That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Col. Crackpot »

RedImperator wrote: Hey, there's worse things in life than rocking chairs, Maker's Mark, and Sinatra. Actually, this side of a blowjob, I'm hard pressed to think of something better.

Now I wish I had some Maker's Mark. And a rocking chair. And a blowjob.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I find Fall Out Boy and their ilk annoying, but I think it's kind of nice that they're not just rehashing last decade's styles like the other rock bands on the pop charts nowadays (I don't know what's sadder: that many modern rock stations still have songs from 15 years ago in regular rotation, or that the only way I can tell they're not from this decade is because they sound good).
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Vendetta »

RedImperator wrote: Hey, there's worse things in life than rocking chairs, Maker's Mark, and Sinatra. Actually, this side of a blowjob, I'm hard pressed to think of something better.

Now I wish I had some Maker's Mark. And a rocking chair. And a blowjob.
A blowjob in a rocking chair, is that the ultimate labour saving device, or an accident waiting to happen?
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Vympel »

Durandal wrote:Holy Christ, I can't take this fucking band anymore. I didn't think I could hate a band more than System of a Down, but man, Panic! At the Disco sure proved me wrong. The only decent radio station I've found over here plays their song about "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door" (yes, that's a full lyric) at least once during my commute back home. Then they follow it with some piece of shit by System of a Down that I'm sure was written to induce seizures in epileptics.

Talk about music meant for kids who missed their fucking Ritalin dose. The lyrics make no sense, the singer sounds more like he's talking to the beat than singing, and the music itself sounds disjointed and doesn't flow at all. It's like they gave a monkey some paint and had him throw it onto some scales. These qualities combine to make one of the worst popular bands I've heard in a long, long time. Say what you will about pop idols like Britney and Christina, at least the notes in their songs seem like they should go together.

This band has to be taken out in the back and put down.
I feel your pain. God that fucking song pisses me off. "well technically our marriage is saved blah blah blah bullshit"

What the fuck are they talking about?! He's not even singing. He's just talking like a retard. Everytime it's on, I get frustrated and change the station. Only to be greeted by that FUCKING WORTHLESS "I wish I was a punk rocker" song ....... arrrgggggggghhh shoot me.

Now there's a song that's all over the shop. It sounds like a little thing, but exactly what revolution was taking place in "77 and 69", and why did you put 77 before 69 in the lyrics? What doesn't the world care about? Since when did accountants have control? In short, your song is full of shit, I hate you, and I wish they'd stop playing your shit.
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Post by aerius »

I guess that's one good thing about being Canadian, I've yet to hear of Panic! At the Disco, on the other hand we did have to suffer through a couple years of non-stop Nickelback.
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Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by The Spartan »

aerius wrote:I guess that's one good thing about being Canadian, I've yet to hear of Panic! At the Disco, on the other hand we did have to suffer through a couple years of non-stop Nickelback.
Not all of the above?

Every time I turn on the goddamn radio I hear either "I Wanna Be A Rockstar" or that song about trying to help his girlfriend sneak out.

I found them tolerable at first, but then they got played 8 jillion times along with every other goddamn song on the radio.

Radio here in Houston SUCKS.
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Post by Joe »

I want to know if shithouse music like that is played because it's popular, because some record company pays heaps, or because their fans are really noisy. What gives?
The second one, I think. The record companies pay guys not directly employed by them to hammer out deals with radio stations to get their aural diarrhea played a set number of times a month. Sony got caught doing it on a massive scale last year. It's not even a question of good or bad anymore, good artists need it just as much to succeed as the bad ones do.

In any case I'm so happy that I've never heard of any of these bands. Indie and old albums all the way!

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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Joe wrote:In any case I'm so happy that I've never heard of any of these bands. Indie and old albums all the way!
See? This guy is smart. Instead of listening to stuff he doesn't like, he uses the wonderful magic of CDs.
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Post by darthdavid »

The only time I listen to radio is NPR or if I forget my mp3 player or tape deck adapter for a long drive, and luckily for me we have 2 or 3 good classic rock stations around here, a modern rock station and an alt rock station all of which play decent music.
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Post by Jason von Evil »

theski wrote:
General Zod wrote:Bands like this and Black Eyed Peas are precisely why I've stopped listening to the radio altogether.

Fergie... love you long time. 8)
God, I hate that song, especially that damn "my London Bridge wants to go down" BS. No one knows what the hell that's a euphemism for. Apparently she wants people to figure it out on their own, which means the dee dee dee doesn't even know herself.

*Listens to Broken Social Scene* Ah...
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Post by Joe »

*Listens to Broken Social Scene* Ah...
Canada's got a great indie scene. I need to listen to them.

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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Zaia »

Durandal wrote:It still sounds like shit. Probably because they're trying to shoe-horn a 50-word screed of senseless drivel into a single line of sheet music.
Ok. I give them at least some credit for having original background music, but obviously you're under no obligation to do the same. *shrugs* :D

Aya: There's a bit in the chorus that goes, "Wanna go down like London Bridge," which I thought sounded kind of obviously about, well, going down...?
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Durandal »

Col. Crackpot wrote:
Durandal wrote: <snips geriatric rant about those darn kids and their hippie music>
Damien. Pull your pants up to your chest, sit back in your rocking chair and have another 2 fingers of Maker's. Put on some Sinatra and take a deep breath... there, doesn't that feel better? :P
Yes, now get the hell off my lawn! I just mowed it! Damn kids today!
aerius wrote:I guess that's one good thing about being Canadian, I've yet to hear of Panic! At the Disco, on the other hand we did have to suffer through a couple years of non-stop Nickelback.
I actually like Nickelback. Their earlier stuff all sounded exactly the same (as evidenced by the "Someday / How You Remind Me" 2-channel stereo mix), but their latest stuff is actually pretty good.
Vympel wrote:I feel your pain. God that fucking song pisses me off. "well technically our marriage is saved blah blah blah bullshit"

