College Football 2006

OT: anything goes!

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Post by Tsyroc »

Just happened to find a card with Iowa's schedule for next year on it. Since this card was printed the rules have changed so teams can play 12 games so I'm guessing that Iowa will pick up a patsy, I mean another game, somewhere along the line. Especially if it's a big money making home game.

Northern Illinois
@ Iowa State
@ Wisconsin
@ Penn State
@ Purdue
Michigan State
@ Northwestern

With how they sucked the last half of the season they could be in for more of the same next year. But...if they do win the Big 10 on this schedule how can they really be a Big 10 champion and not have played either Ohio State or Michigan. There's just something wrong with even the concept.

The Big 10 really needs to attract one more team and go to some sort of championship format like a bunch of the other conferences, or it needs to find a way for all 11 teams to play each other. So they only get to play one out of conference game, too bad. It'll certainly fubar those BCS rankings even more than they already are since there'll be now way to gauge the conference against others until Bowl Season. :D
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Darth Servo
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Post by Darth Servo »

With the 12 game regular schedule, there is no reason that they shouldn't pick up an extra conference game, rather than an extra non-conference game. The Pac-10, where teams used to play eight of the nine other teams in the conference under the 11 game format, now play all nine opponents with the 12 game schedule.

Of course with the Big Televen, they just need to pick up one more school to do the two half conference/conference championship thing.
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