Illuminatus Primus wrote:Quite frankly, I don't think the population of Byss matters. They're arguably assimilated into the Galactic Emperor and unknowingly but legitimately military targets by directly sustaining a war criminal and the management for the enemy war machine in the most general sense possible. Furthermore, the Eclipse's ramming of the Galaxy Gun (a perfectly legitimate target) was not supposed to cause a misfire of the latter which just happened to successful immolate the planet. If the Japanese had managed to kamikaze a B-29 carrying a live nuke over U.S. soil, and the bomb ended up going off over a city, would that be a war crime anything like building and deliberately using the bomb yourself?
I disagree with the assertion that the unarmed populace of Byss, officially a sanctuary world for people such as the Alderaanian refugees, was a legitimate military target. The dynamic of Palpatine’s Force depredations is poorly understood, and was even more so at the time. Furthermore, even if one goes by your line, that at worst makes them unwilling accomplices; bombing them is then akin to bombing slave labour. It might be perfectly legal, but it should raise a few eyebrows.
And no, while blowing them up might not be a war crime given the circumstances, I would say just cheering and never thinking of all those innocent lives lost does make you a "dick". Which was the topic of the thread.
As for Durron, the property destruction he caused is pretty amazing, but when you really think about it, all he did was raze a military training camp (we did the same in Afghanistan, in fact it was the goal of the war), a couple warships, and a few naval bases. The collateral damage is immense, but ultimately inert, just a star and dead bodies of rock. All of his targets were legitimate military targets that would be completely legitimate in pursuit of general war by conventional military means.
Was there not a truce in effect that he was violating? And do you expect me to believe that the ENTIRE Caridan system was nothing but a military installation? There was a kriffing SPECIES called Caridans living on that planet; I very much doubt they evolved simply to provide logistics for the Empire’s installations. Wiping them out is tantamount to xenocide, even if they are "mere" collateral damage. If you use that kind of unreasonable force, then you ARE a "dick", and quite probably a war criminal.