Actually, The non-existence of God is what exclude him from any good scietific teory.Austra: The existence of God and the existance of evolution are mutually
There is teories that talk about evolution and still include god, like those who claim he is the designer that give the impulse to species change.
The God of the Bible was exclusive, because he created man from mud (I wonder why would I feel bad for having a rodent as ancestor and not bad from having mud...)and the animals and land in the way they are.
Evolution is a fact, animals and the planet have changed with time.
Now, the Way Darwin explained Evolution there is not space for god,
First because Darwin shows a natural law to explain why the species have such variety, he does not needed intervention of any kind.
Second because Darwin shows we are (we humans) just one more result of this process like all others and we have nothing special. Of course the believe that God created us as his imagem goes against such thing.
Third because Darwin showed there is steps to find to show every change. God as designer would be very insecure, testing and sometime failing, over and over instead of using his knowledge to already make the finished good product.
Because that the idea that there is a God - in a way, overpowerful, aware and wise about everything does not fix with Darwin's teories and much he is not even needed to this happen. That is why Darwin's Evolution teory casts God away.