Zaia wrote:then there are the guys nobody notices: nice, sweet, intelligent, fun,
caring, non-spoken-for guys who eventually *become* B-list types, having been driven to madness by their platonic female friends who constantly complain to them over a cup of coffee about the lack of available nice guys.
ladies, would it kill you to just look up from that fucking coffee once in
a while"
Hmpf...that pretty much sums my life in a nutshell.
Ok, TRIED THAT, ruined a couple friendships because those "guys nobody notices" actually were interested in great chicks, but not THIS great chick because they know me too, whatev. Erg. Still a bit upset about this, if you can't tell. *grumblegrumblegrowlgrumble*
Just make sure you guys aren't like that before you go pointing the finger at us chickies, ok?
Sounds like a situation I was in (am still in? don't know). A lot of people seem to get overlooked. But really- let's be honest:
- Most girls have some success with guys
- Some guys have most success with girls
Unless you're an exceptional female who isn't so self-concious enough to think she's a slut if she displays any interest in a guy, most girls just sit there and hope they get propositioned (not sexually- just generally).
Bottom line- just keep trying. Although in my case- I haven't met anyone else. Yet. My romantic life sucks ass. I'm 21 and it's yet to begin.