Revelations from a Certain Point of View

UF: Stories written by users, both fanfics and original.

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Post by LadyTevar »

Part Seven: Isle Voletta
((Once again, my thanks to the creators of Ryu, Zand, and to the creators of the other characters mentioned here. Isle Voletta is the setting for the chat-based RPG "BlackBayou"))

Isle Voletta... how to explain this small town in only a few words? I fear I cannot. You spent the first 4 years of your life there, Leena, although yet again I wonder if you remember. Perhaps you will return there again, after reading this journal, since a few of your birth father's friends still reside in the area.

The small isle Voletta rests on was settled by the Tahalshia family in the early days of the American colonies, or so the rumors go. What is true is that Tahalshia Manor is the oldest still-occupied house in town, a grand plantation house behind fieldstone and wrought-iron walls. The locals whisper behind the family's backs, speaking of witch-craft, of ghosts and hauntings, of dark deeds and madness.

It is a test of courage for the townsfolk's children to approach the Manor on Halloween night, begging for candy from the current master of the Manor, Nitram Tahalshia. Rumors say he is insane ... I, having met the man, must agree. But it is a benign insanity, for the most part. He lost his wife tragedically, and in the time I lived in Voletta many of his close friends came to untimely ends, by no fault of his own.

The town of Voletta grew up around Tahalshia Manor as the old plantation was sold off over the centuries. It is surrounded by water on all sides... the Gulf to the south, the so-called 'Black Bayou' to the north. It is not an hour from the outskirts of New Orleans, a quiet place that some might wish as a bedroom community outside the big city. That may be why Isle Voletta held such power as a gathering place for the Supernatural.

We do gather, child, in numbers far larger than mortal society wishes to think exist. Back in the 1920s, my companions in Charleston numbered nearly thirty, and that was only the Vampires in the city. In New Orleans, vampires are a quiet one percent of the population, a staggering infestation kept in check by the werewolves, the voudoun witches, and all the other Supernaturals sharing the city. In Voletta, the population was nearly all Supernatural, a delicate balance of power, politics, and inter-species alliances. Something drew the Supernatural to Isle Voletta, perhaps the same something that made Tahalshia Manor seem such an imposing, frightening, presence in the town. Very few Supernaturals that came to Voletta ever left ... they simply vanish without a word.

Have I scared you? Have I warned you away yet, or has this merely picqued your interest in the town? This is where your father, Hisahoru Ryu finally ended his roaming, drawn to it just as any Supernatural.

I know a bit of his time in Voletta before I arrived the next year. The Demon-Zand was still watching him, waiting for the Millenium to come. Voletta, that odd sinkhole of preter-natural activity, seemed to be where the signs of the final battle were pointing. Thus, the demon wanted to make sure his own plans were well-placed before he started his end-game.

For a time, Ryu was left to himself. Once in town, he slowly gathered a group of friends about him. First, Seth Omsford, a former policeman who found himself in Voletta without a purpose. Within months he had joined a pack of Werewolves, becoming one of the beasts himself. Next was Teamhair NicIomhair, an Irish songstress of no little fame, who'd escaped to Voletta for peace and quiet. She found far more in the bayou, winding up torn between her love for Blackthorne Tahalshia and your father Ryu. Most importantly, there was Callie.

Odd... I find myself unable to recall Callie's last name. It is most distressing, yet I find the lapse understandable. Callie is your birth mother, Leena ... and a more pitiful, pathetic, wretched creature I have never known.

Seth and Teamhair were both strong individuals. They had built their lives on their own strengths, relied on their own skills, just as Ryu did. Callie was barely out of her teens, a child loose in the world for the first time, and lucky to find Ryu's protection in those early days. She was a damsel in distress, and forever needing the comfort and strength of her chosen hero. Forgive me for speaking ill of one who may be long dead, child, but she was weak in body and later in mind. Fate made her your birth mother, but she could not even get that right.

