Everyone can make baseships. Just not you or the Shadows.
Massive numerical superiority comes by default because cheaper ships are well, cheaper. You should have seven cheap ships for every one of his and if you don't you're behind because of other reasons.
The Vorlons are not super-aggressive anyway and I would think that the ability to permanently defend your warp point is enough. But if it's not and you want to match him in the open field, that's possible too. You haven't looked at it closely enough, especially your 75% maintainence bonus.
He had one reload 600 damage weapons. No big deal--that's all he has. You have your maintainence bonus so you should have more ships than him by default all things equal. Anyway here is my latest warship, 120 x 2000 kT versus his 100 x 1500 kT. For me that's 400000 kT to his 225000 kT. Unfair you say? Not really since I have 75% maintainence bonus to his 55% so I have 45% more tonnage by default anyway, all things equal. That's around 56% there but it's pretty close. I have two reload six hundred damage weapons.

I win. Now I do two times less damage than you, and I still win with only 20 more ships than him, 56% more tonnage when I by default have around 45% more tonnage cause of maintainence. If I can do that with two reload weapons, you can do that with 1 reload weapons even easier.
If you didn't research passive armor physics for emissive armor and got jump drives instead, didn't make Medium Lightning Cannons and instead went for Megas that are more expensive and inefficient and didn't make 150 heavy baseships over 30 turns but instead went for escorts going after really small ships so you could have a quick fleet out to kill the Dilgar, well that's not really Tuxedo's fault, you should be able to match him.
Now the only thing is, your ships are slower. Oh well, they're twice as slow, big deal. He'll just have more anxiety
