enterprise d

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Post by Cpt_Frank »

NecronLord wrote: I've been building a model of that ship... strange, i'll see if i can get a digital camera. (yes I am sad, very very sad)
A model of the real GCS or a black modified one?
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Post by Master of Ossus »

I think the E-D needs a racing stripe. :roll:
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Yeah, definetly, and a black one. I would apply it by simply sweeping over the hull with one of those continous turbolaser-canons in a straight line.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

continous beam turbolasers i meant
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Post by Patrick Ogaard »

Okay, here goes (all more or less canon stuff, and no really serious modifications to the underlying frame of the stardrive section itself):

1. One of the potentially useful features of the Enterprise-D is the presence of the separable saucer section, a useful feature consistently undercut by poorly thought out design. Therefore, the first thing to do is to outfit the standard saucer section with full-fledged embedded warp nacelles along the port and starboard sides, fed by a safe warp power system to be located just forward of the impulse drive section. With that, we have immediately turned the Enterprise-D into what is effectively two full power warships, especially as the added warp power system should increase total available energy for other systems.

2. Another terrible design blunder is the massive presence of civilian nocombatants aboard a vessel class that sees combat regularly, and therefore civilian accommodations in the standard saucer section should be reduced to zero. For diplomatic or colony support missions, employ the old saucer sections redesigned to include low-performance embedded warp nacelles.

3. Along with the deletion of the noncombatants, reduce the sizes of crew quarters by at least a third, a 50% reduction being preferred. The space available will still be adequate to have private quarters for most personnel, others being stuck with a roommate. Part of the deleted crew/civilian quarters can then be devoted to all the additional mechanicals spaces needed, with the remainder devoted to carrying an actual battalion-size force of Starfleet Marines (just as soon as the Starfleet Marine Corps is founded), with reserves for up to a division-sized unit to be transported in wartime, with mechanized support (which also has to be invented).

4. The bridges of the Enterprise-D are criminally exposed. The first step would have to be to move the main bridge into the center of the saucer section, the battle bridge into the engineering hull, and to provide both bridges with dedicated backups, to be manned at all times. Include inside the saucer section a dedicated flag bridge, with a backup flag bridge in the stardrive section. What is a flagship without a flag bridge from which the admiral can command the fleet?

5. A further addition to the utility of the standard saucer section would be to equip it with the necessary gear, such as aerodynamic deflectors, landing jacks, improved thrusters, to allow the saucer sections to make safe planetary landings. Specifically, for military operations, it would provide a means of landing up to a division-sized force on a planet and potentially providing it with a platform capable of serving as a temporary protected base and, should the dorsal turret be configurable for artillery use, a firebase of sorts.

5b. Finally, the utility of the standard saucer section could be drastically improved, and the ship as a whole dramatically strengthened in its force proejction role, by the simple provision of actual, compact fighters. The two auxiliary shuttle bays on the stardrive or battle section should be sufficient for the majority of routine shuttle operations, freeing the greater part of the saucer section's main shuttle bay for fighter use. The main shuttle bay should easily be able to house two to three dozen warp-capable medium range fighters the size of type 6 personal shuttles, and a similar number of shuttlepod-sized short range sublight fighters. For planetary assaults, the warp-capable fighters could be replaced by armed, armored, troop-carrying gunships large enough to deliver one squad each to the battlefield and return to the ship.

5c. The specifications for the fighters would obviously have to be radically different from those of a shuttle or shuttlepod. A short range fighter, for instance, should have no more internal accommodations than a reasonably comfortable, compact cockpit. That would allow for a smaller vehicle sensor profile, and for much more performance to be packed into a shuttlepod-sized spaceframe than any half-dozen shuttlepods could provide.Typical armaments should be one or two forward-firing pulse phasers, ideally capable of firing off axis to some degree, supported by a similar number of rapid-firing microtorpedo launchers. Ablative armor combined with overpowered shields and power systems would be natural for a short range fighter.

6. Armaments loadout is also anemic, and could stand a reasonable upgrade.

6a. The dorsal space on the saucer section freed up by moving the main bridge should be replaced with a universal rotating armored turret assembly with independent power and torpedo supply, life support and autonomous local gunnery control. The standard turret mounts a standard photon torpedo launcher and two pulse phaser cannon flanking it. An identical turret should be installed on the ventral side of the saucer section in place of the Captain's Yacht.

6b. The forward spaces of the saucer section could use four twin conventional torpedo launchers, two pairs mounted forward dorsally, two pairs ventrally, again with suitable protection to allow the weapons installations to be used independently of the state of the remaining vessel.

