons are:
Islam: The TSC has a large Muslim minority; 5% of the TSC's population follows Islam, mostly wealthy traders. Moslems in TSC territory always pray to the sight of the first human landing on their world, and a small portion of soil from Mecca is enshrined on Jacob's Landing. Many Moslems in TSC space visit this area.
Progenitor Temple A form of ancestor worship, embraced by many of the TSC's military elite. The Arks, and "Those Who Came Before," are venerated as the parents of off-earth civilization. 23% of the TSC's population belongs to the Temple.
Mother Void Church: An archaic religeon, dating from before the colonization of the Three Suns. Religeous texts of this faith, which epitomizes man as the inheritor of the universe, and emphasizes the vastness and bounty of deep space, were found on the Arks. 15% of the TSC's population follows the Mother Void Church.
All Life Holy: This large sect embraces neopagan principles, and is popular with teenage girls. It also has a large following among the academic elite, who love it's limited constraints and veneration for all living things. 3% of the TSC's population follows the All Life Holy creed.
Neochristians: Neochristians follow the creed of Jesus Christ, through a zen-like Path written by one Sun-Tzu Johanson, in the early days of the Osiris colony. Largely worshipped by Osirans, 7% of the Comonwealth's citizens are Neochristians.
The Three Suns are divided into twelve provinces, which conform roughly to the domains of the old pre-Unification powers. The Capital is at Desjardins, in the city of the same name. There are fewer colonized Commonwealth worlds, but this is balanced out by larger-than-normal populations Commonwealth worlds have in orbit. Your average Commonwealth Major world has twice the population of average systems of other major empires, as there are large space colonies spread throughout the system.
In the Desjardins administrative zone are the provinces of:
Desjardins -capital-
Saint-Claire -border-
Saint-Pierre -border-
Santander March
In the Jacob's Landing administrative zone are the provinces of:
Liberty -subcapital-
Kelia -border-
Togo March
Fell March -border-
In the Osiris administrative zone are the provinces of:
Osiris -subcapital-
Harbinger March
Isis -border-
With the recent annexation of territory, the Commonwealth now has a Colonial adminstrative zone which administers the provinces of:
Shiva March -Annexed-
Military Technology:
The Three Suns have a warrior tradition based around their centuries of warfare. The Commonwealth Navy has fought a number of minor wars and border actions since the Unification four centuries ago.
Weapons Technology:
Particle Beams: The primary beam shipkillers. Particle Beam cannon use superconducters and electromagnets to accelerate particle streams to near-C. Powerful short-medium range weapons. Commonwealrth P-beams are around galactic average in power and efficiency.
Light Battery- Escort-scale ship-to-ship P-beams. Useful against other escorts and damaged capital ships. Low power reqs, and doubles as PD.
]Heavy BatteryFor escorts and Battlecruisers, banks of heavy guns. Moderate against capital ships, quite good against other escorts.
Capital Battery For Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Battlecruisers, banks of huge P-Beam cannon, suited for blasting through the defenses of other capital ships.
MFR Point Defense Battery "Magnetic Field Redirection-" these weapons take advantage of Commonwealth military technology. A computer manipulates a magnetic field to control a medium-power P-beam with extreme accuracy. MFR turrets are basically omnidirectional, as the beam is aimed not by mechanical turreting, but by the very magnetic field which fires it. Powerful antifighter/missile weapons, but of limited use against capital ships.
Lasers: Secondary shipkillers. Lasers are lightspeed weapons, which are easier to assemble and deploy than P-beams, and require less space. They are, however, less powerful, and can not be used in MFR turrets. Useful at all ranges. A Laser battery of equal power to a P-Beam battery takes up more space, but is more efficient.
PD battery Small, point defense turrets. Excellent against unshielded missiles and fighters, moderate against shielded missiles and fighters.
Heavy battery For escorts and Battlecruisers.
Spinal Battery For escorts and Battlecruisers, spinal mount lasers are large, in terms of space and power required, but are very powerful. Used as capship killers by escorts and Battlecruisers, when opportunity provides.)
Capital Battery- For Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Battlecruisers.
Missiles: Ranging in size from large capship missiles to small, antifighter swarmers.
Swarmer Battery- capital/escort mounted launchers which release a cloud of small, antifighter/missile countermissiles. Very potent, but fires one powerful volley and then must be reloaded from internal mags, which takes minutes. Needs 3-5 minute reload time. Very accurate.)
Escort Missile Battery Reloadable missile tubes, usually from a revolving drum magazine. Fires anticapship missiles, with bomb-pumped laser warheads or EMP blast warheads. Can also fire ECM rounds. Escorts only.
Capital Missile Battery- Reloadable missile tubes, fires from a large magazine. Large anticapship missiles, with bomb-pumped laser warheads and EMP blast warheads. Can also fire ECM rounds. For battlecruisers, carriers, and Dreadnoughts.
Defensive Technology:
The Commonwealth's computer controlled ECM suites are quite powerful, but better than galactic norm only in that they take up marginally less space. Commonwealth shielding is galactic norm- simple, and effective. Commonwealth warships are armored and compartmentalized under their shielding. They often have two reactor banks in seperate parts of the vessel, to stop one lucky hit from taking out all a vessel's fusion powerplants.
Engine/Reactor/Fuel Technology:
Commonwealth warships use fusion torchs, feeding off of reactor mass, to provide propulsion in combat maneuvers. Fusion-powered Ion engines provide propulsion when the vessel does not wish to waste fuel. Fusion reactors, in banks, provide power to military warships, though many civilian craft use simple nuclear power. Fuel is hydrogen, and most large warships are equipped to collect interstellar hydrogen, or process comets into usable fuel.
Commonwealth Navy
The Commonwealth Navy is a large force, it’s massive, zero-g vessels crewed by soldiers and officers modified for their jobs. Commonwealth vessels are well-rounded, with an even spread of missile, STL beam, and laser weaponry.
Ship Designs:
Capital Ships:
8 “Athena” Class Dreadnoughts (DN) (Panthesilea, Athena, Ameratsu, Hathor, Brigid, Sekhmet, Skadi, Hi'iak )
Summary: Primary ship of the wall for the CN. Designed to take punishment, and deal it back.
Length: 5 km
4 Capital Missile Batteries
5 Capital P-Beam Batteries
4 Capital Laser Batteries
10 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-beam batteries
3 “Artemis” Class Dreadnoughts (DN) (Artemis, Bast, Jean D'Arc, )
Summary: Ship of the wall with heavy missile armament. Requires intense supply efforts, but quite potent at long range.
Length: 5 km
10 Capital Missile Batteries
1 Capital P-Beam Battery
5 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
6 “Hera” Class Carriers (CR) (Morrigan, Freya, Hera, Ishtar, Cerridwen, Hsi Wang Mu)
Summary: Armored carrier, designed to sit a little bit back from a battle and pour waves of strike-craft into the midst of the enemy.
Length: 5 km
1 Capital P-Beam Battery
10 Swarmer Batteries
10 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
Strike Wing: 250 Strike Craft, 250 Interceptors
41 “Adrastea” class Heavy Cruisers (CA) (Santander, Isis, Set, Baal, Kell, Liberty, Nymph, Centaur, Togo, Yamamoto, Melchior, Fraternite, Egalite, Cairo, Battle of Second Desjardins, Coventry, Powell, Asp, Kingfisher... )
Summary: Large cruiser, built tough. Adrasteas act to either provide capital firepower to a patrol, or to wade into battle, covering the flanks of larger vessels and striking at holes in enemy formations.
Length: 2.7 km
2 Capital P-Beam batteries
2 Capital Laser Batteries
2 Capital Missile Batteries
5 Swarmer Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
Escorts, Light Warships
439 "Hesperia" Class Escort Frigates (FE)
Summary: Designed to act as mobile point-defense platforms, "Hesperia" Escort Frigates mount only very light antiship armament, but mount powerful antifighter batteries. These vessels are well shielded for their size.
Length: 400 meters
6 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
5 Swarmer Batteries
1 Spinal Mount Laser
445 "Erithea" Class Strike Frigates (FS)
Summary: Anticapship frigate, designed to raid/defend commerce, and to harry and destroy damaged enemy capital ships.
Length: 500 meters
3 MFR PD P-beam batteries
8 Spinal Mount Lasers
4 Escort Missile Batteries
189 "Alcyone" Class Destroyers (DD)
Summary: Multipurpose escort warship. Broad usage as a flagship for a patrol taskforce, or as an escort for a Carrier.
Length: 1.2 km
2 Spinal Mount Lasers
5 Escort Missile Batteries
4 Heavy P-Beam Batteries
2 Heavy Laser Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam Batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
12 "Chorea" Class Escort Carriers (CE) (Gyrfalcon...)
Summary: Light cruiser hull with some fighter bays. New design.
Length: 2 km
1 capital P-beam battery
4 escort missle batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam batteries
10 PD Laser batteries
Strike Wing: 50 strike craft, 100 interceptors.
69 "Orphne" Class Light Cruisers (CL) (Hero , Guerrier , Madrigal , Halan , Matador... )
Summary: Missileboat Light Cruiser, fast-moving vessel with excellent shields and potent weaponry, but requires constant resupply. Used as a raider, ill suited for long, drawn out battles.
Length: 2 km
20 Escort Missile Batteries
8 Heavy P-Beam Batteries
5 MFR PD P-Beam Batteries
20 PD Laser batteries
Under Construction:
total vessels to be completed within 4 month's time:
1 Athena DN
2 Nike DNs
13 Megara CAs
5 Adrastea CAs
20 Orphne missile CLs
10 Chorea escort carriers (CR/e)
40 Alcyone DDs
70 Hesperia FEs
60 Erithea FSs
- numerous military support craft and Commonwealth Army heavy transports.
High Ranks, Commonwealth Navy
Chef-Admiral (Grand Admiral, in Anglic.): Title given to an officer in charge of a fleet. Current Chef-Admirals are=
Carl Andreson (Desjardins Sector Fleet, CNV Morrigan)
Jennifer Hideyoshi (Liberty Sector Fleet, CNV Ishtar)
Armande Sanderson (Osiris Sector Fleet, CNV Bast )
Jaquiline St. Juste (Assault Fleet, CNV Freya)
Admiral: Title given to an officer in charge of a Heavy Response, Assault, or System Defense Manipule.
Sous-Admiral: title given to an officer in charge of a Deep Patrol, Picket, Tactical, or Supply Manipule.
-Edited to reflect completion of battles over Desjardins, early stages of fighting within the Cornerian Republic, and the completion of the latest production run.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-03-08 02:30am, edited 12 times in total.
United Terran Republic Defense Guard
The UTRDG is the local defense force of the UTR, it's maind uty is commerce protection and customs patrol. The UTRDG is divided into two divisions, Patrol Division, and Guard Division. Patrol Divison is the larger of the two divisions and operates all UTRDG mobile vessels larger then Strike Bomber size. Guard Division controls all planetary defense forts and satelites as well as fighter and bomber wings.
Patrol Division ships usually operate singly or in small one to three ship group, except in convoy escort missions. As such there are no permenant tactical DG formations of any size, all such formation are purely for administrative purposes and serve no tactical value and are merely for accounting purposes.
The Patrol Division consists of
188 Star Rider class Frigates
259 Nordic class Corvettes
246 Dragonfire class Gunships
326 Defender class Cutters
387 Warden class Patrol Ships
Star Rider Frigates are small vessels basically based on a minutarized destroyer design and are the only UTRDG ships that could possibly be capable of engaging regualr warships. It is primarily used for antipiracy work in the Guard in which role it excels.
The Nordic class corvette is a small fast vessel with a decent offensive armament but with light armor and point defense. It is used mainly for antipiracy patrols and is very fast and can both outgun and outrace msot pirate vessels. It is mostly designed around a heavy missile and torpedo armanent and light energy weapons for its size.
The Dragonfire class Gunship is similar in size and role to the Nordic class corvette but is based around a heavy enrgy armament instead of a missile and torpedo based main armament. Nordic and Dragonfire class vessels are often teamed for AP sweeps.
A Defender class Cutter is of a similar size to the Dragonfire and Nordic class but is designed for customs work so it's offensive armanet is lighter. This space is then used for a customs boarding team with assault shuttles and for the storage of contraband. It's armanet is only strong enough to discourage pirates.
The Warden class Patrolship is of a similar mission and design as the Defender class but in 5/8 size since it is sublight and designed for much shorter interplanetray instead of interstellar range missions. Also since it is deployed only in UTR systems it has no offensive armament at all.
The UTRDG is the local defense force of the UTR, it's maind uty is commerce protection and customs patrol. The UTRDG is divided into two divisions, Patrol Division, and Guard Division. Patrol Divison is the larger of the two divisions and operates all UTRDG mobile vessels larger then Strike Bomber size. Guard Division controls all planetary defense forts and satelites as well as fighter and bomber wings.
Patrol Division ships usually operate singly or in small one to three ship group, except in convoy escort missions. As such there are no permenant tactical DG formations of any size, all such formation are purely for administrative purposes and serve no tactical value and are merely for accounting purposes.
The Patrol Division consists of
188 Star Rider class Frigates
259 Nordic class Corvettes
246 Dragonfire class Gunships
326 Defender class Cutters
387 Warden class Patrol Ships
Star Rider Frigates are small vessels basically based on a minutarized destroyer design and are the only UTRDG ships that could possibly be capable of engaging regualr warships. It is primarily used for antipiracy work in the Guard in which role it excels.
The Nordic class corvette is a small fast vessel with a decent offensive armament but with light armor and point defense. It is used mainly for antipiracy patrols and is very fast and can both outgun and outrace msot pirate vessels. It is mostly designed around a heavy missile and torpedo armanent and light energy weapons for its size.
The Dragonfire class Gunship is similar in size and role to the Nordic class corvette but is based around a heavy enrgy armament instead of a missile and torpedo based main armament. Nordic and Dragonfire class vessels are often teamed for AP sweeps.
A Defender class Cutter is of a similar size to the Dragonfire and Nordic class but is designed for customs work so it's offensive armanet is lighter. This space is then used for a customs boarding team with assault shuttles and for the storage of contraband. It's armanet is only strong enough to discourage pirates.
The Warden class Patrolship is of a similar mission and design as the Defender class but in 5/8 size since it is sublight and designed for much shorter interplanetray instead of interstellar range missions. Also since it is deployed only in UTR systems it has no offensive armament at all.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
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Adding military details:
Weapon technology
Force Beams/Primaries:
Those are the main weaponry of the Stuart Corporation Shareholder Security Service, Naval Arm. Highly focused tractor beams will rip through almost anything with ease. The Primary, while having a lower range, will punch through shields with ease. Each Force beams has a variable lesnsing technology, allowing for instant refitting for Primaries. Ranges 9 LS for Force Beams, 6 LS for Primaries.
Lasers are the secondary weapon of the SCSSSNA, range 4 LS.
Tachyonic Disruptor:
A recent development, this is a true FTL beam weapon. It has a tremendous range, but it's energy requirements and huge size allows only for mounting it on Battleship-sized ships, or larger. Range 30 LS.
Probability Weapons:
The latest development, probability weapons tweak and play with local probability fields, turning ship hulls into something slightly else and damage ships in unforseen ways. Unfortunately, the range is not very great. Range 4-6 LS
The SCSSSNA favours a missile heavy strategy, and has both STL and FTL missiles with varying warheads at its disposal. The FTL missile employs a Kornienko Drive, making intercepting impossible, but it also requires a pre-calculation of re-emergence of the missile before launch. Range up to 40 LM
The shields of the battleships tend to be very strong and powerful, with large ECM and EW suits built into them. The armor is an advanced multi-layer material.
Each ship has several layers of shields, with "normal" shields outside (on the Avalon even more). A hypershield (multi-band), coupled with a Kornienko drive shield (basically the drive system in shield mode, dissrupting FTL and gravitic missiles), preventing anything FTL getting through, and should the normal shields have been punctured, a gravitic shield will deflect anything from the hull.
As the Stuart Corporation settles in gas giants atmospheres, space is no issue, so their is basically no outward bound pressure, which only led to the settlement of 5 major systems, Avalon, New Armaria, New Jove, Hope, and Einstein's Joke. 5 other systems contains maller outpost and colonies, and even more planets have some sort of scouting hardware emplaced.
The population has cracked 400 billion people lately.
As their is no ground to live on, people are living in "floating cities", huge structures floating in the atmospheres. A minute percentage of the populace lives on moons and the multitude of asteroid foundries and mines.
All major planets are connected via a Gate system, operating on a fold-space principle.
System defense:
Besides the fleets which can, thanks to the Kornienko drive and Gates, be placed anywhere inside the SC without delay, the planets are protected by orbital fortresses and sublight patrol ships.
Avalon Prime, the main planet, has two shells of huge Orbital fortresses (up to 30 in each shell, ~100 km in diameter), and scores of SD plattforms, and mine belts. The other major planets have defenses on aslightly lesser degree.
For the possibility that an enemy breaks through this defenses, each floating city is equipped with battleship-grade weaponry and shileds to protect itself.
For policing the space lanes, there is also the "Police Navy", consisting on small corvettes, frigates and patrol boats, nearly useless in any larger fleet engagement, but useful for anti-piracy operations and the like.
Weapon technology
Force Beams/Primaries:
Those are the main weaponry of the Stuart Corporation Shareholder Security Service, Naval Arm. Highly focused tractor beams will rip through almost anything with ease. The Primary, while having a lower range, will punch through shields with ease. Each Force beams has a variable lesnsing technology, allowing for instant refitting for Primaries. Ranges 9 LS for Force Beams, 6 LS for Primaries.
Lasers are the secondary weapon of the SCSSSNA, range 4 LS.
Tachyonic Disruptor:
A recent development, this is a true FTL beam weapon. It has a tremendous range, but it's energy requirements and huge size allows only for mounting it on Battleship-sized ships, or larger. Range 30 LS.
Probability Weapons:
The latest development, probability weapons tweak and play with local probability fields, turning ship hulls into something slightly else and damage ships in unforseen ways. Unfortunately, the range is not very great. Range 4-6 LS
The SCSSSNA favours a missile heavy strategy, and has both STL and FTL missiles with varying warheads at its disposal. The FTL missile employs a Kornienko Drive, making intercepting impossible, but it also requires a pre-calculation of re-emergence of the missile before launch. Range up to 40 LM
The shields of the battleships tend to be very strong and powerful, with large ECM and EW suits built into them. The armor is an advanced multi-layer material.
Each ship has several layers of shields, with "normal" shields outside (on the Avalon even more). A hypershield (multi-band), coupled with a Kornienko drive shield (basically the drive system in shield mode, dissrupting FTL and gravitic missiles), preventing anything FTL getting through, and should the normal shields have been punctured, a gravitic shield will deflect anything from the hull.
As the Stuart Corporation settles in gas giants atmospheres, space is no issue, so their is basically no outward bound pressure, which only led to the settlement of 5 major systems, Avalon, New Armaria, New Jove, Hope, and Einstein's Joke. 5 other systems contains maller outpost and colonies, and even more planets have some sort of scouting hardware emplaced.
The population has cracked 400 billion people lately.
As their is no ground to live on, people are living in "floating cities", huge structures floating in the atmospheres. A minute percentage of the populace lives on moons and the multitude of asteroid foundries and mines.
All major planets are connected via a Gate system, operating on a fold-space principle.
System defense:
Besides the fleets which can, thanks to the Kornienko drive and Gates, be placed anywhere inside the SC without delay, the planets are protected by orbital fortresses and sublight patrol ships.
Avalon Prime, the main planet, has two shells of huge Orbital fortresses (up to 30 in each shell, ~100 km in diameter), and scores of SD plattforms, and mine belts. The other major planets have defenses on aslightly lesser degree.
For the possibility that an enemy breaks through this defenses, each floating city is equipped with battleship-grade weaponry and shileds to protect itself.
For policing the space lanes, there is also the "Police Navy", consisting on small corvettes, frigates and patrol boats, nearly useless in any larger fleet engagement, but useful for anti-piracy operations and the like.
Last edited by Dahak on 2004-03-11 07:17pm, edited 5 times in total.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Guard Division UTRDG
The Guard Division is the part of the UTRDG charged with planetary and system defense. To detail average system defense I'll describe the defenses of an average UTR systems.
UTR Home District Defenses.
Usually between two or three inhabitated planets.
Each planet is protected by a very complicated network of multilayered defenses. For the last three hundred years the UTR has been pouring a large percentage of it's GNP into fixed defenses.
UTR fighter organization is based on the flight as its basic unit which consists of two fightercraft, an Element which is a per mission organization ranging from four to eight fightercraft. A squadron is made up of twelve fightercraft. Above that you have the Wing, which is made up of six squadrons, after that you get the Deployment or Strike Group. This is a much more fluid unit deisgnation and can range from two Wings on a Light Carrier to ten Wings on an Assault Carrier, or even up twenty on an Orbital Defense Station.
The most obvious aspect of the planetary defense grid is the energy shield, this is a triple layer redundant shield system. Above that you have constellations of remote controlled Orbital Combat Satelites usually deployed in groups of 64.
Each OCS is equipped with 2 racks of Long Range Heavy ASMs. Each rack holds 64 missiles. They're also equiped with heavy shielding, advanced ECM and ECCM as well as two heavy batteries of Particle Beams, and multiple PD laser batteries. An OCS is designed to fight anything from fighter size up to dreadnought sized ships, though of course a DN requires a larger number of OCSs.
Orbitting with the OCS satelites are usually six constellations of four Orbital Defense Stations. Each ODS masses more then two dreadnoughts, but lacks FTL or STL propulsion. Each ODS carries an energy armaments 70% stronger then a DNs, 40% stronger missile then a DNs with 85% percent more magazine space. It also has 150% more PD capacity and mounts, as well as twice the ECM fit and 350% more shield strength then a DN, it also carries Strike Group of 20 Wings, twice as many as an Assault Carrier.
As the average UTR system is very highly devolped the UTRDG has also had to decide how to defend colonized gas giant moons, orbital space habitats and factory complexes, asteroid mining ventures and asteroid colonies.
Moons receive the shield system, though only double layered usually, and lighter OCS constellations but have to rely on those plus ground based fighter craft.
Major orbital complexes also get a shield and OCS constellations, but usually do not have fighter craft assigned. Asteroid colonies get similar defenses, though some larger ones may support a single wing of fighters.
The Guard Division is the part of the UTRDG charged with planetary and system defense. To detail average system defense I'll describe the defenses of an average UTR systems.
UTR Home District Defenses.
Usually between two or three inhabitated planets.
Each planet is protected by a very complicated network of multilayered defenses. For the last three hundred years the UTR has been pouring a large percentage of it's GNP into fixed defenses.
UTR fighter organization is based on the flight as its basic unit which consists of two fightercraft, an Element which is a per mission organization ranging from four to eight fightercraft. A squadron is made up of twelve fightercraft. Above that you have the Wing, which is made up of six squadrons, after that you get the Deployment or Strike Group. This is a much more fluid unit deisgnation and can range from two Wings on a Light Carrier to ten Wings on an Assault Carrier, or even up twenty on an Orbital Defense Station.
The most obvious aspect of the planetary defense grid is the energy shield, this is a triple layer redundant shield system. Above that you have constellations of remote controlled Orbital Combat Satelites usually deployed in groups of 64.
Each OCS is equipped with 2 racks of Long Range Heavy ASMs. Each rack holds 64 missiles. They're also equiped with heavy shielding, advanced ECM and ECCM as well as two heavy batteries of Particle Beams, and multiple PD laser batteries. An OCS is designed to fight anything from fighter size up to dreadnought sized ships, though of course a DN requires a larger number of OCSs.
Orbitting with the OCS satelites are usually six constellations of four Orbital Defense Stations. Each ODS masses more then two dreadnoughts, but lacks FTL or STL propulsion. Each ODS carries an energy armaments 70% stronger then a DNs, 40% stronger missile then a DNs with 85% percent more magazine space. It also has 150% more PD capacity and mounts, as well as twice the ECM fit and 350% more shield strength then a DN, it also carries Strike Group of 20 Wings, twice as many as an Assault Carrier.
As the average UTR system is very highly devolped the UTRDG has also had to decide how to defend colonized gas giant moons, orbital space habitats and factory complexes, asteroid mining ventures and asteroid colonies.
Moons receive the shield system, though only double layered usually, and lighter OCS constellations but have to rely on those plus ground based fighter craft.
Major orbital complexes also get a shield and OCS constellations, but usually do not have fighter craft assigned. Asteroid colonies get similar defenses, though some larger ones may support a single wing of fighters.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Commonwealth Army
The Three Suns Commonwealth maintains a large and extremely well equipped and trained ground army, distinct from it’s navy and marine corps. The Commonwealth has massive officer schools and war colleges on the worlds of Desjardins, Osiris, and Jacob’s Landing, not to mention recruitment centers and military training facilities on almost every world of the Commonwealth.
New Bushido
Legionnaires in the Commonwealth Army are physically modified and mentally conditioned to be excellent soldiers. Commonwealth soldiers are 50% stronger and faster than regular humans, and can survive on less food and water than unmodified humans. Additionally, they are instilled with New Bushido conditioning, a process which instills certain basic values into them for the course of their service in the Army. The New Bushido code makes soldiers exceptionally good at following orders. New Bushido conditioned troops will not break, though they will conduct orderly retreats. New Bushido also strongly prevents soldiers from harming civilians directly, though this particular instinct is overridden in many combat circumstances.
CA Organization
The Commonwealth Army’s largest unit is the Division, a force of one million Commonwealth Legionnaire heavy infantry, plus sufficient support weaponry, power armor cavalry, and transport. Each army consist of one thousand Legions, each of which contains ten hundred-man Centuries. Each Century consists of five twenty-man Manipules.
Commonwealth Legionnaires are elite heavy infantry. Standard armament is a Desjardins Fabriquations M-20 assault rifle. The DF M-20 consists of a particle beam weapon with an underslung multipurpose launcher, which can be loaded with anything from non-lethal teargas rounds to anti-armor plasma penetrators.
Support weapons include crew-served mortars, particle beams, and missile launchers. Flame throwers and other specialized weapons are available.
Legionnaires wear a suit of heavy, semi-powered armor, which further increases their carrying capacity by 10%. Legionnaires are trained as Dragoons, and every Division is shipped with sufficient air and ground transport to mount all soldiers.
CA Armor and Support
The CA deploys a wide variety of tanks and mobile artillery units, ranging from light scout vehicles to massive MBTs.
The CA Cavalry is a feared force, consisting of soldiers in heavy jumpjet power armor. Units of CA Cavalry often work in close support of Legionnaires, using their superior mobility and firepower to take the fight to the enemy at unexpected times and places.
The Commonwealth Army has two billion Legionnaires under arms at all times, plus four billion more in assorted battlefield supporting roles. Another five billion Legionnaires are kept in reserve, but would need days to prepare for shipping into combat.
The Commonwealth has enough military and assault transports to assault three heavily defended worlds at one time.
CA Special Forces
Commonwealth Peacekeepers: Crack teams of heavily conditioned military police, Peacekeepers are tasked with pacifying and patrolling recently conquered worlds. Peacekeepers are as well trained and armed as Legionnaires, and can be expected to fight as well in conventional warfare (Though they operate in far smaller numbers.)
