Here is how it works. We have a fact. We then use logic to extrapolate from that fact. You then say we can't make those extrapolations because of (insert reasons). I then show you why we can indeed make those logical extrapolations, and ask if you have any way to show the logical conclusion is invalidated. You then are supposed to post proof, find a flaw in the logic used, or retract the statement. You are not supposed to say "Well you imagine it your way and I will imagine it mine."Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:1. That's your bet. I have no bets till someone tells me a definitive answer.
That decends from this:Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:2. If there's another theory and someone actually counted how many beams a TIE interceptor shoots in one go, then perhaps I will reconsider.
To which I reply: We can claim that it is the same due to the overall stagnant state of technology in the SW universe, the fact that it is a direct descendant of a known measure and product line, and that with the information given the ball appears the same as in previous models in all but minor ways.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Plus, by what logic can you claim that something is the same after 100 years?
The technological stagnancy of the SW-verse is a well documented phenomenon, and suggests consistent design. The decent of the newer Imperial TIEs (Advanced, Defender, Interceptor) from previous TIE versions, and the continuance of that line in these TIEs is also a strong evidential point in favor of consistent design. Finally, there is the apparant design as a one-man fighter as evidenced by the continued use of a singular cockpit with a singular observation window, both following from the design of the original TIEs, which strongly suggests a consistent design.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:You have no evidence either to claim it will be a consistent design.