6c. Worst treated by weapons loadout is the battle or stardrive section. One partial solution would be to upgrade the systems of the main deflector dish and adjacent spaces to allow the infamous high energy beam to be discharged without immediately disabling the firing vessel itself, a purpose that would be aided immensely by positioning four fusion reactor units a short way behind the deflector dish.

6d. As that still does not eliminate the inherent lack of directed energy firepower except directly ahead, a further solution would be to fit the battle section with a ventral turret based on those used on the saucer section, the torpedo launcher being replaced by the main steerable tractor beam emitter. Flanking the tractor beam emitter in the turret are two pulse phaser cannon.

6e. The final measure to provide the battle section with additional weapons coverage would be to mount a standard universal turret, identical to those on the saucer section, at the original location of the battle bridge. Not usable while the two sections of the ship are connected, the turret ups the firepower of the stardrive section when the two vessels are disconnected.

7. The final touch would be to properly equip the (presumably newly trained and organized) marines in their distinctive black and moss-green uniforms.

7a. Combination phaser and projectile sidearms should be standard, with an ergonomic pistol grip, trigger guard, integral laser targeter (that can be switched off), and simple notch-and-leaf iron sights. For most applications, the power levels available to the tiny type 1 phasers are adequate, with their available settings of 1 to 8. Therefore, an energy-efficient pulse version should be incorporated into a pistol frame, but with a long barrel to allow for reasonable accuracy at standard pistol ranges. The power unit for the phaser should be placed before the trigger guard in a small magazine well for easy reloading in hazardous situations. Enclosed in the pistol grip is a magazine for 10 mm x 25 mm projectiles feeding into a simple mass driver barrel running parallel to the phaser barrel, with the mass driver being powered by a power unit identical to that of the phasser unit. Solid slugs should provide excellent stopping power, and special purpose loads as baton rounds, signalling rounds and even photon rounds carrying microdots of antimatter could be issued (though photon rounds would likely be issued individually, in protective cases). A small, covered access panel on the gun can access the standard 8 settings, with a three-setting thumb switch by the pistol grip for standard combat use: safe, heavy stun (setting 3), and kill (setting 7). A second switch allows the use of the mass driver, with safe and semiautomatic settings.

7b. For standard combat use, a proper assault rifle should be issued. Standard features are a trigger guard, bayonet mount, iron sights, integral laser targeter with an off switch, an integral passive low-power optical and low-light sight, and a shoulder sling and adjustable-length shoulder stock. A phaser 1 unit with the same settings as the sidearm but a much longer barrel is standard. The longer barrel and shoulder stock allow much greater ranges, and adjustments to the barrel and phaser 1 firing mechanism allow for the option of automatic fire of pulses at the 2 standard quick-select settings: heavy stun and kill. As with the sidearm, there is a covered access panel allowing selection of the standard 8 settings, and a large phaser power unit is situated in a quick-change magazine well before the trigger guard. The pistol grip again contains a projectile magazine for 10x25mm slugs, and a much longer mass driver barrel runs parallel to the phaser barrel; the longer barrel and a larger power unit situated in a bullpup arrangement behind the pistol grip allow for greater velocities. The mass driver is again limited to semiautomatic fire.

7c. A sniper rifle version of the assault rifle is also required, essentially the assault rifle with a fixed stock, high powered telescopic sight, bipod and extended length barrel, but minus the bayonet mount.

7d. For portable support against troops, vehicles and bunkers there is a heavy phaser unit: a slightly oversized rifle with a fixed stock, bipod and web sling. The weapon employs a type 2 emitter with an integral laser targeter, very large power unit filling almost the entire stock, cooling unit for extended fire, the obligatory access panel (this time a large, easily used one with 16 settings), and several quick-select settings: heavy stun, kill, and the ever-popular setting 16 for use against tough targets. The cooling unit and ungodly huge power supply allow the weapon to use automatic fire on the heavy stun and kill settings for extended periods of time, and rapid semiautomatic use of the level 16 pulse. The weapon can also be fitted on a bipod for fixed positions, in which case a direct power feed can be fitted to the weapon to allow nearly unlimited firing.

7e. For dedicated, portable antipersonnel use there is a 10x25 mm mass driver weapon with the standard features of the weapon listed under 7d, except that the sniper-rifle-length mass driver barrel and the massive power supply, linked to automatic feed cassetes, allows ungodly volumes of fire to be directed at targets. In the squad support role the weapon is fitted with a bipod, though a reasonably strong user can fire from the hip in a pinch, and in the fixed defense role the weapon can be fitted on a bipod.

7f. For really tough targets and long term defensive positions, tripod-mounted type 4 phaser emitters are deployed, along with a tripod-mounted 20x50 mm version of the automatic mass driver.