Commonwealth Rangers: Rangers are battlefield infiltration specialists, deploying behind enemy lines and calling in air or orbital strikes on enemy units. The Commonwealth maintains a number of stealthed transports to factilitate the dropping of Ranger teams behind enemy lines.
Commonwealth Shadow Teams: Assassins, thieves, and cutthroats. Shadow Teams infiltrate and destroy enemy command networks. Masters of nonconventional combat, Shadow Team members have no New Bushido conditioning.
The Three Suns Commonwealth maintains a large and extremely well equipped and trained ground army, distinct from it’s navy and marine corps. The Commonwealth has massive officer schools and war colleges on the worlds of Desjardins, Osiris, and Jacob’s Landing, not to mention recruitment centers and military training facilities on almost every world of the Commonwealth.
New Bushido
Legionnaires in the Commonwealth Army are physically modified and mentally conditioned to be excellent soldiers. Commonwealth soldiers are 50% stronger and faster than regular humans, and can survive on less food and water than unmodified humans. Additionally, they are instilled with New Bushido conditioning, a process which instills certain basic values into them for the course of their service in the Army. The New Bushido code makes soldiers exceptionally good at following orders. New Bushido conditioned troops will not break, though they will conduct orderly retreats. New Bushido also strongly prevents soldiers from harming civilians directly, though this particular instinct is overridden in many combat circumstances.
CA Organization
The Commonwealth Army’s largest unit is the Division, a force of one million Commonwealth Legionnaire heavy infantry, plus sufficient support weaponry, power armor cavalry, and transport. Each army consist of one thousand Legions, each of which contains ten hundred-man Centuries. Each Century consists of five twenty-man Manipules.
Commonwealth Legionnaires are elite heavy infantry. Standard armament is a Desjardins Fabriquations M-20 assault rifle. The DF M-20 consists of a particle beam weapon with an underslung multipurpose launcher, which can be loaded with anything from non-lethal teargas rounds to anti-armor plasma penetrators.
Support weapons include crew-served mortars, particle beams, and missile launchers. Flame throwers and other specialized weapons are available.
Legionnaires wear a suit of heavy, semi-powered armor, which further increases their carrying capacity by 10%. Legionnaires are trained as Dragoons, and every Division is shipped with sufficient air and ground transport to mount all soldiers.
CA Armor and Support
The CA deploys a wide variety of tanks and mobile artillery units, ranging from light scout vehicles to massive MBTs.
The CA Cavalry is a feared force, consisting of soldiers in heavy jumpjet power armor. Units of CA Cavalry often work in close support of Legionnaires, using their superior mobility and firepower to take the fight to the enemy at unexpected times and places.
The Commonwealth Army has two billion Legionnaires under arms at all times, plus four billion more in assorted battlefield supporting roles. Another five billion Legionnaires are kept in reserve, but would need days to prepare for shipping into combat.
The Commonwealth has enough military and assault transports to assault three heavily defended worlds at one time.
CA Special Forces
Commonwealth Peacekeepers: Crack teams of heavily conditioned military police, Peacekeepers are tasked with pacifying and patrolling recently conquered worlds. Peacekeepers are as well trained and armed as Legionnaires, and can be expected to fight as well in conventional warfare (Though they operate in far smaller numbers.)
Commonwealth Rangers: Rangers are battlefield infiltration specialists, deploying behind enemy lines and calling in air or orbital strikes on enemy units. The Commonwealth maintains a number of stealthed transports to factilitate the dropping of Ranger teams behind enemy lines.
Commonwealth Shadow Teams: Assassins, thieves, and cutthroats. Shadow Teams infiltrate and destroy enemy command networks. Masters of nonconventional combat, Shadow Team members have no New Bushido conditioning.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
- Youngling
- Posts: 126
- Joined: 2002-09-23 12:44pm
Re: STGOD OOB Thread
By the way, Stormbringer, that's not the Universe. It's just the Milky Way galaxy.
I can probably cook up maps of Andromeda and the SW galaxy sometime, separately.
"Mostly Harmless"
The basic large formation for the Royal Army is the 'Army,' which usually comprises of three Corps, itself comprising of three Divisions. Each division is comprised of five Regimental Combat Teams. It should be noted that one Royal Army Division is similar in size to a 'generic' army division; it is not 66% larger.
Most infantry are Mechanized Infantry, typically youma and mutants. They have personal armor and sensors but these systems are typically unpowered. Mutants are actually strong enough to carry full-on heavy support weapons into combat and are often seen doing so. Royal Army infantry are also typically much more heavily armed than most infantry: they are intended to face on powered-armored infantry.
There are some Armored Infantry (Power-Armored troops). The elite Senshi almost always enter combat in high-expensive (and incredibly capable) armor as opposed to their ... earlier days when they went out with their ceremonial uniforms (which themselves are highly resistant to fire). On the field they are soldiers to be dreaded. Other formations are the 18th AIR, an elite regiment borne from the fires of the Great War. As fully-powered infantry rely less on physical strength, the more gung-ho humans in the Army are often in the AI.
A particular subset are the Planetary Senshi whose duties are to protect the Queen. Since there actually isn't a Queen at the moment, they work with the rest of the Senshi. Six are active, led by Minako Aino (aka VENUS). The whereabouts of Saturn are unknown; Pluto is currently in charge of the Ministry of Temporal Affairs [a moderator construct from the old STGOD that I can farm out to the current mods. Functionally, they make sure nobody's time-travelling who isn't supposed to. Their loyalty is NOT to the Crown or to the Kingdom, but to temporal stability]. Normal Armored Infantry is no better or worse than their foreign counterparts.
Armor is a part of the Army dominated by humans, since they tend to be shorter than most youma - and mutants just won't fit inside tanks. The tanks tend to be qualitatively superior but somewhat lacking in numbers compared to most powers. Armor is really only useful for invasions; the huge city-worlds of the Kingdom are not particularly well suited for it.
Most infantry are Mechanized Infantry, typically youma and mutants. They have personal armor and sensors but these systems are typically unpowered. Mutants are actually strong enough to carry full-on heavy support weapons into combat and are often seen doing so. Royal Army infantry are also typically much more heavily armed than most infantry: they are intended to face on powered-armored infantry.
There are some Armored Infantry (Power-Armored troops). The elite Senshi almost always enter combat in high-expensive (and incredibly capable) armor as opposed to their ... earlier days when they went out with their ceremonial uniforms (which themselves are highly resistant to fire). On the field they are soldiers to be dreaded. Other formations are the 18th AIR, an elite regiment borne from the fires of the Great War. As fully-powered infantry rely less on physical strength, the more gung-ho humans in the Army are often in the AI.
A particular subset are the Planetary Senshi whose duties are to protect the Queen. Since there actually isn't a Queen at the moment, they work with the rest of the Senshi. Six are active, led by Minako Aino (aka VENUS). The whereabouts of Saturn are unknown; Pluto is currently in charge of the Ministry of Temporal Affairs [a moderator construct from the old STGOD that I can farm out to the current mods. Functionally, they make sure nobody's time-travelling who isn't supposed to. Their loyalty is NOT to the Crown or to the Kingdom, but to temporal stability]. Normal Armored Infantry is no better or worse than their foreign counterparts.
Armor is a part of the Army dominated by humans, since they tend to be shorter than most youma - and mutants just won't fit inside tanks. The tanks tend to be qualitatively superior but somewhat lacking in numbers compared to most powers. Armor is really only useful for invasions; the huge city-worlds of the Kingdom are not particularly well suited for it.
- Raptor 597
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 3338
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- Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
The Royal House of Dunlap
The nation was founded by a wealthly European aristocrat down on his luck. His estate was nearly bankrupt until he got lucky in numerous stock investments. After, this he climbed his way up to the second richest man on Earth. His name was Edward Dunlap and he had decided that his billions should be used to create a new nation.
So, he offered positions of power and colonists were given land in the recently inhabitated outposts far from Earth. Soon he found that there were enough colonists to form a successful industrial base. After ten years of making dramatic profits in agriculture and investing these funds, The House industrailized the capital planet Dunlap, and the predominant moon, Brimmingham. Soon, Lord Edward, the Belvolved Father of the Royal House passed on. His noble son, Harold of Gwenfold took over and led for numerous years trying to this nation a first class power.
Eventually, some of the bloodlines died out. The Earl of Warwick, brother of the impotent King sired a son with his younger wife, Anne of Harps. He was named Edward II for he was the savior of the Royal Bloodline. He fulfilled his prophecy by expanding the nation well beyond it's borders and sending expeditions out even further.
They found the Mensia-Dorian Hegemony. The former great lands were now in decay. Isolationalism had taken it's toll though dissent, sedition, and high treason had truly been the posion of that nation. The current Regent Menias-Dorian LXXVIII secretly destroyed his opponents by doing this long before actual Dunlapian troops entered the scene.
His only child a beautiful daughter was wed to the Lord's son, William the Tall. This solidified the unification and it could not be undone. The planet Dorian was revitalised as Sector capital and things once again settled for the House of Dunlap. In Edward's Royal Will and Testament he proclaimed that all bordering nations should be vasilized or annexed. The first would be destroyed to pcify the others. The wars went on far away from the urban centers and people supported these imperial wars of aggression. It was hoped that the former Hegemony and the House home sector could be completely united, but there was simply to many nations inbetween. So, the Royal House finally slowed down. This was roughly around 6300 CE.
The nation is now interested in upgrading their technology further beyond standard starship components. Their air and ground forces seem to be far more modernised.
Naval Forces
Bremen Class Commandship - The Bremen Class Commandship orginially derived from the dreadnought models of sixty five years ago. The models were refined with more shield power and hull strength, but some weapons were removed to boost sensor strength. The ship does make up for it with the superior amount of hundred fifty missle tubes. The first ship was named after Alexander Bremen, the savior of the Battle of Euclid a hundred twenty years ago. Three are in service and no more are planned or needed for the thriving nation.
Length: 7.37 Kilometers
70 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
85 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
180 Light Plasma Guns
150 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
Baden Class Heavy Crusier - This is the mainstay heavy ship of the Royal Armada. It is a top heavy weapon, rivaling the strength of the Bremen class so it requires numerous smaller escorts.
Length: 4.2 Kilometers
60 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
78 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
125 Light Plasma Guns
50 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
50 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launxhers
Winslow Class Medium Cruiser - The Winslow Class Cruiser is a very young model which shows great promise. It regulated the older Harold Teller Class to home patrol. This ship also brings a vital connection to the Edmund Burke Light Cruisers.
Length: 2.85 Kilometers
35 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
68 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
150 Light Plasma Guns
25 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
60 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
15 Light Protomoeter Model Missle Lanchers
Edmund Burke Class Light Cruiser - The Edmund Burke Class is a medium age class which does it's job well.
Length: 1.75 Kilometers
15 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
65 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
168 Light Plasma Guns
10 Heavy Protomoeter Model Class Model Missle Launchers
50 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
30 Light Protomoeter Missle Launchers
Sir Blake Drake Class Battle Frigate - The Blake Drake class and previous battle frigates were designed to complement heavier ships and provide an inbetween for cruisers and destroyers.
Length: 1.1 Kilometers
7 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
45 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
140 Light Plasma Guns
5 Heavy Protomoeter Model Model Missle Launchers
40 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
35 Light Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
Ranger Super Class Carriers - The Ranger class is the largest model of carriers owned by tthe House of Dunlap. It carriers around 400 drones and 150 human pilots. Drones are becoming more effective and will be replacing most pilots except controllers in the near future. The Fast Deployment Carriers posses around 5/8 of capacity the Super Carriers. Escort and Escort Drone Carriers deploy maround 1/3 and deploy slower into battle.
Ground Forces
Home Comand:
45 Motorised Divisions
25 Mechanized Division
15 Armored Division
(The Home Guard possesses the best expeditionary reserves)
Dorian Comand:
35 Motorised Divisions
20 Mechanized Divisions
12 Armored Divisions
(Still, quality forces)
Dunlap Expeditionary Command:
27 Motorised Division
35 Mechanized Divisions
15 Armored Division
(Command usually half mobilized, home base Dorian and Dunlap)
(Semi-Motorised divisions are considered militia, numerous, decent quality)
Naval Commands
Home Command:
1 Bremen Class
7 Baden Class
17 Winslow Class
26 Edmund Burke Class
3 Ranger Super Class
8 Ranger Fast Class
11 Ranger Escort Class
6 Ranger Escort Drone Class
48 Battle Frigates
164 Destroyers
Numerous Sloops and Frigates
Dorian Command:
1 Bremen Class
6 Baden Class
12 Winslow Class
23 Edmund Burke Class
2 Ranger Super Class
8 Ranger Fast Class
11 Ranger Escort Class
7 Ranger Escort Drone Class
Offensive Command:
(Based throughout the House's starbases)
1 Bremen Class
8 Baden Class
19 Winslow Class
32 Endmund Burke Class
5 Ranger Super Class
16 Ranger Fast Class
15 Ranger Escort Class
9 Ranger Escort Drone Class
(I'll post my calcs later, and I'm positioned somewhere in that gap west of the SKS)
The nation was founded by a wealthly European aristocrat down on his luck. His estate was nearly bankrupt until he got lucky in numerous stock investments. After, this he climbed his way up to the second richest man on Earth. His name was Edward Dunlap and he had decided that his billions should be used to create a new nation.
So, he offered positions of power and colonists were given land in the recently inhabitated outposts far from Earth. Soon he found that there were enough colonists to form a successful industrial base. After ten years of making dramatic profits in agriculture and investing these funds, The House industrailized the capital planet Dunlap, and the predominant moon, Brimmingham. Soon, Lord Edward, the Belvolved Father of the Royal House passed on. His noble son, Harold of Gwenfold took over and led for numerous years trying to this nation a first class power.
Eventually, some of the bloodlines died out. The Earl of Warwick, brother of the impotent King sired a son with his younger wife, Anne of Harps. He was named Edward II for he was the savior of the Royal Bloodline. He fulfilled his prophecy by expanding the nation well beyond it's borders and sending expeditions out even further.
They found the Mensia-Dorian Hegemony. The former great lands were now in decay. Isolationalism had taken it's toll though dissent, sedition, and high treason had truly been the posion of that nation. The current Regent Menias-Dorian LXXVIII secretly destroyed his opponents by doing this long before actual Dunlapian troops entered the scene.
His only child a beautiful daughter was wed to the Lord's son, William the Tall. This solidified the unification and it could not be undone. The planet Dorian was revitalised as Sector capital and things once again settled for the House of Dunlap. In Edward's Royal Will and Testament he proclaimed that all bordering nations should be vasilized or annexed. The first would be destroyed to pcify the others. The wars went on far away from the urban centers and people supported these imperial wars of aggression. It was hoped that the former Hegemony and the House home sector could be completely united, but there was simply to many nations inbetween. So, the Royal House finally slowed down. This was roughly around 6300 CE.
The nation is now interested in upgrading their technology further beyond standard starship components. Their air and ground forces seem to be far more modernised.
Naval Forces
Bremen Class Commandship - The Bremen Class Commandship orginially derived from the dreadnought models of sixty five years ago. The models were refined with more shield power and hull strength, but some weapons were removed to boost sensor strength. The ship does make up for it with the superior amount of hundred fifty missle tubes. The first ship was named after Alexander Bremen, the savior of the Battle of Euclid a hundred twenty years ago. Three are in service and no more are planned or needed for the thriving nation.
Length: 7.37 Kilometers
70 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
85 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
180 Light Plasma Guns
150 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
Baden Class Heavy Crusier - This is the mainstay heavy ship of the Royal Armada. It is a top heavy weapon, rivaling the strength of the Bremen class so it requires numerous smaller escorts.
Length: 4.2 Kilometers
60 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
78 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
125 Light Plasma Guns
50 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
50 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launxhers
Winslow Class Medium Cruiser - The Winslow Class Cruiser is a very young model which shows great promise. It regulated the older Harold Teller Class to home patrol. This ship also brings a vital connection to the Edmund Burke Light Cruisers.
Length: 2.85 Kilometers
35 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
68 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
150 Light Plasma Guns
25 Heavy Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
60 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
15 Light Protomoeter Model Missle Lanchers
Edmund Burke Class Light Cruiser - The Edmund Burke Class is a medium age class which does it's job well.
Length: 1.75 Kilometers
15 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
65 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
168 Light Plasma Guns
10 Heavy Protomoeter Model Class Model Missle Launchers
50 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
30 Light Protomoeter Missle Launchers
Sir Blake Drake Class Battle Frigate - The Blake Drake class and previous battle frigates were designed to complement heavier ships and provide an inbetween for cruisers and destroyers.
Length: 1.1 Kilometers
7 Heavy Plasma Emplacements
45 Medium Particle Beam Cannons
140 Light Plasma Guns
5 Heavy Protomoeter Model Model Missle Launchers
40 Medium Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
35 Light Protomoeter Model Missle Launchers
Ranger Super Class Carriers - The Ranger class is the largest model of carriers owned by tthe House of Dunlap. It carriers around 400 drones and 150 human pilots. Drones are becoming more effective and will be replacing most pilots except controllers in the near future. The Fast Deployment Carriers posses around 5/8 of capacity the Super Carriers. Escort and Escort Drone Carriers deploy maround 1/3 and deploy slower into battle.
Ground Forces
Home Comand:
45 Motorised Divisions
25 Mechanized Division
15 Armored Division
(The Home Guard possesses the best expeditionary reserves)
Dorian Comand:
35 Motorised Divisions
20 Mechanized Divisions
12 Armored Divisions
(Still, quality forces)
Dunlap Expeditionary Command:
27 Motorised Division
35 Mechanized Divisions
15 Armored Division
(Command usually half mobilized, home base Dorian and Dunlap)
(Semi-Motorised divisions are considered militia, numerous, decent quality)
Naval Commands
Home Command:
1 Bremen Class
7 Baden Class
17 Winslow Class
26 Edmund Burke Class
3 Ranger Super Class
8 Ranger Fast Class
11 Ranger Escort Class
6 Ranger Escort Drone Class
48 Battle Frigates
164 Destroyers
Numerous Sloops and Frigates
Dorian Command:
1 Bremen Class
6 Baden Class
12 Winslow Class
23 Edmund Burke Class
2 Ranger Super Class
8 Ranger Fast Class
11 Ranger Escort Class
7 Ranger Escort Drone Class
Offensive Command:
(Based throughout the House's starbases)
1 Bremen Class
8 Baden Class
19 Winslow Class
32 Endmund Burke Class
5 Ranger Super Class
16 Ranger Fast Class
15 Ranger Escort Class
9 Ranger Escort Drone Class
(I'll post my calcs later, and I'm positioned somewhere in that gap west of the SKS)
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
UTR Marine Corps,
Standard Equipment:
Combat Armor:
UTR Marines are all equiped with Nano-Armor, the UTRs top secret close combat armor system. Nano Armor has existed since the creation of the Republic, and is still one if it's msot closely guarded secrets. To use this armor all marines must go extensize neural surgery and training in armor operation.
The armor is made completely of advanced nanites in a distributed network linking together as one. In operation an armor user usually looks like a faceless black manequin but in combat the suit can adapt to attacks and form clsoe in melee weapons at anhy point as well as spread damage around and reinforce the armor in aarea's when needed.
To utilize ranged weapons the nano armor needs two additional compents that link directly to the armor at any location. A weapon, and either a powersource or ammo source depending on the weapon type.
The standard marine rifle is the PR-175 firing a 5mm x40mm depleted uranium round, or the ER-188 particle beam rifle. Every squad also has one man equiped with either a GS-78 shoulder mounted grenade launcher, ES-67 shoulder mounted plasma cannon.
Marines also carry the PP-256 whis is a self contained 3mm x15mm forearm mounted pistol unit not suitable for use without Nano-Armor. Various other weapons such as flame throwers, sonic weapons, gas weapon and dozens of other modules can added, inluding advanced sensor or ECM units.
Marines are assault troops intended for precision raides or baording actions and so do not have any heavy weapons above the squad level or any armored vehicles. They do usually have gunship support though from there insertion shuttles if neccesary.
Standard Equipment:
Combat Armor:
UTR Marines are all equiped with Nano-Armor, the UTRs top secret close combat armor system. Nano Armor has existed since the creation of the Republic, and is still one if it's msot closely guarded secrets. To use this armor all marines must go extensize neural surgery and training in armor operation.
The armor is made completely of advanced nanites in a distributed network linking together as one. In operation an armor user usually looks like a faceless black manequin but in combat the suit can adapt to attacks and form clsoe in melee weapons at anhy point as well as spread damage around and reinforce the armor in aarea's when needed.
To utilize ranged weapons the nano armor needs two additional compents that link directly to the armor at any location. A weapon, and either a powersource or ammo source depending on the weapon type.
The standard marine rifle is the PR-175 firing a 5mm x40mm depleted uranium round, or the ER-188 particle beam rifle. Every squad also has one man equiped with either a GS-78 shoulder mounted grenade launcher, ES-67 shoulder mounted plasma cannon.
Marines also carry the PP-256 whis is a self contained 3mm x15mm forearm mounted pistol unit not suitable for use without Nano-Armor. Various other weapons such as flame throwers, sonic weapons, gas weapon and dozens of other modules can added, inluding advanced sensor or ECM units.
Marines are assault troops intended for precision raides or baording actions and so do not have any heavy weapons above the squad level or any armored vehicles. They do usually have gunship support though from there insertion shuttles if neccesary.
- Crayz9000
- Sith Apprentice
- Posts: 7329
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:39pm
- Location: Improbably superpositioned
- Contact:
(disclaimer: this catalog will be updated as necessary, and "yearly" updates will be reposted)
Command Battleship, Sonoma Class
The Sonoma-class commandship is a relic of the pre-war days, and its initial design dates back almost 3000 years to the First Skaarj War. The original design posessed firepower equal to that of two Executor-class commandships. However, due to the scarcity of resources post-war, the number of guns and defenses was dramatically reduced, while the command facilities were extensively enhanced to provide full fleet coordination.
For export purposes, the Sonoma-class will be built on request only. Expected construction time is 12 months per ship, plus six months for restarting the construction lines. Different weapon configurations can be specified by the buyer.
One of Quaynar Industries' earliest warship designs, older than the Sonoma-class by a number of years. This can be seen in its form, which resembles the familiar dagger shape of the Kuat Drive Yards warships - although there are some exceptions, among them the protrusions toward the stern of the vessel, which conceal the two solar ionization reactors. It is comparable in firepower to the slightly smaller Allegiance-class Star
Destroyer of Kuat design.
The Siberia has proven to be a highly reliable heavy cruiser through many hundreds of years of use. A tried-and-true design, it is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 45 standard days/ship.
Named for the Greek god of war, the Ares is the smallest QIC warship capable of single-handedly destroying the ecosystem of an unshielded terrestrial planet. However, this was not its primary function; the ship is designed to function as a cruiser in fleet-to-fleet operations. It is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
A carrier design that dates back approximately 100 years, the Jupiter is a reliable fleet workhorse. Its large fighter capacity makes it ideal for fleet use, but due to its weak anti-missile defenses, it must be escorted at all times. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
Another one of Quaynar's newer designs, the Tethys is designed expressly with fleet operations in mind. The most powerful sensors on any ship of its size rating, combined with the latest in CIWS, make this destroyer a potent escort for larger ships. In particular, it is recommended that the Tethys Class vessels be used as escorts for Jupiter class Carriers. Estimated construction time is 30 standard days/ship.
Intended to work in groups, the Montsegur Class was designed to overwhelm defenses with sheer volume of missile fire. It is capable of firing over 180 missiles simultaneously and includes the necessary communication hardware for concerted strikes with other ships of the same class. The communication system uses tight-beam lasercomms in the event of heavy jamming. Estimated construction time is 30 standard days/ship.
Heavy Starfighter, Firestar type (Block 2)
The Firestar was developed with some influence from alternate universe Terran designs. It is a moderately fast and highly capable starfighter, carrying comparatively heavy shielding for its size class. Ground assault and recon versions are available.
General Purpose Starfighter, H-wing type (Block 7C)
A somewhat outdated design, the H-wing is intended for use in the militaries of developing nations. Thanks to various upgrades, it is still able to remain competitive in the starfighter market, although it does not have any overwhelming advantages compared to other starfighters.
Heavy Railgun
Fires 2m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 65,000cr
Medium Railgun
Fires .5m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 50,000cr
Light Railgun
Fires .1m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 40,000cr
Cataphract Block 1 CIWS
Designed specifically for fleet integration, the Cataphract Block 1 Close-In Weapons System is one of the most accurate and powerful in the galaxy, with an estimated 95% standard configuration kill rate against most non-cloaked missiles. Destroying cloaked missiles requires combining the Cataphract Block 1 with either CGT or ansible sensors.
The Mark 12 Multiple-Launch Missile System contains 16 independent missile cells per battery. There are a number of missiles in standard canisters available for it.
Cost: 100,000cr
(disclaimer: this catalog will be updated as necessary, and "yearly" updates will be reposted)
Command Battleship, Sonoma Class
The Sonoma-class commandship is a relic of the pre-war days, and its initial design dates back almost 3000 years to the First Skaarj War. The original design posessed firepower equal to that of two Executor-class commandships. However, due to the scarcity of resources post-war, the number of guns and defenses was dramatically reduced, while the command facilities were extensively enhanced to provide full fleet coordination.
For export purposes, the Sonoma-class will be built on request only. Expected construction time is 12 months per ship, plus six months for restarting the construction lines. Different weapon configurations can be specified by the buyer.
- Specifications
- Base price: 1,200,000,000cr
- Keel length: 18.3km
- Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
- Hangar capacity: 64 starfighter wings (maximum)
- Average crew: 150,000
- Sensors: Hyperwave, subspace, CGT, phased-array EM
- Armaments
- 100 heavy railguns
- 300 medium railguns
- 600 light railguns
- 250 ion cannons
- 250 MLMS batteries
- 2400 Guardian Block 2A CIWS batteries
One of Quaynar Industries' earliest warship designs, older than the Sonoma-class by a number of years. This can be seen in its form, which resembles the familiar dagger shape of the Kuat Drive Yards warships - although there are some exceptions, among them the protrusions toward the stern of the vessel, which conceal the two solar ionization reactors. It is comparable in firepower to the slightly smaller Allegiance-class Star
Destroyer of Kuat design.
The Siberia has proven to be a highly reliable heavy cruiser through many hundreds of years of use. A tried-and-true design, it is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 45 standard days/ship.
