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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Ender wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote: Where do you figure some of the "Star Cruisers" and "Star Battlecruisers" fit? Ships like the Allegiance, hunchback cruiser, Giel's battleship, Giel's battlecruiser, Wermis' battlecruiser?
Cruisers the 10^25 range, Battlecruisers low and middle 10^26.
Its quite possible there is some overlap between the ranges (At lest up one 'grade" I would guess.) depending on the internal design and/or design tradeoffs incorporated into a warship.

For example, your bog-standard ISD is generally a long range, multi-role ship: it can do a bit of everything, but most things its not as good as a dedicated ship of its type (carrier, combat starship, troop transport, etc.)

By contrast, one might argue that a starship equipped with a more compact, but shorter-ranged/slower hyperdrive could arguably have higher firepower than the ISD (local sector defense fleets like KDY's come to mind) Or, ,a ship that dispesnes with say, the ISD's troop transportt or carrier functions (or both) could be more powerful. (Hangarless ISD vs ISD with hangar.) Or it has a much smaller fuel supply or shorter endurance (put in a more powerful reactor but retain the same fuel supply.)
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Cykeisme wrote:Sexcellent post there, Connor.

Somehow it also escaped me that the very fact that the guns have a cyclic rate probably means that they do in fact have capacitors between the ship's power generation network and each cannon; the refire rate implies that a capacitor is being charged before each shot.
If there were no capacitors, the turbolaser would be firing a constant, lower-powered beam instead of intense bolts with interceding delays. The latter is probably better at overloading the energy sinks and re-radiators of shield systems.
Capacitors are pretty much neccessary regardless of beam duration. You always need a means of collecting and storing power prior to release (regardles of whether its in a very brief pulse, a series of pulses, or a continuous beam.)

A good example is the Superlaser. It fires a fairly sustained beam, yet it clearly runs on a capacitor (a day between shots to recharge.)
The statement about a VenStar's ability to put its entire power output through its guns seems to imply that this is an exceptional capability.
This in turn implies that most other ships (especially converted cargo freighters!), would not be able to do this.
Actually, it implies its a fairly common trait of genuine warships. (So, an ISD could in fact do this too.) The question is more of whether they can store energy for prolonged periods in their capacitors (and sustain greater overall firepower.)
So... have there been definite official sources regarding a Lucrehulk's combat capabilities, or is it possible that we may have overestimated it based on its number of weapon emplacements?
This may be an example of the actual "battleships" that were referenced as early as TPM (the other types surrounding the planet.) Others may be like the droid control ship, or may actually be dedicated carriers.

Its possible, for example, the heavily armed version with all these guns lacks much in the way of internal hangar space, and thus carries much smaller fighter and droid army complements (if any. They may have to dispense at least with the droid armies entirely..)
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Post by Cykeisme »

Hmm, yeah, the wartime Lucrehulks "battleships" studded with weaponry may not have hangar bays or storage space for fighters and droid armies in the ring component of the ship; the interior may have been completely refurbished with a more robust power generation and distribution network.

So if this were the case, I guess yeah, its large size would suggest that it is pretty powerful in ship-to-ship combat.
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Post by Vympel »

Sithsnaps just put this up

Lucrehulk digital model from RotS
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Post by Mange »

Vympel wrote:Sithsnaps just put this up

Lucrehulk digital model from RotS
Hmm, how well does the armament chart correspond to this?
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Post by Vympel »

Detail isn't close enough methinks.
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Post by VT-16 »

Is it just me, or is the core ship much smaller compared to the ones in TPM and AOTC? Could just be different perspective screwing with me though. :P
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:Is it just me, or is the core ship much smaller compared to the ones in TPM and AOTC? Could just be different perspective screwing with me though. :P
There's nothing to indicate scale and the movie clearly shows the size relation between a Venator and a Lucrehulk (ie twice as big).
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Post by Aquatain »

Anybody got a figure on the size of the crew of a Lucrehulk?(numbers of driods needed to run this behemoth and soforth)
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Vympel wrote:Detail isn't close enough methinks.
There are details on that sucker that I can see differ from the ICS entry.. the dorsal section of the ring seems to have gun mounts that don't exist on the ICS entry (hell, the topside looks alot different from what I can tell.)

I'll look more and report back later
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