While Seth, Teamhair, and Ryu were starting a business they named the Omsford Detective Agency, Callie stayed home planning a life together with Ryu. He did love her, I believe, drawn to her innocence after the violence of his own life. The first problems started with the discovery of Ryu's affair with Teamhair, two whom I thought were better suited to each other. The second problem appeared when both women found themselves pregnant by Ryu.

Callie reacted by first chasing Ryu away, then by crawling to him begging for him never to leave again. Teamhair reacted by telling Ryu to go to Callie, who seemed unable to survive without him. She herself moved into Tahalshia Manor and declaring Blackthorne to be the father of her child, a claim that no one has ever questioned. From that moment on, I believe Callie hated Teamhair for being the stronger woman.

As soon as he heard of the pregnancies, the Demon-Zand knew it was time to move. He immigrated to New Orleans, bringing with him your aunt Lina and his own son Alexander Zand. Lina had been groomed into the perfect aide-de-camp; intelligent, efficient, and extremely loyal to the man she believed was responsible for all her good fortune. To her, Ryu was the enemy, blaming Zand for their parents' deaths unfairly, a danger to everything Zand stood for as a philathropist and businessman. She was, and is, still very convinced of Zand's integerty. Alexander was the offspring of a marriage of convenience, forced upon the demon by the tradition of the cycle. Only 6 years old, Alexander had everything a child could want, but for the love of his father. The demon was merely continuing the Zand bloodline, should this fight go badly.

And where was I in this? I, foolishly enough, had been caught by my Sire, the bastard whom had tortured me and turned me into a Vampire so long ago. But this time, he was frustrated in his pleasures. What had traumatized a child of eighteen did little to a Vampiress of nearly eight decades. The tree was too strong for him to break or bend this time, so he decided upon another plan: I would be his sacrifice for power.

As I have said before, some Vampires never learn to change with the times. My Sire is one such. Trapped in a world changing too fast, unwilling or unable to change himself with the times, he decided he needed to become more than a Vampire. He wanted the power of a Demon.

Is this too fantastical, Leena? I thought him insane, believing demons were only tales told to frighten. I learned better, after I was presented to Demon-Zand as a gift in exchange for knowledge.

Of course, the demon tricked my Sire, giving him empty rituals for false power. Yet I was a curiousity, someone or something that fascinated both demon and man. I would like to say it was my beauty, but he never would say for sure. Perhaps he was only looking for another pawn, foreseeing a need for my abilities. Whatever the reason, I became his paramour and his contact in Voletta. Using my skills, I watched him toy with Ryu and his friends, sending his men to attack them, kidnapping Callie, kidnapping Teamhair, watching Ryu and Seth's reactions to each move and feint.

Then, from stress or fear, Callie went into labour prematurely. You and your brother, Ryou, came into the world nearly two months early. He was tiny, but a strong fighter. You, Leena, were not. Your heart was weak, immature, and the doctors felt that you would not survive. The Demon-Zand made sure to tell me this, as we spied upon you and your brother in the hospital. At once, I knew how I could aid you, strengthen you until you were able to survive on your own.

Perhaps the demon influenced my decision; perhaps not, since he himself was surprised my actions worked. As a volunteer at the hospital I was allowed to feed the newborns, freeing up nurses for other tasks. You were fed from my own breast, and the blood I fed you is the sole reason you survived your first month of life. I would rock you in my arms, holding you, smelling the sweet scent of newborn child and dream of how my life could have been.

I am blessed by you, Leena. You are not the child of my body, but you are forever the child of my heart and my love.