- Specifications:
- Base price: 70,000,000cr
- Keel length: 2.4km
- Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
- Hangar capacity: 4 starfighter wings (maximum)
- Average crew: 46,000
- Sensors: Hyperwave, subspace, phased-array EM
- Armaments:
- 24 medium railguns
- 40 light railguns
- 16 heavy turbolasers
- 120 medium turbolasers
- 50 ion cannons
- 20 MLMS batteries
- 260 Guardian Block 2A CIWS batteries
Named for the Greek god of war, the Ares is the smallest QIC warship capable of single-handedly destroying the ecosystem of an unshielded terrestrial planet. However, this was not its primary function; the ship is designed to function as a cruiser in fleet-to-fleet operations. It is available for purchase from Quaynar Industries. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
- Specifications
- Base price: 50,000,000cr
- Keel length: 1.9km
- Hyperdrive: .4, 127 LY/hr
- Hangar capacity: 2 starfighter wings (maximum)
- Average crew: 35,000
- Sensors: Hyperwave, subspace, phased-array EM
- Armaments
- 16 medium railguns
- 24 light railguns
- 8 heavy turbolasers
- 64 medium turbolasers
- 24 ion cannons
- 12 MLMS batteries
- 180 Guardian Block 2A CIWS batteries
A carrier design that dates back approximately 100 years, the Jupiter is a reliable fleet workhorse. Its large fighter capacity makes it ideal for fleet use, but due to its weak anti-missile defenses, it must be escorted at all times. Estimated construction time is 40 standard days/ship.
- Specifications
- Base price: 40,000,000cr
- Keel length: 2.0km
- Hyperdrive: .4
- Hangar capacity: 12 starfighter wings (maximum)
- Average crew: 40,000
- Armaments
- 16 medium railguns
- 32 light railguns
- 24 ion beam arrays
- 120 Guardian Block 2A CIWS batteries
Another one of Quaynar's newer designs, the Tethys is designed expressly with fleet operations in mind. The most powerful sensors on any ship of its size rating, combined with the latest in CIWS, make this destroyer a potent escort for larger ships. In particular, it is recommended that the Tethys Class vessels be used as escorts for Jupiter class Carriers. Estimated construction time is 30 standard days/ship.
- Specifications
- Base price: 35,000,000cr
- Keel length: 1.4km
- Hyperdrive: .5
- Hangar capacity: 6 shuttles or support craft
- Average crew: 26,000
- Sensors: Ansible (N/A as of 6501 CE), Hyperwave, subspace, CGT, phased-array EM
- Armaments
- 16 medium railguns
- 32 light railguns
- 32 medium turbolasers
- 16 ion beam arrays
- 10 MLMS batteries
- 240 Cataphract Block 1 CIWS batteries
Intended to work in groups, the Montsegur Class was designed to overwhelm defenses with sheer volume of missile fire. It is capable of firing over 180 missiles simultaneously and includes the necessary communication hardware for concerted strikes with other ships of the same class. The communication system uses tight-beam lasercomms in the event of heavy jamming. Estimated construction time is 30 standard days/ship.
- Specifications
- Base price: 25,000,000cr
- Keel length: 0.98km
- Hyperdrive: .4
- Hangar capacity: 6 shuttles or support craft
- Average crew: 10,000
- Sensors: Hyperwave, subspace, phased-array EM
- Armaments
- 16 medium railguns
- 32 light railguns
- 16 ion beam arrays
- 24 MLMS batteries
- 80 Cataphract Block 1 CIWS batteries
Heavy Starfighter, Firestar type (Block 2)
The Firestar was developed with some influence from alternate universe Terran designs. It is a moderately fast and highly capable starfighter, carrying comparatively heavy shielding for its size class. Ground assault and recon versions are available.
- Specifications
- Base price: 200,000cr
- Length: 20m
- Standard astromech droid socket
- Standard shields
- Hyperdrive: .5
- Anti-missile countermeasures
- Modular axial weapon/equipment hardpoint
- Armaments
- Heavy blaster cannon, x2
- Axial weapons:
- Reflex cannon module +50,000cr
- Ion cannon module +20,000cr
- Proton torpedo launchers (6) x2
- Missile Hardpoints x12
- Options
- 2-seat version. +15,000cr
- Upgrade hyperdrive to x1. +30,000cr
- Upgrade fusion generator to hypermatter. +50,000cr
- Add Ion Dissipator. +40,000cr
- Add modular long-range sensor package. (uses axial hardpoint) +40,000cr
- Customized naval color scheme. +1,000cr
- Packages
- Ground Assault: 6 more ventral hardpoints; proton torpedo launchers replaced with concussion missile launchers. +30,000cr
- Recon: 2-seat version; Fusion generator upgraded to hypermatter; long-range sensor package fitted to axial hardpoint; special sensor-refractive coating; proton torpedo launchers removed. +100,000cr
General Purpose Starfighter, H-wing type (Block 7C)
A somewhat outdated design, the H-wing is intended for use in the militaries of developing nations. Thanks to various upgrades, it is still able to remain competitive in the starfighter market, although it does not have any overwhelming advantages compared to other starfighters.
- Specifications
- Base price: 75,000cr
- Length: 12.5m
- Standard astromech droid socket
- Standard shields
- Hyperdrive: .45
- Wingtip radiator panels
- Anti-missile countermeasures
- Armaments
- Medium blaster cannons, x4
- Proton torpedo launcher (6) x1
- Missile Hardpoints x8
- Options
- Add long-range sensor package. +25,000cr
- Customized naval color scheme (bulk orders only). +750cr
Heavy Railgun
Fires 2m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 65,000cr
Medium Railgun
Fires .5m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 50,000cr
Light Railgun
Fires .1m diameter ferrous-alloy durasteel slugs at c-fractional velocities.
Cost: 40,000cr
Cataphract Block 1 CIWS
Designed specifically for fleet integration, the Cataphract Block 1 Close-In Weapons System is one of the most accurate and powerful in the galaxy, with an estimated 95% standard configuration kill rate against most non-cloaked missiles. Destroying cloaked missiles requires combining the Cataphract Block 1 with either CGT or ansible sensors.
- Specifications
- Cost: 70,000cr
- 8 sets of octuple gatling 20mm railguns
- 8 sets of octuple MASERs
- Estimated ROF: 6,000 RPM (for all sets of railguns)
The Mark 12 Multiple-Launch Missile System contains 16 independent missile cells per battery. There are a number of missiles in standard canisters available for it.
Cost: 100,000cr
Last edited by Crayz9000 on 2003-11-19 04:32pm, edited 1 time in total.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
Rough Star Kingdom Detailed OOB
Confederation-class Superdreadnought (SD)
First of her class and the only superdreadnought in the Fleet remaining. Her original varied armament has been consolidated into much fewer types of weaponry. Her axial cannon has been decomissioned due to the severe maintenance requirements and the general drawing-down in military powers across the galaxy. The massive conventional loadouts obviate the need for a super-cannon in fleet engagements. Primary weapons include 40 of the largest reflex cannon ever built and 12 very large etheric cannon to back up the reflex guns. Scores of smaller weapons complement them.
Confederation is a fleet to herself.
13.5 km long
10 Quad Very Heavy Reflex Cannon
4 Triple Ultra Heavy Etheric Cannon
20 Super Heavy Etheric Cannon
20 Super Heavy Ion Beam Arrays
64 Quad Very Heavy Etheric Cannon
70 Triple Very Heavy Ion Cannon
102 Sextuple Heavy Etheric Cannon
450 Octuple Medium Etheric Cannon
980 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
1750 CIWS
80 96-cell VLS
70 Triple Heavy Missile Tubes
Max Parasite Loadout: 5760 Fighter, 4320 Bomber, 3744 Attack, 720 SWACS, 720 EW, 1008 Tanker, 1296 Shuttle. It should be noted that Confederation barely loads a tithe of this strength these days.
Revenge-class Battleship (BB) [old:CL]
Despite early designs specifying two twin reflex cannon, the design was completed with four single cannon. She carries no fighters, being a pure gunship, but some consider her 'first amongst equals' for the battleships of the galaxy.
2.5 km long
4 Light Reflex Cannon
48 Triple Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
64 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
64 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
180 CIWS
8 Heavy Missile Tubes
Trident-class Battlecruiser (BC) [old: DC]
Intended as a fast fleet capital ship, it retains the heavy armor and shielding typical of the Star Kingdom's capital vessels but is much faster -- however, it has fewer capital-scale weapons, in this case only one light reflex cannon, abliet modified for longer range. It is based off the old KDY Alliegance-class Star Destroyer.w
2.2km long
1 Long-Range Light Reflex Cannon (Axial)
44 Twin Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
4 Quad Heavy Etheric Cannon (trench notches)
64 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
64 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
160 Light Particle Beam Cannon (trench)
160 CIWS
6 Heavy Missile Tubes
Imperator-class Large Cruiser (CB) [old: DA]
A descendant of the classic KDY Imperator-class Star Destroyer, this ship is well-rounded in all aspects.
1.609 km long
1 Light Reflex Cannon (Axial)
32 Twin Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
2 Quad Heavy Etheric Cannon (trench notch)
60 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
60 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
120 Light Particle Beam Cannon (trench)
120 CIWS
3 Heavy Missile Tubes
60 Fighters, 36 Bombers, 36 Attack, 12 Recon, 4 SWACS, 4 EW, 6 Tanker, 10 Shuttles
New Boston-class Heavy Cruiser (CA) [old: DD]
A desscendant of the RSD Victory-class Star Destroyer, this ship too is quite powerful and deadly. Capable of independant action, they are often seen in fleets around the Kingdom.
900m long
32 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
48 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
36 Medium Ion Cannon
44 32-cell VLS
70 Light Particle Beam Cannon
3 Heavy Missile Tubes
48 Fighters, 24 Attack, 24 Bombers, 12 Recon, 2 SWACS, 2 EW, 4 Tankers, 10 Shuttles
Gorgon-class Fleet Missile Attack Cruiser (CGA) [old: DGA]
4 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
84 32-cell VLS
36 Heavy Missile Tubes
Hydra-class Fleet Missile Escort Cruiser (CGE) [old: DGE]
4 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
126 32-cell VLS
12 Heavy Missile Tubes
Finn-class Destroyer(DD) [old: FF]
16 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
24 Light Etheric Cannon
24 Light Ion Cannon
35 Light Particle Beam Cannon
20 32-cell VLS
12 Recon
Aisencourt-class Fleet Carrier (RA) [old: RL]
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
36 32-cell VLS
168 Fighter, 60 Bomber, 60 Attack, 24 Recon, 6 SWACS, 6 EW, 10 Tanker, 20 Shuttles
Middinzei-class Light Carrier (RL) [old: RE]
18 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
18 32-cell VLS
96 Fighter, 36 Bomber, 36 Attack, 12 Recon, 4 SWACS, 4 EW, 4 Tanker, 10 Shuttles
Grennady-class Escort Carrier (RE) [old: REL]
10 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
8 32-cell VLS
36 Fighter, 12 Attack, 6 Bomber, 6 Recon, 2 Tanker, 4 Shuttles
Space Guard Notes
It should be noted that the Space Guard tends to cobble together their ships with numerous types of weaponry and sensors from other places not neccessarily legal. The first segment of the weaponry listing includes the "stock" armament; the second segment shows a typical listing of additions. In particular, ion-type weapons are popular additions. The Navy unofficially encourages this practice by giving them somewhat large ships with decent expansion room.
In peacetime, Space Guard ships are typically painted white with a royal-blue stripe in front (similar to the ancient USCG on Old Terra) and in back (angled in the opposite direction as the fore stripe). In war they revert their smartpaint to more utilitarian camo patterns.
Example WHEP
8 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
6 Light Ion Cannon
2 32-cell VLS
4 Recon Fighters
16 Light Railguns
4 Medium Ion Beam Arrays
2 Cataphract 1 CIWS
4 Twin Rail Hellhound Missile Launchers
This particular ship is the HMS Snerk. She is unusually heavily-armed for a HEP and typically is assigned in 'hot' areas of piracy and privateering. Her crew has outfitted her with some of the latest weapons from Quaynar Industries as well as from some other less reputable manufacturers. She also carriers four light reconnaisance fighters along with her.
Example WMEP
2 Twin Light Etheric Cannon/Single Light Ion (Combined)
1 16-cell VLS [deleted on this particular ship]
2 Light Turbolaser
2 Light Ion Array
4 MiniStormfire
4 Warp Proton Torpedo Launchers [official addition on this ship]
This particular ship is HMS Wahoo. She is based off a Corellian CR90 Flight VII license-built at the Tranquility Yards. Unofficially, she has been tapped from the higher-ups as a possible commerce raider for times of war. The installation of FTL missile launchers by the Guard is part of this.
Example WREL
6 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
2 16-cell VLS
6 Light Turbolaser
2 Beam Cannon
4 Phaser Strips
4 Stormfire
12 Recon, 6 Attack, 18 Fighters, 4 shuttles
As with most ships in the Guard, the Escort Carriers are generally heavily modified. This ship, HMS Guardian, has had several turbolasers and beam cannon installed for fending off enemy gunboats as well as a more comprehensive CIWS suite including railguns and phasers. They are rated for four squadrons of fighters but typically only carry three plus inspection shuttles.
Weaponry Notes
Particle Beam technology stolen from Kzinti during the Invasion.
Etheric cannon are capable of 'flak' mode but is not like 'variable time' artillery.
CIWS Contains:
1 Staring multiple-spectra/domain passive sensor
1 Phased-array subspace sensor
2 3-barreled 40mm Etheric Cannon. Gatling-style, capable of 'flak' mode
2 Miniature Etheric-Warhead Missile Launchers
This particular CIWS is the direct descendant of similar systems employed in previous wars past. it is capable of laying down frightening amounts of the fleetwide command and control network.
Confederation-class Superdreadnought (SD)
First of her class and the only superdreadnought in the Fleet remaining. Her original varied armament has been consolidated into much fewer types of weaponry. Her axial cannon has been decomissioned due to the severe maintenance requirements and the general drawing-down in military powers across the galaxy. The massive conventional loadouts obviate the need for a super-cannon in fleet engagements. Primary weapons include 40 of the largest reflex cannon ever built and 12 very large etheric cannon to back up the reflex guns. Scores of smaller weapons complement them.
Confederation is a fleet to herself.
13.5 km long
10 Quad Very Heavy Reflex Cannon
4 Triple Ultra Heavy Etheric Cannon
20 Super Heavy Etheric Cannon
20 Super Heavy Ion Beam Arrays
64 Quad Very Heavy Etheric Cannon
70 Triple Very Heavy Ion Cannon
102 Sextuple Heavy Etheric Cannon
450 Octuple Medium Etheric Cannon
980 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
1750 CIWS
80 96-cell VLS
70 Triple Heavy Missile Tubes
Max Parasite Loadout: 5760 Fighter, 4320 Bomber, 3744 Attack, 720 SWACS, 720 EW, 1008 Tanker, 1296 Shuttle. It should be noted that Confederation barely loads a tithe of this strength these days.
Revenge-class Battleship (BB) [old:CL]
Despite early designs specifying two twin reflex cannon, the design was completed with four single cannon. She carries no fighters, being a pure gunship, but some consider her 'first amongst equals' for the battleships of the galaxy.
2.5 km long
4 Light Reflex Cannon
48 Triple Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
64 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
64 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
180 CIWS
8 Heavy Missile Tubes
Trident-class Battlecruiser (BC) [old: DC]
Intended as a fast fleet capital ship, it retains the heavy armor and shielding typical of the Star Kingdom's capital vessels but is much faster -- however, it has fewer capital-scale weapons, in this case only one light reflex cannon, abliet modified for longer range. It is based off the old KDY Alliegance-class Star Destroyer.w
2.2km long
1 Long-Range Light Reflex Cannon (Axial)
44 Twin Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
4 Quad Heavy Etheric Cannon (trench notches)
64 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
64 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
160 Light Particle Beam Cannon (trench)
160 CIWS
6 Heavy Missile Tubes
Imperator-class Large Cruiser (CB) [old: DA]
A descendant of the classic KDY Imperator-class Star Destroyer, this ship is well-rounded in all aspects.
1.609 km long
1 Light Reflex Cannon (Axial)
32 Twin Very-Heavy Etheric Cannon
2 Quad Heavy Etheric Cannon (trench notch)
60 Twin Medium Ion Cannon
60 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
48 32-cell VLS
120 Light Particle Beam Cannon (trench)
120 CIWS
3 Heavy Missile Tubes
60 Fighters, 36 Bombers, 36 Attack, 12 Recon, 4 SWACS, 4 EW, 6 Tanker, 10 Shuttles
New Boston-class Heavy Cruiser (CA) [old: DD]
A desscendant of the RSD Victory-class Star Destroyer, this ship too is quite powerful and deadly. Capable of independant action, they are often seen in fleets around the Kingdom.
900m long
32 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
48 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
36 Medium Ion Cannon
44 32-cell VLS
70 Light Particle Beam Cannon
3 Heavy Missile Tubes
48 Fighters, 24 Attack, 24 Bombers, 12 Recon, 2 SWACS, 2 EW, 4 Tankers, 10 Shuttles
Gorgon-class Fleet Missile Attack Cruiser (CGA) [old: DGA]
4 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
84 32-cell VLS
36 Heavy Missile Tubes
Hydra-class Fleet Missile Escort Cruiser (CGE) [old: DGE]
4 Twin Heavy Etheric Cannon
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
126 32-cell VLS
12 Heavy Missile Tubes
Finn-class Destroyer(DD) [old: FF]
16 Twin Medium Etheric Cannon
24 Light Etheric Cannon
24 Light Ion Cannon
35 Light Particle Beam Cannon
20 32-cell VLS
12 Recon
Aisencourt-class Fleet Carrier (RA) [old: RL]
36 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
36 32-cell VLS
168 Fighter, 60 Bomber, 60 Attack, 24 Recon, 6 SWACS, 6 EW, 10 Tanker, 20 Shuttles
Middinzei-class Light Carrier (RL) [old: RE]
18 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
18 32-cell VLS
96 Fighter, 36 Bomber, 36 Attack, 12 Recon, 4 SWACS, 4 EW, 4 Tanker, 10 Shuttles
Grennady-class Escort Carrier (RE) [old: REL]
10 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
8 32-cell VLS
36 Fighter, 12 Attack, 6 Bomber, 6 Recon, 2 Tanker, 4 Shuttles
Space Guard Notes
It should be noted that the Space Guard tends to cobble together their ships with numerous types of weaponry and sensors from other places not neccessarily legal. The first segment of the weaponry listing includes the "stock" armament; the second segment shows a typical listing of additions. In particular, ion-type weapons are popular additions. The Navy unofficially encourages this practice by giving them somewhat large ships with decent expansion room.
In peacetime, Space Guard ships are typically painted white with a royal-blue stripe in front (similar to the ancient USCG on Old Terra) and in back (angled in the opposite direction as the fore stripe). In war they revert their smartpaint to more utilitarian camo patterns.
Example WHEP
8 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
6 Light Ion Cannon
2 32-cell VLS
4 Recon Fighters
16 Light Railguns
4 Medium Ion Beam Arrays
2 Cataphract 1 CIWS
4 Twin Rail Hellhound Missile Launchers
This particular ship is the HMS Snerk. She is unusually heavily-armed for a HEP and typically is assigned in 'hot' areas of piracy and privateering. Her crew has outfitted her with some of the latest weapons from Quaynar Industries as well as from some other less reputable manufacturers. She also carriers four light reconnaisance fighters along with her.
Example WMEP
2 Twin Light Etheric Cannon/Single Light Ion (Combined)
1 16-cell VLS [deleted on this particular ship]
2 Light Turbolaser
2 Light Ion Array
4 MiniStormfire
4 Warp Proton Torpedo Launchers [official addition on this ship]
This particular ship is HMS Wahoo. She is based off a Corellian CR90 Flight VII license-built at the Tranquility Yards. Unofficially, she has been tapped from the higher-ups as a possible commerce raider for times of war. The installation of FTL missile launchers by the Guard is part of this.
Example WREL
6 Twin Light Etheric Cannon
2 16-cell VLS
6 Light Turbolaser
2 Beam Cannon
4 Phaser Strips
4 Stormfire
12 Recon, 6 Attack, 18 Fighters, 4 shuttles
As with most ships in the Guard, the Escort Carriers are generally heavily modified. This ship, HMS Guardian, has had several turbolasers and beam cannon installed for fending off enemy gunboats as well as a more comprehensive CIWS suite including railguns and phasers. They are rated for four squadrons of fighters but typically only carry three plus inspection shuttles.
Weaponry Notes
Particle Beam technology stolen from Kzinti during the Invasion.
Etheric cannon are capable of 'flak' mode but is not like 'variable time' artillery.
CIWS Contains:
1 Staring multiple-spectra/domain passive sensor
1 Phased-array subspace sensor
2 3-barreled 40mm Etheric Cannon. Gatling-style, capable of 'flak' mode
2 Miniature Etheric-Warhead Missile Launchers
This particular CIWS is the direct descendant of similar systems employed in previous wars past. it is capable of laying down frightening amounts of the fleetwide command and control network.
Last edited by phongn on 2003-12-24 04:23pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tired of the pure idiocy of the people of earth the ancestors of the civilization’s founders left earth to go to somewhere less stupid. Their ships eventually arrived at Slothus IV. They valiantly defeated the pacifist sloth people, taking control of their homeworld, and set up their new empire the Central Directed-Republic of Marvels. The CD-RoM has remained cut off from the rest of the galaxy for hundreds of years, now they are finally ready to explode and see how the universe has changed.
Capitalistic, similar to modern earth’s.
People who passed the standardized political test may vote in elections for government officials. The highest official is the Provost, which is of course me. Provosts may either resign of may be recalled at any time, there is no set term of office.
In the western part of the galaxy. They hold three heavily populated worlds(Slothus IV, V, and VI), each world has theater shields and very secure bunkers. Slothus IV is the capital, Slothus V has two moons full of raw materials. They also have Valn, an arid desert planet used as a military base and training center.
T-400s/T-800s: Factories have begun large scale production of these robots in preparation for contact with outside civilizations
Power suits: Worn by CD-RoM infantry comparable to SST: Chronicles suits
Tanks: Q-51, MBT with plasma cannon or mini-etheric cannon, and two E-Web level blasters. Self propelled artillery vehicles with high explosive rounds are used.
Various APCs and technicals with comparable Star Wars level weapons are around
Bum gun: The standard issue CD-RoM rifle, it has a high rate of fire(think clone wars on CN) and strength of a SW blaster, looks like an SIG-552. Each clip hold 100 rounds.
Other arms: (ooc, I’ll add these latter) numerous combined arms
Dropships: Similar to Aliens universe dropships
Droppods: Used by orbital drop division troops
Ship technology:
Shields- In space ships use “hull hugger” shields, mircoenergy transmitters that interweave and create a bubble of energy around almost all of the ship’s hull. These shields are normally passive and during combat are turned up to incept enemy fire. Because of their alternate routing even if some of the shield transmitters are destroyed the rest will still protect their area at full efficiency, however this means that shield energy cannot be redirected.
30 orb ships: Completely round with weapons equally spaced along the hull
1 km
Crew: 200
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 40TT/sec
20 proton torpedoes
200 lasers (100GT)
1000 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
30 cruisers: Standard looking old school flying saucers
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 40TT/sec
20 proton torpedoes
50 lasers (100GT)
50 etheric cannons
500 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
80 scout cruisers: Modified cruisers, include lots of scientific scanners and onboard labs. Also the FTL is faster than standard cruisers
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 800LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 20TT/sec
50 lasers (100GT)
300 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
50 landers: Troop carriers, can land. Hold 1000 troops and have huge vehicle bays
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 20TT/sec
70 torpedo tubes
50 lasers (100GT)
100 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
Capitalistic, similar to modern earth’s.
People who passed the standardized political test may vote in elections for government officials. The highest official is the Provost, which is of course me. Provosts may either resign of may be recalled at any time, there is no set term of office.
In the western part of the galaxy. They hold three heavily populated worlds(Slothus IV, V, and VI), each world has theater shields and very secure bunkers. Slothus IV is the capital, Slothus V has two moons full of raw materials. They also have Valn, an arid desert planet used as a military base and training center.
T-400s/T-800s: Factories have begun large scale production of these robots in preparation for contact with outside civilizations
Power suits: Worn by CD-RoM infantry comparable to SST: Chronicles suits
Tanks: Q-51, MBT with plasma cannon or mini-etheric cannon, and two E-Web level blasters. Self propelled artillery vehicles with high explosive rounds are used.
Various APCs and technicals with comparable Star Wars level weapons are around
Bum gun: The standard issue CD-RoM rifle, it has a high rate of fire(think clone wars on CN) and strength of a SW blaster, looks like an SIG-552. Each clip hold 100 rounds.
Other arms: (ooc, I’ll add these latter) numerous combined arms
Dropships: Similar to Aliens universe dropships
Droppods: Used by orbital drop division troops
Ship technology:
Shields- In space ships use “hull hugger” shields, mircoenergy transmitters that interweave and create a bubble of energy around almost all of the ship’s hull. These shields are normally passive and during combat are turned up to incept enemy fire. Because of their alternate routing even if some of the shield transmitters are destroyed the rest will still protect their area at full efficiency, however this means that shield energy cannot be redirected.
30 orb ships: Completely round with weapons equally spaced along the hull
1 km
Crew: 200
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 40TT/sec
20 proton torpedoes
200 lasers (100GT)
1000 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
30 cruisers: Standard looking old school flying saucers
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 40TT/sec
20 proton torpedoes
50 lasers (100GT)
50 etheric cannons
500 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
80 scout cruisers: Modified cruisers, include lots of scientific scanners and onboard labs. Also the FTL is faster than standard cruisers
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 800LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 20TT/sec
50 lasers (100GT)
300 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
50 landers: Troop carriers, can land. Hold 1000 troops and have huge vehicle bays
1 km
Crew: 100
Sensor Range- 400LY (6LS targeting)
Engines- Impulse Drives
FTL- Hyper drive
Shields- 20TT/sec
70 torpedo tubes
50 lasers (100GT)
100 PD lasers (1 MT)
Numerous tractor beams
Last edited by justifier on 2003-11-18 11:08pm, edited 2 times in total.
KILL BILL and The Punisher coming APRIL 16!
KILL BILL and The Punisher coming APRIL 16!
KILL BILL and The Punisher coming APRIL 16!
KILL BILL and The Punisher coming APRIL 16!
KILL BILL and The Punisher coming APRIL 16!
- Biozeminade!
- Posts: 3874
- Joined: 2003-02-02 04:29pm
- Location: what did you doooooo щ(゚Д゚щ)
The Outworlds Alliance
Note:The OA uses roughly SW-level weaponry and drives. Their
hyperdrives are basically identical as well.
Ancient History
The Alliance(a misnomer; it is governed by a Republic) rests on the
edge of human-inhabited space, hence its name. This nation was the
result of a bloody civil war between the inhabitants of a
fundamentalist Middle East-dominated space-faring nation that once
inhabited that space. In the wake of the civil war, which took place
approximately 500 years ago, the survivors of the shattered nation
banded together to form the Outworlds Alliance, a new nation based on
sentient rights, in which the old religions and hatreds had little or
no place.
The inhabitants of the Outworlds Alliance are human, mostly of Middle
Eastern extraction, though few practice Islam, or any other religion.
Recent History
Almost three hundred years ago, this minor interstellar civilization,
an enclave of secular human society occupying a position on the far
corners of human-inhabited space, was effectively annihilated during
the Floater Wars, which led to the disintegration of the Asgard Empire
as well. Unlike the Asgard, the remains of Alliance did not rise from
the ashes, disappearing from the intergalactic stage. The few
remaining survivors of the nation fled out of human inhabited space,
remaining undetected until recently...
Now, the remains of the once prosperous Alliance have returned from
their exile.
