Neither was Nader.Stormbringer wrote:Quit. And he was never a viable candidate anyway.verilon wrote:Perot....Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Like, what, Communism? The Redneck Reforms? Write-in candidate someone made up?

Moderator: Edi
Neither was Nader.Stormbringer wrote:Quit. And he was never a viable candidate anyway.verilon wrote:Perot....Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Like, what, Communism? The Redneck Reforms? Write-in candidate someone made up?
Where are these leftwing nuts in the democratic party? I don't see any.Knife wrote:I would say that in today's goverment is as politicly corrupt as the goverment was 100 years ago. Does it matter if the special interset groups are oil fucktards or railroad fucktards.Stormbringer wrote:I'm not denying we've had corruption. What I'm saying is that government as a whole wasn't corrupt. Now as it stands, Congress whores after cash and re-election rather than looking out for the country. Special interests and big donors own Congressmen and no cares.Knife wrote:I will deny it, durring the civil war era it has been recorded that represenitives have actualy started fist fights in Congress. Political corruptions is not new, Rome knew it, Greece knew it, all goverments know it.
The problem is not that there is corruption, it's that it has spread to the whole system. Are government is being paralyzed by it.
Our government is stable, I've never said otherwise. The problem is that it's rotting from the inside out. And unless a major shakeup occurs (and I hope one does) the system is going give some how.Knife wrote: However, seeing that we had a MAJOR election scandal two years ago and neither the military or any other opposition force tried any sort of coup, I would say that our form of goverment is about as stable as one can get. Can you imagine what happened in Florida happening in say, China or Russia. The peaceful transition of power while hottly contested intellectualy was a testement to the stability of our form of goverment.
Until either more people who think different, vote or some people involved in the individual parties change them from the inside, you are looking at the result of the peoples choise. Just because the Repubs win doesn't a facist state make. I am not a Republican, but I tend to vote in that direction even though I'm carefull to avoid the funie canidates. And even though the Christian fundies have a strong showing in the Republicans, the left wing nuts scare me even more. Truth be told, the nutballs in each party pretty much cancell each other out. Last year the Sennate was 50/50, this year its only slightly in the Republicans favor. Next term it might be slightly in the Democrats favor and all this means is that the two parties do represent the majority of the people in America and do it well. If a third party canidate was too be elected, they would have by now. Am I happy with the canidates that usualy get selected....NO. But then again, I do not belong to a political party, so I don't partake in that choise.
Gore is frighteningly leftwing nutball. McAullif(not sure on spelling) the current head of the DNC. Carville, Senetor Bird, Rep Bonyars, Ed Kennedy, and so on and on and on......Ultra wrote:Where are these leftwing nuts in the democratic party? I don't see any.Knife wrote:I would say that in today's goverment is as politicly corrupt as the goverment was 100 years ago. Does it matter if the special interset groups are oil fucktards or railroad fucktards.Stormbringer wrote: I'm not denying we've had corruption. What I'm saying is that government as a whole wasn't corrupt. Now as it stands, Congress whores after cash and re-election rather than looking out for the country. Special interests and big donors own Congressmen and no cares.
The problem is not that there is corruption, it's that it has spread to the whole system. Are government is being paralyzed by it.
Our government is stable, I've never said otherwise. The problem is that it's rotting from the inside out. And unless a major shakeup occurs (and I hope one does) the system is going give some how.
Until either more people who think different, vote or some people involved in the individual parties change them from the inside, you are looking at the result of the peoples choise. Just because the Repubs win doesn't a facist state make. I am not a Republican, but I tend to vote in that direction even though I'm carefull to avoid the funie canidates. And even though the Christian fundies have a strong showing in the Republicans, the left wing nuts scare me even more. Truth be told, the nutballs in each party pretty much cancell each other out. Last year the Sennate was 50/50, this year its only slightly in the Republicans favor. Next term it might be slightly in the Democrats favor and all this means is that the two parties do represent the majority of the people in America and do it well. If a third party canidate was too be elected, they would have by now. Am I happy with the canidates that usualy get selected....NO. But then again, I do not belong to a political party, so I don't partake in that choise.
Yes there are other parties, but the big 2 have such a hold on things, they're practicaly nonexistant in comparison.Wicked Pilot wrote:Lincoln was a third-party candidate, and he became arguably the greatest president our nation has ever had. You don't have to buy the bullshit that the Democrats and Republicans are feeding you. There are other parties, there are independent candidates. You don't have to always decide between only the elephand and the ass.
I agree completely, but so far I have failed to find a third party canidate that I would feel good about voting for. If Mcain would have run as an independent, I probably would have voted for him.Wicked Pilot wrote:Lincoln was a third-party candidate, and he became arguably the greatest president our nation has ever had. You don't have to buy the bullshit that the Democrats and Republicans are feeding you. There are other parties, there are independent candidates. You don't have to always decide between only the elephand and the ass.