I can write no more tonight. Tomorrow I will tell more of your mother and father in Voletta. Tonight ... tonight I want to hold you again.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by LadyTevar »

For those who might wonder...
Yes, SirNitram is mentioned in this story, as he was in the game this tale is taken from. Tahalshia Manor, the history of the Tahalshians and Voletta, and all named Tahalshian men are his sole creation.
Teamhair NicIomhair was my first character, and how Nit and I got so close.
Ryu and Zand's creator I never met in person, but we are still internet friends. He's been highly enjoying the tale as I email it to him.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Steve »

It's getting really good. 8)
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Post by LadyTevar »

Chapter Eight: Shadows in the Night
((Once again, my thanks to the creators of Ryu, Zand, and to the creators of the other characters mentioned here. Isle Voletta is the setting for the chat-based RPG "BlackBayou"))

To take up where I left off, my child, you and Ryou were born prematurely, and I gave you my blood to give you the strength to survive. Your brother, with his odd dragon-shaped birthmark, would not allow me to touch him, but would watch me feed you with his wide dark eyes. Sometimes, even now, I feel that Ryou saw and understood far more than any babe that tiny should know.

It was only a matter of short weeks before you and he were allowed to return home with Callie and Ryu. I followed, for you needed nightly feedings at that point to keep your strength. Most ghoul servants need fed only once a month. I ghosted in and out of your family's beachhouse like the night-time shadows, and I believe only Callie knew of my passage.

She had grown more fragile after your birth, frantic to hold onto your father, who was focusing more on finding Lina and stopping Zand than on his new family. The demon had allowed Ryu to 'discover' Lina, and was using her to distract and confuse Ryu and his allies. Lina played her role perfectly as Zand's 'captive', and to this day I wonder if Ryu ever discovered her deception.

That left Callie alone in the house when I visited, and now I wonder if she may have heard me walking the hallway in the night. Cloaked in shadows, she would not have been able to see my passage, but I never learned James' trick of dimming all sound around him. It would have been most unnerving, a ghostly presence haunting the house, walking from hallway window to nursery and back each night.

Callie's fragile state was made worse when the demon then stole Ryu's shape, attempting to fracture the bonds Ryu had made with his allies. Seth, perhaps because of his wolven nature, saw through the disguise. Teamhair riddled with him, catching DarkRyu up in his own lies and discovering the truth. Callie ... poor innocent Callie. She believed every word, every action. She saw no difference between the real and the false, and it broke her mind at last.

I went to the beachhouse the next night, and the nursery was empty. Callie had taken you both and fled Voletta, leaving not even a note. After a brief conversation with Zand, I wrote the note that your father later found. I then left to search for you, my daughter, cursing Callie for a weak fool and fearing that without my nightly feeding you would die. In my absence, your father faced down DarkRyu, in the first physical battle of three.

The demon found Ryu to be far stronger than he thought possible. Both men were wounded and had to withdrawl, and while the demon called it a tie, I believe your father won that round. Afterwards, Demon-Zand could no longer wear the DarkRyu form. He had Lina leave Voletta with Alexander, ordering her to care for the boy and protect him from Ryu. I think now that the Demon knew this battle was going to end badly, and wanted Alexander, his future body, to be safe.

Seth, Ryu, and Teamhair used all the detectives in their office to search for Callie. I had contacts that I have maintained for decades amongst the Supernaturals, and thus found her trail first. She had fled to the Carolinas, where I believe she grew up, but along the way her mental state continued to deteriorate. You had gone two weeks without my blood, Leena, and your health was rapidly failing. I caught up with Callie at a small motel in a nameless town off the highway, and could hear you screaming from outside.

You may hear that Vampires may not enter a house without permission. It is only partially a lie; there are always ways to bypass the restriction. Public buildings are open to us, and nothing is more open than a motel by the side of the road. I entered the room as a shadow underneath the locked door, gathering you up into my arms as soon as I was solid. Callie, looking dishelved and distraught, like a mad woman, fled into the bathroom and locked the door. I told her I was taking you both with me, but heard no answer, only frightened, horrible sobbing. I left her there, giving you both over to those I traveled with, and went back inside. Callie had broken the back window and fled, leaving a trail of blood from her cuts.

