DSII did have a massively oversized reactor as compared to the DSI. Eclipse was obviously much smaller.Eternal_Freedom wrote:That was indeed Forces of Corruption. But IIRC the "official" result of that battle was that the superlaser fired and one-shotted the Annihilator, an SSD. At any rate, we know the DSII could fire in lower-powered mode at intervals of a few minutes, I see no reason why Eclipse couldn't do the same.
And Mon Cals were built for durability over firepower. Notably they lack garrison forces in the same fashion as SDs.Eternal_Freedom wrote:Old EU material did say that the MC80B's (the class Mon Remonda belonged to) was the first purpose-built warship rather than civilian conversions, so this might fit.
True. And fighter attacks like that are suicidal at best. Of the Rebel fighters that attacked Executor, only one of two that we saw made it to the bridge and that was by an uncontrollable high speed dive.Eternal_Freedom wrote: That is possible. However, SSD's clearly require either a shitton of firepower (an entire fleet) or a great deal of luck to take out.
Especially against the smaller corvettes and frigates in the Rebel fleet. While ships like that can be effective against SDs when they maneuver in close enough, they are much more vulnerable to bomber attacks.This is certainly true. Though if the Empire had actualy had the thousands of TIEs it shoudl have had the swarm attack may have been more successful. Or if they included the bombers that were suspiciously absent on-screen.
Well the New Republic did use converted ex-Imperial SDs. Solo's fleet against Iron Fist featured several.And they largely did. They had one extra class of star destroyers, the Nebulas, and the rest were things liek the fleet carriers, heavy cruisers, Bothan Assault Cruisers etc.
That is an excellent explanation.Either explanation would work I think. The third possibility is that the various Admirals, being veterans of the Clone Wars, are building ships to fight the last war, as large numbers of Executors would have come in quite handy in those battles I would think.
True, but it still indicates a lack of FTL capable heavy ships. One would also expect ships that heavy in orbit of Kamino or Coruscant given the strategic value of both of those worlds. But we only saw Venators.For the Malevolence case, it was probably "what have we got that's ready to go fight right now" rather than assembling an optimum task force.