The warships of the Outworld Alliance are not anywhere near as potent
as many other intergalactic powers, mainly because they are based
mostly on designs that are centuries old. Despite this, they are still
serviceable, and the OAN's fleets are quite adequate for protecting
their territories from the non-human raiders that are their standard
Vessel Listing
Stygian-Class Corvette
Number in service: 350
Sensor Range: 300LY
The smallest and most common capital ship in the OAN, the Stygian is a
comparitively new design, and mounts a respectable amount of armament,
consisting of four quad-turbolaser batteries, supplemented by several
laser turrets that serve to provide point defense and anti-starfighter
protection. As with all OAN vessels, it is equipped with Ray and
Particle Shielding, allowing it to withstand exchanges with larger
vessels for short periods of time.
Styx-Class Frigate
Number in service: 200
Sensor Range: 300LY
This 400m long warship is used extensively in the anti-piracy role,
often acting in conjunction with Hades-class vessels (see below)
with several Styxes utilizing the Hades as a command ship. The Styx is
equipped with eight Heavy Turbolaser batteries, ten turbolaser
batteries, and forty laser batteries. It is also equipped with six
concussion missile tubes.
Hades-Class Heavy Monitor
Number in service: 50
Sensor Range: 600LY
This warship is classed as a Monitor, a designation which seems
inappropriate in relation to the vessel's size. In actuality, the
designation refers to the sensor arrays the vessel carries. They are
more powerful than most sensor suites fitted to OAN vessels, and CGT
arrays are built in. This is in contrast to other OAN ships, which are
capable of towing a purpose-built CGT array. It is, for all intents
and purposes, armed to the same degree as the Styx.
Volcano-Class Escort Carrier
Number in Service: 160
Sensor Range: 300LY
The OAN's Fighter Arm depends mostly on this class of warship, which
are able to carry three squadrons of twelve Hellfire fighter-bombers.
They are armed with four heavy turbolaser batteries and twenty laser
Charon-Class Destroyer
Number in Service: 52
Sensor Range: 300LY
One of the OAN's premier warships, the Charon mounts sixty
turbolaser batteries, and six Heavy Turbolaser batteries. It also
carries one hundred concussion missile launch tubes, an unusual
armament in the OAN. It is equipped with laser batteries for point
Brimstone-Class Destroyer
Number in service: 21
Sensor Range: 290LY
A much older class than the Charon, the Brimstone is slowly
being phased out. It is equipped with one hundred and fifty turbolaser
batteries and twelve heavy turbolaser batteries. Like the
Charon it is studded with laser batteries.
Acheron-Class Cruiser
Number in service: 25
Sensor Range: 300LY
This enormous vessel is one of the OAN's heavy hitters, equipped with
forty heavy turbolasers and almost two hundred turbolaser batteries.
It is capable of carrying an entire wing of Hellfires within it's
fighter bays, and is well equipped with point defence weaponry.
Lightbringer-Class Dreadnought
Number in service: 4
Sensor Range: 350LY
These gargantuan battleships are used as the OAN's regional flagships,
mobile enforcers of the OA's will withing it's borders. They mount
eighty heavy turbolaser batteries,two hundred and fifty turbolaser
batteries, as well as point defence capabilities relative to it's
size, and space for two wings of Hellfires.
Hellfire Fighter-Bomber
Number in service: Several thousand
Sensor Range: 10LY
These agile fightercraft are the OA's most common space-superiority
vessel. They are equipped with three laser cannon, spaced in a roughly
triangular pattern. (OOC: If you need a visual, just picture a TIE
Defender) These craft are not equipped with Hyperdrives, and thus rely
on their mother vessels surviving whatever engagement they are
involved in.
Solitaire Superstation
Number in service: 1
The Solitaire represents the peak of the OA's technological achievments, and enormous space habitat shaped vaguely like a ring, holding hundreds of thousands of the OA's population. It is armed in a manner appropriate to it's size, and is always trailed by a convoy of Forgotten Glory class Bulk Cargo vessels. These virtually un-armed ships carry supplies and people in their habitation modules, and stay close to the station for protection.
The OA has an extremely small population compared to most space-faring nations, and a disproportionate amount of this is involved with the military. Much of the OA's population live on a number of enormous space habitats, smaller than the Solitaire, but still huge, and each capable of holding hundreds of thousands of civilians. These stations were the pinnacle of the old OA's technological achievements, though they were not completed until it's fall until the end of the War.
Note:The OA uses roughly SW-level weaponry and drives. Their
hyperdrives are basically identical as well.
Ancient History
The Alliance(a misnomer; it is governed by a Republic) rests on the
edge of human-inhabited space, hence its name. This nation was the
result of a bloody civil war between the inhabitants of a
fundamentalist Middle East-dominated space-faring nation that once
inhabited that space. In the wake of the civil war, which took place
approximately 500 years ago, the survivors of the shattered nation
banded together to form the Outworlds Alliance, a new nation based on
sentient rights, in which the old religions and hatreds had little or
no place.
The inhabitants of the Outworlds Alliance are human, mostly of Middle
Eastern extraction, though few practice Islam, or any other religion.
Recent History
Almost three hundred years ago, this minor interstellar civilization,
an enclave of secular human society occupying a position on the far
corners of human-inhabited space, was effectively annihilated during
the Floater Wars, which led to the disintegration of the Asgard Empire
as well. Unlike the Asgard, the remains of Alliance did not rise from
the ashes, disappearing from the intergalactic stage. The few
remaining survivors of the nation fled out of human inhabited space,
remaining undetected until recently...
Now, the remains of the once prosperous Alliance have returned from
their exile.
The warships of the Outworld Alliance are not anywhere near as potent
as many other intergalactic powers, mainly because they are based
mostly on designs that are centuries old. Despite this, they are still
serviceable, and the OAN's fleets are quite adequate for protecting
their territories from the non-human raiders that are their standard
Vessel Listing
Stygian-Class Corvette
Number in service: 350
Sensor Range: 300LY
The smallest and most common capital ship in the OAN, the Stygian is a
comparitively new design, and mounts a respectable amount of armament,
consisting of four quad-turbolaser batteries, supplemented by several
laser turrets that serve to provide point defense and anti-starfighter
protection. As with all OAN vessels, it is equipped with Ray and
Particle Shielding, allowing it to withstand exchanges with larger
vessels for short periods of time.
Styx-Class Frigate
Number in service: 200
Sensor Range: 300LY
This 400m long warship is used extensively in the anti-piracy role,
often acting in conjunction with Hades-class vessels (see below)
with several Styxes utilizing the Hades as a command ship. The Styx is
equipped with eight Heavy Turbolaser batteries, ten turbolaser
batteries, and forty laser batteries. It is also equipped with six
concussion missile tubes.
Hades-Class Heavy Monitor
Number in service: 50
Sensor Range: 600LY
This warship is classed as a Monitor, a designation which seems
inappropriate in relation to the vessel's size. In actuality, the
designation refers to the sensor arrays the vessel carries. They are
more powerful than most sensor suites fitted to OAN vessels, and CGT
arrays are built in. This is in contrast to other OAN ships, which are
capable of towing a purpose-built CGT array. It is, for all intents
and purposes, armed to the same degree as the Styx.
Volcano-Class Escort Carrier
Number in Service: 160
Sensor Range: 300LY
The OAN's Fighter Arm depends mostly on this class of warship, which
are able to carry three squadrons of twelve Hellfire fighter-bombers.
They are armed with four heavy turbolaser batteries and twenty laser
Charon-Class Destroyer
Number in Service: 52
Sensor Range: 300LY
One of the OAN's premier warships, the Charon mounts sixty
turbolaser batteries, and six Heavy Turbolaser batteries. It also
carries one hundred concussion missile launch tubes, an unusual
armament in the OAN. It is equipped with laser batteries for point
Brimstone-Class Destroyer
Number in service: 21
Sensor Range: 290LY
A much older class than the Charon, the Brimstone is slowly
being phased out. It is equipped with one hundred and fifty turbolaser
batteries and twelve heavy turbolaser batteries. Like the
Charon it is studded with laser batteries.
Acheron-Class Cruiser
Number in service: 25
Sensor Range: 300LY
This enormous vessel is one of the OAN's heavy hitters, equipped with
forty heavy turbolasers and almost two hundred turbolaser batteries.
It is capable of carrying an entire wing of Hellfires within it's
fighter bays, and is well equipped with point defence weaponry.
Lightbringer-Class Dreadnought
Number in service: 4
Sensor Range: 350LY
These gargantuan battleships are used as the OAN's regional flagships,
mobile enforcers of the OA's will withing it's borders. They mount
eighty heavy turbolaser batteries,two hundred and fifty turbolaser
batteries, as well as point defence capabilities relative to it's
size, and space for two wings of Hellfires.
Hellfire Fighter-Bomber
Number in service: Several thousand
Sensor Range: 10LY
These agile fightercraft are the OA's most common space-superiority
vessel. They are equipped with three laser cannon, spaced in a roughly
triangular pattern. (OOC: If you need a visual, just picture a TIE
Defender) These craft are not equipped with Hyperdrives, and thus rely
on their mother vessels surviving whatever engagement they are
involved in.
Solitaire Superstation
Number in service: 1
The Solitaire represents the peak of the OA's technological achievments, and enormous space habitat shaped vaguely like a ring, holding hundreds of thousands of the OA's population. It is armed in a manner appropriate to it's size, and is always trailed by a convoy of Forgotten Glory class Bulk Cargo vessels. These virtually un-armed ships carry supplies and people in their habitation modules, and stay close to the station for protection.
The OA has an extremely small population compared to most space-faring nations, and a disproportionate amount of this is involved with the military. Much of the OA's population live on a number of enormous space habitats, smaller than the Solitaire, but still huge, and each capable of holding hundreds of thousands of civilians. These stations were the pinnacle of the old OA's technological achievements, though they were not completed until it's fall until the end of the War.
Last edited by Companion Cube on 2004-01-11 06:02am, edited 3 times in total.
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
- Crayz9000
- Sith Apprentice
- Posts: 7329
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:39pm
- Location: Improbably superpositioned
- Contact:
Revision 1.2
Disclaimer: Contents of catalog subject to change without notice.
Contact Information:
Hirsch Defense Systems
1 Hirsch Ctr, Littleton, New Altadena System
PSS-5000 Planetary Shield System
Designed for use in planetary shield grids, the PSS-5000 is a modular standard shield system. Individual shield nodes are triple-redundant and can be stacked as close or as far apart as necessary; however, shield strength decreases logarithmically with the distance between nodes. In general, 500 nodes are required to adequately shield a 12,000km diameter habitable world.
Recommended for use in 'special' installations, the PSS-7000 is a conventional planetary shield system that uses a single generator. This generator can be combined with other PSS-7000 units to provide a stronger and more capable shield system if necessary.
A hypershield generator that can be configured to provide layered shield systems, the PSS-10000 is triple-redundant in its design. A single generator is required to shield a 12,000km diameter world, although more may be added to provide extra layers.
PDC-750 Planetary Ion Beam Array
A ground-based anti-naval turbolaser system, the PDC-1250 is a battery of 8 dual very heavy turbolaser cannons. Average range is 10,000km, although efficiency can be decreased if the atmosphere is dense.
MK.V Defense Platform
Very Heavy Turbolaser
Dual-cannon arrangment. Suitable for shipboard installations.
(to be filled in later)
Guardian CIWS, Block 2A
The Guardian Block 2A CIWS is a fully modular system for any warship, with its own fusion generator and fuel tanks in the event of a shipwide power failure. Guardian 2A CIWS batteries contain 16x 10GW continuous-beam LASERs and 40x 20mm railguns, arranged in 8 independently-targetable blocks of weapons (4 LASER, 4 railgun). ROF of each
railgun cluster is 2,000 rounds per minute.
FSP-495E Conventional Shield System
Suitable for installation on shuttles, fighters and other small craft, the FSP-495E provides an additional layer of defense for whatever it is installed on. It is a compact system, and utilizes a heavy-duty capacitor system to store shield power for when it is needed the most, instead of putting a constant strain on the ship's reactor.
A compact ECM unit, the ASE-29 is nonetheless capable of putting out an astounding amount of power. Affected methods of communication include, in order of most affected to least affected: electromagnetic (radionic), subspace, gravitic, hyperwave.
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
P5 "Enforcer"
The P5 "Enforcer" is a heavy semiautomatic handgun, weighing in at over 1.5 kilograms. Made of a durasteel alloy, its body is very durable; the pistol can fire over 40,000 rounds before failure. The pistol fires NATO-standard 7.62mm projectiles. Its magazines carry 25 rounds.
Hirsch's R22 ASMD is a humanoid-conformant version of the Skaarj "Shock Rifle." The main barrel houses a invisible pulsed laser, with enough energy to kill most unarmored beings on contact. Beneath it is the ASMD's combined electro-crystalline power cell and plasma core, which also serves as a plasma cannon. A toggle switch also allows for firing of a weak plasma tracer with the invisible laser. The weapon can be either carried by its top handle or by a shoulder strap. A fold-down bipod allows for sustained firing from a defensive location.
A more accurate and more powerful version of the R22, the R23 sports a 10x/30mm infrared scope for night vision purposes and can be integrated with any Hirsch infantry support system. It uses the same crystalline ammo core as the R22, and can also fire its plasma cannon in close-range combat.
(to be filled in later)
MK.XXI Powered Combat Suit
The PCS, or Powered Combat Suit, includes standard NBC protection for up to twelve hours, and can be interfaced to most smart infantry weapons. Either a heads-up display or a neural link can be used to allow the wearer fine control of the suit's systems. The PCS utilizes a compact hardened fusion generator for providing power and the exoskeleton is covered in composite layers of shatter-resistant ceramics and dura-armor, with an optional energy shielding system. Total system weight is 40kg, and additional wearer capacity can be extended up to 80kg. It should be noted, however, that under full load the agility of the PCS is impaired. Variants of the PCS are available custom-tailored for different environments.
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
Manta Light Subsurface Attack Craft
A small, one-occupant craft, the Manta is designed for deep-sea operations up to 6,000m depth. It has two grappling arms on its bow, whose manipulators can hold a variety of cutting instruments. Six external hardpoints exist for light torpedoes, and there is an independentally controlled ventral mount for a sonic cannon.
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
Revision 1.2
Disclaimer: Contents of catalog subject to change without notice.
Contact Information:
Hirsch Defense Systems
1 Hirsch Ctr, Littleton, New Altadena System
PSS-5000 Planetary Shield System
Designed for use in planetary shield grids, the PSS-5000 is a modular standard shield system. Individual shield nodes are triple-redundant and can be stacked as close or as far apart as necessary; however, shield strength decreases logarithmically with the distance between nodes. In general, 500 nodes are required to adequately shield a 12,000km diameter habitable world.
- Specifications
- Type: Standard Shield Generator
- Classification: Planetary
- Price: 25,000cr per node
Recommended for use in 'special' installations, the PSS-7000 is a conventional planetary shield system that uses a single generator. This generator can be combined with other PSS-7000 units to provide a stronger and more capable shield system if necessary.
- Specifications
- Type: Standard Shield Generator
- Classification: Planetary
- Price: 50,000,000cr
A hypershield generator that can be configured to provide layered shield systems, the PSS-10000 is triple-redundant in its design. A single generator is required to shield a 12,000km diameter world, although more may be added to provide extra layers.
- Specifications
- Type: Hypershield Generator
- Classification: Planetary
- Price: 250,000,000cr
PDC-750 Planetary Ion Beam Array
- Specifications
- Type: Ion Beam
- Classification: Planetary
- Ground Area: 75m^2
- Depth: 50m
- Price: 150,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: HTL (Heavy Turbolaser)
- Classification: Planetary
- Ground Area: 250m^2
- Depth: 100m
- Price: 300,000cr
A ground-based anti-naval turbolaser system, the PDC-1250 is a battery of 8 dual very heavy turbolaser cannons. Average range is 10,000km, although efficiency can be decreased if the atmosphere is dense.
- Specifications
- Type: VHTL (Very Heavy Turbolaser)
- Classification: Planetary
- Ground Area: 500m^2
- Depth: 200m
- Price: 650,000cr
MK.V Defense Platform
- Specifications
- Type: Orbital Defense Platform
- Length: 1.5km
- Reactors: Hypermatter, x2
- Defenses: Standard shields
- Price: 50,000,000cr
Armaments - 2 Dual VHTLs
- 4 Quad HTLs
- 16 Quad MTLs
- 32 Quad LTLs
- 10 Ion Beam Arrays
- 160 Guardian 2A CIWS
- Specifications
- Type: Orbital Defense Platform
- Length: 2km
- Reactors: Hypermatter, x2
- Defenses: Standard shields
- Price: 70,000,000cr
Armaments - 4 Dual VHTLs
- 8 Quad HTLs
- 16 Quad MTLs
- 32 Quad LTLs
- 16 Ion Beam Arrays
- 300 Guardian 2A CIWS
Very Heavy Turbolaser
Dual-cannon arrangment. Suitable for shipboard installations.
- Specifications
- Type: Turbolaser
- Classification: VHTL (Very Heavy Turbolaser)
- Price: 90,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Railgun
- Classification: Naval
- Exit Diameter: 5m
- Price: 75,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Turbolaser
- Classification: HTL/N (Heavy Turbolaser, Naval)
- Price: 70,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Railgun
- Classification: Naval
- Exit Diameter: 1m
- Price: 50,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Turbolaser
- Classification: MTL/N (Medium Turbolaser, Naval)
- Price: 45,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Railgun
- Classification: Naval
- Exit Diameter: 0.2m
- Price: 35,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Turbolaser
- Classification: LTL/N (Light Turbolaser, Naval)
- Price: 35,000cr
- Specifications
- Type: Blaster
- Classification: Blaster, Continuous Beam
- Price: 5,000cr
(to be filled in later)
Guardian CIWS, Block 2A
The Guardian Block 2A CIWS is a fully modular system for any warship, with its own fusion generator and fuel tanks in the event of a shipwide power failure. Guardian 2A CIWS batteries contain 16x 10GW continuous-beam LASERs and 40x 20mm railguns, arranged in 8 independently-targetable blocks of weapons (4 LASER, 4 railgun). ROF of each
railgun cluster is 2,000 rounds per minute.
- Specifications
- Type: CIWS
- 10GW continuous-beam LASERs, x16
- 20mm railguns, x40
- Price: 75,000cr
FSP-495E Conventional Shield System
Suitable for installation on shuttles, fighters and other small craft, the FSP-495E provides an additional layer of defense for whatever it is installed on. It is a compact system, and utilizes a heavy-duty capacitor system to store shield power for when it is needed the most, instead of putting a constant strain on the ship's reactor.
- Specifications
- Type: Conventional Shield Generator
- Classification: Starfighter, Support Craft
- Price: 15,000cr
A compact ECM unit, the ASE-29 is nonetheless capable of putting out an astounding amount of power. Affected methods of communication include, in order of most affected to least affected: electromagnetic (radionic), subspace, gravitic, hyperwave.
- Type: Jammer
- Classification: Naval ECM
- Price: 10,000cr
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
P5 "Enforcer"
The P5 "Enforcer" is a heavy semiautomatic handgun, weighing in at over 1.5 kilograms. Made of a durasteel alloy, its body is very durable; the pistol can fire over 40,000 rounds before failure. The pistol fires NATO-standard 7.62mm projectiles. Its magazines carry 25 rounds.
- Specifications
- Type: Projectile
- Classification: Sidearm
- Weight: 1.2 kilograms
- Dimensions (LWH): 200mm, 30mm, 140mm
- Round: 7.62mm NATO
- Magazine capacity: 25 rounds
- Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
- Price: 400cr
- Add Silencer: +50cr
Hirsch's R22 ASMD is a humanoid-conformant version of the Skaarj "Shock Rifle." The main barrel houses a invisible pulsed laser, with enough energy to kill most unarmored beings on contact. Beneath it is the ASMD's combined electro-crystalline power cell and plasma core, which also serves as a plasma cannon. A toggle switch also allows for firing of a weak plasma tracer with the invisible laser. The weapon can be either carried by its top handle or by a shoulder strap. A fold-down bipod allows for sustained firing from a defensive location.
- Specifications
- Type: ASMD (Laser/Plasma)
- Classification: Squad Rifle
- Weight: 3 kilograms
- Dimensions (LWH): 70cm, 10cm, 15cm
- Round: 5mm laser with secondary 20mm plasma cannon
- Magazine capacity: 50 plasma / 250 laser
- Fire Rate: Semi-automatic
- Price: 1200cr
- Add Scope: +100cr
A more accurate and more powerful version of the R22, the R23 sports a 10x/30mm infrared scope for night vision purposes and can be integrated with any Hirsch infantry support system. It uses the same crystalline ammo core as the R22, and can also fire its plasma cannon in close-range combat.
- Specifications
- Type: ASMD/S (Laser/Plasma, Sniper)
- Classification: Sniper Rifle
- Weight: 3.5 kilograms
- Dimensions (LWH): 70cm, 10cm, 15cm
- Round: 5mm high-power infrared laser with secondary 20mm plasma cannon
- Magazine capacity: 50 plasma / 50 laser
- Fire Rate: Manual (Laser), Semi-automatic (Plasma)
- Price: 1700cr
(to be filled in later)
MK.XXI Powered Combat Suit
The PCS, or Powered Combat Suit, includes standard NBC protection for up to twelve hours, and can be interfaced to most smart infantry weapons. Either a heads-up display or a neural link can be used to allow the wearer fine control of the suit's systems. The PCS utilizes a compact hardened fusion generator for providing power and the exoskeleton is covered in composite layers of shatter-resistant ceramics and dura-armor, with an optional energy shielding system. Total system weight is 40kg, and additional wearer capacity can be extended up to 80kg. It should be noted, however, that under full load the agility of the PCS is impaired. Variants of the PCS are available custom-tailored for different environments.
- Specifications
- Type: Body Armor
- Classification: Self-Contained Powered Infantry Armor
- Weight: 40 kilograms
- Price: 20,000cr
- Variants
- Aquatic. Pressure-resistant to 500m; 6hr breathing gas supply; electric underwater thrusters. +5,000cr
- HTE (High Temperature Environment). Enhanced output cooling system; separate cooler on air intake; certified to 150 degrees Celsius. +1,000cr
- Acidic. All exposed metal is covered with a thin layer of molecular-bonded ceramics for corrosion resistance; 6hr breathing gas supply. +10,000cr
- Zero-Gee. Composite armor includes additional layer of radiation-opaque alloy; special helmet; 6hr breathing gas supply; magnetic clamps in boots; N2 thrusters for maneuvering; liquid N2 cooling system for electronics. +10,000cr
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
Manta Light Subsurface Attack Craft
A small, one-occupant craft, the Manta is designed for deep-sea operations up to 6,000m depth. It has two grappling arms on its bow, whose manipulators can hold a variety of cutting instruments. Six external hardpoints exist for light torpedoes, and there is an independentally controlled ventral mount for a sonic cannon.
- Specifications
- Type: Submersible
- Classification: Single-Occupant Subsurface Attack Craft
- Keel Length: 6m
- Price: 100,000cr
(to be filled in later)
(to be filled in later)
Last edited by Crayz9000 on 2003-12-30 01:49am, edited 5 times in total.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
Model 6455 Service Rifle
Type: Etheric
Classification: Service Rifle
Weight: 20 kilograms
Magazine: 1500 shots at nominal power
Fire Rate: Semi-Auto, 5-shot burst, 1200 RPM automatic
Grenade: Optional 40mm grenade launcher attachment.
This weapon is primarily designed for SKS youma and mutant infantry. It's sheer mass makes it totally unusable for 'normal' human soldiers. This amount of firepower gives the Kingdom's infantry enough firepower to deal with enemy power-armored soldiers on more favorable terms when dismounted. It also costs as much as most other nations' light machine guns.
Older varients (most notable the M6220) are often found on the black market as support weapons and commanding rather high prices for their age.
Type: Etheric
Classification: Service Rifle
Weight: 20 kilograms
Magazine: 1500 shots at nominal power
Fire Rate: Semi-Auto, 5-shot burst, 1200 RPM automatic
Grenade: Optional 40mm grenade launcher attachment.
This weapon is primarily designed for SKS youma and mutant infantry. It's sheer mass makes it totally unusable for 'normal' human soldiers. This amount of firepower gives the Kingdom's infantry enough firepower to deal with enemy power-armored soldiers on more favorable terms when dismounted. It also costs as much as most other nations' light machine guns.
Older varients (most notable the M6220) are often found on the black market as support weapons and commanding rather high prices for their age.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
Affront: n.
Biology and Sociology
The average fully grown Affront consists of a mass the shape of a slightly flattened ball about two meters in girth and one and half in height, suspended under a veined, frilled gas sac which varied in diameter between one and five meters according to the Affronter's desired bouyancy and which was topped by a small sensor bump. When an Affronter was in agressive/defensive mode, the whole sac could be deflated and covered by protective plates on the top of the central body mass. The principal eyes and ears were carried on two stalks above the fore beak covering the creature's mouth; a rear beak protects the creatures genitals. The anus/gas vent was positioned centrally under the main body.
To the central mass were attached, congenitally, between six and eleven tentacles of varying thicknesses and lengths, at least four of whuch normally ended in the flattened, leaf-shaped paddles. The actual number of limbs possesed by any particular adult male Affronter one encounters entirely depend on how many fights and/or hunts it has taken part in and how successful a part in them it had played; an Affronter with an impressive array of scars and more stumps than limbs can be considered an admirably dedicated sportsman or a brave but stupid and dangerously incompetent, depending entirely on the individuals reputation.
They live in an environment which is fatal to standard humans in at least three seperate ways (not including the Affront). They prefer worlds and habitats in which the pressure is roughly that of the bottoms of Earth's ocean and which is primarily composed of nitrogen with a minimum of oxygen. They are semi-amphibious but have mostly adpated to land life.
Affront clothing is mostly a series of sashes and straps upon which are indicated clan, rank, regiment as well as a condensed history of mates, duels, and hunts.
Their society is broken down into a series of clans and castes to which an Affronter belongs for life. One's rank with in the clan and caste can change but it is not generally possible to change clans or caste. These are incredibly important to the life the individual Affronters. Among higher castes and clans duels and honor vendettas are common enough and can be quiet violent. They are no longer to the death but do involve some rather excessive maiming.
The government is made up of the Senate and Grand Council which served the legistlative and executive functions respectively. To be nominated to one is regarded as an honor, or cause for panic, depending on one's popularity. Duels and fueds there are common and plotting is carried out with extreme aplbomb. The Clans are themselves run by a lesser council convened to handle Clan affairs such as necessary.
Their orginal name is not Affront, they've long forgotten what it was. But instead after an incident in they harbored a Vogon poet, to whom they had taken a great liking, from crimes against sentients one of the diplomats of the offended society had called them "an affront to galatic civilization" and they cheerfully adopted the name.
The Affront Regime currently controls nine different systems. Each system has mix of planetary hanbitats, Nest Spaces, and other lesser habitats as may be desired.