7g. In active ground combat zones, individually loaded microtorpedo launchers are issued to troops. Equipped with a simple computerized sight designed to be effective in engaging both ground and air targets, the microtorpedo launcher provides different effects. Effectively, they are extremely compact versions of modern rocket and missile launchers, sufficiently compact that every soldier can comfortably carry one along with several reloads.

7h. Specialist troops are issued 10-round magazine-fed semiautomatic microtorpedo launchers with the same standard features as the other portable support weapons, allowing them to effectively engage enemy air and ground vehicle assets at long range. Enhanced computer targeting systems are standard for these units. Loads can vary from kinetic penetrators to high explosives and high-yield photon torpedo loads.

7i. All troops are equipped with fully insulated battledress with environmental sealing option, supplemented by visored combat helmets and armor vests. For extreme situations, supplemental armor plates can be added to other portions of the standard battledress.

7j. A full line of supporting artillery, mortars and support and combat vehicles must also be deployed in order for the troops to be at all effective.

And so forth. Unfortunately, the likelihood of the folks in charge getting anywhere close to this is exactly nil.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

I also think that SF needs grenades and some form of a sub-machine gun. They would also need additional armor around certain areas of the ship, including Engineering, the Warp Nacelles, and critical parts of the Saucer Section.

And it still needs a racing stripe.
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Re: My E-D Design

Post by Doomriser »

[quote="Invader ZIm"][/quote]

Those are pretty good suggestions, and most of them are doable!
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Post by Invader ZIm »

If the Enterprise is supposed to only be a exploritory cruiser then I would say that it is far from an optimum expenditure of resources for the Feds. Clearly the E-D ( and E-E) are intended to be ships of state if not all out warships.

The Feds could more efficently map and explore the galaxy by providing incentives to private companies to perform the job. Bonus' and contracts could be awarded to private survey firms that undertake the speculative risk.

This approach is far more practical if you wish to manage the deployment of your fleet across the galaxy. It is cliche but how many times has the Enterprise been the only "ship in the quardant" avalible to respond to a disaster? Allowing civilans to undertake the "risks" frees Star Fleet to concentrate its ships in teh most critcal/contested areaas of the Federation.

On a side note, it may also allow Star Fleet to act more like a "Fleet" rather than a loose association of ship commanders. On the occasions in TOS ( and some in TNG) the presence of a Commador or Admiral on the bridge automatically signalled a conflict between the Captian and his senior. With the fleet concentrated into smaller volumes of space it would force ship commanders to work in a more constructive fashion with top brass.

This could lead to a more prompt, strength appropriate and coordinated response to a Borg attack or V'ger or whatever, before it comes within range of a major population center or military target.

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Post by Doomriser »

How to improve the Enterprise-D?

Many others have given excellent suggestions, so I'll just give one:

Look at the New Orleans class. They are essentially a minature Galaxy-class. They have 3 (relatively) huge outboard pods. Scale them up onto the Galaxy and use them for weapons (if that's what they are designed for) or if they are science equipment, then move all the science equip off the interior of the ship and put them into outboard pots, leaving more room for combat-related systems.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Romulan_nemesis, on the first page you suggested putting landing struts on the E-D. This seems a little odd to me.

According to background information, the E-D weighs nearly 5 million metric tons.

Even if you mean just putting struts on the saucer section, that's still easily about two million tons.

That's a hell of a lot of weight to support.

Especially considering that the current landing protical is to simply wait until the saucer just stops. :P
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Post by Diamedes »

Especially considering that the current landing protical is to simply wait until the saucer just stops.
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Post by Isolder74 »

As for a better Enterprise. For the D I'd add a small warp engine to the saucer, directly above the dish. Place 6 torpedo tubes where ten forward is, add an extra Phaser strip top and bottom, and have it separate and act as a light cruiser. For the Star drive, first double the Phaser banks, and place 4 concelled Torpedo Tubes under the dish where it separates. Needs to double the phaser arrays on it and add sone TOS Movie era phaser emmiters for point-defense. Then modify the clamps so that the disk can seperate at the drop of a hat. And make the Battle Bridge the Main Bridge. also both bridges are to manned at all times and ready to operate seperately at any time. Also cut out most of those Presidential Suites and add some bunks in place of them it may not be private but it is functional. Paint it battleship grey or a similar daark color.
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

Cpt_Frank wrote:
Oh and by real uniforms I meant something along the lines of the TOS movie era uniforms not colorful pyjamas.
I like your style. I love those uniforms.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

It still needs a racing stripe.
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Post by Romulan_nemesis »

They HAVE racing stripes :) Check out the Star Trek: Nemesis Trailer, when the Enterprise passes, its clearly shown.

