John wrote:At long last, I'm up against Mike himself. Hoo-ahh!
All right. Objectively. Is anything that can occure in nature un-natural? I think not.
By that definition,
nothing is unnatural. That is nothing but a bullshit definition, designed to get you off the hook. I made this point in my last post, but it obviously went over your head.
Homosexuality occures in nature. Therefore, it is not un-natural. However, if 99% of the population is hetero, and 1% is homo, then hetero is normal, and homo is...ABNORMAL. That is what I have been saying from the beginning.
I will explain this for you yet again: you use the so-called natural "purpose" of sex as justification for calling it abnormal. This means that you are indeed using the common definition of "unnatural" in order to prove that homosexuality is abnormal. Stop bullshitting and admit it; you think homosexuality is unnatural; you just won't admit it, and you use a ridiculously strict definition of "unnatural" to avoid taking the hit. Again, I made this point in my last post, and it obviously went over your head.
I think you're starting to get a clue Mike,
Too bad you aren't. You use violation of natural sexual "purpose" as proof of abnormality rather than simple population statistics. This means that you don't understand the definition of abnormality. You are using it the way most people use the word "unnatural". Do I need to explain this a third time, or do you get it now?
Darth Wong wrote:<Of course, inter-racial sex is also abnormal by that same token;
Assuming you're one of those half-wits who thinks skin color is any more releavnt than eye color.
It isn't. Neither is sexual orientation. Nothing has anything to do with being moral or immoral. Yet again, you completely missed the point. I pointed that out because your "logic" (that abnormality is bad) is obviously broken as shown by the example, and yet again, the point went right over your head.
Morality is completely arbitrary.
Yet you feel strongly enough about it that you fill this thread with your posts about how homosexuality is abnormal and immoral. Why, if you think it's completely arbitrary?
John Ertz, you are obviously one of those little fuckwits that thinks the best way to debate is to carefully avoid staking yourself to a meaningful position. You say that homosexuality is unnatural (ie- violates the natural purpose of sex) but you replace the word "unnatural" with "abnormal" in order to avoid getting slammed. You say that homosexuality is "immoral and disgusting", but you abruptly protest that morality is "completely arbitrary" when somebody challenges you to justify the statement (if it's arbitrary, why do you care?)
An entirely natural instictive response.
That is the naturalistic fallacy. The fact that xenophobia comes from natural instincts does not make it acceptable.
Darth Wong wrote:Suppose somebody walked up to you and said that "white people are all inherently evil. Not that I advocate criminalizing white genes or discriminating against them; just pointing out a fact". How would you feel?
First I'd say, "You say that like it's bad." Then I'd say "Fine."
sure you would.
Let me summarize: you think homosexuality is abnormal because it's unnatural, ie- violates the evolutionary purpose of sex, yet you deny claiming that it's unnatural (because you didn't use the
word "unnatural", even though you used its meaning). You think homosexuality is immoral because it's abnormal, but you don't think morality means anything (yet you obviously care enough to make these posts). You use abnormality as proof of immorality, and when an example is produced to show hor absurd that "logic" is, you ignore it. And finally, you don't think it's "bad" to accuse an entire race of being "evil". So why do you give a shit about
anything, John? You seem to be claiming that nothing means anything.
Your pattern is consistently that of someone who is afraid to stake a position on anything, and who thinks that by making statements and then trying to minimize their importance after the fact, you can get away with putting your foot in your mouth. Sorry, but there are lots of people around here who are observant enough to see through that shit.