What the fuck are they talking about?! He's not even singing. He's just talking like a retard. Everytime it's on, I get frustrated and change the station. Only to be greeted by that FUCKING WORTHLESS "I wish I was a punk rocker" song ....... arrrgggggggghhh shoot me.
Whenever I hear it, I clench my shifter really hard, grit my teeth and change the damn station. Unfortunately, most of my other options are Mexican rap, regular rap and smooth jazz. Christ, I really wish my iPod hadn't been stolen.
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by RedImperator »

Vendetta wrote:
RedImperator wrote: Hey, there's worse things in life than rocking chairs, Maker's Mark, and Sinatra. Actually, this side of a blowjob, I'm hard pressed to think of something better.

Now I wish I had some Maker's Mark. And a rocking chair. And a blowjob.
A blowjob in a rocking chair, is that the ultimate labour saving device, or an accident waiting to happen?
Let's call up your mom and find out!
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Jason von Evil »

RedImperator wrote:
Vendetta wrote:
RedImperator wrote: Hey, there's worse things in life than rocking chairs, Maker's Mark, and Sinatra. Actually, this side of a blowjob, I'm hard pressed to think of something better.

Now I wish I had some Maker's Mark. And a rocking chair. And a blowjob.
A blowjob in a rocking chair, is that the ultimate labour saving device, or an accident waiting to happen?
Let's call up your mom and find out!
Oh and its Apollo Imperator with a strong burn! How will Balboa recover? :P

I also hate this one song by Gretchin Wilson. I forget the name, but it was basically a right-wing jackoff song. I wouldn't be surprised if it were played at the next Republican National Convention.
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Post by Oni Koneko Damien »

Adrian Laguna wrote:
Joe wrote:In any case I'm so happy that I've never heard of any of these bands. Indie and old albums all the way!
See? This guy is smart. Instead of listening to stuff he doesn't like, he uses the wonderful magic of CDs.
A pity that's not always an option for all of us. Where I work, the work-floor has one big, shared, radio system, where everyone gets to put in requests for music. Honestly, I would have gone 'huh' to most of the songs mentioned here if it weren't for that, as I had, until this job, safely isolated myself from the radio for several years.

As it stands, I've seen first-hand how these songs succeed. I've watched the complete and utter morons I work with, in zombie-like fashion, request the same...fucking...cds...over...and...over...again. And it's all the crap that's been listed on this thread, over...and...over...again.

I'm trying my best to introduce them to some actual good music by forcing Vast, Freezepop, Mindless Self Indulgence, VNV Nation, and others on them, but they actually start complaining, and insist that they want to listen to the same...crap...over...again...'s...already...been...played...twelve... times...this...week...alone.

Honestly, it's played fifty-million times per-day on the radio and these fuckwits still go out and buy the fucking cd so...I don't know, they don't have to wait the whole half hour for it to come on the radio *again*.

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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by aerius »

Durandal wrote:I actually like Nickelback. Their earlier stuff all sounded exactly the same (as evidenced by the "Someday / How You Remind Me" 2-channel stereo mix), but their latest stuff is actually pretty good.
Yeah, let's see you say that when every single radio station plays Nickelback songs at least 10 times a day for years. I remember a time when 6 different radio stations were playing Nickelback songs at the same time. Let's just say that I, along with most other Canadians have developed a permanent aversion to Nickelback.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
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Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Joe »

I actually like Nickelback.
From now one when I read your posts I'm going to imagine Chad Kroeger is singing them.

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Post by Durandal »

Joe wrote:
I actually like Nickelback.
From now one when I read your posts I'm going to imagine Chad Kroeger is singing them.
You asshole. (Follow that with a kick-ass riff, if you would.)
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by Rogue 9 »

aerius wrote:
Durandal wrote:I actually like Nickelback. Their earlier stuff all sounded exactly the same (as evidenced by the "Someday / How You Remind Me" 2-channel stereo mix), but their latest stuff is actually pretty good.
Yeah, let's see you say that when every single radio station plays Nickelback songs at least 10 times a day for years. I remember a time when 6 different radio stations were playing Nickelback songs at the same time. Let's just say that I, along with most other Canadians have developed a permanent aversion to Nickelback.
Only ten times a day? Lucky. Around here, the pop stations play not the same bands once every hour, but the same songs once every hour or more. :banghead:
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Re: That's it. Panic! At the Disco must be stopped

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Rogue 9 wrote:
aerius wrote:
Durandal wrote:I actually like Nickelback. Their earlier stuff all sounded exactly the same (as evidenced by the "Someday / How You Remind Me" 2-channel stereo mix), but their latest stuff is actually pretty good.
Yeah, let's see you say that when every single radio station plays Nickelback songs at least 10 times a day for years. I remember a time when 6 different radio stations were playing Nickelback songs at the same time. Let's just say that I, along with most other Canadians have developed a permanent aversion to Nickelback.
Only ten times a day? Lucky. Around here, the pop stations play not the same bands once every hour, but the same songs once every hour or more. :banghead:
you should have been on my last road trip out of yosemtie, every radio station that we tuned in while driving through the central valley was playing Everlast/house of pain, and there was a new dead skunk in the road every 15 miles from yosemite to san francisco.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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