Wheel of Time

FAN: Discuss various fictional worlds that don't qualify for SF.

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Re: Wheel of Time

Post by Sriad »

Stormbringer wrote:
Eleas wrote:These are not "minor" authors, numbnuts. These are hugo and nebula award winners and their like, not that you'd know what that means in the first place. They are absolute classics in every sense of the word, and to dismiss them as you do is roughly on par with a film student claiming Kurosawa and Leone were nobodies because their movies aren't rolling in mainstream cinema today.
And you're acting like a film student that's rambling about the greatness of indy cinema, as if it's god own home movies. Just because some one has a few awards (and yes I know what the Hugo and Nebulas are) and some fans doesn't make them great. I've seen people praise too much shit for me to take awards and a few fans as proof of greatness.
Oh for... Here, I'll reprint that list, and put the authors who I think need to know to be fundamentally Fantasy literate in bold and caps.

"Guy Gavriel Kay. Philip Pullman. Jack Vance. ROGER ZELAZNY. John Betancourt. Stephen Brust. Stephen Donaldson. *thinks for a second* Robert fucking Howard. Tim Powers. JRR TOLKEIN, Poul Anderson. TERRY PRATCHETT. NEIL GAIMAN."
I probably even missed a couple that should be highlighted, just as I consider a number of fantasy authors excellent who aren't even on the list; those are just the ones obvious to me.

You're acting like a petulant preteen who can't believe there are significantly better singers out there than Justin Timberlake or whoever, and so when her considerate friends give her a mix tape throws it away without listening.

There's plenty of good stuff out there. Robert Jordan is, occasionally, very good. But he doesn't thrill me with every book he writes, unlike the genre's top authors. Trying to shift the blame for this onto his lack of editing is dumb; Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and George RR Martin all have titanic presold audiences, but you don't see their books or heads bloating up.
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Post by Faqa »

I'm currently enslaved to the series. That's a shame, since Jordan is a VERY inconsiderate master....

Jordan plods, true, and he's agonizingly self-indulgent at times. But, still, a lot of the books went out with a BANG, one that pushed you on. Take book 5(I think). There you are, thinking it's over with yet another Forsaken battle, when BANG! Lanfear comes in a bitching rage out there, and we get an AWESOME fight and a subsequently cool chaining of one Forsaken and balefiring of another. And Moiraine's death. The only time Jordan HASN'T done this is in "Path Of Daggers", the book I'm on currently. He's getting weaker, plodding more... but I still care enough about the characters that it'll definitely take some VERY bad writing to put me off.

One annoyance - Jordan loves pulling romance out of thin air. Take Egwene and Gawyn. WTF?????? They had, oh, five seconds togethor, and the guy got little to no book time. We barely know him. WhoTF CARES? That romance is topped only by Min for Rand as my most despised, random pairing.

The WoT - hate it or love it, I'm gonna finish it....
"Peace on Earth and goodwill towards men? We are the United States Goverment - we don't DO that sort of thing!" - Sneakers. Best. Quote. EVER.

Periodic Pwnage Pantry:

"Faith? Isn't that another term for ignorance?" - Gregory House

"Isn't it interesting... religious behaviour is so close to being crazy that we can't tell them apart?" - Gregory House

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Post by Stark »

They asked for opinon; big mistake.

WoT is crap. Its a boiled-down combination of everything wrong with 'modern' 'fantasy'. Its Tolkien in the emperors new clothes. It should have stayed a fucking trilogy. 13 books does NOT mean you include 'gee won't the next book be kool' in the TEXT of every fucking book.

Robert Jordan is a dirty, dirty whore. WoT readers must be cast in the same mould as people who read all SW/ST/40K whatever books without discrimination. Worse, probably, because SW/ST/40K aren't as inherently stupid as 'fantasy'. Even the people I know who've read them all (as of years ago when there were only 10 or 11 or something) admittde that past 6 they get bad, but they read them anyway. I wish *I* could tap into the obsessive-compulsive comsumer market in this way.

Now I like fantasy. Neil Gaiman, Pratchett (even if he's not my cup of tea), Lovecraft, all kinds of stuff. Just not fucking D&D bullshit. Whats fantastic about that? I better go read a Dragonlance novel! Bah. Excuse me.
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