Affront One: 23 Billion
1 Planet
6 Major Nest Spaces
8 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Two: 19 Billion
2 Planets
3 Major Nest Spaces
9 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Three: 16 Billion
1 Planet
4 Major Nest Spaces
11 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Four: 21 Billion
1 Planet
7 Major Nest Spaces
6 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Five: 27 Billion
1 planet
8 Major Nest Spaces
12 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Six: 20 Billion
1 planet
2 Major Nest Spaces
17 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Seven: 17 Billion
9 Major Nest Spaces
14 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Eight: 19 Billion
6 Major Nest Spaces
11 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Nine: 28 Billion
2 planets
11 Major Nest Spaces
2 Minor Nest Spaces
The Affront are still a scarity age civilization but their industrial base when fully applied is massive compared to the simple size of their holdings.
Planets are defended by a trilayered shielding system and ground based plasma displacers and grid beams as well as HAM missle batteries. Space Nests are protected by a planteray scale bi-layers shield and energy and missle defenses in scale with their size.
Fully one fifth of the Affront population is an active enlistee in the military with another two fifth of it under nominal military discipline in some capacity. The rest are female.
Naval Forces
Warblade Heavy Offense Unit (1 building)
1 x Grid Intrusion Cannon (tactical targeting capability)
6 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
22 x Plasma displacers
8 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Blade Dancer Heavy Offense Unit (5 in service, 2 building)
4 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
12 x Plasma displacers
6 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
4 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Bloody Knife Medium Offense Unit (40 in service, classified)
2 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
16 x Plasma displacers
6 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
2 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Fright Spear Light Offense Unit (84 in service, classified)
1 x Medium Grid-beam projector
10 x Plasma displacers
4 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
1 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Night Lance Light Offense Unit (158 in service, classified)
2 x Medium Grid-beam projects
12 x Plasma displacers
2 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Noncombatant Classes
Wave Dancer Very Fast Picket (Countless in service)
2 x Light Plasma Displacers (these aren't much use beyond customs and police duties)
Nutless Eunuch General Maintenance Vessel (16 in service, 2 building)
Only light point defense lasers
These massive floating dock yards are capable of conducting all but the heaviest repairs and carry stores of missles, fuel and repair parts for the combat vessels of the fleet.
Edit: All ships have hypersheilding and have since the beginning. This is only to prevent quibbling later.
Affront: n.
- 1. An open or intentional offense, slight, or insult: Such behavior is an affront to society.
2. Obsolete. A hostile encounter or meeting.
Biology and Sociology
The average fully grown Affront consists of a mass the shape of a slightly flattened ball about two meters in girth and one and half in height, suspended under a veined, frilled gas sac which varied in diameter between one and five meters according to the Affronter's desired bouyancy and which was topped by a small sensor bump. When an Affronter was in agressive/defensive mode, the whole sac could be deflated and covered by protective plates on the top of the central body mass. The principal eyes and ears were carried on two stalks above the fore beak covering the creature's mouth; a rear beak protects the creatures genitals. The anus/gas vent was positioned centrally under the main body.
To the central mass were attached, congenitally, between six and eleven tentacles of varying thicknesses and lengths, at least four of whuch normally ended in the flattened, leaf-shaped paddles. The actual number of limbs possesed by any particular adult male Affronter one encounters entirely depend on how many fights and/or hunts it has taken part in and how successful a part in them it had played; an Affronter with an impressive array of scars and more stumps than limbs can be considered an admirably dedicated sportsman or a brave but stupid and dangerously incompetent, depending entirely on the individuals reputation.
They live in an environment which is fatal to standard humans in at least three seperate ways (not including the Affront). They prefer worlds and habitats in which the pressure is roughly that of the bottoms of Earth's ocean and which is primarily composed of nitrogen with a minimum of oxygen. They are semi-amphibious but have mostly adpated to land life.
Affront clothing is mostly a series of sashes and straps upon which are indicated clan, rank, regiment as well as a condensed history of mates, duels, and hunts.
Their society is broken down into a series of clans and castes to which an Affronter belongs for life. One's rank with in the clan and caste can change but it is not generally possible to change clans or caste. These are incredibly important to the life the individual Affronters. Among higher castes and clans duels and honor vendettas are common enough and can be quiet violent. They are no longer to the death but do involve some rather excessive maiming.
The government is made up of the Senate and Grand Council which served the legistlative and executive functions respectively. To be nominated to one is regarded as an honor, or cause for panic, depending on one's popularity. Duels and fueds there are common and plotting is carried out with extreme aplbomb. The Clans are themselves run by a lesser council convened to handle Clan affairs such as necessary.
Their orginal name is not Affront, they've long forgotten what it was. But instead after an incident in they harbored a Vogon poet, to whom they had taken a great liking, from crimes against sentients one of the diplomats of the offended society had called them "an affront to galatic civilization" and they cheerfully adopted the name.
The Affront Regime currently controls nine different systems. Each system has mix of planetary hanbitats, Nest Spaces, and other lesser habitats as may be desired.
Affront One: 23 Billion
1 Planet
6 Major Nest Spaces
8 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Two: 19 Billion
2 Planets
3 Major Nest Spaces
9 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Three: 16 Billion
1 Planet
4 Major Nest Spaces
11 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Four: 21 Billion
1 Planet
7 Major Nest Spaces
6 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Five: 27 Billion
1 planet
8 Major Nest Spaces
12 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Six: 20 Billion
1 planet
2 Major Nest Spaces
17 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Seven: 17 Billion
9 Major Nest Spaces
14 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Eight: 19 Billion
6 Major Nest Spaces
11 Minor Nest Spaces
Affront Nine: 28 Billion
2 planets
11 Major Nest Spaces
2 Minor Nest Spaces
The Affront are still a scarity age civilization but their industrial base when fully applied is massive compared to the simple size of their holdings.
Planets are defended by a trilayered shielding system and ground based plasma displacers and grid beams as well as HAM missle batteries. Space Nests are protected by a planteray scale bi-layers shield and energy and missle defenses in scale with their size.
Fully one fifth of the Affront population is an active enlistee in the military with another two fifth of it under nominal military discipline in some capacity. The rest are female.
Naval Forces
Warblade Heavy Offense Unit (1 building)
1 x Grid Intrusion Cannon (tactical targeting capability)
6 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
22 x Plasma displacers
8 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Blade Dancer Heavy Offense Unit (5 in service, 2 building)
4 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
12 x Plasma displacers
6 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
4 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Bloody Knife Medium Offense Unit (40 in service, classified)
2 x Heavy Grid-beam projectors
16 x Plasma displacers
6 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
2 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Fright Spear Light Offense Unit (84 in service, classified)
1 x Medium Grid-beam projector
10 x Plasma displacers
4 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
1 Offensive capable displacers
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Night Lance Light Offense Unit (158 in service, classified)
2 x Medium Grid-beam projects
12 x Plasma displacers
2 x HAM/CAM missle launchers (120 mpm refire rate)
Special Equipment
No Effectors mounted but they're working on it.
Noncombatant Classes
Wave Dancer Very Fast Picket (Countless in service)
2 x Light Plasma Displacers (these aren't much use beyond customs and police duties)
Nutless Eunuch General Maintenance Vessel (16 in service, 2 building)
Only light point defense lasers
These massive floating dock yards are capable of conducting all but the heaviest repairs and carry stores of missles, fuel and repair parts for the combat vessels of the fleet.
Edit: All ships have hypersheilding and have since the beginning. This is only to prevent quibbling later.
Last edited by Stormbringer on 2004-01-16 04:47pm, edited 2 times in total.

- Crayz9000
- Sith Apprentice
- Posts: 7329
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:39pm
- Location: Improbably superpositioned
- Contact:
Revision 1.0
Disclaimer: Contents of catalog subject to change without notice.
Contact Information:
Vega Space Engineering
1100 Altair Blvd, New Rome, Vega System
ICM-3 Ion Engine
The smallest standard modularized ion engine used by Vega Space Engineering, the ICM-3 is suitable for use on any small craft over 30 meters in length.
A medium modularized ion engine that can be employed on ships between 100 meters and 1 kilometer.
A large modularized ion engine that can be employed on ships > 1 kilometer.
A compact design suitable for snubfighter installation, the GPS-5 provides superior maneuverability to many conventional propulsion designs with a slight tradeoff in power consumption. The GPS-5 must be installed in the target vehicle's center of gravity for best performance.
A more powerful version of the GPS-5, the GPS-30 can be used to propel vessels up to approximately 150 meters in diameter. They can be installed in tandem for larger vessels, provided that special linking circuits are employed.
The largest, most powerful gravitic drive available, the GPS-1000 is suitable for installation on ships between 1 and 10 km; with more mass, however, more drive units must be installed for peak performance.
SRS-51 "T-wing" General-Purpose Snubfighter
A general-purpose starfighter with excellent maneuverability (thanks in part to its two outboard sublight drives), the T-wing is designed to be a highly affordable value for navies anywhere. Eight missile hardpoints give it a good amount of configurability.
DVH-500 Heavy Landing Craft
Designed to insert several regiments of fully equipped soldiers onto any planet, the DVH-500 utilizes a compartmentalized design and 2 parallel cargo bays, with dimensions of 800x100x50 meters, to accomplish this task. Four heavy cranes telescope from the hull upon landing to allow for easy loading/unloading of the two cargo bays from the top. A movable guide system in the floor allows for the use of any standard palletized cargo system in use by the major powers.
A fast, light, durable landing craft for ground assault operations. While it may not look impressive, it was designed to serve a single purpose well: getting troops on the ground alive and safe. Its parallel-layout cargo bay allows it to carry a total of 6 main battle tanks simultaneously.
Revision 1.0
Disclaimer: Contents of catalog subject to change without notice.
Contact Information:
Vega Space Engineering
1100 Altair Blvd, New Rome, Vega System
ICM-3 Ion Engine
The smallest standard modularized ion engine used by Vega Space Engineering, the ICM-3 is suitable for use on any small craft over 30 meters in length.
- Specifications
- Type: Chemical Ion Reaction Engine
- Classification: Small Spacecraft Propulsion
- Price: 5,000cr
A medium modularized ion engine that can be employed on ships between 100 meters and 1 kilometer.
- Specifications
- Type: Chemical Ion Reaction Engine
- Classification: Medium Spacecraft Propulsion
- Price: 15,000cr
A large modularized ion engine that can be employed on ships > 1 kilometer.
- Specifications
- Type: Chemical Ion Reaction Engine
- Classification: Large Spacecraft Propulsion
- Price: 30,000cr
A compact design suitable for snubfighter installation, the GPS-5 provides superior maneuverability to many conventional propulsion designs with a slight tradeoff in power consumption. The GPS-5 must be installed in the target vehicle's center of gravity for best performance.
- Specifications
- Type: Gravitic Drive
- Classification: Small Spaceraft Propulsion
- Price: 10,000cr
A more powerful version of the GPS-5, the GPS-30 can be used to propel vessels up to approximately 150 meters in diameter. They can be installed in tandem for larger vessels, provided that special linking circuits are employed.
- Specifications
- Type: Gravitic Drive
- Classification: Medium Spacecraft Propulsion
- Price: 50,000cr
The largest, most powerful gravitic drive available, the GPS-1000 is suitable for installation on ships between 1 and 10 km; with more mass, however, more drive units must be installed for peak performance.
- Specifications
- Type: Gravitic Drive
- Classification: Large Spacecraft Propulsion
- Price: 500,000cr
SRS-51 "T-wing" General-Purpose Snubfighter
A general-purpose starfighter with excellent maneuverability (thanks in part to its two outboard sublight drives), the T-wing is designed to be a highly affordable value for navies anywhere. Eight missile hardpoints give it a good amount of configurability.
- Specifications
- Base price: 125,000cr
- Length: 17.5m
- Shields: Standard
- Hyperdrive: .5
- Sublight: 3 ICM-3 ion engines
- Countermeasures: Standard
- Droid: Standard Astromech Socket
- Navigation: Hirsch PKDR-499 Navicomputer (12 jump memory)
- Armaments
- Heavy blaster cannon, x2
- Proton torpedo launchers (6) x1
- Missile Hardpoints x8
- Options
- Upgrade hyperdrive. +25,000cr
- Add Ion Dissipator. +40,000cr
- Customized naval color scheme. +750cr
DVH-500 Heavy Landing Craft
Designed to insert several regiments of fully equipped soldiers onto any planet, the DVH-500 utilizes a compartmentalized design and 2 parallel cargo bays, with dimensions of 800x100x50 meters, to accomplish this task. Four heavy cranes telescope from the hull upon landing to allow for easy loading/unloading of the two cargo bays from the top. A movable guide system in the floor allows for the use of any standard palletized cargo system in use by the major powers.
- Specifications
- Base price: 10,000,000cr
- Length: 1,410m
- Shields: Standard
- Hyperdrive: None
- Sublight: 2 GPS-1000 Gravitic Drives
- Armaments: 4 Hirsch Medium Turbolasers, 40 Hirsch BC-45 Compound Blaster Turrets
- Crew: 400
- Maximum Cargo Weight: 1,200,000 metric tons
- Cargo Bay Volume: 9,600,000m^3
- Troop Capacity: 40,000
A fast, light, durable landing craft for ground assault operations. While it may not look impressive, it was designed to serve a single purpose well: getting troops on the ground alive and safe. Its parallel-layout cargo bay allows it to carry a total of 6 main battle tanks simultaneously.
- Specifications
- Base price: 350,000cr
- Length: 50m
- Shields: Standard
- Hyperdrive: None
- Sublight: 3 ICM-3 ion engines
- Countermeasures: Standard
- Armaments: 4 Hirsch BC-45 Compound Blaster Turrets
- Crew: 8
- Maximum Cargo Weight: 600 metric tons
- Cargo Bay Volume: 360m^3
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
UTRN Fleet Status
Home Fleet
Four CVAs Assault Carriers 7km
Ten CVs Fleet Carriers 5.2km
Six DNs Dreadnoughts 6.5km
Eight BBs Battleships 4.8km
Twenty Two CAs Heavy Cruisers 2.6km
Twenty CLs Light Cruisers 1.8km
Twenty Six DDs Destroyers 900m
Forty FGs Frigates 720m
Deployed in the UTR Home District in Four Task Forces.
TF1- 2 CV 2 DN 2 BB
TF2- 1 CVA 2 DN, 4 BB
TF3- 2 CVA, 2 CV, 2 DN, 2 BB
TF4- 1 CVA, 6 CV
Two Task Forces are assigned to patrol the district on a rotating basis, one Task Force is assigned to the Sol System while a fourth Task Force is rotated in for R&R as well as refit and resupply. As Home District is surrounded by the other four districts Home Fleet has been asisgned a dispropartionate number of new build cruisers and escorts while more veteran units have been sent to to the outer fleets.
First Fleet
Two CVs
Fourteen CVLs 2.8km
Four BCs 3.9km
Twenty Eight CAs
Sixteen CLs
Twenty Eight DDs
Forty Eight FGs
TF1- 1 CV, 3 CVL, 1 BC
TF2- 1 CV, 3 CVL, 1 BC
TF3- 8 CVL, 2 BC
First Fleet is organized into three Task Forces with one rotated for R&R and refit and supply. The other two perform a roving patrol of first district based from Nova Roma. First Fleet also has a high percentage of new build ships and so at this time is drilling extensively to bring those ships up to full trim.
Second, Third and Fourth Fleets are organized the same way as First Fleet, but second and third fleets have a slightly lower percentage of new build ships. While Fourth FLeet has the largest amount of new build ships of any UTRN Fleet. This is because of Fourth Districts location between the Corporate Sector and Star Kingdom. It was decided that Fourth District, along with Home District, are the most secure area of the UTR. So for this reason Fourth and Home Fleets are responsible for the training and working up of most new build ships.
Fifth Fleet
Fourteen CVLs
Three BCs
Twenty Six CAs
Twenty CLs
Fifty DDs
Twenty FGs
TF1- 5 CVLs, 2 BCs
TF2- 9 CVLs, 1 BC
Fifth Fleet is the newest and smallest fleet in the UTRN. It is also it's best trained. During the creation of Fifth Fleet Naval Command chose the best ships from the remainder of the navy and since then the fleet has been drilling relentlessly and is at an extremly high level of capability right now. They've been training in high speed strike missions, using speed and suprise for maximium shock value.
5th Fleet is based from Bajor with each Task Force rotating responsibility for supporting the Independent Worlds Federation and Free Star Alliance. While the other one performs refits, resipply, R&R as well as combat excercises in unclaimed space.
Free Star Navy
5 Light Carriers
20 Heavy Cruisers
20 Light Cruiser
38 Destroyers
44 Frigates
54 Corvettes 450m
52 Gunships 440m
All ships are of UTRN design but utilize less advanced export components for ease of maintance, reduced price and quicker construction. Crews are still very raw and the amjority of the officer Corps is still rather immature. UTRN loan officers, NCOs and advisors are scattered throughout the anvy but are a very small percentage. The Free Star Navy is deployed throughout the alliance in small Task Groups, there are no permenant Fleet organizations and Task Forces are temporary affairs at this times.
Federation Navy
7 Light Carriers
12 Heavy Cruisers
18 Light Cruisers
26 Destroyers
34 Frigates
40 Corvettes
26 Gunships
The Federation Navy at this time is very similar to the Free Star Navy, though the officer corps is of a slightly better quality, and they are also mroe proficent at carrier tactics. Ships are of UTRN design but like the FSN they make use of export components.
Ships under Contruction
TNS Republic SD
99% Complete
Four DNs
41%, 44%, 32%, 21%
Four BBs
48%, 71%, 15%, 62%
Six CVs
72%, 61%, 53%, 71%, 46%, 68%
1 CV
1 BC
4 CAs
76%, 81%, 42%, 64%
For FN
2 CV
53%, 12%
1 BC 22%
Those constructions will finish the UTRs planned naval construction program and it's naval assitance programs to the Alliance and Federation for this budget period. [/u]
Home Fleet
Four CVAs Assault Carriers 7km
Ten CVs Fleet Carriers 5.2km
Six DNs Dreadnoughts 6.5km
Eight BBs Battleships 4.8km
Twenty Two CAs Heavy Cruisers 2.6km
Twenty CLs Light Cruisers 1.8km
Twenty Six DDs Destroyers 900m
Forty FGs Frigates 720m
Deployed in the UTR Home District in Four Task Forces.
TF1- 2 CV 2 DN 2 BB
TF2- 1 CVA 2 DN, 4 BB
TF3- 2 CVA, 2 CV, 2 DN, 2 BB
TF4- 1 CVA, 6 CV
Two Task Forces are assigned to patrol the district on a rotating basis, one Task Force is assigned to the Sol System while a fourth Task Force is rotated in for R&R as well as refit and resupply. As Home District is surrounded by the other four districts Home Fleet has been asisgned a dispropartionate number of new build cruisers and escorts while more veteran units have been sent to to the outer fleets.
First Fleet
Two CVs
Fourteen CVLs 2.8km
Four BCs 3.9km
Twenty Eight CAs
Sixteen CLs
Twenty Eight DDs
Forty Eight FGs
TF1- 1 CV, 3 CVL, 1 BC
TF2- 1 CV, 3 CVL, 1 BC
TF3- 8 CVL, 2 BC
First Fleet is organized into three Task Forces with one rotated for R&R and refit and supply. The other two perform a roving patrol of first district based from Nova Roma. First Fleet also has a high percentage of new build ships and so at this time is drilling extensively to bring those ships up to full trim.
Second, Third and Fourth Fleets are organized the same way as First Fleet, but second and third fleets have a slightly lower percentage of new build ships. While Fourth FLeet has the largest amount of new build ships of any UTRN Fleet. This is because of Fourth Districts location between the Corporate Sector and Star Kingdom. It was decided that Fourth District, along with Home District, are the most secure area of the UTR. So for this reason Fourth and Home Fleets are responsible for the training and working up of most new build ships.
Fifth Fleet
Fourteen CVLs
Three BCs
Twenty Six CAs
Twenty CLs
Fifty DDs
Twenty FGs
TF1- 5 CVLs, 2 BCs
TF2- 9 CVLs, 1 BC
Fifth Fleet is the newest and smallest fleet in the UTRN. It is also it's best trained. During the creation of Fifth Fleet Naval Command chose the best ships from the remainder of the navy and since then the fleet has been drilling relentlessly and is at an extremly high level of capability right now. They've been training in high speed strike missions, using speed and suprise for maximium shock value.
5th Fleet is based from Bajor with each Task Force rotating responsibility for supporting the Independent Worlds Federation and Free Star Alliance. While the other one performs refits, resipply, R&R as well as combat excercises in unclaimed space.
Free Star Navy
5 Light Carriers
20 Heavy Cruisers
20 Light Cruiser
38 Destroyers
44 Frigates
54 Corvettes 450m
52 Gunships 440m
All ships are of UTRN design but utilize less advanced export components for ease of maintance, reduced price and quicker construction. Crews are still very raw and the amjority of the officer Corps is still rather immature. UTRN loan officers, NCOs and advisors are scattered throughout the anvy but are a very small percentage. The Free Star Navy is deployed throughout the alliance in small Task Groups, there are no permenant Fleet organizations and Task Forces are temporary affairs at this times.
Federation Navy
7 Light Carriers
12 Heavy Cruisers
18 Light Cruisers
26 Destroyers
34 Frigates
40 Corvettes
26 Gunships
The Federation Navy at this time is very similar to the Free Star Navy, though the officer corps is of a slightly better quality, and they are also mroe proficent at carrier tactics. Ships are of UTRN design but like the FSN they make use of export components.
Ships under Contruction
TNS Republic SD
99% Complete
Four DNs
41%, 44%, 32%, 21%
Four BBs
48%, 71%, 15%, 62%
Six CVs
72%, 61%, 53%, 71%, 46%, 68%
1 CV
1 BC
4 CAs
76%, 81%, 42%, 64%
For FN
2 CV
53%, 12%
1 BC 22%
Those constructions will finish the UTRs planned naval construction program and it's naval assitance programs to the Alliance and Federation for this budget period. [/u]
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
- Contact:
Indashani OOB
Republic of Indas Order Of Battle
1. Pride of Indas class – Relic/Super Dreadnought
Length: 12,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (20 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Molecular Composite
Sensor Range: 400 LY (6 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
80x Psy-Emitters
8x Massive Psy-Emitters
8x Massive Pulsars
30x Capital Pulsars
30x Capital Particle Beams
60x Heavy Pulsars
60x Heavy Particle Beams
100x Light Pulsars
150x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
150. Sensor Drones
1000. Attack Drones
100. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
24. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
8. Tractor Beams
Description: The Pride of Indas is the sole surviving ship in the Indan arsenal which can be traced back down to the Empire that birthed the current Republic. The Pride of Indas was originally named the “Messenger of Fear” and was renamed to her current name during the birthing of the Republic. The ship is too expensive to try and recreate, its molecular composite armor beyond the financial costs and technical means of the republic at present to reproduce on such a scale. The Pride of Indas spends the majority of its time in the Indas sub-system along with the first fleet.
Notable Ships
INS Pride of Indas
Capital Ships
6. Majestic class – Command Ship/Command Dreadnought
Length: 6,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 300 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
40x Psy-Emitters
2x Massive Psy-Emitter
2x Massive Pulsar
15x Capital Pulsars
15x Capital Particle Beams
25x Heavy Pulsars
25x Heavy Particle Beams
75x Light Pulsars
100x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
100x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
500. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
16. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Majestic class ships serve as flagships for each of the six fleets of the Republic. Their armament is considerable and these ships earn the name of being called Dreadnoughts. However, the ships are individually valuable and are rarely found in the front lines of battle. Although the temptation to use their firepower to smash aside enemies is considerable, they are usually found away from the front lines directing other ships into the fray. If engaged however, the Majestic class is quite capable of fending for herself.
Notable Ships
INS Majestic
INS Beautiful Dreamer
INS Song Dragon
INS Harvester of Sorrow
INS Blood and Fire
INS Storm Queen
12. Dominion class – Dreadnought
Length: 5,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
30x Psy-Emitters
3x Massive Psy-Emitter
3x Massive Pulsar
10x Capital Pulsars
10x Capital Particle Beams
20x Heavy Pulsars
20x Heavy Particle Beams
60x Light Pulsars
80x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
50x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
350. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
12. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Dominion class battleships are the most feared ships in the Republican arsenal that are commonly found in engagements. Each vessel is capable of tearing into an enemy formation and dealing with any conceivable threat.
Notable Ships
INS Dominion
INS Silent Hunter
INS Shadow Stalker
INS Glorious
6. Void class – Drone Carrier
Length: 5,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
20x Psy-Emitters
2x Capital Pulsars
2x Capital Particle Beams
5x Heavy Pulsars
5x Heavy Particle Beams
20x Light Pulsars
40x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
40x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
50. Sensor Drones
750. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
12. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Void class sacrifices a great deal of energy armament and multi-purpose drones in order to mount the largest drone complement bays in a ship of her size. The ship is usually found launching her swarms of attack drones behind the cover of friendly forces. While capable of putting up a considerable fight, the Void class is not designed to participate in a wall battle.
Notable Ships
INS Void
16. Acheron class – Battleship
Length: 4,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
22x Psy-Emitters
5x Capital Pulsars
5x Capital Particle Beams
10x Heavy Pulsars
10x Heavy Particle Beams
40x Light Pulsars
60x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
40x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
175. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Acherons serve as hammers for the fleet, strong enough to survive large engagements; their task is to support their larger brethren in various conflicts. Battleships are prestigious assignments, and usually necessary in order to move up to any of the larger vessels.
Notable Ships
INS Acheron
20. Black Star – Battle Cruiser
Length: 3,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
18x Psy-Emitters
2x Capital Pulsars
2x Capital Particle Beams
6x Heavy Pulsars
6x Heavy Particle Beams
35x Light Pulsars
50x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
125. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Black Star class was designed to supplement Battleships and function as flankers in wall-battles as well as capable individual units. The Battle Cruiser has proven to be a reliable and sturdy design.
Notable Ships
INS Black Star
6. Fortune class – Cruisers
Length: 2,500 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
14x Psy-Emitters
1x Capital Pulsars
1x Capital Particle Beams
4x Heavy Pulsars
4x Heavy Particle Beams
25x Light Pulsars
45x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
10. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
100. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Fortune class Cruisers are new designs, intended to function as fast combatants packing enough firepower to deal with their opponents.
Notable Ships
INS Fortune
Escorts/Light Ships
60. Glory class – Light Cruiser
Length: 2,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (3 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
10x Psy-Emitters
6x Heavy Pulsars
6x Heavy Particle Beams
15x Medium Pulsars
15x Medium Particle Beams
30x Light Pulsars
40x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
15. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
75. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Glory class Light Cruisers is tasked with leading escort packs and are capable of serving a wide variety of functions. This is the ship of choice when dealing with pirates as well as raiding missions.
Notable Ships
INS Glory
150. Hunter class – Destroyer
Length: 1,500 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
8x Psy-Emitters
2x Heavy Pulsars
2x Heavy Particle Beams
10x Medium Pulsars
10x Medium Particle Beams
20x Light Pulsars
30x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
25x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
15. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
50. Attack Drones
15. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Hunter class is a relatively balanced ship capable of a variety of tasks. This class of ships is an extremely flexible design and they are relatively common within the Republican Navy.
