The police report, at least the portion of it which is available to the public states that Zimmerman had injuries to his nose and the back of his head. Now it's possible that the police report is mistaken or falsified, but that would mean that all the police officers and paramedics involved either lied on the report, were completely mistaken on the injuries and/or let the lie/mistake pass. IF this is true it makes all of them liable as accessories to murder 2 or manslaughter which is pretty serious shit, now the cops might think they can get away with that (blue wall of silence & all) but I doubt the paramedics would go for it.Gil Hamilton wrote:Alright, I'm calling shenanigans. I watched the videos posted on that site, which were even better quality than the ones on CNN that I saw and they didn't look at all like he had an injury to the back of his head. The supposed "injury" to the back of the head appears for like 2 frames in the entire video, with the rest of it showing his head to be shiny and clean with no injury visible at all. Despite that, the website catches a still of a dark something that isn't consistently there and makes a screencap suggesting that all the other videos have been somehow doctored? Yeah, right. Those video clearly show no visible injuries on the guy, that isn't evidence that NBC and ABC are doctoring the "evidence" for some reason. What this shows is your dishonesty on the matter, not theres.
Further, what is there motive for "doctoring" those videos anyway? What does NBC care? I expect you to provide evidence for what ever you claim is there motive for lying about it.
This is why I give the videos the benefit of the doubt, there appears to be an injury which is consistent with what's stated in the police reports.
As for NBC, uh, hello, they were caught tampering with the 911 recording in a way that made it blatantly racist. Why? I don't fucking know. When they turned this:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
Into this
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.
They deserve to get fined to hell and get banned from reporting news.