Let's forget about the moral implication of killing your child over and over in the transporter beam...VF5SS wrote:Heh, I'm sure that some Trekkie would love the idea. I'm opposed to child genocide though.Ted C wrote:That doesn't sound like a bad idea (says the person with no children).
Did you realize that your 12-year old (actual time) would be the equivalent of an 8-year old? (physically/mentally). That's only if you put them in a buffer while you work 8 hours a day: what about you and the little missus going off for a Risan sex holiday and leaving junior in the buffer for a week on a regular basis... He'd be twenty and still in the 4th freaking grade!!! No thanks...
Damn transporters! *grumble* So much plot crap from a device that was ONLY invented to cheap out on the visual effects of a ship landing every bloody week...