post election cabinet shuffle

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Post by Plekhanov »

Rye wrote:
The Guid wrote:
Have you ever even heard a Lib Dem complain about theocracies or the crappiness of religion in general?
Do you really think that would a. Do any good or B. Actually be a good idea? Apart from the fact that complaining about "the crappiness of religion in general" is a really stupid thing to do it is also political suicide and for no gain. And the Liberal Democrats are a political party wanting to be in power, you can't laden yourself with potential foreign diplomats by calling their country a pile of crap because its a theocracy. Apart from anything else it might piss the Americans off. Sometimes it is best to keep silent on issues and then take practical measures as best you can.
I'm not disputing any of that, but there are legitimate times to call it like it is rather than playing it safe.
The only legitimate time for a politician (even one in the UK) to slag off all religion is if they’re resigning and want to go out with a bang as it would be political suicide, it’s bizarre that you’d hold the Lib Dems failure to do so against them.
Hang on wait minute. They say that Islam is laced onto it and your taking that as religous apoligism?
Yes, it is textbook "they happen to have religion but it is in no way responsible," line of argument.
No its textbook ‘don’t tar all Muslim’s with the terrorist brush’ line of argument.
And besides, look at every conflict and though religion can inflame and make things much worse you still have to admit that there are political motives.
So? What are OBL's political motives? If he were a politician that happened to be bending religion to his profit, he wouldn't be throwing his millions at his terrorist groups. He obviously wants to affect political change which rejects the poisons of the west and exalts islam.
The ideology of Bin Laden and the rest of the militant Islamists grew out of amongst other things the failure of Arab nationalism it’s the religiously inspired manifestation of an ongoing, failing political struggle to rid the middle east of imperial domination. It’s obviously shot through with religion but that doesn’t stop it from being at its heart a political movement.
So they practise as you would wish them to practise but don't start a big argument for the sake of it? I have to admit I think that this is not their problem.
I've seen nothing from them to imply they wouldn't cave to religious bullshit given the backbiting and power plays we saw with reference to Kennedy's stepdown. That was your average "we are in it for ourselves" politician behaviour,
No, it was your typical we’ve had enough of covering for a drunk and we’re not gonna do it anymore type behaviour. Kennedy is a great guy and I hope he gets over his troubles and comes back to be a major figure in the party but having been friends with addicts in the past I can understand the way in which those at the top eventually couldn’t put up with Kennedy’s behaviour any longer.
which leads me to think their principles are just as bound by political correctness and religious pressure as anyone else. I don't think their principles would necessarily win out if it means them looking mean, is what I'm saying.
How about our consistent opposition to Labours ‘incitement to religious hatred law’ which they specifically drew up to try and drive a wedge between the Lib Dems and Muslims who supported Labour until the Invasion of Iraq. Or the Lib Dems consistent backing of their liberal social policies despite the fact that these alienate conservative Muslims attracted by our anti war stance, those are clear recent examples of the Lib Dems preferring principle to political advantage.
What would be the point? Who is going to help and what will it prove? Do you seriously think it would be a good idea for someone like Sir Menzies Campbell to make a speech attacking Islam? And what about our Prime Minister? I mean, please, do you not see how bad that could get on the richta scale of dumbass backlashes?
They don't even need to say it, if they more zealously pursued the seperation of church and state (an issue i've not heard about in years), and sidestepped the bullshit about religion only being a tool, at the same time not caving to PC religious pressure (the examples I gave just being super obvious, off the top of my head examples of this), I would easily vote for them.
Well the Lib Dems want to abolish the Blasphemy laws, oppose the governments plans to create more faith schools and amend existing schools admissions policies so they can’t select students by religion, strongly opposed Labour’s incitement to religious hatred law, support the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia, it’s also policy to end religious groups current ability to discriminate against employees on the basis of religion and sexuality. They also want to end religious adoption and foster agencies current right to discriminate against homosexuals.

So basically the Liberals are pushing for secularism about as hard as a mainstream party can, they obviously aren’t going to come right out and openly attack all religion as doing so would achieve nothing beyond killing us at the polls and causing many of our members to leave. I really don’t understand why you’d rather the Lib Dems made noisy, self defeating declarations against religion rather than actually getting on with the job of actually trying to implement secular measures and opposing theocratic ones.
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Post by Rye »

That actually seems fair enough, I have to remember not everyone is a death metal vocalist. ;) I'll concede as far as actively fucking off the religious, I was ignorant about how much progression they've stated they want to make on the secular front.