I did not follow. I had what I wanted, and left her to her fate, life or death. At the time, it was out of anger, for she nearly killed you by running. Later it was disgust, as I discovered that she had never even bothered to give you a name, your birth certificate blank while your brother's boldly stating he was Ryou Ryu. Now, it is pity, for she was caught up in Ryu's fate just as you and I are.

I left her behind, returning to Zand so we could plot our next move.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by LadyTevar »

Chapter Nine: Deceptions and Distractions
((Once again, my thanks to the creators of Ryu, Zand, and to the creators of the other characters mentioned here. Isle Voletta is the setting for the chat-based RPG "BlackBayou"))

I am sorry if I sound harsh or cold in these tales, my child. I am not going to deny any actions I took during those times, nor will I apologise for them. I could say that I was under the influence of the Demon-Zand, and his malice bled through into me. It may even be the truth; I cannot say for sure now, five years and five states away. Then, I was simply protecting you, and wanting to stay with my Zand.

As I have said, I found you and your brother, and left Callie to whatever fate awaited her that night. The demon and I spoke long into the night over several days, to decide what best to do with you and your brother now that you were in our care. The Demon-Zand could not approach Ryou: whenever he entered the room the dragon-shaped birthmark on Ryou's arm would glow and the demon was forced to retreat from the light. Even I felt uncomfortable to be in the same room when the dragon glowed and your brother wailed, in fear or anger I could never tell.

You, on the other hand, were quiet and loving. Even in the Demon-Zand's arms you would sleep peacefully. Those times I would glimpse the man underneath, peering out and gently caressing your face in wonderment. To this day I believe the man within is the reason why the DemonZand agreed to keep you and raise you as our own. The suggestion was made to raise you as Zand had raised your aunt Lina, and eventually wed you to Alexander, Zand's son when you came of age. The demon was unsure of the outcome should the bloodlines merge, yet I still find it a viable option.

Our plan was amazingly simple, and worked nearly perfectly. Seth's detectives were still unable to track Callie, so the demon and I set up a scene that even those bunglers could find. First, we acquired a baby girl of Oriental descent who could pass for you, since we were intent on adopting you ourselves. Do not ask me from whence the child came, my daughter. This is the coldness and malice of which I spoke, for it was I whom made sure that the child would not survive to reveal our deception.

Ryou and the girl were wrapped in your baby blankets, and I donned the clothing and jacket Callie had left behind in the motel room. With my hair covered, I carried the babies to the back of a hospital, where nurses on their smokebreaks would find them. I made very sure to be seen on the hospital's security cameras, laying Ryou and the girl down relucantly, acking the role of a confused young woman unable to deal with her burdens. I ran from the scene, ghosting into the shadows as soon as I'd cleared the security cameras to wait for the eventual discovery.

Soon it was front page news that twin children had been abandoned at this Carolina hospital, the film of the shaking woman shown on countless news shows as the reporters murmurred sadly about the girl passing away the next day. By the end of the week, Seth and Ryu had heard the news, recognized the clothing, and came running.

But it was not enough for them to take the bait, my child. We had to make the tale beyond question. Thus, when Seth and Ryu arrived at the hospital, DemonZand was already there, seemingly to steal Ryou away from them. Seth, never known for his even temper, faced down Zand in the hallway as Ryu rushed to rescue his son. Since the winter sun was already below the horizon, I was in the nursery when he came rushing in. It was only the second time I believe we had met, but even then he knew I should not have Ryou.

"Give me my son" he said flatly.
"Why, so you can give him back to your run-away bride? Or perhaps to the Irish woman to raise with your daughter?" I replied, toying with him as I leaned over Ryou's crib. For once, Ryou did not cry as I picked him up -- perhaps he knew my true intentions. Your father was angry, his fists clenching by his side, but his voice was calm and polite as he again asked me to give him Ryou. I again replied sharply, asking him why I should when he was such a poor father his wife flees and his unnamed daughter dies of neglect.

