More Corrupt Old Republic or New Republic?

PSW: discuss Star Wars without "versus" arguments.

Moderator: Vympel

Whos more corrupt?

Old Republic (Rise of the Empire)
New Republic (Vong Invasion)
Total votes: 23

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Mr. B
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Post by Mr. B »

The NR is not only corrupt but selfserving, lazy, and incompetent. They bungled the YV invsion and it resulted in the fall of Coruscant. The OR was just manipulated by a Sith Lord who took atvantage of a single situation and inflamed it into the OR downfall.
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Talon Karrde
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Post by Talon Karrde »

Although the New Republic is indeed currupt, it can't match the Old Republic. If an Emperor can arise from your Republic and create and Empire, that government is severely currupted. This isn't to say the New is not. Fey'lya is one reason the New Republic is not trusted by me. With a leader like him, you dont have a stable government either.
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