PainRack wrote:Bollocks! Try that again with The New Rebellion, where a single factory planet outfitted entire sectors, if not the whole galaxy with exploding droids.
Which means that the author doesn't get how much "stuff" is in a galaxy, and has precisely nothing to do with another author deciding, despite dozens of filmic references to "the galaxy" that it is not, in fact, "the galaxy" but instead a small percentage. This is relevent as in the former author will not assume as the latter one does that they're dealing with cross-Republic distances in the tens of thousands of lyrs, as opposed to the true, over one hundred-thousand light years. Yes it both creates a skewed few of SW civilization, but one of those views has implications which are directly relevent to this discussion, and the other one does not.
PainRack wrote:Or acceleration values. Which is what I said, and you disregard.
Create a real theory if you want me to defer to it as the most logical possibility. I don't have to defer to some vague "I looked at the Class figures and thought 'acceleration per fuel consumption.'" Produce a function relating the two, or at least a slightly more developed methodology of how that works.
PainRack wrote:Red herring. I meant it technically required "negative" energy to accelerate when you are past c, not require "negative" energy to break the speed barrier.
No, moron, it doesn't. Negative mass-energy is not required to accelerate in hyperspace. It requires kinetic energy loss. A ship firing its engines retrograde in hyperspace will accelerate; a ship firing its engines normally will deaccelerate (in fact Saxton theorizes that is what the Falcon was doing before it exited hyperspace at Alderaan in
A New Hope).
PainRack wrote:Of course, I'm glad to see that you actually ignored the relevent parts of the post, which was to note that BFC as well as Stackpole both conclude that the majority of fuel expenditure is during the run up to lightspeed, and not in hyperspace itself.
I didn't reply to those because I had nothing to pick about them. Do you need me to quote them and affirm them for the benefit of your ego? Stop trying to make this into a me-trying-to-con-you thing. Its bullshit. I don't really care what your hypothesis is. My current position is I won't defer to it because its an immature theory and you haven't really told us enough of what its really saying. My point with Zahn was simply speculative on where his figures (which don't match up with other sources very well) may have come from.
PainRack wrote:Nice of you to totally throw off the issue.
Stop trying to make this into a me-trying-to-con-you thing. Its bullshit.
PainRack wrote:Of course I know the Core is a region, HOWEVER, what I'm trying to get is the distance Maul travelled. Using the 40k ly and 12k ly away from Core values in the map description, and assuming the Core is a point as opposed to the "region it actually is", then we get a min distance of 52k ly. Someone later pointed out that the scale can also be used, which gives us a distance of 60k odd ly. Nice nitpicking, no reading comprehension whatsoever.
I thought you were treating Coruscant as if it was at the center of the galaxy and then using the maps distance from the center marks as a straight-line distance, which is obviously flawed. Stop being an asshole, I wasn't actually disputing the figure.