Guardsman Bass wrote:No, merely different opinions. Personally, I don't understand why everyone hates ROTJ so much; it is one of my favorites out of the six.
It had unnecessary cutesy bullshit monsters (that's Ewoks, by the way), and GL showed his creativity by making what the lair of villiany? The DEATH STAR. Didn't we just do this?
I'll add that I enjoy ROTJ immensely and that it's one of my favorites, by some of the things within it aren't exactly great. I certainly don't see how someone ranks it behind TPM, though, that's pretty outrageous.
Guardsman Bass wrote:No, merely different opinions. Personally, I don't understand why everyone hates ROTJ so much; it is one of my favorites out of the six.
It had unnecessary cutesy bullshit monsters (that's Ewoks, by the way), and GL showed his creativity by making what the lair of villiany? The DEATH STAR. Didn't we just do this?
Yes, but we also got Jabba the Hutt, the Rancor, Fishface (Admiral Ackbar), Home One (I love the Hot Dog ships), Princess Leia in possibly the most memorable sci-fi costume ever, and Luke going into badass mode. ROTJ had it's flaws... but also it's strengths.
In comparison TPM had a very decent First Fifteen Minutes. Then we're introduced to Jarjar. Then we're introduced to Anakin the Cheerful Slave. Then we had a flying car race... and that's all she wrote.
Oh, I agree. Like I said, there's lots to love about ROTJ. But some people can't get over some of those key flaws, which is okay. But to say it's worse than TPM? Nonsense. The cutesy bullshit monsters return in the form of Gungans, and the Death Star returns in the form of the TradeFed control ship. It's otherwise inferior to ROTJ in any way that I can imagine.
havokeff wrote:Who better to tell how the SW galaxy came to be as we know it then the person who first envisioned it.
We have fanfic writers on this very board who would probably do a better job of it, IMO.
Oh, I agree, but they are all just playing in his yard, so to speak.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it. Blank Yellow (NSFW)
Guardsman Bass wrote:No, merely different opinions. Personally, I don't understand why everyone hates ROTJ so much; it is one of my favorites out of the six.
I don't hate it, but I do think it's mediocre. Worse yet, it effectively cockblocked Episodes 7-9 because Lucas decided to wrap things up in Episode 6 instead.