BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:And what makes you so sure that this isn't a legitimate offer? He has no reason to have a grudge against Europe
Huh. And I suppose that folks can just forget that the Muslims once held most of Spain, and that many Muslims feel that once a territory is Muslim it is always Muslim - even if the infidel takes over for 400-500 years.
And there's that matter of France being threatened because of the headscarf ban in schools.
And the alliance between the UK and US governments.
And the large US military installations in Germany
And Polish support of the US Iraq mess
Right - no reason to attack Europe. No reason to reneg on a truce.
I'm inclined to think that if he's making this offer he genuinely means it.
OK, maybe he does mean it
today - will he also mean it tomorrow as well?
No, I don't trust bin Laden or anyone who presumes to represent him. Then again, I must confess to a bias - he has already declared me (along with several hundred million others) under sentence of death with no opportunity for mercy. Nice guy. Hope he expires while being raped by a syphillitic pig.
Even if he did declare truce on Europe - well, OK Europe may enjoy "peace" - but what about, say, Australia? Better not vacation in Bali, either. Guess ya'll will have to stay home for good.