What did you hope would get fixed...

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Nick Lancaster
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Post by Nick Lancaster »

One of the things that had bothered me about the SE:TESB was the shot where Vader arrives on the Executor, and it appeared to be a shot of him arriving on the DS-2 at the beginning of ROTJ.

The recent DVD release looks like they replaced the shot with a different angle to make it more unique.

I may be imagining things, however.
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Post by Firefox »

Alexus wrote:And...?
And what's your argument? Stravo's talking about the DSI's superlaser, and NecronLord's addressing the HTLs on its surface.
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Post by Mange »

Nick Lancaster wrote:One of the things that had bothered me about the SE:TESB was the shot where Vader arrives on the Executor, and it appeared to be a shot of him arriving on the DS-2 at the beginning of ROTJ.

The recent DVD release looks like they replaced the shot with a different angle to make it more unique.

I may be imagining things, however.
They used unused footage (alternate angle) from ROTJ.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Firefox wrote:
Alexus wrote:And...?
And what's your argument? Stravo's talking about the DSI's superlaser, and NecronLord's addressing the HTLs on its surface.
I don't think DSI actually had HTLs, at least nothing seen in the film the size of the turrets on an ISD. They all seemed to be about M or LTL sized.

Although if I'm wrong, I retract.
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Post by Stravo »

I was addressing the SL on the DSI misreading Necronlord's post thinking that he meant that the DSI could pull what the DSII pulled on Endor with its superlaser.

The WEG supplements mentioned that an alternate rebel alliance strategy should the Yavin strategem had failed would have forced Ackbar to crash all their capships into the Deathstar in the hopes of crippling her or hitting something vital - in essence gutting the nascent Rebel fleet at the time. I would think this strategy either did not take into account HTL's or that the DSI had little or no HTL coverage.
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Post by Alexus »

Right, Okay. I was just a bit confused.
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Re: What did you hope would get fixed...

Post by Kurgan »

darthnidankendo wrote:In the new DVD release of the original trilogy i was really hoping that they would fix the scene where Obi-Wan first hands Luke, Anikins lightsaber. When Luke turns the freaking thing on it just appears instead of "coming out" like in the other movies. Shit this even happened when Vader and Obi-Wan faces eachother. That is something that has pissed me off scince i was a kid.
Not so much what was changed, in ANH: but what I wish they hadn't added... removing the color from the DS1 explosion (and bringing out the blue screen artifacting), Luke's saber changing colors throughout, the loss of the fanfare on the trench run (except on the French track, woohoo!)... in fact the inconsistent saber colorings thoughout the three films (especially ROTJ, the best looking sabers suddenly become crappy, argh).

Those were mistakes. The changes made to the movies since the SE's I liked or didn't bother me one way or the other, except I felt Fett's redubbed voice and Hayden's appearance were unnecessary prequel grandstanding.

As to changes I wish they'd made, there aren't many:

I kind of wished they'd just reverted Han & Greedo back to the 1977 version, but I can live with the "tweaked" 2004 version over the 1997 version, which looked horrible. I know, how original... ;)

Otherwise a few distracting boxes around ships (cranking your brightness way down helps eliminate most of this, but not in ROTJ, especially since I crank my brightness up in order to miss the bad saber clash blending, but many of the boxes are green).

After I'd gotten the DVD's, I took some screenshots of my favorite scenes from ROTJ that I thought were really cool to use for wallpaper, only then realizing how crappy they looked because they were full of cardboard cutouts (the Emperor's arrival on the DS2, Luke jumping from one skiff to another). Now mind you these are aspects I NEVER noticed when watching the film on the big or small screen, but the majesty of the stills are virtually ruined because you can't help but notice the flatness of the characters in the shot (a big chunk of the Stormtroopers and Scout Troopers in the one, Lando hanging off the bottom of the skiff in the other). It probably wasn't worth it to fix this (Lucas fixed the cardboard characters in the ANH medal scene supposedly, for the SE), but oh well.

This is the kind of thing that DVD brings out, though I would think LD fans would have noticed it for 20+ odd years now. ;)

When I heard about the DVD's being made, I had hoped to see the Bigg's scene cut back into the early part of ANH, but my hopes being dashed of that with the SE's, I didn't allow myself too much, but at least the desire to see them as restored deleted scenes on the disc. Alas! *hugs BTM discs*
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Kurgan wrote:When I heard about the DVD's being made, I had hoped to see the Bigg's scene cut back into the early part of ANH, but my hopes being dashed of that with the SE's, I didn't allow myself too much, but at least the desire to see them as restored deleted scenes on the disc. Alas! *hugs BTM discs*

I'm still pissed off there were no deleted scenes on the DVDs like there were with the prequels. You just know they were left out in order to help sell the next 6 movie boxed edition.
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