Notable Ships
INS Hunter
300. Shadow class – Heavy Frigate
Length: 800 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
6x Psy-Emitters
8x Medium Pulsars
8x Medium Particle Beams
15x Light Pulsars
15x Light Particle Beams
20x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
10. Utility Drones
10. Sensor Drones
25. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Hunter class was designed to be a threat to capital ships, and perform as harassers in line battles. These ships are also found as escorts to merchant ships and raiders against shipping and other lightly defended targets when the situation called for it. Shadow class ships were the most commonly lost vessels in the Republic to Black Alliance forces until the discovery of the displacement drive. With the widespread integration of displacement drives to civilian cargo ships, Shadows have found themselves spending all their time in active military matters.
Notable Ships
INS Shadow
300. Seraph class – Frigate
Length: 600 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
6x Psy-Emitters
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
30x Light Pulsars
30x Light Particle Beams
15x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
5. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Seraph class exists in order to support larger vessels with anti-missile and small craft fire. Its drone bays are loaded with defense drones capable of assisting other vessels by incorporating themselves into a net of coordinated point defense fire. The Seraph class is capable of wounding larger vessels, but that is not her primary task. Her energy batteries are considerably weaker than those of the Shadow class, and her missile salvos are also thinner.
Notable Ships
INS Seraph
40. Veytha class – Light Frigates
Length: 400 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
4x Psy-Emitters
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
10x Light Pulsars
10x Light Particle Beams
20x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
5. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Veytha class is not a combat class and is instead design to stealthy patrol Indashani space. These ships are the stealthiest designs ever fielded by the Republic and their expense makes it unlikely that any more will be built. The forty ships of the class are often termed “listening ships” as their array of passive and active sensors is remarkable.
Notable Ships
INS Veytha
edit 1: gave the Pride of Indas bigger teeth and fixed typos.
edit 2: tweaked the numbers a bit more to my satisfaction.
edit 3: added a new class of ship, shuffled some of the names of the classes around and fixed various typos.
edit 4: tweaked some weaponry about.
edit 5: tweaked more weapons and drones to my satisfaction, fixed a double wide buttload of typos.
Republic of Indas Planeteary Defense Overview
A. Stronghold
- At least six space forts
- Twenty four or more Orbital Weapon Platforms
- Constellations of Defense Satellites
- Very Heavy Trans-Orbital Emplacements
- Multiple Planetary shields with backups (generally five layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Multiple Theater Shields
- Heavy Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: Indas 3
B. Vital
- At least three space forts
- Twelve or more Orbital Weapon Platforms
- Large groups of Defense Satellites
- Heavy Trans-Orbital Emplacements
- Planetary shields with backups (generally three layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Several Theater Shields
- Moderate Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: Indas 6, Mulaya 3, Silos 4
C. Core
- Six or more orbital weapons platforms
- Groups of defense satellites
- Medium Trans-Orbital emplacements
- Planetary shield (two layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Theater shields
- Minor Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: most of the major worlds in the Republic fall in this list.
D. Colony
- One or more orbital weapons platforms depending on planet importance
- Group of defense satellites depending on planet importance
- Light Trans-Orbital Emplacements if any at all
- Theater Shields as needed
- Example worlds: almost everything else
Space Fort
2. Massive Pulsars
2. Massive Particle Beams
20. Capital Pulsars
20. Capital Particle Beams
40. Heavy Pulsars
40. Heavy Particle Beams
100. Light Pulsars
100. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
200. PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
100. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
750. Attack Drones
250. Defense Drones
OWP- Type 1
1. Massive Pulsar
20. Capital Pulsars
20. Capital Particle Beams
25. Heavy Pulsars
25. Heavy Particle Beams
20. Light Pulsars
80. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Sensor Drones
500. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
OWP -Type 2
10. Capital Pulsars
10. Capital Particle Beams
20. Heavy Pulsars
20. Heavy Particle Beams
50 Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Sensor Drones
300. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
OWP – Type 3
1. Massive Pulsars
25. Capital Pulsars
25. Capital Particle Beams
35. Heavy Pulsars
35. Heavy Particle Beams
50. Light Pulsars
200 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
OWP -Type 4
10. Capital Pulsars
10. Capital Particle Beams
10. Heavy Pulsars
10. Heavy Particle Beams
200 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
1000. Attack Drones
100. Defense Drones
OWP -Type 5
15. Capital Pulsars
15. Capital Particle Beams
75. Light Pulsars
50. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
Defense Satellite Type A
1. Heavy Pulsar
24. Ship Killer Drones
6. Anti-Fighter Drones
Defense Satellite Type B
1. Medium Pulsar
14. Ship Killer Drones
6. Anti-Fighter Drones
Defense Satellite Type C
1. PD Pulsar Cluster
Drone Complement
5. Defense Drones
note: space forts and OWP's are equipped with force screens and shields for defense as well as hypershields.
Republic of Indas Army Overview
The Republican ground army is well trained, potently armed and highly motivated. They are however well aware of the fact that the Navy is considered the most prestigious branch of military service. The ground army is broken down into two distinct branches. The ground forces which are manned and the quick reaction forces which are autonamous.
Human Forces
It is in the Republic’s best interest to field the most capable men and women that it can and Republican soldiers are genetically and physically modified to that end. Republican soldiers are augmented depending upon their role in the battlefield and all are far more capable than any “normal” human. Augmentations tend to revolve around genetic enhancements where possible, although cybernetic enhancements are also common.
There is a disposition towards heavier elements in the Indashani ground forces. Scout forces and light infantry are somewhat less common than medium infantry and heavy infantry. The reason for this is that the ground forces are geared more for attack than defense, and expect a fair amount of orbital support from their Navy counterparts.
The most common and typically the largest formation fielded by the Indashani ground forces is the “Army” which is typically composed of four corps which in turn are composed of four divisions.
Scouts and light infantry utilize armor that is unpowered but mounts a plethora of passive sensors such as motion sensors, tele optics, and various forms of EM sensors. Light infantry armor is capable of providing protection against most forms of biological and chemical threats. Medium and heavy infantry armor is powered and expensive, although their tactical advantages justify the cost.
Infantry and Armored Infantry are both designed to work in conjunction with artillery and cavalry aspects of the army and do so well. The Republic is a firm believer of mixed arms engagements and the C4I capabilities of all the pieces of the Indashani ground forces are excellent.
Armor and Support
The Republic employs a wide variety of artillery and main battle tanks, all capable platforms in their own right although ideally suited for various tasks. The majority of these vehicles incorporate energy weapons into their designs even if there are performance issues with the use of such weapons in atmospheric conditions. The reasoning behind the use of energy weapons is that the Republic exploits heavily its mastery of anti-gravity and as such kinetic weapons provide certain problems that must be dealt with, chief among them being recoil. It is possible for Republican science to deal with these problems, but the latest generation of particle beam cannons has proven to be very effective at dealing with hostile armor. Until there is a need for kinetic weapons to be actively employed, the Republican ground forces will continue using their tried and true designs. Instead of large bore kinetic howitzers, the republican artillery weapon of choice are proton particle cannons, which are quite capable of turning enemy infantry to slag and damaging enemy armor without fear of active interdiction by point defense fire.
Special Forces
Night Lords: The Night Lords are infiltration and asymmetric warfare experts. They are equipped with state of the art equipment and have proven to be very successful in the engagements in which they have participated.
Children of Indas: The Children function as assassins, spies and occasionally hunter killer groups. The children are among the most potent psychics in the Republic, as every single member is at least a P2 in strength.
There are other branches of special forces found in the Republic, although the aforementioned two are the most known and arguably the most feared.
note: (the psychic scale used by the Republic places strength as a lower number. As such, a P10 is far weaker than a P9. Furthermore, the scale is not linear but exponential. The majority of the Republic’s population falls around a P6 in strength. Due to the fact that a P1 or Prime is the absolute limit to the scale in terms of strength, Primes are further arranged in a letter based scale. In this manner, P1A is weaker than a P1B.)
Autonomous Forces
The need for automated forces became apparent when Republican scientists were unable to crack the code that would allow displacer technology to safely transport organic matter. Due to this failure, it was deemed that automated forces could be used to exploit the advantage that displacers offered the Republic. To that end, a series of so called “assault units” was begun. These units would incorporate some of the most advanced Republican technology and would eventually form a core of units that became extremely capable. The forces vary from relatively small sized constructs to large constructs that are sometimes called “land ships” by the ground forces of the republic.
Due to the expense of fielding some of the larger units, there are a relatively small amount of them in service within the Republic. However, these larger units are kept up to date with SLEP programs similar to those found in the Navy. The usual tactical doctrine for Republican forces is to use its drones to secure landing zones for her ground forces. Nonetheless, “assault units” are very capable and two heavy assault units managed to force a cessation of hostilities in one of a handful of border skirmishes between the Republic and some of her more aggressive neighbors.
Republic of Indas Army (Drone forces)
X. VLAU – Very Light Assault Unit
Length: 12.5 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 250 kph
Top Speed: 345 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 15cm Particle Cannon
1. Point Defense Network
1. VLMS (12 missiles)
2. 3cm Pulsar clusters
Drone Complement
2. Sensor Drones
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
Description: The VLAU is the drone analog to a medium battle tank. It is fast, maneuverable and capable of dealing favorably with units of its size or smaller and presents a threat to units larger than itself. Their very light particle cannon are capable of defeating most armor types and have proven to be an extremely sturdy and reliable design. Its single point defense network is capable of protecting it from various types of ordnance and its VLS missile system grants the VLAU increased flexibility when dealing against armor or powered infantry.
X. LAU – Light Assault Unit
Length: 25 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 200 kph
Top Speed: 365 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 30cm Particle Cannon
2. Point Defense Networks
1. VLS Missile System (30 missiles)
4. 3cm Pulsar clusters
4. 15cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
Drone Complement
4. Sensor Drones
2. Attack Drones
Description: The LAU is the drone analog to a main battle tank. It is maneuverable, fast and capable of dealing favorably with most units found in the battlefield. Their light particle cannon are capable of dealing substantial damage while its twin point defense networks are capable of protecting it from various types of ordnance. The LAU is the most common of all combat drones deployed by the Republic.
X. MAU – Medium Assault Unit
Length: 50 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 175 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 60cm Particle Cannon
4. Point Defense Networks
1. VLMS (50 missiles)
1. Tactical Bombs (10 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (5 bombs)
6. 3cm Pulsar clusters
4. 30cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
8. Sensor Drones
4. Attack Drones
Description: a MAU are feared sights on the battlefield, capable of using their mobility and firepower to wreak havoc on enemy lines. The MAU incorporate force screens into their design, the smallest ground “drone” that equips them into their design as well as a displacer array in order to provide added flexibility. The MAU is also the first offensive unit which carries with it strategic weapons, these weapons are generally displaced into their target in order to minimize the chances of interception.
X. HAU – Heavy Assault Unit
Length: 100 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 150 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 110cm Particle Cannon
2. 45cm Particle Cannon
4. 15cm Pulsars
6. Point Defense Networks
1. Tactical Bombs (400 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (20 bombs)
1. Orbital Denial Bombs (10 Bombs)
12. 3cm Pulsar clusters
8. 30cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
15. Sensor Drones
5. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Description: a HAU is for all intensive purposes a land ship and is currently the most powerful ground unit fielded by the Republic. The design revolves around a heavy turreted particle cannon as its primary armor killer, with four light pulsars acting as secondary anti-armor systems. Protected from enemy ordnance by its array of point defense networks, the HAU is very similar to the MAU. However, the most radical departure from her lighter siblings is that the HAU relies completely on displaced ordnance. The numbers of HAU within the Republic are low in comparison to other offensive units, and their high cost makes mass production difficult at best. However, the Heavy Assault Unit has earned its place in the modern Republican arsenal.
Notable units:
Sad State of Affairs
Peace of the Gun
Diplomacy is dead
Death Sentence
Appeal to Ignorance
X. VHAU – Very Heavy Assault Unit
Length: 150 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 125 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 150cm Particle Cannon
4. 60cm Particle Cannon
6. 15cm Pulsars
12. Point Defense Networks
1. Tactical Bombs (400 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (30 bombs)
1. Orbital Denial Bombs (50 bombs)
24. 3cm Pulsar clusters
10. 45cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
10. Sensor Drones
5. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
4. LAU
Description: The VHAU is the latest design and is currently being built in limited numbers. It is expected to become the premiere offensive unit in the republic. A VHAU is expected to deal with anything an opposing military may throw at it. The cost of a VHAU is significant and it is uncertain how many VHAU's the Republic plans to incorporate into her inventory. Rumors of larger assault units exist, although the VHAU is the largest design actively fielded.
Notable units:
Don’t fear the reaper
Give suicide a chance
Aggressive Negotiations
Motion to Adjourn
Hopeless Situation
Support Units
X. SSU - Sensor Specialist Unit
Length: 9 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 250 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloy w/ heat and ablative layers
1. 15cm Particle Cannon
1. Point Defense Network
1. VLMS (8 missiles)
2. 3cm Pulsar clusters
Drone Complement
8. Sensor Drones
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Visual Cloak System
Description: The SSU is designed for speed and stealth over brute force. It loses a great deal of its defensive armor in order to incorporate a visual holography system which allows it to blend into its background much like a chameleon. Its cloaking system and its standard noise cancellation systems allow the SSU to be a shadow in the front lines. Of course, in order to truly be invisible it must deactivate its agrav network, whose gravitational disturbance can be detected by powerful or sensitive enough scanners. Its eight sensor drones incorporate a great deal of stealth features, allowing them to greatly extend the range of the SSU sensor net. While most Republican units generally carry some sort of sensor drones, the ones fielded by the SSU are the most accomplished and expensive drones in the Republican arsenal.
X. ASU - Artillery Support Unit
Length: 80 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 125 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Battle Steel/Tritanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 200cm PP Cannon
1. VLMS (200 area denial missiles)
1. VLMS (80 misc. missiles)
4. 30cm Howitzers (80 rounds each)
6. Point Defense Networks
4. 15cm Pulsars
12. 60cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
5. Sensor Drones
5. Defense Drones
Description: the ASU is designed to deal with concentrations of enemy forces and smash to oblivion fortifications. Its massive proton particle cannon is capable of direct and indirect fire, and is powerful enough to annihilate anything it is expected to face. The rate of fire of the weapon is slow however, as a charge must be built between shots. As a result, the ASU is designed to lurk dozens of kilometers behind the front lines and support offensives. Its secondary armament consists of twelve heavy proton particle launchers that function as howitzers and four 30cm howitzers. These weapons are the largest kinetic weapons that could be mounted on the design, and are usually tucked away within the vessel in order to offer extra protection to the weapons. The 30cm howitzers may not be fired on the move, although all the energy weapons may do so. The final piece of the armament revolves a heavy missile system which allows the ASU to shower an area with various sub-munitions. These missiles come in conventional, tactical and strategic “flavors” depending on the ASU objectives. Although the ASU is not designed to be highly mobile, it does manage to maintain a performance suitable for its task. Its sprint speed is the same as a HAU, although its actual combat speed is considerable lower.
Notable Units:
Is it dead yet?
Tag, you are it.
Death and taxes
Here comes the pain
Republican Fleet Composition
Fleet 1
1. Command Ship (INS Pride of Indas)
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Majestic)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Dominion, INS Glorious)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Milari)
3. Battleships (INS Acheron, INS Forge, INS Valiant)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Black Star, INS Alexander, INS Fencer)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 2
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Beautiful Dreamer)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Silent Hunter, INS Shadow Stalker)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Void)
3. Battleships (INS Valor, INS Blackstone, INS Imperial)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Ypres, INS Jericho, INS Verdun)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 3
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Song Dragon)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Huntress, INS Vengeance)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Dauntless)
3. Battleships (INS Gallant, INS Fearless, INS Formidable)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Hermes, INS Argus, INS Lexington)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 4
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Harvester of Sorrow)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Balance of Judgment, INS Wicked King)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Samael)
3. Battleships (INS Victory, INS Lightning, INS Tornado)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Stalker, INS Milagro, INS Storm Caller)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 5
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Blood and Fire)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Persephone, INS Hades)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Cerberus)
3. Battleships (INS Malice, INS Ares, INS Hecate)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Throne, INS Apollo, INS Shar)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 6
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Storm Queen)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Foregone Conclusion, INS Siren’s Cry)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Valeron)
1. Battleships (INS Charon)
5. Battle Cruisers (INS Ishar`za, INS Banshee, INS Lotus)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
10. Light Frigates
Fast Reaction Task Force 1
1. Battleship (INS Shining Path)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Nightshade)
2. Battle Cruisers (INS Vampire, INS Fallen Angel)
6. Cruisers
10. Light Cruisers
20. Destroyers
25. Heavy Frigates
25. Frigates
Ships of the Space Navy
50. Torch class – Command Frigate
Length: 250 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
3x Medium Pulsars
3x Medium Particle Beams
6x Light Pulsars
6x Light Particle Beams
8x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
8x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
10. Sensor Drones
15. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: Torch class ships function as the command frigates for the space guard.
200. Shield class – Light Frigate
Length: 200 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
4x Light Pulsars
4x Light Particle Beams
6x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
6x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
15. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Shield class light frigates are the mightiest ships fielded by the Space Guard. These ships have enough firepower to deal with most pirate threats and are flexible enough to perform a wide variety of tasks.
300. Dagger class – Corvette
Length: 150 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
12x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
4x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
6x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Dagger class is designed to supplement the newer Shield class vessels. The design is a heavy hitter of the Space Guard and is capable of dealing with most threats it is required to face. The Dagger class corvettes have larger than usual crew quarters for a ship of her size making them very popular assignments.
300. Icewind class – Patrol Ship
Length: 100 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
6x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
4x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
5x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
5. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Icewind class patrol ships are the backbone of the Space Guard. Ships of this class are usually relegated to anti-pirate duty and generally work in groups of three ships since individually they lack the firepower of the shield class. Nonetheless, a pack of Icewind can make even the most assured of pirates feel a bit uncomfortable.
500. Tribunal class - Cutter
Length: 50 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
2x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
2x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
2x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
0. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
0. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The tribunal is the most common of all Space Guard vessels.
1. Pride of Indas class – Relic/Super Dreadnought
Length: 12,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (20 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Molecular Composite
Sensor Range: 400 LY (6 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
80x Psy-Emitters
8x Massive Psy-Emitters
8x Massive Pulsars
30x Capital Pulsars
30x Capital Particle Beams
60x Heavy Pulsars
60x Heavy Particle Beams
100x Light Pulsars
150x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
150. Sensor Drones
1000. Attack Drones
100. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
24. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
8. Tractor Beams
Description: The Pride of Indas is the sole surviving ship in the Indan arsenal which can be traced back down to the Empire that birthed the current Republic. The Pride of Indas was originally named the “Messenger of Fear” and was renamed to her current name during the birthing of the Republic. The ship is too expensive to try and recreate, its molecular composite armor beyond the financial costs and technical means of the republic at present to reproduce on such a scale. The Pride of Indas spends the majority of its time in the Indas sub-system along with the first fleet.
Notable Ships
INS Pride of Indas
Capital Ships
6. Majestic class – Command Ship/Command Dreadnought
Length: 6,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 300 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
40x Psy-Emitters
2x Massive Psy-Emitter
2x Massive Pulsar
15x Capital Pulsars
15x Capital Particle Beams
25x Heavy Pulsars
25x Heavy Particle Beams
75x Light Pulsars
100x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
100x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
500. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
16. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Majestic class ships serve as flagships for each of the six fleets of the Republic. Their armament is considerable and these ships earn the name of being called Dreadnoughts. However, the ships are individually valuable and are rarely found in the front lines of battle. Although the temptation to use their firepower to smash aside enemies is considerable, they are usually found away from the front lines directing other ships into the fray. If engaged however, the Majestic class is quite capable of fending for herself.
Notable Ships
INS Majestic
INS Beautiful Dreamer
INS Song Dragon
INS Harvester of Sorrow
INS Blood and Fire
INS Storm Queen
12. Dominion class – Dreadnought
Length: 5,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
30x Psy-Emitters
3x Massive Psy-Emitter
3x Massive Pulsar
10x Capital Pulsars
10x Capital Particle Beams
20x Heavy Pulsars
20x Heavy Particle Beams
60x Light Pulsars
80x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
50x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
350. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
12. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Dominion class battleships are the most feared ships in the Republican arsenal that are commonly found in engagements. Each vessel is capable of tearing into an enemy formation and dealing with any conceivable threat.
Notable Ships
INS Dominion
INS Silent Hunter
INS Shadow Stalker
INS Glorious
6. Void class – Drone Carrier
Length: 5,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
20x Psy-Emitters
2x Capital Pulsars
2x Capital Particle Beams
5x Heavy Pulsars
5x Heavy Particle Beams
20x Light Pulsars
40x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
40x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
50. Sensor Drones
750. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
12. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Void class sacrifices a great deal of energy armament and multi-purpose drones in order to mount the largest drone complement bays in a ship of her size. The ship is usually found launching her swarms of attack drones behind the cover of friendly forces. While capable of putting up a considerable fight, the Void class is not designed to participate in a wall battle.
Notable Ships
INS Void
16. Acheron class – Battleship
Length: 4,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
22x Psy-Emitters
5x Capital Pulsars
5x Capital Particle Beams
10x Heavy Pulsars
10x Heavy Particle Beams
40x Light Pulsars
60x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
40x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
175. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Acherons serve as hammers for the fleet, strong enough to survive large engagements; their task is to support their larger brethren in various conflicts. Battleships are prestigious assignments, and usually necessary in order to move up to any of the larger vessels.
Notable Ships
INS Acheron
20. Black Star – Battle Cruiser
Length: 3,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
18x Psy-Emitters
2x Capital Pulsars
2x Capital Particle Beams
6x Heavy Pulsars
6x Heavy Particle Beams
35x Light Pulsars
50x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
125. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Black Star class was designed to supplement Battleships and function as flankers in wall-battles as well as capable individual units. The Battle Cruiser has proven to be a reliable and sturdy design.
Notable Ships
INS Black Star
6. Fortune class – Cruisers
Length: 2,500 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad-Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 250 LY (4 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
14x Psy-Emitters
1x Capital Pulsars
1x Capital Particle Beams
4x Heavy Pulsars
4x Heavy Particle Beams
25x Light Pulsars
45x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
10. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
100. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
8. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Fortune class Cruisers are new designs, intended to function as fast combatants packing enough firepower to deal with their opponents.
Notable Ships
INS Fortune
Escorts/Light Ships
60. Glory class – Light Cruiser
Length: 2,000 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (3 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
10x Psy-Emitters
6x Heavy Pulsars
6x Heavy Particle Beams
15x Medium Pulsars
15x Medium Particle Beams
30x Light Pulsars
40x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
30x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
15. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
75. Attack Drones
25. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Glory class Light Cruisers is tasked with leading escort packs and are capable of serving a wide variety of functions. This is the ship of choice when dealing with pirates as well as raiding missions.
Notable Ships
INS Glory
150. Hunter class – Destroyer
Length: 1,500 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Broad Spectrum
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
8x Psy-Emitters
2x Heavy Pulsars
2x Heavy Particle Beams
10x Medium Pulsars
10x Medium Particle Beams
20x Light Pulsars
30x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
25x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
15. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
50. Attack Drones
15. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Hunter class is a relatively balanced ship capable of a variety of tasks. This class of ships is an extremely flexible design and they are relatively common within the Republican Navy.
Notable Ships
INS Hunter
300. Shadow class – Heavy Frigate
Length: 800 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
6x Psy-Emitters
8x Medium Pulsars
8x Medium Particle Beams
15x Light Pulsars
15x Light Particle Beams
20x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
10. Utility Drones
10. Sensor Drones
25. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Hunter class was designed to be a threat to capital ships, and perform as harassers in line battles. These ships are also found as escorts to merchant ships and raiders against shipping and other lightly defended targets when the situation called for it. Shadow class ships were the most commonly lost vessels in the Republic to Black Alliance forces until the discovery of the displacement drive. With the widespread integration of displacement drives to civilian cargo ships, Shadows have found themselves spending all their time in active military matters.
Notable Ships
INS Shadow
300. Seraph class – Frigate
Length: 600 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
6x Psy-Emitters
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
30x Light Pulsars
30x Light Particle Beams
15x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
5. Utility Drones
15. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Seraph class exists in order to support larger vessels with anti-missile and small craft fire. Its drone bays are loaded with defense drones capable of assisting other vessels by incorporating themselves into a net of coordinated point defense fire. The Seraph class is capable of wounding larger vessels, but that is not her primary task. Her energy batteries are considerably weaker than those of the Shadow class, and her missile salvos are also thinner.
Notable Ships
INS Seraph
40. Veytha class – Light Frigates
Length: 400 meters
FTL Drives: Hyperdrive
FTL Drives: Displacement Drive (30 minute recharge rate)
Shields: Force Screens and Shields
Hyper Shields: Frequency Agile
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
Sensor Range: 200 LY (2 LS Targeting)
Drives: Gravitic
Drives: Psy-Drives
4x Psy-Emitters
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
10x Light Pulsars
10x Light Particle Beams
20x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
20x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
5. Utility Drones
25. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
6. Shuttles
1. Displacer Array
4. Tractor Beams
Description: The Veytha class is not a combat class and is instead design to stealthy patrol Indashani space. These ships are the stealthiest designs ever fielded by the Republic and their expense makes it unlikely that any more will be built. The forty ships of the class are often termed “listening ships” as their array of passive and active sensors is remarkable.
Notable Ships
INS Veytha
edit 1: gave the Pride of Indas bigger teeth and fixed typos.
edit 2: tweaked the numbers a bit more to my satisfaction.
edit 3: added a new class of ship, shuffled some of the names of the classes around and fixed various typos.
edit 4: tweaked some weaponry about.
edit 5: tweaked more weapons and drones to my satisfaction, fixed a double wide buttload of typos.
Republic of Indas Planeteary Defense Overview
A. Stronghold
- At least six space forts
- Twenty four or more Orbital Weapon Platforms
- Constellations of Defense Satellites
- Very Heavy Trans-Orbital Emplacements
- Multiple Planetary shields with backups (generally five layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Multiple Theater Shields
- Heavy Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: Indas 3
B. Vital
- At least three space forts
- Twelve or more Orbital Weapon Platforms
- Large groups of Defense Satellites
- Heavy Trans-Orbital Emplacements
- Planetary shields with backups (generally three layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Several Theater Shields
- Moderate Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: Indas 6, Mulaya 3, Silos 4
C. Core
- Six or more orbital weapons platforms
- Groups of defense satellites
- Medium Trans-Orbital emplacements
- Planetary shield (two layers)
- Planetary Hypershields
- Theater shields
- Minor Automated Drone Facilities
- Example worlds: most of the major worlds in the Republic fall in this list.