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Post by Isolder74 »

Romulan_nemesis wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:
Oh and by real uniforms I meant something along the lines of the TOS movie era uniforms not colorful pyjamas.
I like your style. I love those uniforms.
yes, those are by far the best uniforms in Star Trek
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Post by phongn »

Add active defenses to the ships. It is better to not get hit in the first place than let your shields and armor take the impact. Make a bunch of area-defense and point-defense missiles and emplace them on launchers (they can be rapid-fire turrets or VLS cells) with dedicated datalinks to them. Add point-defense phaser installations - they don't need to be particularly powerful if they're only used in the antimissile role.

When some fool shoots a torpedo at you at beyond-phaser range, shoot the fool thing down. And return fire with standing off.
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Post by phongn »

Addedum to the above: this should be a relatively cheap and effective way to vastly increase the survivability of Federation warships. The other suggestions by other people can be worked in later, but this could be as simple as a bolt-on antimissile phaser (or laser) mount.
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Post by denubis »

Give it a sqn of fighters. In the ST universe, any ship that breaks out 13 fighters would not only utterly confuse, distract, and annoy the opposition, but probably win. The fighters should be replicatable and single purpose.

Also, the ability to disregard modern areodynamics would be nifty. Having your orientation be orthagonal to your direction of movement means that you can get way fancier tactics. The only reason why one needs to curve in space is becuase the human body turns into strawberry jam (maybe jelly) if you take a very large +x and change it into a very large +y. (Don't the trekkies have some sort of technobabble to deal with this issue?)
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Post by LordShaithis »

The Federation should have two clearly differentiated fleets: One for defense, and one for exploration and diplomacy. A jack of all trades is a master of none, and all that.

I won't bother going into great detail, but when it comes to weapons... Turret-mounted Defiant-style pulse phasers, standard phaser strips for point defense, and shitloads of quantum torpedoes. Starfleet should also build a smallish and inexpensive class of destroyer whose main combat purpose is to launch a whole bunch of quantums all at once. You could have a ship with the damage output of a Sovereign (at least) for a fraction of the expense. They likely wouldn't be able to absorb as much punishment, but that's the price you pay.
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Post by Isolder74 »

GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:The Federation should have two clearly differentiated fleets: One for defense, and one for exploration and diplomacy. A jack of all trades is a master of none, and all that.

I won't bother going into great detail, but when it comes to weapons... Turret-mounted Defiant-style pulse phasers, standard phaser strips for point defense, and shitloads of quantum torpedoes. Starfleet should also build a smallish and inexpensive class of destroyer whose main combat purpose is to launch a whole bunch of quantums all at once. You could have a ship with the damage output of a Sovereign (at least) for a fraction of the expense. They likely wouldn't be able to absorb as much punishment, but that's the price you pay.
true but that is what destroyers, frigates, gunboats, ect are for. they carry decent firepower can draw fire from you capital ships. They also are designed to lay supression fire while your capital ship blow the living hell out the enemy Capital ships. a fleet with only capital ship verses the same size fleet containing frigates and destroyers will unless the Admiral is a moron beat the force of purely capital ships. Why, the Frigates and destroyers are capible of delivering firepower cappible of disabling of crippling a capital ship. They are also faster, more manuverable so will be able to avoid much of the fire the capital ships dish out due to the fact it's weapons are optimized to hit and kill capital ships. and if they ignore the small ships to concentrate on your capital ship your smaller ship will tear them to ribbons.
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Escort class ships will move out and tear into the flanks of the opposing fleet whil trying to prevent the same from happening to there own>Cap ships seek out and destroy there oponenets capships ,they have secondary guns for dealing with escorts .Fighters and gunboats harras the enemy and maybe scout the area out
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Post by Isolder74 »

Typhonis 1 wrote:Escort class ships will move out and tear into the flanks of the opposing fleet whil trying to prevent the same from happening to there own>Cap ships seek out and destroy there oponenets capships ,they have secondary guns for dealing with escorts .Fighters and gunboats harras the enemy and maybe scout the area out
Yes the Light ships make the fleet. Flexibility is defenantly aadvantage
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Romulan_nemesis, you have still not answered my question from the third page, so I will ask it again:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:...on the first page you suggested putting landing struts on the E-D. This seems a little odd to me.

According to background information, the E-D weighs nearly 5 million metric tons.

Even if you mean just putting struts on the saucer section, that's still easily about two million tons.

That's a hell of a lot of weight to support.

Especially considering that the current landing protical is to simply wait until the saucer just stops. :P
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Post by Isolder74 »

then there is the fleet support submarine. The reason the Clocked ship that can fire weapons while clocked has the same value as a submerged submarine. woosh! opps, did i hit your Aircraft Carrier. :cry:
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