Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid peopleNixon wrote:Every idiot who seeks to discredit...
Ad hominem attacks Darth Wong? Why not discuss the merit of the arguments I bring up?
Actually the Isralei's murdered the Roman Garrison... due to... their monotheistic fascism. They brought the Imperium Romanum Smackdown on themselves. It has given a lot of territory back? Detail. Self Defence? Again your arguments boil down to "it is light years better than their Arab neighboring states" No shit sherlock. See the above mention of Nazi Germany and the USSR. Proximity of other reprehensibles is not an excuse.I never said such a thing!! On the contrary, you have successfully painted Israel as a morally corrupt country since Biblical times (Amazing considering Israel was almost virtually destroyed by the Romans and afterwards the Ottomans) You are guilty of claiming that Israel has only done wrong, and nothing but wrong. You claim you have nothing against the Jewish race, and then go on to bash the Jewish race. You say they are an expansionist military facist state, yet at the same time say, at least, nominally democracy. And you completely fail to point out Israel has given back a lot of territory taken in armed conflict through peace negotiations. Your comments are racist and full of unsubstantiated propoganda. And you try to guess the ulterior motives of actions where there was a clear motive of self-defense. And I stated clearly several times, Israel is not perfect, it has its flaws, but as I said, and is clearly true, it is light years better than their Arab neighboring states.that essay always assumes that it claims Palestine is morally flawless, that Palestine and all Arab nations should be treated as a monolithic group
"You claim you have nothing against the Jewish race, and then go on to bash the Jewish race" You sir are unable to recognise the difference between the "Jewish race" (though I might add it is a religion, If I convert {perish the thought} to Judaism do I become a member of said race?(because they're the same race; hmmmm ... what does this say about "Nixon" ...)
When did I say that Darth Wong? You're just taking my arguments out of context and making a straw man argument. Is that the best you can say?
I see, Arafat is a despot? behold his Instruments of despotism.And you painstakenly ignore all the food and aid that has gone to these "race-ghetto" as you call them, with Israel herself donating, but with Yasser Arafat being the depost that he is, has not let his own people get that aid and now has millions of dollars in a European bank account. The charities have been pouring in, pouring into Yasser Arafact and Hamas and Hezbollah. You completely make the issue one-sided, and CONSISTENTLY ignore attempts by Israel to make peace and rectifiy the situation.and performs the bait-and-switch of refuting comments about Palestinians living in the race-ghetto of the occupied territories with Palestinians living outside the race-ghetto, even though the article takes pains to point out the difference (and the fact that this distinction is the loophole the Israelis use to excuse their own behaviour).
Even in the "after" picture he is still using his Stormtroopers of death?
You are not worthyThat's just lazy Darth Wong. Can you try any better?It is a rather pitiful comment on the state of reading comprehension in North America that this is the most common "rebuttal". Perhaps if they taught people how to read in school ...
You say Israel is a fascist military state and compare to "Starship Troopers" because those who serve receive special rights. Which doesn't make sense considering all Israeli citizens serve in the military, male and female, so by that criteria, no one can receive any more special rights than any other person since every citizen serves. Plus you ignore the fact that in the US, Veterans receive special rights and everyone in this country DOES NOT serve in the military. Seems like by your argument the US is more of Facist military state than Israel.
That is the one wise thing you have done in this thread..
But hey, I'll take the high ground and not call you an idiot.