The "laced with religion" line I still interpret as the "religion isn't responsible" argument, no matter how many times I reread it, though. We shall see how it goes, anyway. I hope they make some noise before the next general election, anyway, to see if they're really worth voting for.
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Post by Ubiquitous »

What’s the alternative? Our government is made up of departments full of technocrats drawing up policy & making recommendations with elected politicians at the very top making the final big decisions, so long as we live in a parliamentary democracy I don’t see any other way to do things.
The alternative is us electing a competant government into power - or one whose ministers are not entirely made up of Blair 'yes-men'. It will be interesting to see what the Brown cabinet looks like if/when he gets into power.

Link to this story please.
Can't find one - it was talked about by David Dimbleby on the BBC election show on Thursday night. Labour polled around 28% trust for the NHS - the Tories clocked 29%.
Evidence to back up this position please.
What do you mean, evidence? The evidence is that I had to wait in A & E for six hours with my mate to get her leg stitched up last year - considering the billions we pour into the beast, that shouldn't be the sitaution.
Evidence to back up these allegations please.
Again, it was on Thursday nights show where the Lib Dems were said to be upset that they didn't win a council where the Lib Dems had made a deal with a local Muslim group. Considering how the Liberals performed though, I am not surprised you did not watch the coverage - would have made depressing viewing.
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The "laced with religion" line I still interpret as the "religion isn't responsible" argument, no matter how many times I reread it, though.
To me it accepts that religion is a part of it but its not neccessarily the most important element, which is something I can imagine people disagreeing with on this board.
I hope they make some noise before the next general election, anyway, to see if they're really worth voting for.
Well they'll be at least one on the board making a few noises to try and win your vote! :wink: . Just promise me that someone with a secular line wouldn't dream of voting for the Tories! That would be irony of ironies! :lol:

Ah... speaking of tories...
The alternative is us electing a competant government into power - or one whose ministers are not entirely made up of Blair 'yes-men'.
Indeed, let us hope for Cameron 'yes-men'. Or a minister who, when offered a different job in the cabinet to give up the one he has, refuses and has to be forced out.

Oh... wait...
It will be interesting to see what the Brown cabinet looks like if/when he gets into power.
And I am sure you will consider changing your position...?
Can't find one - it was talked about by David Dimbleby on the BBC election show on Thursday night. Labour polled around 28% trust for the NHS - the Tories clocked 29%.
That's funny because as I remember it the polls have showed that Health is one of the issues where the Tories remain spectacularly behind. I have no evidence for that either, so I guess we both have to back down.
What do you mean, evidence? The evidence is that I had to wait in A & E for six hours with my mate to get her leg stitched up last year - considering the billions we pour into the beast, that shouldn't be the sitaution.
Ah if only we could get back to the days of the Conservative where nobody ever waited in a hospital. Or to go to other coutnries whereif you need a leg stitched up you are rushed straight past the heart attacks and major head injuries.

And in this case the figures are way against you: For example in Scotland:

And from a King's Fund report:
The Labour party's 1997 election manifesto promised to reduce the numbers of patients waiting for hospital treatment after an initial appointment with a consultant – inpatient lists – by 100,000. This target was achieved in 2000. Numbers have been falling ever since, and now stand at 843,923. ... l#section2

However critical I am of the labour government, they're investment in the NHS is not without some success. I might have my doubts over us getting as good a service as the money totally warrents however I feel that your position of there being "little" progress does not stand up to the facts.
Again, it was on Thursday nights show where the Lib Dems were said to be upset that they didn't win a council where the Lib Dems had made a deal with a local Muslim group.
That's not evidence. Do you understand what the concept of evidence is? Its where you provude a link at the very least. I'll admit i haven't pouted over mine but you're not even trying!
Considering how the Liberals performed though, I am not surprised you did not watch the coverage - would have made depressing viewing.
Considering that we are making the recovery from Kennedy as Ming pointed out this result was not terrible. We beat Labour in the popular vote and didn't take drastic losses. Yes the Conservatives did well but people don't mind having Tory Councils. Its Tory governments that they tend to be less keen on.
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Post by Ubiquitous »

I admit that I cannot find online evidence from Thursdays show - but I am sure someone here [indeed, probably one of the people who have posted in this thread] actually watched the Thursday night results and can back me up on this one - particually the NHS one which was a running theme throughout the start of the night.

