I traded stealth because of the GID gravitic field (meaning that only scout frigates have even the faintest hope of hiding from somebody looking for them with the drive active). The gravitic screen is only partially useful against lasers/grasers... and only capital ships carry deflector screens. Metacrystalline armour goes only in carriers, constellations and torpedo frigates. Only my capital ships can use transpace and the others do use warp, which is more or less crap. Finally, my economic power is small and it is going to take years to recover from this war if I do it at all (did you realize that before ordering new ships I decomissioned many of the existing ones to scrap materials or refitted the old ones?).Thirdfain wrote:
Oh wow, I just found what you had traded off for your ability to have all these cool additions to your warships. You can't detect Known Space FTL drives. WTF is going on here?::
Sensors: Their sensors are slightly better than average and have slightly bigger range. However, currently they don't know how to detect most forms of Hyperspace FTL travel.
PS: The hyperspace thing means that they can detect subspace (warp) and realspace drives (yours), but that they can't detect hyperspace (like B5 and Honorverse ones).