Best Outlaw Hero:

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Post by Dalton »

Stormbringer wrote:He's also ex-syndicate as well. That'd make him an outlaw in my book.
Well, perhaps an outlaw according to the syndicate.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Because I fancy video games, I'll give the nod to the Silencer from the Crusader: No Remorse and No Regret games. He may be fighting for the good guys, but that doesn't mean he won't commit genocide while he's at it.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Dalton wrote:
innerbrat wrote:Errol Flynn's Robin Hood.

(Robin Hood is a fictional character, BTW)
Semi-fictional, to my recollection.
OK, in recent incarnations he was fuzzed together with Robin of Locksley, ror some lord, to make him more appelaing to the Romantics who like a snese of 'nobility' (i.e. giving to the poor) but he started out life as a series of poems about a normal thief 'lovable rogue' styley.
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Post by Sir Sirius »

Real world: Billy ther Kid, Kevin Mitnick and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Fictional: Punisher (Frank Castle), Josey Wales (played by Clint Eastwood) and Han Solo (played by Harrison Ford).

BTW would Usama Bin Laden qualify as an "outlaw hero", he is definetly an outlaw and is considered to be a hero by some (not by me, but in any case).
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Three characters from my favourite author David Gemmel spring to mind....foremost of these is Jarek Mace, also known as the Morningstar....a classic outlaw hero.....a sort of merging of the myths of king arthur and the grail with robin hood and a few other such tales.....
Waylander from the novel of the same name, he's a cold blooded assasin and the hero of the piece.
Finally there is Jon Shannow, known as the Jerusalum Man.....he's in a post apocalyptic world in search of New Jerusalum with a pair of pistols and a reputation for kicking ass......

As for real, I'd go with Rob Roy......
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Post by HemlockGrey »

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Post by Durandal »

weemadando wrote:
Durandal wrote:Daniel Ocean and his crew in Ocean's Eleven.
Which version?

If you ask me, the new one kicks the shit out of the old one...
The new one. The old one was stupid. I tried watching it, but I almost pulled my hair out because they used the exact same fucking music track over and over again.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Dalton wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:He's also ex-syndicate as well. That'd make him an outlaw in my book.
Well, perhaps an outlaw according to the syndicate.
Actually the syndicates are all Yakuza in Space that would make spike a criminal (or at lleast ex-criminal). Hence it fits.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Hmm, most have been mentioned.

I'd go for Robin Hood, Spike Spiegel, Pierrot Le Fou, Butch and Sundance, Snake Plisskin, Strider/Aragorn (he kicks arse, I don't care :P ), Braveheart, the Ocean gang (new version), Tyler Durden, Plunkett and Macleane, Mad Max, Golgo-13...
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Post by Sienthal »

Durandal wrote:Daniel Ocean and his crew in Ocean's Eleven.
Hell yes! :)

The new one, anyway...I unfortunately have not had the chance to take a look at the old one.

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