Yes, he's got the classic syndrome of trying to prove his points with quotes that say the opposite of what he claims.Darth Wong wrote: Look carefully at those quotes in order to see what a moron he is. The quote says it's a "naive estimate" which produced obviously erroneous predictions; that is a physicist's diplomatic talk for "completely wrong". Then he cites Popular Science, which in turn says "it has been said", even though the fact that something has "been said" hardly makes it correct. High estimates of ZPE have been completely disproven, and he is cherry-picking quotes from science websites in order to support his ridiculous figures.
Not to mention the fact that ZPE is only mentioned in the DS9 TM, which also says they're only twice as powerful as the torps which would have required hundreds of hits to destroy a 5km wide asteroid in "Pegasus".
BTW, any special plans for your upcoming 10,000th post, Mike?