As for Labour plowing billions into the NHS - to be honest I'd rather they managed the money they had better, rather than waste further taxpayers millions. Thankfully I don't have to use the NHS very often, but I do resent the fact that taxes have increased, yet thousands of NHS workers are being laid off. No wonder they are polling behind the Tories on the NHS! Tax and spend is not a fesiable long term strategy.
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Post by The Guid »

Thankfully I don't have to use the NHS very often, but I do resent the fact that taxes have increased,
I can't help but wonder if those two facts are linked.
yet thousands of NHS workers are being laid off.
I accept this is not ideal but a Conservative Governmeny fares no better under scrutiny.
Ministers pointed out that since 1997 the NHS has:

85,305 more nurses

10,519 more consultants

16,060 more Allied Health Professionals

New Labour may be removing health workers, and let us remember that many of these will be administrators rather than front line workers but there will still be many more staff than there ever wore under a Tory Government.
Tax and spend is not a fesiable long term strategy.
No, in fact a government should spend no money and never tax anyone. :wtf:
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Post by SirNitram »

Ubiquitous wrote:Tax and spend is not a fesiable long term strategy.
...You don't even grasp the basics of economics, do you? Tax and spend is the only long term strategy that's feasible. Taxing without spending will cause understandabe civil unrest, and spending without taxing just drives your economy into the shitter.
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Post by The Guid »

Apologies for the double post but I found a poll on the NHS by MORI:
Q1 Do you think a Labour or a Conservative Government would be most effective in getting good value for the public money it spends?

20-22 Apr 2006
Labour 34
Conservative 31
Other 3
None 19
Don't know 13
I don't think either of our hopes or expectations are correct Mr. Ubby! Labour are still trusted more than the blessed Tories, which in the wake of booing by nurses and many scare stroeis and sackings is quote a mean feat for an opposition but neither is the gap so large as I had previously been lead to believe.
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"Yeah, funny how that works - you giving hungry people food they vote for you. You give homeless people shelter they vote for you. You give the unemployed a job they vote for you.

Maybe if the conservative ideology put a roof overhead, food on the table, and employed the downtrodden the poor folk would be all for it, too". - Broomstick
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Post by Plekhanov »

Ubiquitous wrote:
What’s the alternative? Our government is made up of departments full of technocrats drawing up policy & making recommendations with elected politicians at the very top making the final big decisions, so long as we live in a parliamentary democracy I don’t see any other way to do things.
The alternative is us electing a competant government into power - or one whose ministers are not entirely made up of Blair 'yes-men'. It will be interesting to see what the Brown cabinet looks like if/when he gets into power.
What has that got to do with your original complaint:
You wrote:how the fuck can a person with no real experience be in charge of the whole countrys economy, or foreign policy, or transport etc? Obviously they have hordes of minions to advise them, but they are under no obligation to listen - no wonder there is so much waste in our country.
That’s a complaint that elected politicians who don’t necessarily have any experience of all/any of the areas their department is responsible for are running the country, your so called alternative to that is nothing of the kind.
Can't find one - it was talked about by David Dimbleby on the BBC election show on Thursday night. Labour polled around 28% trust for the NHS - the Tories clocked 29%.
If you recall that correctly I’m sure that’s an aberration which won’t be repeated/last for long, Labour have just had a bad few weeks on this issue largely whipped up by the press on a combination of NHS staff frustration at never ending reform of the system (which is quite justified in my opinion atleast) and unfairly on a few anecdotes of poor performance which are inevitable in an organisation of the NHS’s size, unfairly as the stats would suggest that the NHS is performing really rather well.
Evidence to back up this position please.
What do you mean, evidence? The evidence is that I had to wait in A & E for six hours with my mate to get her leg stitched up last year - considering the billions we pour into the beast, that shouldn't be the sitaution.
Oh come on now you’ve been here long enough to know that you being pissed off at one experience of casualty doesn’t constitute evidence that the billions Labour has invested in the NHS has been wasted.
Evidence to back up these allegations please.
Again, it was on Thursday nights show where the Lib Dems were said to be upset that they didn't win a council where the Lib Dems had made a deal with a local Muslim group.
:roll: and this is your ‘evidence’ that the Liberals aren’t a secular party and have been ‘sucking muslim cocks’? That’s just pitiful.
Considering how the Liberals performed though, I am not surprised you did not watch the coverage - would have made depressing viewing.
I was DJing Thursday otherwise I would have been at the count and then at the Lib Dem party either way I would have missed the election coverage but anyway. As for the Liberals performance whilst we might have hoped for more 27% and 2nd place nationally is far from the disaster you wish our performance last week was, in fact its perfectly respectable and once again confirmed that the UK is a 3 party country.
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