My words cut him deeply, Leena. He truly had not even known you were unnamed. Shamed, he asked humbly for Ryou, so he could make up for the mistakes of the past. Had the DemonZand not bespoke my mind and warned me of Seth's approach, I would have continued my conversation, pointing out how Ryu had failed his family time and again. Yet, as planned, I laid Ryou back down in his crib and backed away. "Take your son, then. My he remind you daily of the wife and daughter you neglected and lost."

Yet, as often happens, the best-laid plans go awry. Zand had managed to avoid a fight with Seth, but Ryu found him in the parking lot. This was their second battle, one that Zand was not prepared to fight, and it was going badly against him. In desperation, I believe, he cried out to my mind and I moved to stop the fight the quickest way possible.

I stepped out of the shadows and picked Ryou up out of his carrier. As I expected, Ryou wailed and the dragon sigil glowed in the night, drawing Ryu's attention immediately to me. Zand took the moment to fade into the darkness, and I stood my ground as Ryu approached. "So quick are you to forget your child," I taunted him. "Once again, by what right do you deserve this child, when you would leave him alone as you fight your battle?"

You father was speechless. Seth, however, was not, as he came up behind me with his pistol drawn. I gave Ryou into Ryu's hands as ordered by Seth, then drew cloaking shadows around us all to hide my own escape. Wishing to drive home the lesson deeply into your father's brain, I bespoke his mind, "Remember: it was your own obsession that cost you your wife and your daughter's life. One day it will cost you your son as well."

Ryu and Seth returned to Isle Voletta with your brother, leaving the body of the dead baby girl behind to be cremated and sent to him later. I understand he buried the child's ashes beside his parent's graves in Japan. Zand and I arranged to adopt you as our own before returning to Voletta ourselves. Yet, even as I hired the first nanny to watch you in the daytime, the DemonZand began to draw away. The time for the last battle was drawing near, and he needed to gather all his strength to face your father. The first two battles had gone against him. If he wished to stop the cycle now, he would have to dominate the fight from the start.

I held you as I watched him train with sword and without, and I have never so wished that I could change fate.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by LadyTevar »

Chapter Ten: The Child of Ten
((Once again, my thanks to the creators of Ryu, Zand, and to the creators of the other characters mentioned here. Isle Voletta is the setting for the chat-based RPG "BlackBayou"))

Thus we come to the end of this tale, my daughter, for what is left but the final battle itself? There was barely two months between your adoption and the night that Zand came to tell me it was time.

Even now, the memory is bittersweet. Demon though he was, I believe Zand cared for me, and I know truly that Lazlo the man loved us both. Looking back, I wonder if the Demon had any hopes of winning that night, for his goodbye was final.

He did not ask me not to follow, I think he knew that was useless. He did make me promise not to interfere, no matter what happened. That I could and did promise him. You will find in your life, my child, that there are certain things that must be done alone, or to allow another to do alone. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do.

On Voletta there is a ruined village outside of the new town, where the freed slaves once lived. A few of the buildings still stood then, slowly falling into the swamp's decaying grasp. That is where Zand walked, underneath the starlight of a moonless night. I let him walk into the center of the buildings, taking a perch upon one of the houses overhead. He knew I was there, yet said nothing even when Ryu stalked into the center to stand across from him.

They exchanged words, yet I cannot recall them. Their words did not matter either way, for the fight would not end by words and taunts alone. Without warning they charged each other, and began a fight that even I had trouble following.

Starlight glinted from the whirling blades and made Zand's silver hair glow in the darkness. Your father Ryu was a dark shadow in red, his sword parrying and striking faster than a mortal human should. I find myself bereft of words even now to describe the skill they showed, or how they moved to dodge and counter the blows.

First blood was the Demon's, as they leapt apart to breathe. Ryu's shirt was sliced from shoulder to waist, and I could smell the scent of his blood on the wind. It was not deep, nor did it seem to hinder him, caught in the adrenaline of the moment as he was. They sprang at each other once again, and clouds began to gather from the sea.