D. Colony
- One or more orbital weapons platforms depending on planet importance
- Group of defense satellites depending on planet importance
- Light Trans-Orbital Emplacements if any at all
- Theater Shields as needed
- Example worlds: almost everything else
Space Fort
2. Massive Pulsars
2. Massive Particle Beams
20. Capital Pulsars
20. Capital Particle Beams
40. Heavy Pulsars
40. Heavy Particle Beams
100. Light Pulsars
100. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
200. PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
100. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
750. Attack Drones
250. Defense Drones
OWP- Type 1
1. Massive Pulsar
20. Capital Pulsars
20. Capital Particle Beams
25. Heavy Pulsars
25. Heavy Particle Beams
20. Light Pulsars
80. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Sensor Drones
500. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
OWP -Type 2
10. Capital Pulsars
10. Capital Particle Beams
20. Heavy Pulsars
20. Heavy Particle Beams
50 Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
25. Sensor Drones
300. Attack Drones
50. Defense Drones
OWP – Type 3
1. Massive Pulsars
25. Capital Pulsars
25. Capital Particle Beams
35. Heavy Pulsars
35. Heavy Particle Beams
50. Light Pulsars
200 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
OWP -Type 4
10. Capital Pulsars
10. Capital Particle Beams
10. Heavy Pulsars
10. Heavy Particle Beams
200 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
50. Utility Drones
100. Sensor Drones
1000. Attack Drones
100. Defense Drones
OWP -Type 5
15. Capital Pulsars
15. Capital Particle Beams
75. Light Pulsars
50. Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
150 PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
Defense Satellite Type A
1. Heavy Pulsar
24. Ship Killer Drones
6. Anti-Fighter Drones
Defense Satellite Type B
1. Medium Pulsar
14. Ship Killer Drones
6. Anti-Fighter Drones
Defense Satellite Type C
1. PD Pulsar Cluster
Drone Complement
5. Defense Drones
note: space forts and OWP's are equipped with force screens and shields for defense as well as hypershields.
Republic of Indas Army Overview
The Republican ground army is well trained, potently armed and highly motivated. They are however well aware of the fact that the Navy is considered the most prestigious branch of military service. The ground army is broken down into two distinct branches. The ground forces which are manned and the quick reaction forces which are autonamous.
Human Forces
It is in the Republic’s best interest to field the most capable men and women that it can and Republican soldiers are genetically and physically modified to that end. Republican soldiers are augmented depending upon their role in the battlefield and all are far more capable than any “normal” human. Augmentations tend to revolve around genetic enhancements where possible, although cybernetic enhancements are also common.
There is a disposition towards heavier elements in the Indashani ground forces. Scout forces and light infantry are somewhat less common than medium infantry and heavy infantry. The reason for this is that the ground forces are geared more for attack than defense, and expect a fair amount of orbital support from their Navy counterparts.
The most common and typically the largest formation fielded by the Indashani ground forces is the “Army” which is typically composed of four corps which in turn are composed of four divisions.
Scouts and light infantry utilize armor that is unpowered but mounts a plethora of passive sensors such as motion sensors, tele optics, and various forms of EM sensors. Light infantry armor is capable of providing protection against most forms of biological and chemical threats. Medium and heavy infantry armor is powered and expensive, although their tactical advantages justify the cost.
Infantry and Armored Infantry are both designed to work in conjunction with artillery and cavalry aspects of the army and do so well. The Republic is a firm believer of mixed arms engagements and the C4I capabilities of all the pieces of the Indashani ground forces are excellent.
Armor and Support
The Republic employs a wide variety of artillery and main battle tanks, all capable platforms in their own right although ideally suited for various tasks. The majority of these vehicles incorporate energy weapons into their designs even if there are performance issues with the use of such weapons in atmospheric conditions. The reasoning behind the use of energy weapons is that the Republic exploits heavily its mastery of anti-gravity and as such kinetic weapons provide certain problems that must be dealt with, chief among them being recoil. It is possible for Republican science to deal with these problems, but the latest generation of particle beam cannons has proven to be very effective at dealing with hostile armor. Until there is a need for kinetic weapons to be actively employed, the Republican ground forces will continue using their tried and true designs. Instead of large bore kinetic howitzers, the republican artillery weapon of choice are proton particle cannons, which are quite capable of turning enemy infantry to slag and damaging enemy armor without fear of active interdiction by point defense fire.
Special Forces
Night Lords: The Night Lords are infiltration and asymmetric warfare experts. They are equipped with state of the art equipment and have proven to be very successful in the engagements in which they have participated.
Children of Indas: The Children function as assassins, spies and occasionally hunter killer groups. The children are among the most potent psychics in the Republic, as every single member is at least a P2 in strength.
There are other branches of special forces found in the Republic, although the aforementioned two are the most known and arguably the most feared.
note: (the psychic scale used by the Republic places strength as a lower number. As such, a P10 is far weaker than a P9. Furthermore, the scale is not linear but exponential. The majority of the Republic’s population falls around a P6 in strength. Due to the fact that a P1 or Prime is the absolute limit to the scale in terms of strength, Primes are further arranged in a letter based scale. In this manner, P1A is weaker than a P1B.)
Autonomous Forces
The need for automated forces became apparent when Republican scientists were unable to crack the code that would allow displacer technology to safely transport organic matter. Due to this failure, it was deemed that automated forces could be used to exploit the advantage that displacers offered the Republic. To that end, a series of so called “assault units” was begun. These units would incorporate some of the most advanced Republican technology and would eventually form a core of units that became extremely capable. The forces vary from relatively small sized constructs to large constructs that are sometimes called “land ships” by the ground forces of the republic.
Due to the expense of fielding some of the larger units, there are a relatively small amount of them in service within the Republic. However, these larger units are kept up to date with SLEP programs similar to those found in the Navy. The usual tactical doctrine for Republican forces is to use its drones to secure landing zones for her ground forces. Nonetheless, “assault units” are very capable and two heavy assault units managed to force a cessation of hostilities in one of a handful of border skirmishes between the Republic and some of her more aggressive neighbors.
Republic of Indas Army (Drone forces)
X. VLAU – Very Light Assault Unit
Length: 12.5 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 250 kph
Top Speed: 345 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 15cm Particle Cannon
1. Point Defense Network
1. VLMS (12 missiles)
2. 3cm Pulsar clusters
Drone Complement
2. Sensor Drones
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
Description: The VLAU is the drone analog to a medium battle tank. It is fast, maneuverable and capable of dealing favorably with units of its size or smaller and presents a threat to units larger than itself. Their very light particle cannon are capable of defeating most armor types and have proven to be an extremely sturdy and reliable design. Its single point defense network is capable of protecting it from various types of ordnance and its VLS missile system grants the VLAU increased flexibility when dealing against armor or powered infantry.
X. LAU – Light Assault Unit
Length: 25 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 200 kph
Top Speed: 365 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 30cm Particle Cannon
2. Point Defense Networks
1. VLS Missile System (30 missiles)
4. 3cm Pulsar clusters
4. 15cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
Drone Complement
4. Sensor Drones
2. Attack Drones
Description: The LAU is the drone analog to a main battle tank. It is maneuverable, fast and capable of dealing favorably with most units found in the battlefield. Their light particle cannon are capable of dealing substantial damage while its twin point defense networks are capable of protecting it from various types of ordnance. The LAU is the most common of all combat drones deployed by the Republic.
X. MAU – Medium Assault Unit
Length: 50 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 175 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 60cm Particle Cannon
4. Point Defense Networks
1. VLMS (50 missiles)
1. Tactical Bombs (10 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (5 bombs)
6. 3cm Pulsar clusters
4. 30cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
8. Sensor Drones
4. Attack Drones
Description: a MAU are feared sights on the battlefield, capable of using their mobility and firepower to wreak havoc on enemy lines. The MAU incorporate force screens into their design, the smallest ground “drone” that equips them into their design as well as a displacer array in order to provide added flexibility. The MAU is also the first offensive unit which carries with it strategic weapons, these weapons are generally displaced into their target in order to minimize the chances of interception.
X. HAU – Heavy Assault Unit
Length: 100 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 150 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 110cm Particle Cannon
2. 45cm Particle Cannon
4. 15cm Pulsars
6. Point Defense Networks
1. Tactical Bombs (400 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (20 bombs)
1. Orbital Denial Bombs (10 Bombs)
12. 3cm Pulsar clusters
8. 30cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
15. Sensor Drones
5. Attack Drones
10. Defense Drones
Description: a HAU is for all intensive purposes a land ship and is currently the most powerful ground unit fielded by the Republic. The design revolves around a heavy turreted particle cannon as its primary armor killer, with four light pulsars acting as secondary anti-armor systems. Protected from enemy ordnance by its array of point defense networks, the HAU is very similar to the MAU. However, the most radical departure from her lighter siblings is that the HAU relies completely on displaced ordnance. The numbers of HAU within the Republic are low in comparison to other offensive units, and their high cost makes mass production difficult at best. However, the Heavy Assault Unit has earned its place in the modern Republican arsenal.
Notable units:
Sad State of Affairs
Peace of the Gun
Diplomacy is dead
Death Sentence
Appeal to Ignorance
X. VHAU – Very Heavy Assault Unit
Length: 150 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 125 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
1. 150cm Particle Cannon
4. 60cm Particle Cannon
6. 15cm Pulsars
12. Point Defense Networks
1. Tactical Bombs (400 bombs)
1. Strategic Bombs (30 bombs)
1. Orbital Denial Bombs (50 bombs)
24. 3cm Pulsar clusters
10. 45cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
10. Sensor Drones
5. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
4. LAU
Description: The VHAU is the latest design and is currently being built in limited numbers. It is expected to become the premiere offensive unit in the republic. A VHAU is expected to deal with anything an opposing military may throw at it. The cost of a VHAU is significant and it is uncertain how many VHAU's the Republic plans to incorporate into her inventory. Rumors of larger assault units exist, although the VHAU is the largest design actively fielded.
Notable units:
Don’t fear the reaper
Give suicide a chance
Aggressive Negotiations
Motion to Adjourn
Hopeless Situation
Support Units
X. SSU - Sensor Specialist Unit
Length: 9 meters
Crew Complement: Level 4 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 250 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Shields
Armor: Battle Steel and Titanium alloy w/ heat and ablative layers
1. 15cm Particle Cannon
1. Point Defense Network
1. VLMS (8 missiles)
2. 3cm Pulsar clusters
Drone Complement
8. Sensor Drones
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Visual Cloak System
Description: The SSU is designed for speed and stealth over brute force. It loses a great deal of its defensive armor in order to incorporate a visual holography system which allows it to blend into its background much like a chameleon. Its cloaking system and its standard noise cancellation systems allow the SSU to be a shadow in the front lines. Of course, in order to truly be invisible it must deactivate its agrav network, whose gravitational disturbance can be detected by powerful or sensitive enough scanners. Its eight sensor drones incorporate a great deal of stealth features, allowing them to greatly extend the range of the SSU sensor net. While most Republican units generally carry some sort of sensor drones, the ones fielded by the SSU are the most accomplished and expensive drones in the Republican arsenal.
X. ASU - Artillery Support Unit
Length: 80 meters
Crew Complement: Level 5.5 AI and optional commander
Drive System: Agrav network
Combat Speed: 125 kph
Top Speed: 400 kph
Defenses: Force Screens and Shields
Armor: Battle Steel/Tritanium alloys w/ HEAT and Ablative layers
1. 200cm PP Cannon
1. VLMS (200 area denial missiles)
1. VLMS (80 misc. missiles)
4. 30cm Howitzers (80 rounds each)
6. Point Defense Networks
4. 15cm Pulsars
12. 60cm PP Launchers
1. ECM/ECCM Suite
1. Displacer Array
Drone Complement
5. Sensor Drones
5. Defense Drones
Description: the ASU is designed to deal with concentrations of enemy forces and smash to oblivion fortifications. Its massive proton particle cannon is capable of direct and indirect fire, and is powerful enough to annihilate anything it is expected to face. The rate of fire of the weapon is slow however, as a charge must be built between shots. As a result, the ASU is designed to lurk dozens of kilometers behind the front lines and support offensives. Its secondary armament consists of twelve heavy proton particle launchers that function as howitzers and four 30cm howitzers. These weapons are the largest kinetic weapons that could be mounted on the design, and are usually tucked away within the vessel in order to offer extra protection to the weapons. The 30cm howitzers may not be fired on the move, although all the energy weapons may do so. The final piece of the armament revolves a heavy missile system which allows the ASU to shower an area with various sub-munitions. These missiles come in conventional, tactical and strategic “flavors” depending on the ASU objectives. Although the ASU is not designed to be highly mobile, it does manage to maintain a performance suitable for its task. Its sprint speed is the same as a HAU, although its actual combat speed is considerable lower.
Notable Units:
Is it dead yet?
Tag, you are it.
Death and taxes
Here comes the pain
Republican Fleet Composition
Fleet 1
1. Command Ship (INS Pride of Indas)
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Majestic)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Dominion, INS Glorious)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Milari)
3. Battleships (INS Acheron, INS Forge, INS Valiant)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Black Star, INS Alexander, INS Fencer)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 2
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Beautiful Dreamer)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Silent Hunter, INS Shadow Stalker)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Void)
3. Battleships (INS Valor, INS Blackstone, INS Imperial)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Ypres, INS Jericho, INS Verdun)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 3
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Song Dragon)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Huntress, INS Vengeance)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Dauntless)
3. Battleships (INS Gallant, INS Fearless, INS Formidable)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Hermes, INS Argus, INS Lexington)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 4
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Harvester of Sorrow)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Balance of Judgment, INS Wicked King)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Samael)
3. Battleships (INS Victory, INS Lightning, INS Tornado)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Stalker, INS Milagro, INS Storm Caller)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 5
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Blood and Fire)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Persephone, INS Hades)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Cerberus)
3. Battleships (INS Malice, INS Ares, INS Hecate)
3. Battle Cruisers (INS Throne, INS Apollo, INS Shar)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
6. Light Frigates
Fleet 6
1. Command Dreadnought (INS Storm Queen)
2. Dreadnoughts (INS Foregone Conclusion, INS Siren’s Cry)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Valeron)
1. Battleships (INS Charon)
5. Battle Cruisers (INS Ishar`za, INS Banshee, INS Lotus)
10. Light Cruisers
25. Destroyers
50. Heavy Frigates
50. Frigates
10. Light Frigates
Fast Reaction Task Force 1
1. Battleship (INS Shining Path)
1. Drone Carrier (INS Nightshade)
2. Battle Cruisers (INS Vampire, INS Fallen Angel)
6. Cruisers
10. Light Cruisers
20. Destroyers
25. Heavy Frigates
25. Frigates
Ships of the Space Navy
50. Torch class – Command Frigate
Length: 250 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
3x Medium Pulsars
3x Medium Particle Beams
6x Light Pulsars
6x Light Particle Beams
8x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
8x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
10. Sensor Drones
15. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: Torch class ships function as the command frigates for the space guard.
200. Shield class – Light Frigate
Length: 200 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
2x Medium Pulsars
2x Medium Particle Beams
4x Light Pulsars
4x Light Particle Beams
6x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
6x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
15. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Shield class light frigates are the mightiest ships fielded by the Space Guard. These ships have enough firepower to deal with most pirate threats and are flexible enough to perform a wide variety of tasks.
300. Dagger class – Corvette
Length: 150 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
12x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
4x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
6x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
10. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Dagger class is designed to supplement the newer Shield class vessels. The design is a heavy hitter of the Space Guard and is capable of dealing with most threats it is required to face. The Dagger class corvettes have larger than usual crew quarters for a ship of her size making them very popular assignments.
300. Icewind class – Patrol Ship
Length: 100 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
6x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
4x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
5x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
2. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
5. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The Icewind class patrol ships are the backbone of the Space Guard. Ships of this class are usually relegated to anti-pirate duty and generally work in groups of three ships since individually they lack the firepower of the shield class. Nonetheless, a pack of Icewind can make even the most assured of pirates feel a bit uncomfortable.
500. Tribunal class - Cutter
Length: 50 meters
STL Drives: Gravity
FTL Drives: Hyperspace Jump
Shields: Shields
Armor: Neutronium Embedded
2x Light Pulsars
1x Medium Particle Beam
2x Multi Purpose Drone Launchers
2x PD Pulsar Clusters
Drone Complement
0. Utility Drones
5. Sensor Drones
0. Attack Drones
0. Defense Drones
Daughter craft Complement
1. Shuttle
1. Tractor Beams
Description: The tribunal is the most common of all Space Guard vessels.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-03-09 10:00pm, edited 41 times in total.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Invader’s Guide to the Worlds of the Commonwealth
In the Three Suns Commonwealth’s 150 year history, it has spread across a large amount of what was once the southern UTR. Consisting of four administrative zones, each consisting of four provinces, it is the largest of the New Powers in terms of territory controlled, and while detailed census information is hard to obtain in these benighted times, some claim that it has the largest in population as well.
This is a list of the major military, government, and manufacturing centers in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth’s name is not a misnomer- most civil government is regional, provincial, or planetary, with the Federal government concerning itself largely with foreign policy and military matters. This means that many regions have individual capitals and local establishments and infrastructure. Any invader must take this into account, and this guide is meant to represent what intelligence enemy operations would be able to readily divine.
Desjardins Administrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Desjardins
Provinces :
- Desjardins –
The Province of Desjardins is a center of Federal government and regional government in the Administrative zone in which it resides. It is also home to major shipbuilding and industrial centers.
=Important Worlds:
-Desjardins: Home to 190 billion, a major city world, and center of Commonwealth culture. Desjardins is a Federal, Regional, and Provincal capital. Desjardins is largely administrative and residential, her resources having been long since depleted. The exception are the shipyards- One of the Commonwealth’s 2 Dreadnought shipyards is over Desjardins. Desjardins has very heavy orbital habitation: over 50 billion.
-Neuveau Okinawa: Major industrial center, home of the DeVries/Takeda corporation, a Commonwealth civilian Shipwright. 30km-plus superfreighter yards, luxury yacht yards, and heavy in-planet civilian industry. Home to a major Commonwealth Army base. Over 120 billion population in space and on-planet.
- Saxony Beta: Commonwealth Navy heavy cruiser yards (deactivated currently), large Agency training facility. Heavy on-planet and orbital industry. 80 billion + population
- Monteargent: Commonwealth Army transport shipyards, CN Cruiser/Escort shipyards (half capacity) Tourist attraction on-planet, major mountain ranges.
- 4 other worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 8 worlds with less than 6 billion population
- Santander –
One of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic. It is heavily industrialized. Santander province was once, in the distant past, independent. A century before the formation of the TSC, the Santander Imperium was conquered by the Twelfth Republic and annexed. In the intervening centuries, the population has become loyal to the TSC.
=Important Worlds:
-Santander: City-World, almost as heavily populated as Desjardins. Site of a major officer training school and a set of cruiser/escort construction yards (deactivated). Also site of a tertiary Agency research base. Provincal Capital. Home of the Santander/Johnson Industrial corp, a manufacturer of warship maneuvering engines.
-Nouveau Algiers: Secondary production center for military electronics corp Microtech. Industrialized, and still a major center for the production of raw materials.
- 9 other worlds with 6-20 billion population
-2 worlds with less than 6 billion population, one of which Is the site of an Agency training base.
- Saint-Claire (Border Province)
The Province of Saint-Claire is one of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic, one of the three forebears of the TSC. It is industrialized near the Santander and Desjardins provincial borders, but turns to frontier in many regions.
=Important Worlds:
-Saint-Claire: A world famous for it’s beautiful jungles. Contains a major Commonwealth fleet base and large civilian shipyards. Provincal capital. Major escort/cruiser shipyards (half capacity.) Secondary facilities for the Santander/Johnson corp reside here.
- Escarus Prime: Heavily industrialized city world with low gravity. Still contains large raw material mining facilities, exports battle-steel and iridium to the rest of the Commonwealth. Major orbital population and industrial centers. In orbit is a secondary DeVries/Takeda shipyard.
- Escarus Secundus: Same system as Escarus Prime. Larger world, with high gravity. Home of the Microtech corporation, a manufacturer of combat sensors and civilian computers.
- Michel: Industrialized world with major civilian light industry- exports cars, trucks, civilian electronics, and biochemicals. Home of a major Army base and training facility.
-12 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- over 40 border worlds and supply stations.
- Saint-Pierre (Border Province)
One of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic. Saint-Pierre is largely border region, with only a few heavily industrialized worlds.
=Important Worlds:
-Saint-Pierre: Heavily industrialized city-world near the border with Santander province. Civilian heavy industry such as metalworking and chemical refining is it’s primary economic purpose. It has orbiting Commonwealth Navy escort shipyards (Active). Provincal Capital.
- Kent: Heavily populated border world, trade hub for a dozen fiefdoms along the TSC border. Industrialized, and site of a secondary Commonwealth Army and Navy base. Very heavy foreign traffic for it’s size. Source of resources for most new Saint-Pierre province colony worlds.
- 3 worlds of 6-20 billion population
-over 50 colony worlds and supply stations.
- 1 overt Agency archeological base dedicated to combing ruined worlds for lost tech.
Jacob’s Landing Adminstrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Jacob’s Landing
- Liberty –
The Province of Liberty was at one time the center of the United Systems, a multiworld empire formed in the collapse of the southern states of the UTR. The United Systems are one of the original Three Suns which formed the Commonwealth over a century ago.
=Important Worlds:
- Jacob’s Landing: In the Jefferson system is the world of Jacob’s Landing, one of the Commonwealth’s three sub capitals. It is the least heavily populated of the three, with only 100 billion people living groundside. Large arcologies allow most of the planet’s surface to grow free; Jacob’s Landing is a major source of agricultural goods to the rest of the Commonwealth. It has extensive orbital population and industry, including a CA transport shipyard and a DeVries/Takeda secondary yard. Site of a Commonwealth Destroyer/Escort shipyard (full capacity). Site of the Aegean Hypertech main offices. Provincal, Regional, and Federal capital.
- Aegea: Major industrialized world, with a large orbiting spacedock and trade station. Homeworld of the Aegean Hypertech corporation, manufacturer of advanced hyperspace tech and jumpgates.
- Aberdeen: Industrialized world with very heavy orbital resource extraction efforts. Major source of heavy building material and exotic metals to the rest of the Commonwealth. Site of a major Commonwealth Escort/Destroyer shipyard (half capacity). Home of the reactor manufacturing company Aberdeen Manufacturing.
- 9 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 3 worlds with less than 6 billion population
- Kelia (Border Province)
Kelia is a border province to the Galactic North of the Commonwealth. Until recently, it was a fortified frontier against piracy and aggression by neighboring fiefdoms. Kelia contains a solid core of industrialized border worlds as well as a large number of potentially powerful but undeveloped colony worlds.
= Important Worlds:
- Kelia: Kelia is one of the more heavily fortified border worlds. It acts as a fleet base for the entire northern frontier, and was a jumping-off point for the recent attack on the Grand Empire of Brisbane. Over Kelia hangs a large orbital refinery, extensive orbital habitation, and both a Commonwealth Navy base and a Commonwealth Army base and assault transport shipyard. Kelia also is the site of a major jumpgate hub with terminuses across the Kelian border, to facilitate fast reaction to pirate and raider action. Provincal capital.
- Neuveau Estonia: Near the Kelia system, Neuveau Estonia is home to a large Gunsmith Unlimited factory section as well as assorted civilian light industry largely aimed at trade with the less developed fiefdoms. Neuveau Estonia is a hub for foreign shipping and trade. It is also the site of a Commonwealth Navy transport and cruiser shipyard (deactivated)
- Port Carbuncle: In the innermost section of the Kelia province, far from the border, Port Carbuncle is the site of major civilian shipyards and a tertiary orbital Aegean Hypertech jumpgate manufactory. Port Carbuncle is heavily industrialized. It is also a center of the Commonwealth’s Muslim merchant upper class, and as such has a lower than average percentage of citizens and a lower than average poverty rate. Known as a home of opulence and splendor across the Commonwealth.
- Mikal’s Folly: Border world with limited population. Site of minor mining and refining operations, as well as some consumer light industry and a Commonwealth Navy patrol base. Secret Agency training and research facility currently dedicated to Project PSERAPH on-planet.
- 4 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 29 colony worlds
- Togo March
Togo March was the sight of early skirmishes between the Osiran Free Republic and the United Systems, which terminated in a US victory which lead to the destabilization of the region and the eventual foundation of the TSC. Now, it is a heavily industrialized central sector to the Commonwealth.
=Important Worlds:
- Togo: Togo was at one point the sight of major resource extraction operations, making it a hotly contested world in early colonial conflicts. It has since been mined out, and is now a hub for internal and external Commonwealth trade. Orbiting factories are supplied by mining operations across the March and Kelia province. Site of Togo Station, a huge orbiting Commonwealth Navy base and civilian supply and trade station. Provincal Capital.
- Mutsu: Heavily industrialized city-world, home of the Cathedral of The New Church of Christ (center of the NeoChristian faith.) Secret Agency training bases here produce Agents and PSAINT teams. Site of a major Commonwealth Navy light cruiser and escort shipyard (fully active)
- Chandelier: Nearly uninhabitable world with extremely massive orbital settlement and industry. Site of a DeVries/Takeda tertiary civilian shipyard and a Gunsmith Unlimited heavy weapons factory.
- 7 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 2 worlds with less than 6 billion population
-Fell March(Border Province)
Lightly inhabited border province near the Commonwealth’s northern frontier. Conquered only 30 years previously, and still only just moving out of it’s colonial period. Most worlds have only been inhabited for 50-30 years. Large percentage of the population is foreign, immigrating under the Colonist Citizenship Grant Bill.
= Important Worlds:
- Manchester: A ruined Republican city-world, Manchester has been going through a boom period since it’s colonization 25 years ago. Orbital refining and mining operations are extensive, as is heavy industry supplied by the new resource extraction coming in from the Fell March borders. Site of a secondary Commonwealth Navy and Army base, as well as a half-completed heavy cruiser and transport shipyard. Site of an overt Agency base dedicated to combing the planet’s copious ruins for lost technology. Restoration efforts have rebuilt 15% of the planet’s old cities. Hub for trade in the Fell March and in the fiefdoms beyond. Provincal Capital.
- Mulligan Station: system with strictly orbital colonies, as the planet’s surface was devastated beyond habitability in the Great War. Site of a variety of civilian warship yards and a Commonwealth Navy patrol base and resupply station. Near the border, and well-fortified.
- Over 60 colony worlds, most recently colonized.
- 3 Agency bases (hidden)
Osiris Administrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Osiris
- Osiris –
The Province of Osiris was at one time the center of the Osiran Free Republic, a loose confederation of worlds which warred with the Twelfth Republic and the United Systems. Now, it is part of the Commonwealth’s heavily industrialized core.
=Important Worlds:
- Osiris: Heavily inhabited and industrialized desert world, with the largest orbital and space habitats of any world in the Commonwealth (some say in the modern Galaxy.) The Mother Void Church is in orbit over Osiris, as is a branch of the Desjardins Shipyards corporation’s Dreadnought and Heavy Cruiser division (Deactivated, Dreadnought Slips not completed yet.) Regional, Federal, and provincial capital.
- New Ohio: World which changed hands more than once in the earlier Colony Wars. Major manufacturer of starship shield and hypershield generators for the Takeda/DeVries corporation. Home of a Blair/Roberts secondary factory and an Aegean Hypertech FTL sensors factory.
- Mezatlan: World colonized by Orisans. Culturally very similar to Osiris, though less heavily developed. Home of the Blair/Roberts shield generator corporation and a major Commonwealth Navy research and munitions manufactory base.
