Well, Vympel did a good job, I never even noticed droids having sensors built into them as well as the walkers before.
Here's a couple of my own notes, regarind the Endor battle.
Admiral Ackbar stepped forward. His speciality was Imperial defense procedures.
This suggested that not Tarkin review of the Outer Rim also allowed Ackbar access to Imperial tactical doctrine on a small scale level, as well as operational and stragetic levels,i.e, the Tarkin Doctrine.
...monitoring ingress and egress of vehicles through the deflector shield. It was an operation involving a thousand scurrying ships, and everything was proceeding with maximum efficiency, ....
The scale of transit through the Endor deflector shield.
Artoo sat, unmoving except for the little radar screen that stuck out the top of his blue and silver dome,revolving, scanning the forest............ Artoo led the way, his revolving sensor sensing...
limited radar Sensors could be used in the forest, without Imperial dectection.
..battalion after battalion emerged in formation, to fire off toward the Death Star........
The Rebel Fleet was organised in battalion formation. It will be interesting to know what this means.
Lando was worried from the moment they came out of hyperspace. He checked his screen, reversed polarities, queried the computer
What is this "reversed polarities"? The only connection we know is that it is related to the inability to get some kind of reading on the shield.
Red Leader's voice shouted back over the headphones.'I get no reading, are you sure?
This may suggest that X-wing sensors are not delicate enough to determine the non-existence of the shield, unlike the Millenium falcon.
Take evasive action. Green Group, steer course for Holding Sector. MG-7 Blue group-
Green Group may refers to fighters, but the additional of MG-7 Blue group is most likely not. If they are ships, this may consist of a rearguard force, as Admiral Ackbar prepares to retreat. In that case, the use of a holding sector, probably an assembly point for last point formation changes for the fleet group as a rearguard area is indicative of Ackbar flexibility.
All ships, stand your position. Wait for my command to return! Ut was far too late for Lando and his attack squadrons to heed that order, though. They were already way ahead of the pack, heading straight for the oncoming Imperial Fleet
What does this order mean? This also describes the scale of the starfighter battle, and the closeness of Lando perspective to the Imperial fleet onscreen.
Wedge Antilles, Luke's old buddy from the first campaign led the X-wings
A disrepcacny with the movie?
We're moving to point three across the axis- Two of them coming in at twenty degrees
This method of navigation and battle control appears vastly different to that practised in ANH. However, similarities still apply, "There're four marks at point three five. Cover me!" for example.
Two fleet captains stood behind him,
Description of naval rank, and staff aide for Admiral Piett.
Flustered controllers were still trying to contact the Liberty, while fleet captains ran from screen to port, shouting, directing, misdirecting.
Equivalence of aides for Admiral Ackbar are Fleet captains. Glimpse of Rebel command network.
While the Death Star beam methodically disintergrated the Rebel ships.
Multiple uses of the Death Star main weapon was observed.
That's strange, I recall there was a quote about the Rebels formation and its importance at the end of the hyperspace exit, similar in content to that found in Wedge attack on Bilbringi in the Thrawn campaign, but I can't find it.
looked like nothing so much as the stuffed baby Wookie doll Leia remembered playing with as a child
Hmmm, looks like Wookies were not only adult companions, but the childhood companions of princesses
IP: The Neb B Frigates in particular were referred to as "Space Cruisers" in the TESB Script, not Rebel Cruisers. Indeed, ROTJ is the only novelisation to have ever deviated from the traditional "cruiser/corvette" for the Rebs, while "downgrading" ISDs to Destroyers, although it adds a caveat of supervessels. Prior to that, and indeed, the first SW artworks explicitly states the Devastator as an Imperial cruiser, TESB, where we were first introduced to the notion of Imperial Star Destroyers, and the Executor as the Largest of All star destroyers, followed up its next line with "5 cruisers", whereas later in the holoconference, they were "battleship commanders".
As for the TFNers, they got their data from the Truce at Bakura sourcebook.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner