WTF are you now smoking about WR? Seriously.
Hah, even your whining retorts are shit.
I pointed out that there appears to be a trend that more and more forge worlds are depicted as using human labour as opposed to the fully automated, low labour work force for industrial worlds depicted in 2nd edt.
As FUCKING PROOF, I pointed out direct examples of TWO forge worlds where a huge human labour force is used. You asked for more? I provided it in the sense that there are more forge worlds out there which has a quantitatively high number of people on it.
Your counter-argument is that.... this isn't a trend. Forge worlds are a mix of highly automated plants and plants with a large labour force.... convienently sidestepping that my argument isn't that Forge Worlds don't have a mix of highly automated plants and labour intensive factories, but rather, we are being shown more and more factories with large labour intensive factories as opposed to highly automated manufactories.
Firstly, the industrial worlds in the 2nd edition book weren't forgeworlds, the Mechanicus forgeworlds were referred to as Titan bases, and the Uber-forge world itself was a massive hive as well.
My argument is that you are coming to conclusions based on extremely limited information, and in some cases, your own daft ideas. As someone has just pointed out again, you've no concept of a scale, a planetary scale factory staffed by millions would by any sense of the phrase, be sparsely populated. It doesn't even factor in whether or not servitors are counted in terms of population either, since they've taken the place of robots that were occasionally mentioned in earlier background.
You're trying to use sources from different eras as if you can simply compare them without taking into account the differences in the background.
Forgeworlds haven't gradually become depicted more and more as having a large labour pool, some of the earliest mentions of them have a large labour pool.
We again go back to Forgeworlds often being very different, and having differing levels of development, and the best bit is, even with every example of a forgeworld depicted factored in, you're still looking at a tiny percentage of the thousands that exist.
And for fucks sake, how the fuck do you know that there isn't a massive automated factory thumping away on any of the examples of worlds you think are heavy on a labour force. We explicitly know that some tasks are labour intensive, and others are simply automated. Hell, theres even a Forgeworld in the latest deathwatch book that has exactly this division between dumb human labour and automation.
This might not be something you are contesting, its relevant because it means you are waffling about how these forgeworlds "prove" your silly trend, when all they do is show that you are fucking silly, and trying to force the data into nice neat little boxes. How does population scale with output, sophistication, blah blah, context, details, information we don't have ? you're a fucking idiot. etc.
As far as your proof goes. I asked you how you established this trend existed, and you posted two examples of Forgeworlds with populations that passed some imaginary fucking goalpost in your brain. You then bitched and moaned because I didn't read your fucking mind and divine that you had some more evidence, and hadn't just posted two examples DEVOID OF ANY REFERENCE TO THE REST OF YOUR ARGUMENT.
Hey? Let's do go on a roll shall we?
Meridian from Dawn of War II. There's a difference between the game and the novel, but the novel depiction is... large labour force working in the factories.
Meridian isn't a forgeworld you steaming fuckwit. Guess what ? Hive worlds have always had massive populations performing labour intensive...labour.
What is it supposed to fucking prove ?
Maybe I shall also point out that in Imperial Armor Vol One, the population of a forge world is now described as immense, labouring away in the factories.
Or how some of the Forge worlds depicted in Imperial Armor Vol One like Agripinaa has a population of 80,000,000.
Ho shit, eighty million huh ? As the Nostril Sith just pointed out, this is fucking peanuts. Lets zoom in on your first sentence though.
The population of a forge world is
now described as immense, labouring away in the factories.
When wasn't it ?
Or are you going to tell me that the so called highly automated worlds in Wh40k was always meant to be relatively underrepresented?
Please, attain some fucking coherence.