- 9 worlds of 6-20 billion
- Harbinger March –
The Harbinger March was part of the original OFR, and the most commonly spoken language there is not Desjardin’s Francez, but rather Frei-go, or Spacer’s Tongue. Harbinger March is the least industrialized of the Commonwealth’s internal provinces.
=Important Worlds:
- Cadua: Industrialized world with a tertiary Commonwealth Army base and transport shipyard. Home of the Cadua City University, one of the best schools in the Commonwealth. Center for Commonwealth internal and external trade, with a large Muslim population. Provincial capital.
- Coventry: Industrialized world, known for it’s beautiful forests and jungles. One entire continent of the world is kept as a nature preserve. Home of a large biochemical and genemodding industry. Site of a secondary Commonwealth Navy repair and resupply station.
- Asmodean: Industrialized world with heavy orbital habitation. Site of a Commonwealth Navy escort/light cruiser shipyard (deactivated) and a covert Agency training and research facility.
- 3 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 14 worlds of less than 6 billion
- Horus-
The Province of Horus was part of the original OFR, and as such is slightly culturally dissonant from the more mainstream worlds under Jacob’s Landing or Desjardins influence. Void Mother worship is popular. A heavily industrialized internal sector which draws raw materials from the Isis province.
=Important Worlds:
- Horus: World with heavy orbital and surface habitation and industrialization. Home of the Horus Motorworks corporation, a major exporter of civilian personal vehicles. Provincial capital.
- Neuveau Gaza: Industrialized city-world, most heavily populated in the Horus province. Major center for genemodding research and biochemical production; many companies based on Coventry have factories or subsidiaries on Neuveau Gaza. Site of a major Commonwealth Army base and a Commonwealth Navy escort shipyard (fully active, underoing expansion.)
- 14 worlds of 6-20 billion population.
- Isis (Border Province)
The Isis province is to the western border of the Commonwealth, next to the former Principality of Maharashtra. It has been plagued by pirate and slavetaker attacks in the past, but such activity ceased with the annexation of the Principality by Commonwealth forces.
=Important Worlds
- Isis Secundus: Smaller habitable planet in the Isis system, Isis Secundus joined the Commonwealth willingly over a century ago. Isis survived the Fall relatively intact, and is today a major cultural and industrial center in the region. Site of an overt Agency research station and extensive civilian shipyards.
- Isis Prime: Larger habitable planet in the Isis system, Isis Prime has heavy orbital habitation and industry. The world itself is a Commonwealth Navy research and munitions construction facility. In orbit is Isis Prime Station, a major Commonwealth naval base.
- Sarahsport: Forwards base for Commonwealth settlement into the Isis province, Sarahsport provides resources to the assorted colonies of the Isis frontier. Sarahsport has a great deal of light industry and is the site of a Commonwealth Army base and a Navy patrol base. It is a trade hub for the border region, seeing a lot of foreign traffic.
- Ironhill: Huge, high-gravity world. Site of a Blair/Roberts shield generator manufactory and very heavy mining and raw material processing, both on-planet and in-system.
- 1 world of 6-20 billion population
- 37 colony worlds
Maharashtra Administrative Zone
Administrative Capital: Maharashtra
- Shiva March (Colonial Province)
The Province of Shiva March was at one point the actual zone of control of the former Principality of Maharashtra, a pirate state off the Commonwealth’s western border. Over a year ago, it was annexed by the Commonwealth, it’s corrupt leading regime deposed. Only in recent months has the March become a full-fledged Commonwealth province, with the return of many Maharashtran recruits from the Azegart War giving the province a solid corps of loyal citizens. –Note, populations are much lower in the Shiva March than in the older provinces of the Commonwealth, and little industry exists at this point, though resource extraction has begun to move rapidly in the region.
= Important Worlds
- Maharashtra: In the Brahma system, former capital of the Principality. Economic and social reforms, combined with copious monetary support from the main Commonwealth and the actions of a loyal core of Citizens, have caused major changes in the world. The last vestiges of the old class society are changing, and the pockets of Brahmin resistance have been rooted out and destroyed by the Agency of Internal and External Affairs. A major Commonwealth Dreadnought shipyard is just coming on line in orbit. Regional and Provincal capital.
- Bethesda: A system without any habitable worlds, Bethesda is the site of large asteroid and gas mining operations. Immigrants from the mainstream Commonwealth are assembling the beginnings of zero-g culture in the system. Site of a Commonwealth Navy patrol base.
- 15 colony worlds
- Serra (Colonial Province)
The Province of Serra has no worlds with greater than a billion people. It’s population is composed largely of immigrants who either moved from the main Commonwealth, or foreigners who are making a bid for Citizenship through the Colonist Citizenship Grant Bill.
= Important Worlds
- Serra: A small, lightly-inhabited world of only a billion, Serra avoided the predations of the Principality through stealth and clever political maneuvering. With the collapse of the Principality, Serra joined the Commonwealth. Serra has some very light industry, and is the site of a Commonwealth Army base and a Navy patrol station. Provincial Capital.
- 39 colony worlds
- Conestaga (Colonial Province)
The Province of Conestaga is, like Serra, very lightly inhabited, with immigrants and colonists only now starting to pour in. The region, however, contains many habitable worlds. With the fall of the Principality and the extension of Navy protection over the region, it is beginning to become civilized once more.
= Important Worlds:
- Conestaga: A very recently colonized world, chosen as provincial capital merely because of the presence of extensive pre-fall ruins. Site of a Commonwealth Navy patrol, repair, and resupply base, as well as an overt archeological research facility.
- 57 colony worlds
- Justice March-( Colonial Province)
The Justice March was held by a pirate faction even following the Principality’s defeat. The brief campaign by the CN to remove them was over in weeks, but the military action was enough to earn the province it’s name. Very lightly populated.
=Important Worlds:
- Jerrysport: Small world colonized months before the Commonwealth’s annexation of the region by independent prospectors. Minor regional trade base, and site of a Navy resupply and patrol base. Provincial capital.
- 31 colony worlds.
Planetary Defenses:
All developed Commonwealth worlds have orbital defense networks. Colony worlds are typically defended only by a handful of ground-based fighters, or in the case of Navy patrol or resupply bases, a lone gun platform or orbital fighter base. Industrialized worlds have between 2 and 6 gun platforms and numerous gorund-based fighter wings. The major military bases and city-worlds of the Commonwealth can have as many as 20-30 platforms.
Gunsmith Unlimited Bastion XIII Gun Platform
Heavily armed and shielded, the Bastion XIII is the primary orbital defense weapon in use in the Commonwealth. The Bastion XIII has light point defense, but is always protected by a constellation of PD satellites.
Length: 2 KM
Width: 1.2 KM
2 Capital P-Beam Batteries
2 Capital Laser Batteries
1 Capital Missile Battery
5 PD Laser Batteries
Gunsmith Unlimited Arbalest IV Missile Platform
Smaller than the Bastion, the Arbalest carries a heavy missile armament as well as shielding and decent point defense.
Length: 2 KM
Width: .5 KM
5 Capital missile batteries
5 MFR P-Beam PD batteries
5 PD Laser batteries
Gunsmith Unlimited Gustav XXI PD Satallite
The Gustav line of PD Satallite is designed to work in conjunction with a battery of gun platforms. Each satallite is in fact a small, fully mobile short range drone-fighter dedicated to killing enemy fighters and missles. Computer linkage between individual satallite's sensors and the larger sensor arrays on the plaforms allow for accurate tracking of enemy munitions and craft, and allow excellent PD coordination. Gustavs generally operate in constellations of 60 or more.
Length: 5 meters
Width: 4 meters
1 Swarmer pod
2 light lasers
1 light MFR P-beam cannon
Basilev Construction B/11x Orbital Fighter Base
The B/11x is a simple fortified station designed to operate as a base for a wing of 100 interceptors or strike craft. It is very cheap to manufacture, and B/11s are popular in border worlds which merit fixed defenses, but are not sufficiently important to rate full gun platform defenses.
Length: 1.5 KM
Width: .6 KM
1 Heavy P-Beam battery
5 MFR P-Beam PD batteries
Strike Wing:
50 interceptors, 50 strike craft
In the Three Suns Commonwealth’s 150 year history, it has spread across a large amount of what was once the southern UTR. Consisting of four administrative zones, each consisting of four provinces, it is the largest of the New Powers in terms of territory controlled, and while detailed census information is hard to obtain in these benighted times, some claim that it has the largest in population as well.
This is a list of the major military, government, and manufacturing centers in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth’s name is not a misnomer- most civil government is regional, provincial, or planetary, with the Federal government concerning itself largely with foreign policy and military matters. This means that many regions have individual capitals and local establishments and infrastructure. Any invader must take this into account, and this guide is meant to represent what intelligence enemy operations would be able to readily divine.
Desjardins Administrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Desjardins
Provinces :
- Desjardins –
The Province of Desjardins is a center of Federal government and regional government in the Administrative zone in which it resides. It is also home to major shipbuilding and industrial centers.
=Important Worlds:
-Desjardins: Home to 190 billion, a major city world, and center of Commonwealth culture. Desjardins is a Federal, Regional, and Provincal capital. Desjardins is largely administrative and residential, her resources having been long since depleted. The exception are the shipyards- One of the Commonwealth’s 2 Dreadnought shipyards is over Desjardins. Desjardins has very heavy orbital habitation: over 50 billion.
-Neuveau Okinawa: Major industrial center, home of the DeVries/Takeda corporation, a Commonwealth civilian Shipwright. 30km-plus superfreighter yards, luxury yacht yards, and heavy in-planet civilian industry. Home to a major Commonwealth Army base. Over 120 billion population in space and on-planet.
- Saxony Beta: Commonwealth Navy heavy cruiser yards (deactivated currently), large Agency training facility. Heavy on-planet and orbital industry. 80 billion + population
- Monteargent: Commonwealth Army transport shipyards, CN Cruiser/Escort shipyards (half capacity) Tourist attraction on-planet, major mountain ranges.
- 4 other worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 8 worlds with less than 6 billion population
- Santander –
One of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic. It is heavily industrialized. Santander province was once, in the distant past, independent. A century before the formation of the TSC, the Santander Imperium was conquered by the Twelfth Republic and annexed. In the intervening centuries, the population has become loyal to the TSC.
=Important Worlds:
-Santander: City-World, almost as heavily populated as Desjardins. Site of a major officer training school and a set of cruiser/escort construction yards (deactivated). Also site of a tertiary Agency research base. Provincal Capital. Home of the Santander/Johnson Industrial corp, a manufacturer of warship maneuvering engines.
-Nouveau Algiers: Secondary production center for military electronics corp Microtech. Industrialized, and still a major center for the production of raw materials.
- 9 other worlds with 6-20 billion population
-2 worlds with less than 6 billion population, one of which Is the site of an Agency training base.
- Saint-Claire (Border Province)
The Province of Saint-Claire is one of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic, one of the three forebears of the TSC. It is industrialized near the Santander and Desjardins provincial borders, but turns to frontier in many regions.
=Important Worlds:
-Saint-Claire: A world famous for it’s beautiful jungles. Contains a major Commonwealth fleet base and large civilian shipyards. Provincal capital. Major escort/cruiser shipyards (half capacity.) Secondary facilities for the Santander/Johnson corp reside here.
- Escarus Prime: Heavily industrialized city world with low gravity. Still contains large raw material mining facilities, exports battle-steel and iridium to the rest of the Commonwealth. Major orbital population and industrial centers. In orbit is a secondary DeVries/Takeda shipyard.
- Escarus Secundus: Same system as Escarus Prime. Larger world, with high gravity. Home of the Microtech corporation, a manufacturer of combat sensors and civilian computers.
- Michel: Industrialized world with major civilian light industry- exports cars, trucks, civilian electronics, and biochemicals. Home of a major Army base and training facility.
-12 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- over 40 border worlds and supply stations.
- Saint-Pierre (Border Province)
One of the original sectors of the Twelfth Republic. Saint-Pierre is largely border region, with only a few heavily industrialized worlds.
=Important Worlds:
-Saint-Pierre: Heavily industrialized city-world near the border with Santander province. Civilian heavy industry such as metalworking and chemical refining is it’s primary economic purpose. It has orbiting Commonwealth Navy escort shipyards (Active). Provincal Capital.
- Kent: Heavily populated border world, trade hub for a dozen fiefdoms along the TSC border. Industrialized, and site of a secondary Commonwealth Army and Navy base. Very heavy foreign traffic for it’s size. Source of resources for most new Saint-Pierre province colony worlds.
- 3 worlds of 6-20 billion population
-over 50 colony worlds and supply stations.
- 1 overt Agency archeological base dedicated to combing ruined worlds for lost tech.
Jacob’s Landing Adminstrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Jacob’s Landing
- Liberty –
The Province of Liberty was at one time the center of the United Systems, a multiworld empire formed in the collapse of the southern states of the UTR. The United Systems are one of the original Three Suns which formed the Commonwealth over a century ago.
=Important Worlds:
- Jacob’s Landing: In the Jefferson system is the world of Jacob’s Landing, one of the Commonwealth’s three sub capitals. It is the least heavily populated of the three, with only 100 billion people living groundside. Large arcologies allow most of the planet’s surface to grow free; Jacob’s Landing is a major source of agricultural goods to the rest of the Commonwealth. It has extensive orbital population and industry, including a CA transport shipyard and a DeVries/Takeda secondary yard. Site of a Commonwealth Destroyer/Escort shipyard (full capacity). Site of the Aegean Hypertech main offices. Provincal, Regional, and Federal capital.
- Aegea: Major industrialized world, with a large orbiting spacedock and trade station. Homeworld of the Aegean Hypertech corporation, manufacturer of advanced hyperspace tech and jumpgates.
- Aberdeen: Industrialized world with very heavy orbital resource extraction efforts. Major source of heavy building material and exotic metals to the rest of the Commonwealth. Site of a major Commonwealth Escort/Destroyer shipyard (half capacity). Home of the reactor manufacturing company Aberdeen Manufacturing.
- 9 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 3 worlds with less than 6 billion population
- Kelia (Border Province)
Kelia is a border province to the Galactic North of the Commonwealth. Until recently, it was a fortified frontier against piracy and aggression by neighboring fiefdoms. Kelia contains a solid core of industrialized border worlds as well as a large number of potentially powerful but undeveloped colony worlds.
= Important Worlds:
- Kelia: Kelia is one of the more heavily fortified border worlds. It acts as a fleet base for the entire northern frontier, and was a jumping-off point for the recent attack on the Grand Empire of Brisbane. Over Kelia hangs a large orbital refinery, extensive orbital habitation, and both a Commonwealth Navy base and a Commonwealth Army base and assault transport shipyard. Kelia also is the site of a major jumpgate hub with terminuses across the Kelian border, to facilitate fast reaction to pirate and raider action. Provincal capital.
- Neuveau Estonia: Near the Kelia system, Neuveau Estonia is home to a large Gunsmith Unlimited factory section as well as assorted civilian light industry largely aimed at trade with the less developed fiefdoms. Neuveau Estonia is a hub for foreign shipping and trade. It is also the site of a Commonwealth Navy transport and cruiser shipyard (deactivated)
- Port Carbuncle: In the innermost section of the Kelia province, far from the border, Port Carbuncle is the site of major civilian shipyards and a tertiary orbital Aegean Hypertech jumpgate manufactory. Port Carbuncle is heavily industrialized. It is also a center of the Commonwealth’s Muslim merchant upper class, and as such has a lower than average percentage of citizens and a lower than average poverty rate. Known as a home of opulence and splendor across the Commonwealth.
- Mikal’s Folly: Border world with limited population. Site of minor mining and refining operations, as well as some consumer light industry and a Commonwealth Navy patrol base. Secret Agency training and research facility currently dedicated to Project PSERAPH on-planet.
- 4 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 29 colony worlds
- Togo March
Togo March was the sight of early skirmishes between the Osiran Free Republic and the United Systems, which terminated in a US victory which lead to the destabilization of the region and the eventual foundation of the TSC. Now, it is a heavily industrialized central sector to the Commonwealth.
=Important Worlds:
- Togo: Togo was at one point the sight of major resource extraction operations, making it a hotly contested world in early colonial conflicts. It has since been mined out, and is now a hub for internal and external Commonwealth trade. Orbiting factories are supplied by mining operations across the March and Kelia province. Site of Togo Station, a huge orbiting Commonwealth Navy base and civilian supply and trade station. Provincal Capital.
- Mutsu: Heavily industrialized city-world, home of the Cathedral of The New Church of Christ (center of the NeoChristian faith.) Secret Agency training bases here produce Agents and PSAINT teams. Site of a major Commonwealth Navy light cruiser and escort shipyard (fully active)
- Chandelier: Nearly uninhabitable world with extremely massive orbital settlement and industry. Site of a DeVries/Takeda tertiary civilian shipyard and a Gunsmith Unlimited heavy weapons factory.
- 7 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 2 worlds with less than 6 billion population
-Fell March(Border Province)
Lightly inhabited border province near the Commonwealth’s northern frontier. Conquered only 30 years previously, and still only just moving out of it’s colonial period. Most worlds have only been inhabited for 50-30 years. Large percentage of the population is foreign, immigrating under the Colonist Citizenship Grant Bill.
= Important Worlds:
- Manchester: A ruined Republican city-world, Manchester has been going through a boom period since it’s colonization 25 years ago. Orbital refining and mining operations are extensive, as is heavy industry supplied by the new resource extraction coming in from the Fell March borders. Site of a secondary Commonwealth Navy and Army base, as well as a half-completed heavy cruiser and transport shipyard. Site of an overt Agency base dedicated to combing the planet’s copious ruins for lost technology. Restoration efforts have rebuilt 15% of the planet’s old cities. Hub for trade in the Fell March and in the fiefdoms beyond. Provincal Capital.
- Mulligan Station: system with strictly orbital colonies, as the planet’s surface was devastated beyond habitability in the Great War. Site of a variety of civilian warship yards and a Commonwealth Navy patrol base and resupply station. Near the border, and well-fortified.
- Over 60 colony worlds, most recently colonized.
- 3 Agency bases (hidden)
Osiris Administrative Zone:
Administrative Capital: Osiris
- Osiris –
The Province of Osiris was at one time the center of the Osiran Free Republic, a loose confederation of worlds which warred with the Twelfth Republic and the United Systems. Now, it is part of the Commonwealth’s heavily industrialized core.
=Important Worlds:
- Osiris: Heavily inhabited and industrialized desert world, with the largest orbital and space habitats of any world in the Commonwealth (some say in the modern Galaxy.) The Mother Void Church is in orbit over Osiris, as is a branch of the Desjardins Shipyards corporation’s Dreadnought and Heavy Cruiser division (Deactivated, Dreadnought Slips not completed yet.) Regional, Federal, and provincial capital.
- New Ohio: World which changed hands more than once in the earlier Colony Wars. Major manufacturer of starship shield and hypershield generators for the Takeda/DeVries corporation. Home of a Blair/Roberts secondary factory and an Aegean Hypertech FTL sensors factory.
- Mezatlan: World colonized by Orisans. Culturally very similar to Osiris, though less heavily developed. Home of the Blair/Roberts shield generator corporation and a major Commonwealth Navy research and munitions manufactory base.
- 9 worlds of 6-20 billion
- Harbinger March –
The Harbinger March was part of the original OFR, and the most commonly spoken language there is not Desjardin’s Francez, but rather Frei-go, or Spacer’s Tongue. Harbinger March is the least industrialized of the Commonwealth’s internal provinces.
=Important Worlds:
- Cadua: Industrialized world with a tertiary Commonwealth Army base and transport shipyard. Home of the Cadua City University, one of the best schools in the Commonwealth. Center for Commonwealth internal and external trade, with a large Muslim population. Provincial capital.
- Coventry: Industrialized world, known for it’s beautiful forests and jungles. One entire continent of the world is kept as a nature preserve. Home of a large biochemical and genemodding industry. Site of a secondary Commonwealth Navy repair and resupply station.
- Asmodean: Industrialized world with heavy orbital habitation. Site of a Commonwealth Navy escort/light cruiser shipyard (deactivated) and a covert Agency training and research facility.
- 3 worlds of 6-20 billion population
- 14 worlds of less than 6 billion
- Horus-
The Province of Horus was part of the original OFR, and as such is slightly culturally dissonant from the more mainstream worlds under Jacob’s Landing or Desjardins influence. Void Mother worship is popular. A heavily industrialized internal sector which draws raw materials from the Isis province.
=Important Worlds:
- Horus: World with heavy orbital and surface habitation and industrialization. Home of the Horus Motorworks corporation, a major exporter of civilian personal vehicles. Provincial capital.
- Neuveau Gaza: Industrialized city-world, most heavily populated in the Horus province. Major center for genemodding research and biochemical production; many companies based on Coventry have factories or subsidiaries on Neuveau Gaza. Site of a major Commonwealth Army base and a Commonwealth Navy escort shipyard (fully active, underoing expansion.)
- 14 worlds of 6-20 billion population.
- Isis (Border Province)
The Isis province is to the western border of the Commonwealth, next to the former Principality of Maharashtra. It has been plagued by pirate and slavetaker attacks in the past, but such activity ceased with the annexation of the Principality by Commonwealth forces.
=Important Worlds
- Isis Secundus: Smaller habitable planet in the Isis system, Isis Secundus joined the Commonwealth willingly over a century ago. Isis survived the Fall relatively intact, and is today a major cultural and industrial center in the region. Site of an overt Agency research station and extensive civilian shipyards.
- Isis Prime: Larger habitable planet in the Isis system, Isis Prime has heavy orbital habitation and industry. The world itself is a Commonwealth Navy research and munitions construction facility. In orbit is Isis Prime Station, a major Commonwealth naval base.
- Sarahsport: Forwards base for Commonwealth settlement into the Isis province, Sarahsport provides resources to the assorted colonies of the Isis frontier. Sarahsport has a great deal of light industry and is the site of a Commonwealth Army base and a Navy patrol base. It is a trade hub for the border region, seeing a lot of foreign traffic.
- Ironhill: Huge, high-gravity world. Site of a Blair/Roberts shield generator manufactory and very heavy mining and raw material processing, both on-planet and in-system.
- 1 world of 6-20 billion population
- 37 colony worlds
Maharashtra Administrative Zone
Administrative Capital: Maharashtra
- Shiva March (Colonial Province)
The Province of Shiva March was at one point the actual zone of control of the former Principality of Maharashtra, a pirate state off the Commonwealth’s western border. Over a year ago, it was annexed by the Commonwealth, it’s corrupt leading regime deposed. Only in recent months has the March become a full-fledged Commonwealth province, with the return of many Maharashtran recruits from the Azegart War giving the province a solid corps of loyal citizens. –Note, populations are much lower in the Shiva March than in the older provinces of the Commonwealth, and little industry exists at this point, though resource extraction has begun to move rapidly in the region.
= Important Worlds
- Maharashtra: In the Brahma system, former capital of the Principality. Economic and social reforms, combined with copious monetary support from the main Commonwealth and the actions of a loyal core of Citizens, have caused major changes in the world. The last vestiges of the old class society are changing, and the pockets of Brahmin resistance have been rooted out and destroyed by the Agency of Internal and External Affairs. A major Commonwealth Dreadnought shipyard is just coming on line in orbit. Regional and Provincal capital.
- Bethesda: A system without any habitable worlds, Bethesda is the site of large asteroid and gas mining operations. Immigrants from the mainstream Commonwealth are assembling the beginnings of zero-g culture in the system. Site of a Commonwealth Navy patrol base.
- 15 colony worlds
- Serra (Colonial Province)
The Province of Serra has no worlds with greater than a billion people. It’s population is composed largely of immigrants who either moved from the main Commonwealth, or foreigners who are making a bid for Citizenship through the Colonist Citizenship Grant Bill.
= Important Worlds
- Serra: A small, lightly-inhabited world of only a billion, Serra avoided the predations of the Principality through stealth and clever political maneuvering. With the collapse of the Principality, Serra joined the Commonwealth. Serra has some very light industry, and is the site of a Commonwealth Army base and a Navy patrol station. Provincial Capital.
- 39 colony worlds
- Conestaga (Colonial Province)
The Province of Conestaga is, like Serra, very lightly inhabited, with immigrants and colonists only now starting to pour in. The region, however, contains many habitable worlds. With the fall of the Principality and the extension of Navy protection over the region, it is beginning to become civilized once more.
= Important Worlds:
- Conestaga: A very recently colonized world, chosen as provincial capital merely because of the presence of extensive pre-fall ruins. Site of a Commonwealth Navy patrol, repair, and resupply base, as well as an overt archeological research facility.
- 57 colony worlds
- Justice March-( Colonial Province)
The Justice March was held by a pirate faction even following the Principality’s defeat. The brief campaign by the CN to remove them was over in weeks, but the military action was enough to earn the province it’s name. Very lightly populated.
=Important Worlds:
- Jerrysport: Small world colonized months before the Commonwealth’s annexation of the region by independent prospectors. Minor regional trade base, and site of a Navy resupply and patrol base. Provincial capital.
- 31 colony worlds.
Planetary Defenses:
All developed Commonwealth worlds have orbital defense networks. Colony worlds are typically defended only by a handful of ground-based fighters, or in the case of Navy patrol or resupply bases, a lone gun platform or orbital fighter base. Industrialized worlds have between 2 and 6 gun platforms and numerous gorund-based fighter wings. The major military bases and city-worlds of the Commonwealth can have as many as 20-30 platforms.
Gunsmith Unlimited Bastion XIII Gun Platform
Heavily armed and shielded, the Bastion XIII is the primary orbital defense weapon in use in the Commonwealth. The Bastion XIII has light point defense, but is always protected by a constellation of PD satellites.
Length: 2 KM
Width: 1.2 KM
2 Capital P-Beam Batteries
2 Capital Laser Batteries
1 Capital Missile Battery
5 PD Laser Batteries
Gunsmith Unlimited Arbalest IV Missile Platform
Smaller than the Bastion, the Arbalest carries a heavy missile armament as well as shielding and decent point defense.
Length: 2 KM
Width: .5 KM
5 Capital missile batteries
5 MFR P-Beam PD batteries
5 PD Laser batteries
Gunsmith Unlimited Gustav XXI PD Satallite
The Gustav line of PD Satallite is designed to work in conjunction with a battery of gun platforms. Each satallite is in fact a small, fully mobile short range drone-fighter dedicated to killing enemy fighters and missles. Computer linkage between individual satallite's sensors and the larger sensor arrays on the plaforms allow for accurate tracking of enemy munitions and craft, and allow excellent PD coordination. Gustavs generally operate in constellations of 60 or more.
Length: 5 meters
Width: 4 meters
1 Swarmer pod
2 light lasers
1 light MFR P-beam cannon
Basilev Construction B/11x Orbital Fighter Base
The B/11x is a simple fortified station designed to operate as a base for a wing of 100 interceptors or strike craft. It is very cheap to manufacture, and B/11s are popular in border worlds which merit fixed defenses, but are not sufficiently important to rate full gun platform defenses.
Length: 1.5 KM
Width: .6 KM
1 Heavy P-Beam battery
5 MFR P-Beam PD batteries
Strike Wing:
50 interceptors, 50 strike craft