Many long minutes later the fight lagged again, both men growing tired. This time Zand was wounded, a strike to his right shoulder that cut deep and left silver strands of hair floating ghostlike on the wind between the houses. They spoke again, taunts exchanged as they caught their breath for what even I knew would be the last passage of arms.

Zand bespoke my mind then, Leena. It was simple, and quiet. "I love you, Jasmina. Take care of our daughter..."

Before I could reply or speak, he had charged your father, and the swords clanged and spat sparks in the clouded darkness. Thunder rumbled overhead in answer as lightening flickered deep within the clouds, yet the warriors seemed blind to everything but their opponent.

To this day I do not know what happened. Perhaps the lightening blinded me, or perhaps your father Ryu moved that fast, striking under Zand's guard and straight through his stomach. I could smell the blood and knew the battle was over at last.

Ryu said not a word, only limping away. He had been hit himself, more than once, yet not enough to kill him but by bloodloss. He managed to find aid and survived the battle.

Lazlo, however, was left behind to die from his wound. That is when I went to him, so that I could give him some comfort as he passed. The demon had words for me, some that I will keep for myself, but some that you need to hear, my daughter.

"The cycle is not yet over. There is still the last generation to come. The Child of Ten shall face my own, and then the cycle ends at last."

There was one last thing the Demon did for me, Leena. For once, he did not take his host into death with him. Or perhaps he never did, yet he made it sound like this was his last gift, giving me the body and soul of Lazlo, should I be able to save his mortal life. Then the demon was gone, fled to Alexander Zand wherever your aunt had hidden him.

Lazlo lived, and he raised you by my side, until the nightmares of his life finally overcame him. The demon had never hid anything from his mortal host, and Lazlo was haunted by every evil deed he had done under the demon's control. There is a point where the best man cannot live with his actions....

Ryu left Voletta with Ryou, returning to Japan, I believe. Lina, your aunt, I have not seen since that time. As far as I know, she watched over Alexander until he came of age. Where they are now, I cannot say. Your half-sister, Jhelian Tahalshia, still lives in Voletta with her brother and four cousins, all close to your age. I have often wondered if they share the strange abilities that family are rumored to have.

I mention them for a reason, Leena. The cycle has cracked. First with your grandfather, who did not fight, and did not bear twins. It cracked again when Zand took your aunt in and raised her, instead of letting her die as all daughters of Ryu had before. The third crack was when both men survived the final battle, although the demon was defeated.

This cycle will be the last, but only if the Child of Ten faces Zand's own child. I believe 'Ten' refers to Japanese heaven, and may be your brother Ryou. The question is, which child of Zand's is to face him: Alex... or you?

Now you know the history, my daughter. Now it is for you to finish the tale. If you chose to go to Voletta, I will aid you as best I can, yet this is no longer my fight. If you chose not to find your family, I will stand beside you on that as well ... although I fear you may have no choice either way. The cycle is cracked, but it will still come about.

Be brave, my daughter. I have raised you to be strong. Whatever you do, you have my love ... and Lazlo's.

Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by LadyTevar »


Leena Zand closed the journal's leather cover, and ran her hand over the now-familiar yin-yang design on the front. Even after a year, her mother's spidery writing had the power to draw Leena into the story that unforded within. Following the directions of the flight attendant, she tucked the journal into her carry-on bag and readied herself for landing.

Somewhere, beneath the cloud cover, lay New Orleans, curled around Lake Ponchatrain like a lazy cat. A car would be waiting for her when Leena debarked, and at a seaside marina an ocean-going yacht was already stocked by her mother's efficient servents for the trip. Knowing her mother, there was probably going to be at least one domestic already aboard to cook and clean for Leena during her stay, and to be her mother's eyes and ears. Leena could live with that, although in the past it had annoyed her to be constantly surrounded.. This time, however, it was as comforting as the journal's rubbed leather and hand-written entries.

Leena was going to Voletta. It was time to end the cycle.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Steve »

Bravo! Bravo! Most excellent, Tevar! :)
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